Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Can you believe it------Look !!---------> Look !!-------> UNBELIEVABLE !! This is post number 1594 for me........NO WAY !! What can this mean, what DOES THIS MEAN ? :noooo: :panic: ..... Absolutely nothing. :sigh:

Steelman<------------competing for new DRAMA King...................do I win anything ? :gasp: :winner:


drat! I just looked, sadly my A is still here :(

But THANK YOU for making me laugh out loud this morning!
BBM: I don't know about that. In the post-mistrial press conferences, one of the jurors used the phrase "Justice for Travis." Could be coincidence, or maybe Juan said it exactly like that—or somebody could have seen a hashtag or ribbon avatar.

I remember hearing that J17 had said she was following the media while serving on the jury with the hope that she would be kicked off. Does anybody else remember hearing that?

drat! I just looked, sadly my A is still here :(

But THANK YOU for making me laugh out loud this morning!

I wasn't sure if Lambchop was criticizing the drama or asking for an example of it.

Gotta have a little levity in here, too many people bummed out right now.
We really should respect when jurors' and/or their spouses' names have not been released to the public.

We're outraged that JII posted the 11 names, the 12th should get the same respect no matter how much of a problem we have with what she has done. MOO

Her husband outed her. If she wanted her name kept secret then she should be having a talk with him. But then the media that wants to pay her for an interview wouldn't know who she is or how to get in touch with her. She also wouldn't have LE guarding her home.
Anyone watch GMA interview today and if so do ya have the link? I'd love to check it out when I get in tonight : )

i got up and guess i missed it?? i too would appreciate the link and thanks in advance if someone posts.


For those who are convinced that she lied her way onto that jury and made sure that the prosecution didn&#8217;t get the outcome they so desperate sought, you may be right. On the other hand, for those who believe that she was honest when she said she could follow the law and keep an open mind when evaluating the evidence, you may be right as well.
No, I think the background checks should be much more rigorous than at present. Best to exclude saboteurs before they are given the chance to nullify the Jury.

I wholeheartedly support investigating prospective juror's social media.

A few years ago I was processing resumes for a client who owns a care facility for the elderly and was hiring caregivers. I was beyond shocked at what I found. Stupid, stupid people using the same email addresses on their resumes and application forms that they used on sites offering sex to women (only two men applied, that guy and one whose sole career had been truck mechanic never for more than two months at any one job, evidently he was too busy on social media and working a job interrupted his social life). People posting pictures of themselves smoking pot and complaining about their welfare and food stamps, one gal's email address ON HER RESUME was sexkitten___________@ provider. Yep - truth is stranger than fiction. Fools post all kinds of things. I would see that someone who wants a job caring for helpless people has dozens of amateur videos of girls fighting. I would be able to see that this person is an out and proud member of a white power group that supports violence.

If I was looking to hire someone for an important position, a position that's supposed to represent the gravity and seriousness of like say, oh, as a Mitigation Specialist, well... y'all get it.

Yes, I would encourage the use of social media as one of many tools of vetting prospective jurors.
I don't think she thought it was 'right' as much as she wanted to do it, and so she did. I don't think 'right' and 'wrong' enter her thought process much, as anything worth giving much thought.

You're correct. She thougt is was right to do it.
The amount of crazy on that jaii site is mind boggling. I'm bored so I started reading the comments. :laughing:

One was from the "administrator" of the site saying that when the verdict came down in 2014 they had to ban over 1500 ip addresses. When this latest verdict came in they only had to ban a few. Thus, more people must be believing that the dv really happened. :laughing:

Another thinks that JSS deliberately did the things she did because she believes that JA should never have been put on trial. :laughing:

I'm not the only one who thinks that the admin of that site has several accounts and posts under several names supporting his other identities. :D

Just my opinion, of course. *wink wink nudge nudge*
We really should respect when jurors' and/or their spouses' names have not been released to the public.

We're outraged that JII posted the 11 names, the 12th should get the same respect no matter how much of a problem we have with what she has done. MOO

Agree, jurors names should not have been released, and certainly not circulated .. none of them, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this actually. Did you all read this article, it's lengthy but a good read ..


Also can someone remind me, we know how and when the 11 jurors that voted for death's names were released, but what about Juror #17 .. where did her name pop up, and who published first?
We really should respect when jurors' and/or their spouses' names have not been released to the public.

