Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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true. But according to booking info hes been in jail since the 14th, the statements about LE looking for him have been reported in the press for quite a bit longer than that. As have reports that he was last seen in the neighborhood on the Saturday prior to Lisa's disappearance and that they wanted to question him. If they had already done so previously right after Lisa's disappearance why the misdirection?

IMO We have all been looking for him because LE via MSM statements wanted us to be.

ETA or maybe it is just a heapin helping of more bad reporting. Who know at this point.

:innocent:Ummm I suspect no one asked LE if they had talked to him...Lol it's just assumed after LE in the neighborhood saying Have you seen this man?

Hi TL :seeya:............................ me :croc:TL
For fear of having my wine glass removed, lol, I didn't say what you said.... and I'm glad you said it. The NG can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. Early fall nights can be cool and a baby may not fair too well. Another thing, there's wildlife in the woods.


For a moment I thought you were talking about The Nancy Grace! :floorlaugh: :great:
Captain Young did not say "Mr. Tanko is not a suspect" or "no comment". I believe that is what he would say if LE didn't have firm evidence clearing Mr. Tanko. Why would Young definitively state that Mr. Tanko is not related to this case if there was any chance that he was connected? That would be incredibly foolish and I don't think the KCPD is foolish. If they weren't sure, Young wouldn't say it. It would make it very hard for them to successfully prosecute him later if they cleared him prematurely in the media. It doesn't win KCPD any points to clear him and it doesn't help or hurt the parents to clear him. I can see no motive to publicly announce that he is cleared unless he is truly cleared.

Imo, Mr. Tanko was questioned, and rightly so, because he was previously in the neighborhood and yet wasn't available to be questioned like other neighbors (with permanent residences) as soon as Lisa was reported missing. He had to be ruled in or out. LE tracked him down and they've ruled him out.

I don't understand why some believe that KCPD clearing Mr. Tanko = LE is tunnel visioned on the parents. If the parents are not involved, I am sure they want the right person(s) identified so they can find their daughter. How does clearing Mr.Tanko hurt the parents? :waitasec:

VERY Good points, yllek! Your logic is impeccable, and I appreciate it!

We need more logic (of your kind) and less media hype in the sad loss of baby Lisa. We all are so desperate for a happy ending, and we have so little information to go on...
WTH is going on here? I didn't think there was any news on the weekend..holy peeps!

If there is any teeth to the 2:38 am call...Houston, we have a problem..
All we have so far is that a call was MADE FROM one of the 3 missing phones at 2:38AM. Judge J kept promising more but then everything went south with the diaper find and BS calling into her show and then time ran out and show was over.
I feel bad for the homeless mommie and baby that were staying in the abandoned house. Wonder if it has been chilly there. What a difficult beginning for the little childs life.
I don't know if I'm more heartbroken or more pizzed right now! I was so hoping this was it and Lisa would be found. What a terrible, terrible let down.
I sincerely hope that this is just strategy by LE to prevent the person holding Lisa from going farther into hiding. I mean LE could simply be saying what they want one specific person to hear..."Not connected."
I hear you, loud and clear. I am left wondering if there might be a reason LE is keeping their cards hidden until the time is right?

I see connections, but I have to be careful, because I really do not have the time to do in-depth follow up research on initial connections. But, the quickies suggest that this guy is connected in some way.

I wish I had the time. :::sigh:::

(Have to take my husband to the hospital tomorrow for a 10 day stay. I am praying that the Mayo Clinic can help him. Any prayers you all can offer will be so much appreciated. Parkinson's just sucks, big -time, and is robbing me of my soul mate, one brain cell at a time.)

Is why I only have time for quickie looks, and no time for in-depth research.

I pray they can help,also,Housemouse. That's a long stay . Remember to take walks outside and eat well.
Any info you see and can share,is appreciated,but Mr. Housemouse comes first : )
Justice Jeanine P Show
New footage from prior Parents' Interview

Mom: the second she wasn't feeling well, we knew something was wrong. she wasn't fussy...
house, I was wondering if you've done any research on Lisa's birthdate? Sorry if I missed it...it's been hard to keep up lately.

Yes, I have. And, please know that the others are also doing research. But, because of time constraints, I can only work/post when my husband is napping. Otherwise, I am his 24/7 caregiver. So, no time for anything but a quick glance, and an overall intuition. Nothing I would want to cast in concrete, you know.

My intuition wants to believe that Mom and Dad are not ::directly:: involved, and that someone in the neighborhood might be - whether a tradesman, handyman, associate, whatever -

There just isn't enough info to go on, except that if it was a kidnapping, it might have been done for fraudulent purposes, including fame, fortune, or, (God Forbid) sudden twisted sexual impulse.

I do not know yet. I do know that today's news is indicated by some hard transits, and that this coming Tuesday might be important. Whether we will know what is told/shared to the grand jury, I have no idea.

There are signs suggesting that whoever took baby Lisa had some "good luck" in pulling it off.

There are certain dates in the future that are pinpointed, but I haven't had the time to analyze/research these yet. Maybe watch/pay attention next weekend?

I hope to have more time to study after I get my beloved husband safely into the Mayo hospital tomorrow. Will be traveling to take him there most of the day.
What does that mean? Personally, I'd like to see this entire interview in one unbroken piece.
Captain Young did not say "Mr. Tanko is not a suspect" or "no comment". I believe that is what he would say if LE didn't have firm evidence clearing Mr. Tanko. Why would Young definitively state that Mr. Tanko is not related to this case if there was any chance that he was connected? That would be incredibly foolish and I don't think the KCPD is foolish. If they weren't sure, Young wouldn't say it. It would make it very hard for them to successfully prosecute him later if they cleared him prematurely in the media. It doesn't win KCPD any points to clear him and it doesn't help or hurt the parents to clear him. I can see no motive to publicly announce that he is cleared unless he is truly cleared.

Imo, Mr. Tanko was questioned, and rightly so, because he was previously in the neighborhood and yet wasn't available to be questioned like other neighbors (with permanent residences) as soon as Lisa was reported missing. He had to be ruled in or out. LE tracked him down and they've ruled him out.

I don't understand why some believe that KCPD clearing Mr. Tanko = LE is tunnel visioned on the parents. If the parents are not involved, I am sure they want the right person(s) identified so they can find their daughter. How does clearing Mr.Tanko hurt the parents? :waitasec:

BBM: If he was a witness to the case, would be be considered "connected" or would be just be considered a witness?

IMO: I think he may be a witness, if anything.
i do! my favorite too. come on over.

AhHa! Someone else with excellent taste in good boxed wine! You do know, the ever so sophisticated Europeans drink good boxed wine with every meal, so we can consider ourselves "sophisticats" (snicker)
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