Discussion: Why are Terri's friends Acting this way.

From Calliope's link above

"Just got off the phone with Multnomah Sheriff’s Department and they confirmed a “tip” led them to bump up the search again for 7-year-old Kyron Horman. Kinda knew that but, wanted to see if they would comment about reports that the “tip” came from family friend, DeDe Spicher. They wouldn’t tell me if that’s true. But, Spicher told a Grand Jury on Friday that she, another girlfriend and Kyron’s stepmom, Terri Horman, each bought an untraceable cell phone the day the little boy vanished. The cops wouldn’t tell me if they’re looking for those phones in the big renewed search. This case is intense. Where is that child?!"


ETA: The link is to a tweet message from a tv newswoman, so apparently isn't considered hard news? Not sure about this. Either way, it appears someone who testified before the Grand Jury is talking. IMO that could be harmful or helpful to the prosecution's case.
From Calliope's link above

"Just got off the phone with Multnomah Sheriff’s Department and they confirmed a “tip” led them to bump up the search again for 7-year-old Kyron Horman. Kinda knew that but, wanted to see if they would comment about reports that the “tip” came from family friend, DeDe Spicher. They wouldn’t tell me if that’s true. But, Spicher told a Grand Jury on Friday that she, another girlfriend and Kyron’s stepmom, Terri Horman, each bought an untraceable cell phone the day the little boy vanished. The cops wouldn’t tell me if they’re looking for those phones in the big renewed search. This case is intense. Where is that child?!"


Yes, and she is being asked to confirm where that info came from.

Didn't DeDe testify on a Monday?
I really want to know when those phones were purchased.
How irresponsible of that journalist to publish that if not true.
(should the phone thing have it's own thread?)
If true, it's the final straw for me, (who has already been off the fence quite a while now)
If not true, what a travesty take-off of the old "telephone" game. (and ironic as well.)
wake me up when this little fox blog info is reported in actual news form.

also, wake me up when it's not, and the reporter prints an attraction and updates her resume.
wake me up when this little fox blog info is reported in actual news form.

also, wake me up when it's not, and the reporter prints an attraction and updates her resume.

I was so sure that when that tweet surfaced yesterday that all the news outlets would explode with Breaking News about these two BOMBSHELL tidbits:

- Dede Spicher testified before the GJ on Friday without any reporters seeing her coming or going, and we know what she testified even though GJ testimony is secret!!!!!

- The cell phones were bought on the day Kyron disappeared!!! Unnamed Sources previously lied that they were purchased after Kaine moved out!!!!

But it's still just...

* crickets *

I'm going to have to start my own news site...
I have been trying to catch up on this thread and just wanted to throw in my little opinion...If my best friend since 2nd grade was in this same situation as TH and asked me to get her a cell phone for privacy from the authorities my response would be no, just let them listen then you can get cleared or whatever. I would actually get her the phone then tell Le but I'm sneaky like that. Also, how much dang time were TH's friends out at her house besided DDS that they would need an extra cell phone just for coverage? Thats so dumb. I mean think about it. Weere they all living there too? Man this just makes me so sad and mad. What a dumb excuse. Can they not give the land line number to whomever need to talk to them that bad. My goodness. What a weak excuse. I can just imagine telling my husband or family, Hey yall you know my friend who is under suspicion for the disappearance of her step son, well I am going to be spending alot of time at her house and since my phone doesn't work, I am getting a new on that is untraceable for privacy. Haha that would not go over well. I think it is a lie after lie. Sorry for my rant but this just makes me so angry.

I MIGHT buy the "getting disposeable phone so I can have reception on a cell phone for myself cos I am staying with my friend who can't get verizon reception, which is the cell I have now" excuse, but it was MORE THAN ONE and they got them under fake names, THAT MAKES IT SUSPICIOUS.

Lies, lies and more lies. More than 1 person s in trouble for this, wait n see!!


The thing that puzzles me is that IF the friends are complicit in this, and if they are stonewalling or lying to the police, IMO they must believe THEY are "the good guys."

In other words, they helped Terri for some "very good reason" (as they see it) that makes them feel like martyrs to a great cause.

What could that be? How could they remain so sure of their "righteousness" after all this time?
Did they stash him because she convinced them it was "heroic?" Or did they help her cover-up something she described as an accident that she would be blamed for?

That funny smile of DeDe's was almost one of pride in participation IMO. Sort of proud of herself...

DeDe and the other friends have seen the pain Kyron's disappearance has caused all these weeks, and the misery of not knowing. They have faced searches and interrogation by police and GJ.

But still, if they are part of this, they are keeping the faith.

If little Kyron is stashed somewhere...they must feel like they have "rescued" him, or done a great good deed for Terri.

Or if the worst has happened, they must believe there is some reason Terri should be spared accountability.

What could that be?

There must be some back-story here...or Terri is innocent and the poor friends are just victims of the whirlwind of this disappearance.
[Can we remove baby K's name from upthread??]

