Dina's KTAR Interview

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I know you all hate to hear this but I agree with Dina. If my one and only son died under suspicious circumstances at a home where my ex's gf was shacking up with him and this happened to my son, I would think the same thing. Honestly we all know the police reproduction of what occurred is BS. I also think someone had to throw Max with force from that balcony or very near it.. I don't buy the scooter story or the planking etc. If this were any other case you all would be right with Dina and blaming someone who was in the home with the little boy at the time. I honestly do not know what occured with Max but I do not feel it was an accident..any more than I feel Rebecca's death was an accident. I feel for Dina..and like I said if it were my son I would also do anything possible to find out the truth. Why take Le's word on Max's death but not Rebecca's? It seems a double standard to me.
I know you all hate to hear this but I agree with Dina. If my one and only son died under suspicious circumstances at a home where my ex's gf was shacking up with him and this happened to my son, I would think the same thing. Honestly we all know the police reproduction of what occurred is BS. I also think someone had to throw Max with force from that balcony or very near it.. I don't buy the scooter story or the planking etc. If this were any other case you all would be right with Dina and blaming someone who was in the home with the little boy at the time. I honestly do not know what occured with Max but I do not feel it was an accident..any more than I feel Rebecca's death was an accident. I feel for Dina..and like I said if it were my son I would also do anything possible to find out the truth. Why take Le's word on Max's death but not Rebecca's? It seems a double standard to me.

I am pretty certain most people here have stated, over and over again, that they would like to see BOTH cases reopened.
I truly hope for the sake of those children's mental health that they do NOT hold the same opinion as Max's mother. I cannot IMAGINE any caring parent telling their child that their playmate was hurled like a torpedo to his death by an adult or another child. OMG.

Max didn't die a peaceful death. <modsnip>. I doubt any classmate or parent harbors the same amount of anger and resentment as a dead child's mother.

I know you all hate to hear this but I agree with Dina. If my one and only son died under suspicious circumstances at a home where my ex's gf was shacking up with him and this happened to my son, I would think the same thing. Honestly we all know the police reproduction of what occurred is BS. I also think someone had to throw Max with force from that balcony or very near it.. I don't buy the scooter story or the planking etc. If this were any other case you all would be right with Dina and blaming someone who was in the home with the little boy at the time. I honestly do not know what occured with Max but I do not feel it was an accident..any more than I feel Rebecca's death was an accident. I feel for Dina..and like I said if it were my son I would also do anything possible to find out the truth. Why take Le's word on Max's death but not Rebecca's? It seems a double standard to me.

I think most parents want the truth about their child's death and are very vocal about it. Sharon Rocha certainly didn't mince words in her quest for justice for her child and grandchild.

Max didn't die a peaceful death. <modsnip>. I doubt any classmate or parent harbors the same amount of anger and resentment as a dead child's mother.


MyBelle, I concur with one thing you are saying. I, too, agree that Dina Shacknai no doubt harbored the most anger and resentment of anyone involved in this case. I definitely agree with you that Dina's level of RAGE, anger and resentment far surpassed anyone else's in this awful case involving the deaths of little Max and Rebecca Zahau.

I CERTAINLY hope that none of Maxie's friends, teammates, or classmates were told that he was murdered by someone taking care of him. That would be extraordinarily cruel, as well as completely untrue. Children need to be told the truth-- that Max died in a terrible accident involving a fall from a high staircase. It is a teachable moment for children that hopefully some of the adults took advantage of, to talk to them about safety while playing around indoor stairs.

It is Dina's prerogative to "not believe" he died in a horrible accident. It is highly inflammatory and slanderous for her to continue to blame a young teen and a dead woman in her media appearances. I hope the parents of Maxie's classmates and friends explain to them that extreme anger and grief can make some adults become very mentally and emotionally unstable, and cause them to say things that are untrue, mean, and hurtful.

Vulnerable children do not need to be burdened with Dina's horrible fantasies about how Max died. I hope adults do not allow their children to be around her.

And I really hope that the media stops giving her a stage to spew her hate. IMO, she really needs to step into the background and let the BOD run the organization for a year or 2. She doesn't appear mentally and emotionally able to be an effective leader or promoter at this point in time, IMO. I hope she takes some time for herself, in private. I think she could benefit from some intense counseling. She really looks and sounds unwell, IMO.
I know you all hate to hear this but I agree with Dina. If my one and only son died under suspicious circumstances at a home where my ex's gf was shacking up with him and this happened to my son, I would think the same thing. Honestly we all know the police reproduction of what occurred is BS. I also think someone had to throw Max with force from that balcony or very near it.. I don't buy the scooter story or the planking etc. If this were any other case you all would be right with Dina and blaming someone who was in the home with the little boy at the time. I honestly do not know what occured with Max but I do not feel it was an accident..any more than I feel Rebecca's death was an accident. I feel for Dina..and like I said if it were my son I would also do anything possible to find out the truth. Why take Le's word on Max's death but not Rebecca's? It seems a double standard to me.
I agree with LE's conclusion about Maxie's death because it logically follows from the evidence found at the scene of his accident. An accident, while terrible and tragic (and possibly even unnecessary) makes sense. Murder by way of "thrown down a staircase like a torpedo" doesn't, nor does it explain the evidence.

