Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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Still love ya anyway and agreeing to disagree. And still willing to eat that crow if need be my friend.

I'd never make you eat crow, Sweetie. Well okay, I might, but I love you enough to bury it in a really excellent sauce. ;)
Re: statement that the box of wine was bought for a "family event" was not made by either of the parents.. When I saw it reported it was attributed to a generic "family member".. As in it was not even specified what family member supposedly made the statement.. Just that it was supposedly said by "a" family member the box of wine was bought for a family event(moo but family event can be anything from a full out gala of a party thrown.. All the way down to having dinner among 2 or more family members..).. Moo..

I wonder what "family event" means? Family dinner, picnic, party? Was it to be held that day? Don't ya normally go out and buy wine on the day of (unless you're a planning person). Just seems odd for me to hear that mom went out to buy wine for a family event that wasn't happening that day.

But that's just me, I'm sure there's a good reason. Just a curious question if we heard anything about a family event. Mucho thanko.


Yes, but you know a lot of us here were willing to eat crow if we were wrong about our feelings of who might be involved.

I hope that Cpt.SL isn't someone who has too much pride to ever admit if he is wrong. JMOO

OTOH we have no idea what he has, and is keeping it close to the vest.

Hey! Anyone got Cpt.SL's birthdate? Grasping for straws here!

Only sort of joking, really!
I think someone felt like partying before Lisa went missing. In fact, I think that's the reason Lisa is missing right now. There, I said it. (Felt good, too.)

ETA: What I can't figure out is whether JI knew about it after the fact or not. I can't read the guy.

I'm glad you said this. I have wondered if she was passed out and has no idea what happened that night... or maybe she accidentally caused Lisa's death. OTOH, I wondered if she failed the polygraph (if she really did) because she felt guilty because she was passed out. If I drink a glass of wine, I'm out like a light til the next day - which is why I can't join the WS'ers passing the box of wine around! ;)
house, I was wondering if you've done any research on Lisa's birthdate? Sorry if I missed it...it's been hard to keep up lately.
feels like we are going off topic here so I am dropping the wine. I am off to check on some other threads. Maybe bump in to some of you there. I think I have done the Jersey development to death. Let's face it - I'm pooped.

Yeah, I said it :O)
Just got on line..Is is now being reported that the parents had a land line? OMG! :thump:
IMO, a glass of wine or two or three would explain why someone could come into a home, take a baby and you don't wake up. Could have been there and done that.
Just got on line..Is is now being reported that the parents had a land line? OMG! :thump:

huh?? A link please or more detail? This is news to us I think. Nevermind. Off to scour for this info.
Just got on line..Is is now being reported that the parents had a land line? OMG! :thump:

I THINK that is being presumed from Fox saying that a call was made from the home...which we don't know as fact, IMO.
I am drinking boxed red wine right now and it's really good. xo

Drinking boxed white :toast:
A friend told me tonight that this story broke tonight on Justice. They were showing outtakes from last week's interview with the parents and the new PI guy called in with the story. Anyone watch Justice, was it B. Stanton? If so figures! :banghead:
LE is questioning Johnny Tanko. LE says the diapers don't fit.

That doesn't mean Tanko isn't involved. I'll hold out for awhile.

Someone pass the chips and dip please, while I get us all a glass of boxed wine.

Do you have my favorite? Franzia Vintner Select Chardonnay?
I'd never make you eat crow, Sweetie. Well okay, I might, but I love you enough to bury it in a really excellent sauce. ;)

I do sauces very well (Cognac, red wine) and will prepare the bird for any of us who want to share in the crowfest. Cute guy at the butcher counter will indulge me with the finest birds. Bon Appetit!
AC/DC could perform live in my living room and I'd sleep through it.

IMO, some people are heavy sleepers, some more so than others. Some posters here have stated they live next to train tracks and get used to them. Sometimes it doesn't take wine to let you sleep through things.

Not defending the mother here, but to set an example, I bought a loaf of bread Tuesday night, and just opened it today to make a ham sandwich. Just because wine was purchased that night doesn't mean it was intended for that night. I bought wine last week for Thanksgiving next month. Just wanted to get the shopping out of the way.
WTH is going on here? I didn't think there was any news on the weekend..holy peeps!

If there is any teeth to the 2:38 am call...Houston, we have a problem..
I agree that it would be a bad move for LE to publicly dismiss this guy as being involved if they intend, or even believe it might be possible, to charge him at some point...opens too many doors for the defense. Defense would make it look like he was only charged once Le was stumped, for example, after declaring he was not involved to the press.
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