Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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Respectfully asked: What are the physical appearance characteristics that define a perv?

Hey, I said I am often wrong in forming first impressions.

But, that said -

the narrow mean looking down-turned mouth, the beady eyes, the stupid comb-down of wispy bangs on the bald forehead, the "compensation for balding by longer hair in the back, his 5' 6" height.... need I go on?
What exactly "doesn't fit?" Are the diapers cloth with safety pins? I would think that today's diapers are so absorbent that the dirty diaper will continue to absorb moisture weeks after. Not that I've checked this myself...
I believe some not all of the press is using FB for information. I hope they are sourcing it. The only thing that was reported on MSM was that there allegedly was a 2:30am phone call. That is as far as we go. I never heard FOX say text, I never heard them say what allegedly was said. And I have reviewed all of their tapes.

So all the rest if off limits. There allegedly is a 2:30am phone call as reported by FOX. There is no further confirmation about it. FB stays on FB. :) We don't allow those links here because they will lead you down a rabbit hole in some cases. For example the day this forum was full of the rumor from that FB that Baby Lisa had been found. We are not trying to be mean it is just the way it is. Anyone can say anything and start a near riot there and then it spreads.
On Judge J tonight. She did say that they knew there was a phone call made FROM one of the missing phones at 2:38AM. She kept saying she was going to come back to that - but then all the used /fresh diapers situation came up and BS called into her show and by the time the dust had cleared - the show was over so she never clarified it. But she did say it - I swear - I hear it and even posted about it in the show thread.
Well, maybe someone in LE had the same idea I did. Let's "find" something "big" and then watch how the parents react.
Maybe it was initially blown out of proportion on purpose, at the lead or request of LE. As they watched her parents.

By the way, I do wonder how they reacted to this sudden and large flurry of activity?
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Missing cell phones

Have to ask Wise Old Owl where the orginal post with the link is.

Police said Bradley and Irwin claim three cellphones were also taken from their home. Sources also told the station that a phone call was made from the couple's home at about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Parents of Missing Baby Feel Pressure From Police
Oct 07, 2011

He didnt come on your side because u guys had watches. we do that in my neighborhood. thats great. I know everyone that doesnt belong! moo
We also have a lot of insomniacs and various shift workers. I might add it is still a neighborhood that you dont mind taking a walk or a run at any given time of day or night. Somebody is almost always up and the weather has been soooo nice that everybody is outside even at any given time.
What exactly "doesn't fit?" Are the diapers cloth with safety pins? I would think that today's diapers are so absorbent that the a dirty diaper will continue to absorb moisture weeks after. Not that I've checked this myself...

The way I am interpreting what he is saying-finding a diaper in the abandoned house doesn't fit with the scenario LE believes took place regarding baby Lisa.
Yup and FOX reported on it too. But I've seen lots of other rumors about that phone call. So for now we can say yup it has been confirmed there was a 2:30 phone call Right?

I'd like to know what/who brought Tanko to the neighborhood in the first place. He's out of jail for a couple of months and lands there?
Wow...lots of developments tonight. But what have we learned from them?

The search perimeter is less than 1 mile.

LE believes the homeless person has nothing to do with this and it doesn't "fit". Doesn't fit what? What do they know?

The call at 2:38am was confirmed on JP show?

The person who was supposedly seen carrying a baby was African American? Was the baby African American too? I wonder if that gentleman who claimed to have seen this person ever spoke to reporters and that's the footage LE are trying to get. It used to be quite common to blame African Americans when lying about a crime. Is that still common? Didn't Susan Smith do this?

Again on JP, DB admits to having a drink of wine with her friend/neighbour on the porch that night. Why did the family lie about the wine being purchased for a family event?

Anything else?

Totally missed that revelation. Many speculated on wine thread about why buy boxed wine that night and that amount, but I missed out on where the parents had explained it as for an event. Wouldn't be hard for me to miss tho, been working days and playing catch up at night.
What exactly "doesn't fit?" Are the diapers cloth with safety pins? I would think that today's diapers are so absorbent that the a dirty diaper will continue to absorb moisture weeks after. Not that I've checked this myself...

Now there's an ad campaign for ya! :floorlaugh:
Yup and FOX reported on it too. But I've seen lots of other rumors about that phone call. So for now we can say yup it has been confirmed there was a 2:30 phone call Right?

Yes, - at least I am taking it as confirmed and the time given was 2:38AM and that is was a phone call (we've heard both - call and/or text).
I got 9 out of 10 correct.

I did too! The only one I missed was the first one, because of his bushy eyebrows and the white underneath the colored part of his pupils.

::snicker:: still something hinky about that first guy, in my silly opinion...
Does anyone know where you can go and watch the Judge Jeanine show that covers the Lisa case?

Life for instance I go online and watch sitcoms that I miss on the network website sometimes.

TIA if anyone knows!
How does Capt. Young know the difference between a week old dirty diaper and a month old dirty diaper? I never saved any of my babies' dirty diapers past trash pick-up day, which would be twice a week. I sure didn't open them back up and inspect the contents days later!

I always put the used wipes inside the poopy diaper and rolled it tightly and secured it with the tapes before putting it in bag, then it the trash. I assume that if I had taken one out several days or even weeks later it would not be all dried up because it was wrapped in layers of plastic.

Were these diapers in a bag? Were they laying open on the basement floor? How much old poopy diaper experience does Captain Young have?
A layer of dust or two may have answered it for him timewise. No telling what is laying around in the basement.
I think the new generation of disposable diapers are made to biodegrade faster than the ones a few years ago, even.
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