I disagree with LE's finding that Rebecca committed suicide for exactly the same reasons: suicide doesn't fit the evidence found at the scene, and while I admit it's possible, it doesn't make sense that Rebecca killed herself the way LE has explained her having done it. The scene is all wrong; the testimony can't be verified; the timing is off; the motivating phone call is missing, and the pure physical mechanics don't work.

<modsnip>. That much is clear.
OMG...I about fell off my chair when I heard the news anchor state "Max was killed and the victim of murder"... Can you imagine those words direct to the ears of a 6 year old child and/or former classmate of Max living in Scottsdale!! What is she thinking?

Dina should NOT be around children in her state of mind.

Hi, Seattle! Welcome to Websleuths!
Here is a link to a video of Dina the day she addressed the Coronado City Council. Dina says in this interview "as far as we know there were 2 people the Coronado PD say that were there, but how do we know that, how do we know there's not another person and how do we know that persons not out and about".

I would recommend comparing this interview from Sept 2012 to Dina's recent KTAR interview. Quite a difference in Dina's composure, appearance and demeanor. Dina uses the words torpedoed, assaulted and killed. She never accused RZ or XZ of murder. I don't think she even mentions their names. Dina suggests reopening both cases. In my opinion, she was open to all possibilities in the Sept interview. 5 months later she has closed all other doors. It appears she has resigned to blaming RZ and XZ of murder. What changed her mind?

At about 4:15-

Does anyone have that video from the Dr. Phil show? I think it's the only time in my life I ever recorded him and I think the DVR deleted it for space. I looked around for it, but didn't find it anywhere...just promos...

I downloaded the full video and also created 2 separate trimmed videos: one of Dina making her statement and the other Mary making her statement.
Tried to upload here but didn't work @%$#&!!

And now can't find the link to the original Dr Phil September 21, 2012 program that I downloaded... sorry, will keep searching.:banghead:
Here is a link to a video of Dina the day she addressed the Coronado City Council. Dina says in this interview "as far as we know there were 2 people the Coronado PD say that were there, but how do we know that, how do we know there's not another person and how do we know that persons not out and about".

I would recommend comparing this interview from Sept 2012 to Dina's recent KTAR interview. Quite a difference in Dina's composure, appearance and demeanor. Dina uses the words torpedoed, assaulted and killed. She never accused RZ or XZ of murder. I don't think she even mentions their names. Dina suggests reopening both cases. In my opinion, she was open to all possibilities in the Sept interview. 5 months later she has closed all other doors. It appears she has resigned to blaming RZ and XZ of murder. What changed her mind?

At about 4:15-


I don't think her mind was changed, I think she's just ramping up and being sensationalistic because that is often what gets you a spot on the news. Unfortunately, she only got this latest interview. Makes me wonder if she tried or is trying to make the media rounds again. On top of deliberate ramping up, I think she is just getting more and more out of touch (or something) in the effort. The combo makes for a lot of strangeness to say the least.
I don't think her mind was changed, I think she's just ramping up and being sensationalistic because that is often what gets you a spot on the news. Unfortunately, she only got this latest interview. Makes me wonder if she tried or is trying to make the media rounds again. On top of deliberate ramping up, I think she is just getting more and more out of touch (or something) in the effort. The combo makes for a lot of strangeness to say the least.


Completely agree. She is ramping up. Her blatantly provocative comments in the KTAR interview were calculated to get lots of attention.

IMO, her newest tactic to is trying to provoke the Zahau family into taking legal action against her by making outrageous and slanderous comments about minor teen XZ. If the Zahau family does take legal action against her, she can then focus her attention "more fully" on XZ. She has said as much in her interviews. Dina is "daring" them to bring action against her. And I believe she will escalate the situation again, and soon-- building on momentum. The question that makes me very worried, is "how" will Dina choose to escalate the provocation?

I honestly believe that XZ's safety is at risk. I truly hope her family has her well protected and insulated from Dina's reach.

Did anyone notice, BTW, that it's TAX season? :) Everyone has to file tax reports-- individuals, businesses, and even charities. And the tax records of nonprofits (Form 990) are, by law, available to the public. :)
Did anyone notice, BTW, that it's TAX season? :) Everyone has to file tax reports-- individuals, businesses, and even charities. And the tax records of nonprofits (Form 990) are, by law, available to the public. :)

Good point! It will be interesting to see the nonprofit reporting. I also wonder if there is hope of raising money when she does an interview like this? Something just strikes me as sick a bout all that.
Good point! It will be interesting to see the nonprofit reporting. I also wonder if there is hope of raising money when she does an interview like this? Something just strikes me as sick a bout all that.