I'm interested in MC's actions and motives.

I can see him being a sort of clumsy self-styled vigilante, galloping off with a half-baked scheme to get Terri to confess to him after being wooed with flirtatious text messages.

I wonder what it was about Terri's behavior or personality that allowed MC to believe it was okay to flirt with her, when most people would think that flirtation would be considered tasteless and gross at best, suspicious enough to call LE on at worst when a child's life was on the line?

Could MC really have been naive enough to think those texts wouldn't be discovered and cast suspicion on HIM, perhaps make him a suspect (as mothers' affair partners often are suspected when one of her children goes missing)? That's not how it played out, as it happened, but how could he not have considered that?

Or was MC all the while planning to share the results of his hapless sextgate mission with LE? Sure that when they saw his intention to sext information out of Terri they'd commend him? DID LE know about it and give him the green light in case info came out of it?

Or was he just your garden variety jerk preying on a woman in an incredibly vulnerable time?

I'm convinced it was the half-baked-vigilante. I like the way you described that theory, as it summed up very nicely the thoughts and suspicions I've had of him. Part of what convinces me of this, is that Kaine said he himself had not had a friendship with the guy since highschool. I wouldn't go as far as MC did, but I have that kind of personality. I would probably poke my nose into it, and see if I could trip TM up if I were in his shoes. I'd also probably jump in with both feet and sell bracelets and get all enthusiastic to help an hold friend anyway I could. I don't know that I would specifically hatch the sexting plan. My point is just that he may have thought he could win her trust, and to some extent, he did. After all, she showed him the sealed record. He's probably got his heart in the right place. My opinion only, of course.
Thanks, grandmaj!

So why did friends go buy bat phones, and under fake names?

Why did KH early on instruct co-workers not to talk to media?

Why isn't TH screaming "I'm innocent" from the roof tops?

Why is one of KH's management-type co-workers involved in the phone gang (as I read it, if wrong, please let me know!).


We've got lots of snippets of good discussions about issues scattered throughout other topics. So let's have at those things here and that way we can keep all trains on their appropriate tracks. Ya know, we don't want the Philly Fliier heading to Miami.

As for why they're acting this way, here's my big question. KH, DY, etc. have all shared all kinds of personal details. But why won't KH tell anyone, or answer when asked, how he met TH? I think that's an attempt to cover up something that may be part of how this whole mess evolved. And possibly he's something that will take the focus off TH as sole Mistress of Evil and reveal something more about KH that may taint his current image. The fact that he won't discuss how they met, when they've all discussed how he had an affair with her while still married to and living with a pregnant DY, to me is really really hinky.

Why are TH's friends so loyal? Especially whe, according to DY and KH, she's a liar and a problem? Why the disconnect between the differing accounts, and why is the difference so huge? Are there others than DY & KH, and TY, who agree that TH is all this bad stuff. As many as there are friends standing by her?

I think her friends came to her aid because they thought that Kaine was behaving very badly and that TH was being victimized.

1. He is reported to be having an affair. If my husband were having an affair, I would be so devasted, I'd tell the checker at Walmart and anyone else that would listen. I'm sure I'd be crying buckets of tears, especially considering that there is a baby in the household to consider. You know her friends did a lot of hand holding over this.
2. He, Kaine, was reported to have kicked her older son out of house. Now, that older son is QUITE a bit older. My kids are 10 years apart and I can tell you, it's like having 2 different families and you feel pulled both ways. He might have felt like he was on the outside of things at that house. I'm sure I would have cried buckets of tears to my friends over my son being thrown out of my house. Now I know that he sees his dad in the summer, but he left in March - not summer.

So, with all that said, it would seem to me that even these 2 things alone would have set this up on her friends minds that she was being treated very badly. She might have even expressed fear because of him. They might have gotten the phones because she told them that she was in fear of him.
1. He is reported to be having an affair. If my husband were having an affair, I would be so devasted, I'd tell the checker at Walmart and anyone else that would listen. I'm sure I'd be crying buckets of tears, especially considering that there is a baby in the household to consider. You know her friends did a lot of hand holding over this.


They might have gotten the phones because she told them that she was in fear of him.

Re: 1
What goes around, comes around. The shoe was on the other foot when it was Desiree being cheated on while she and Kaine had a baby to consider. MOO

Re: Phones
I once had a situation in which I feared my partner. Because we had our cell phones on one account, I knew he would see any calls I made for "help" (social services, domestic violence center, and potential landlords). I (me, myself) went out and bought one (1) prepaid cell phone that I could use for this purpose. I only needed ONE so I'd have a number to give out that was "safe" (I turned it off when he was home, occasionally checking messages if he left the house). I had enough minutes when I bought it to accomplish what I had set out to do, but if I had not, I'd have added minutes, not thrown it out and gotten a new phone.

Could the throwaway phones have been used to call "bad tips" in to the Sheriff's office to send them off on wild goose chases? For that, you would need several different phone numbers, preferably untraceable.

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