We're outraged that JII posted the 11 names, the 12th should get the same respect no matter how much of a problem we have with what she has done. MOO

Normally, I'd agree, but, didn't he gave an interview on camera?
So much about this trial, killing, the after math, the brutality/method of the killing of Travis Alexander, bothers me, still.

I am not one who can reason that people are just evil. Not with babies born so tender and I believe innocent. For me and my reasoning "evil" is created. And I am left wondering how a JA was created. What happened, what was the road that lead to someone being able to do what she did? For me such violence goes against everything inside of me.

All that aside. Can you imagine: cleaning a man's house you used to date, supposedly loved, are still having sex with. While he gets ready and goes out on a date with another woman. She says she laid down and fell asleep, and in doing so was there when he got back. Right , one can see thru that that she was waiting. Your self respect has to be so low to do that .

All of the spying, retaliation, plotting, wanting his friends for her friends. How desperate, crazy, and exhausting.

Crossing so many boundaries, into the man's emails, bank accounts, Facebook.

It sickens me to imagine/think of it.

All the way thru all of this crap to killing him, not just killing him, but over and over and over. Who can stab someone 29 times, let alone what she did to his throat?

Now sitting in jail she cannot stop, even from there.

I know she is not worth me giving this my thoughts. But, it all haunts me.

The under currents of life.

Being a person, a human, a woman, I just don't understand it.

The only logical explanation I can come up with is that we are not blank slates when we come into the world. My belief involves past lives, but if you can't buy that, then maybe there are genetic predispositions to go in certain directions more than others.

I don't believe it's all environment, though that can certainly play a part. Look at the environment Travis came from vs. Jodi. One would expect Travis to have been the psychopath, but actually it was the opposite. I think there are definite directions our lives take that are based solely and exclusively on free will. Particularly things related to our character and our relationships with, and treatment of our fellow man.

As human beings we have very little freedom in the broadest sense of the term, yet free will is an integral, essential and extremely valuable part of what we are.
Her husband outed her. If she wanted her name kept secret then she should be having a talk with him. But then the media that wants to pay her for an interview wouldn't know who she is or how to get in touch with her. She also wouldn't have LE guarding her home.

I agree. I used the exact terminology last night that "he outed her."

His name, her name, her ex-husband's name... They're all easy enough to find on the Internet, but first of all, isn't it against the TOS to post them here?

I'm just having a problem with her name getting posted here attached to the anti-DP speech that wasn't even authored by #17. And this video that has nothing to do with anything other than the gossip that it's her husband. I feel like I'm reading TMZ.
I'm not sure which building the website is based out of, but maybe Az could just put up a sign out front and turn it into a mental hospital after things die down. They already have a whole list of patients to stock it with.

Who wants to lay odds that juror #17 has that same website bookmarked on her google page ?

IIRC someone asked about a comment on that site from 2013 - they thought it may have been J#17 - I never saw if that was investigated or not.
I remember hearing that J17 had said she was following the media while serving on the jury with the hope that she would be kicked off. Does anybody else remember hearing that?

There is so much rumor and hoax going around on this now. I seriously doubt that she just quietly sat hoping and then held her ground for life when she could have raised her hand any morning that JSS asked the jurors whether they'd seen anything in the media about the trial.
Hi! I was thinking about this & wanted to put it out here. Concerning the alternates on both trials state they would've voted for death. How lucky for the killer, both times that alternates weren't chosen. The odds of this astound me. How could she be so fortunate in both trials that alternates would have voted for DP & they weren't chosen? What does this mean?
I know she is not worth me giving this my thoughts. But, it all haunts me.

The under currents of life.

Being a person, a human, a woman, I just don't understand it.

That is a good thing, HarvestMoon!! If anyone finds themselves identifying with, excusing, or otherwise understanding a psychopath like CMJA - THAT is someone who needs to worry. I cannot read the sites that support her for that reason ~ I feel they are revealing a great corruption in their soul.
You're correct. She thougt is was right to do it.
'Right' requires a reference point, a corresponding 'wrong' that it stands in contrast with. I don't think she holds any such concepts, in the normal sense. I guess I would agree with you as far as I would say I don't think she considered it wrong to kill him, as long as she could get away with it, which I believe she thought she could.
The husband opened the door to a reporter with a cameraperson along filming. Rather than a simple "no comment", the husband provided some self-serving answers to questions. The video above with the husband bantering in a bar after winning a trophy does not show a shy guy who doesn't enjoy attention imo. I can definitely imagine him working the no-verdict angles to best advantage.
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