Of course, it will be a number of months before their 990 is required to be filed, and will be available. I strongly suspect that they will not be brave enough, or transparent enough, to post their financial data on their website. Anyone can request the information directly from the organization. If the organization refuses to provide the tax info, it can be requested and received directly from the IRS. :)

Will be interesting to see if the nonprofit is ever on Guidestar or Charity Navigator. I doubt it.
Of course, it will be a number of months before their 990 is required to be filed, and will be available. I strongly suspect that they will not be brave enough, or transparent enough, to post their financial data on their website. Anyone can request the information directly from the organization. If the organization refuses to provide the tax info, it can be requested and received directly from the IRS. :)

Will be interesting to see if the nonprofit is ever on Guidestar or Charity Navigator. I doubt it.

We can keep looking


Does Guidstar get info directly from the IRS or does the nonprofit have to give it to them?

Completely agree. She is ramping up. Her blatantly provocative comments in the KTAR interview were calculated to get lots of attention.

IMO, her newest tactic to is trying to provoke the Zahau family into taking legal action against her by making outrageous and slanderous comments about minor teen XZ. If the Zahau family does take legal action against her, she can then focus her attention "more fully" on XZ. She has said as much in her interviews. Dina is "daring" them to bring action against her. And I believe she will escalate the situation again, and soon-- building on momentum. The question that makes me very worried, is "how" will Dina choose to escalate the provocation?

I honestly believe that XZ's safety is at risk. I truly hope her family has her well protected and insulated from Dina's reach.

Did anyone notice, BTW, that it's TAX season? :) Everyone has to file tax reports-- individuals, businesses, and even charities. And the tax records of nonprofits (Form 990) are, by law, available to the public. :)

Agree about Dina ramping it up and throwing flagrantly false accusations in the faces of the Zahaus. I believe she's doing so is because she is deathly afraid that the CA AG will reopen the Zahau case and that she'd be charged with Zahau's murder. She's going the "the best defense is a good offense" route.

Dina believes she will get away scott-free with these spurious accusations against the innocent Becky and her younger sis XZ because she thinks the Zahaus are not wealthy and would not be in the financially ripe position to litigate against Dina and her battalion of lawyers.

Because of Dina's egregious, slanderous comments against the Zahaus on tv video in a public broadcast, witnessed by millions, the Zahaus now have physical documentation of Dina's slanders and will be able to use the video in court. So thank you Dina! :great:

Also, I am certain the CA AG's office is keeping tabs on what Dina has been doing in her PR campaign as well as her so-called charitable non-profit. It makes Dina look guilty as heck in Zahau's death, and will be just cause for the CA AG to reopen Becky's case. So again, thank you Dina. BRING IT ON! Can't wait to see you :jail:
This is yet another very tragic incidence of a young person suffering a fatal spinal injury with rapid and fatal brain swelling from an accidental forehead impact fall. I'm linking it due to the seriousness of the young man's rapidly fatal injuries from his accident, similar to Maxie's. (Although Max fell from much higher, approximately 10 feet.)

This very unfortunate, but much loved young man, was doing a back flip dance move, and impacted his forehead from only a few feet off the ground. I'm sure Kevin Signo's family and friends are just heartbroken and stunned over this tragedy, just as Maxie's friends and family continue to grieve his loss from his unfortunate accidental fall. It is just so very sad and infuriating to see Dina Shacknai continue to spew her twisted grief and rage filled fantasies about Rebecca or XZ murdering Max and "torpedoing" him over the stair railing. It's even more puzzling and strange to see local reporters and "socialites" enabling Dina's delusions, IMO.


Kevin Signo of Frisco, Texas, was rehearsing with the school’s Filipino Student Association on Saturday when he practiced a backflip and landed on his head, according to reports.

He was rushed to the hospital and put on life support. But around 4 a.m. Sunday, the swelling in his brain became extreme — and he was taken off life support, fellow dancer Nathan Elequin told student newspaper The Baylor Lariat. He tried to do a backflip during a break in the dance.


A local justice of the peace says Signo landed on his forehead and critically injured his spine.
Wow. That was just jaw dropping. I absolutely cannot believe what she publicly did to XZ. Unbelievably despicable. I hope the Zahau's have an attorney for XZ. If I were XZ's guardian, I would aggressively pursue a restraining order against Dina, among other measures. I seriously believe XZ's personal safety is at risk. This is a vendetta.

So much for Maxie's House being about CHILDREN'S SAFETY-- what a hypocrite! I guess she feels the SAFETY of "some" minors is unimportant-- that it is perfectly okay for her to publicly name and blame THIS minor, who apparently has no rights at all in her eyes. A minor who LE has determined has had NO part in Maxie's very tragic, but accidental fall. OMG. The hypocrisy and hubris. But at least we now know what her next move is-- attacking a young teenager in any way she can. I really worry for XZ's safety. Really.

But then again, maybe that wasn't really Dina Shacknai?? She appears to have aged at least 25 years since the Coronado city council appearance. Intense grief, all-consuming hate, anger, and guilt-- I guess that will age a person pretty fast. Wow-- she looks really bad.

Anyone else think the interviewer's posture was odd? He was straddling Dina's knees-- nearly touching them. Very, very odd.

Yes, so odd it made me feel uncomfortable to watch.
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