Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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Why didn't LE find the diapers? I thought the house was searched?

Didn't the Mother purchase diapers, baby wipes and food at the store prior to Baby Lisa missing? Did Debbie pack the backpack for the kidnapper? What kidnapper remembers to take the baby wipes? Hope Lisa okay, but looking like Mom involved.....


My first thought was - Mom put some guy up to this. Mom is stashing Baby Lisa away in a fake abduction to manipulate her husband in some way. To keep her husband from leaving her??? To gain more attention from her husband??? Dunno.
Bill S. called into Judge J. tonight to tell her the latest. He sounded blown away. He said the benefactor would be happy to give the reward money to the person that was instrumental in them finding Lisa alive. He really sounds surprised.

While Bill Stanton was on the phone "live" with Jeanine Pirro, I couldn't help but notice how choked up he sounded. I wonder if he knows more but couldn't say so during the live phone call?
ryankath Ryan Kath
But added "the more the better" RT @KrisKetz: #LisaIrwin @kcpolice When asked, Capt Young "hadn't heard about" MO Nat Guard deployment yet
55 seconds ago

KrisKetz Kris Ketz
#LisaIrwin MO Nat Guard spokesperson #1139th Military Police unit "working in support" of @kcpolice & FBI tomorrow morning #fb
35 seconds ago

EricKCTV5 Eric Chaloux
25 MO National Guard from Harrisonville activated today by Gov Nixon to help in the #lisairiwn #findbabylisa search efforts.
50 seconds ago
does SY say anything in regards to diapers found in woods nearby?

And speaking of coincidences, how coincidental that not only are a backpack and baby food and diapers etc found in this house but in the same evening the elusive Jersey is found.

I will sit back and wait and see. Lot of coincidences in a few short hours.

JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
Bill Stanton just revealed exclusively on #Justice :heard confirmed reports found backpack with mens clothing& diapers near baby Lisa home.
25 seconds ago

ummmm... we knew that...

lol Im sorry but BS is alittle behind in his news. No disrespect meant.
Judge JP asks if reward has anything to do w/this?

Stanton saying to contact KCPD.
Stanton sounds very upset, anxious.

I thought he sounded excited, hyper vigilant, anxious to get more good news. I am wondering if the well-known CIA consultant psychologist helped the police more than we know with some kind of profiling?

We will have to wait, but for those of you in the know, I expected something to come to light today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, the 18th, looks very promising for developments too. I know that is the date of the grand jury, but there are indicators of serious activity involving the case.

Whether we will know about it by Tuesday? I am not sure, since MO keeps everything so secret.

Praying for a good outcome here, however.
I don't find that surprising. Since they've found multiple soiled diapers, I assume whoever is changing diapers would use wipes, too.

Yes, most people would use wipes when they change a baby; however, my thoughts were going BACK to what DB bought and I was ONLY trying to put 2 and 2 together. :crazy: I don't normally assume in situations like this one.
So baby diapers in the basement of an abandoned house is normal and nothing to get stirred up about. Hmmmmm.
Some indigent homeless family is now homeless again after their "new" residence was just raided. I hope their homeless child gets back his/her the Scooby Doo backpack. :(

DO NOT make me laugh! I am warning you!:floorlaugh:
RussPtacek Russ Ptacek
#babylisa. Crime scene techs enroute to abandoned house where diapers found. Cops say diapers DON`T appear fresh. @NBCActionNews
30 seconds ago
KrisKetz Kris Ketz
#BabyIrwin @kcpolice find of diapers "nothing we're getting excited about" had been there "a long time." #fb
2 minutes ago

If they had been there a long time, why didn't they find them before now? A previous tweet said the cops already searched the house previously. :banghead:
Photogbrett Brett Elliott

"Initial observation of diapers found at scene indicate they are very old and outside of our timeline." - Capt. Steve Young KCPD #LisaIrwin

So I watched Fox News and got all excited, and now I find out it's... nothing?

Not liking Wild Bill!
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