Diapers-backpack found/Jersey arrested(unrelated charges) 10-15-11 DEVELOPING STORIES

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Where was he ever tied to this abandoned house?
I think the most important thing we've learned tonight is that baby food, baby wipes, and diapers were found. I imagine that's not that common in an abandoned house. I don't think the person who found them mentioned that the house was full of other items as well. I think this is tied to Baby Lisa and we all need to say our prayers tonight. IMOO
Maybe the diapers were recently used but not fresh ones? Like Lisa could have been kept there at first? Just guessing.

Just got home from a family emergency and have only read the title so please forgive if this has been asked. Were the diapers found the same brand/size bought by (can't remember Lisa's mom's name right now) the day she disappeared?
I heard her say it during last Saturday's show-she interrupted hubby and injected that she always left them on the counter. I never found a transcript, but tonight Pirro made the statement.

I *think* that the explanation of reprogramming them was to answer why they had three cell phones stolen when there were only two adults in the home. Not to answer why they were on the counter. I could be wrong, but that is what my recollection is serving me.
He's got the 'dead eyes'.


Just looks like a rather sad individual to me, you should see my DL picture I look a few cards short of a full deck... I know I wouldn't trust me from the look of it.
Johnson said in his media update on the scene that the diapers appeared to have been there a very long time. And that while they will work the scene initial observation doesn't lead them to be all that jazzed about this event.


Grandmaj, I mean this with the utmost respect but I've watched that video twice and I don't see a person named Johnson. I just see Capt Steve Young. Is this the right video? I know I got here late tonight but I'm confused. (nothing new for me!)
In the almost 10 years he has lived here I dont think i have ever heard him say anything but 'hi'. just dont think he talks much in general.

Some men are very shy, except with those they love and live with. I know, because I am married to one of the shyest and quietest of them all. Brilliant, but totally lost when it comes to social chit-chat. Ask him about an architectural problem, or a floor-plan, he has no trouble, and can talk to/relate to his clients' issues in great detail and depth.

But, he won't go to cocktail parties, sunday school lunch picnics, or neighbors' houses. He just can't make small talk, because he is so immersed in his field of interest.

I bet Jeremy is the kind of guy who would talk your ear off, if it came to wiring, electricity, switch boxes, etc. But outside of that, he is at a total loss for words, and can't express his feelings.

Just a hunch, and I could be wrong - often we are when we relate the behavior of others to our own, or those we know well.
Where was he ever tied to this abandoned house?
I think the most important thing we've learned tonight is that baby food, baby wipes, and diapers were found. I imagine that's not that common in an abandoned house. I don't think the person who found them mentioned that the house was full of other items as well. I think this is tied to Baby Lisa and we all need to say our prayers tonight. IMOO

Was the house full of other items as well?
I'm not seeing a DOB either. All of the fields to the right are blank on my view of that pic.

I use Chrome for my browser. The form is blank for me too. I only see his photo. But when I use Microsoft Explorer as my browser, I can see all the info. I think it is the choice of browser.

Also, depending on which browser you use, there is a different photo of him. That is weird.
Grams, I think you meant to say "Young" instead of "Johnson" in your last 2 posts. I was going to insert some racy innuendo, but it's been too tough a night to be that clever!
FOOD? what kind of food? baby food??? Formula?

Yes it's being reported it was baby food....just had the link now I've lost it. Will see if I can find it. Pretty strange, huh?!? I just pray that no one hurt that sweet baby and that they are finally close to bringing her home alive and unharmed!!

ETA...Sorry was on page 11 and thought it ended there, didn't realize I was behind 35 pages so guess this is old news now, lol. Guess I'd better get to reading and get caught up.....I'm amazed at how fast these threads move on this case. I'm gonna have to become a speed reader, lol.
Grams, I think you meant to say "Young" instead of "Johnson" in your last 2 posts. I was going to insert some racy innuendo, but it's been too tough a night to be that clever!

Well when they're together he hasn't had a chance. I mean even when the interviewers have directed their questions to Jeremy he'll start to speak and then wham there she is taking over.

IIRC the first interview he did most of the talking. I really haven't seen many others since then except for bits and peices. She may just be the boss in the relationship :)
I get that. My husband is a man of few words. However, when he is ready to talk, I shut up and listen....

yuppers. Put someone -- even a real quiet person -- in a situation where they have something to say, there's little you can do. I'd put "my child was stolen" right up there in the #1 spot where I would DEMAND to be heard. My DH would prolly say "Shut up Woman I'm Talking"! No - I know he'd say it.

Just my opinion - thanks.

I *think* that the explanation of reprogramming them was to answer why they had three cell phones stolen when there were only two adults in the home. Not to answer why they were on the counter. I could be wrong, but that is what my recollection is serving me.

Yes, agree. They were on the counter cause she always keeps them on the kitchen counter [even without a landline and it being evening/early morning hours]. Cough.
Just got home from a family emergency and have only read the title so please forgive if this has been asked. Were the diapers found the same brand/size bought by (can't remember Lisa's mom's name right now) the day she disappeared?

I did read they were too small. Not sure where though. I think also maybe the diapers found in the basement of the house may be different than the ones 300 yards away possibly. Just waiting for more info..
Grandmaj, I mean this with the utmost respect but I've watched that video twice and I don't see a person named Johnson. I just see Capt Steve Young. Is this the right video? I know I got here late tonight but I'm confused. (nothing new for me!)

Fixed my post. I said Johnson instead of Young. Sorry and Thanks. :doh: Thanks for all of the notes on my error guys......... :lol:
Grams, I think you meant to say "Young" instead of "Johnson" in your last 2 posts. I was going to insert some racy innuendo, but it's been too tough a night to be that clever!

Ummm that's why I went back and edited my post from I don't see a Johnson to I don't see a person named Johnson! :innocent::blushing:
I have to get to bed, because tomorrow will be a challenging day.

But, I am not ready to let the Jersey guy off the hook yet. Just saying.

So, keep your sleuthy eyes on this guy. There is some kind of connection, but not sure what yet.

I wish I were confident enough to call the tip-line. Will I ever be? Who would want to be?

Sounds fair. Grams posted that Steve Young made a subsequent statement that while Mr. Tanko is not a suspect, no one is ruled out. Kinda goes against his earlier statement tonight that "he is not related to this case, homeless or not". I think that makes it okay to keep sleuthy eyes open!

Imo,Mr. Tanko's off the hook with the LE. I can't imagine Young making a blatant statement that he's not related to the case by mistake. But, who knows? If you turn up some connections, keep us posted. Just want this baby found!
Ummm that's why I went back and edited my post from I don't see a Johnson to I don't see a person named Johnson! :innocent::blushing:

Did you see a Young Johnson named? I'm gettin' loopy. Calling it a night before Grams checks back into this thread and catches us being bad!
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