Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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I think that was another rumor and honestly with everything going on and the fact if LE is investigating (I am not sure on this) they will question the jurors and not so sure they should be doing interviews. That said...if it is out there love to see it.

We are not posting rumor at all. Here is the interview- http://www.abc15.com/news/region-ph...ideo-jodi-arias-jurors-weigh-in-on-sentencing

and here, the interview with all eleven of the Jurors- it doesn't take much sleuthing to find these, try Google ....https://juror13lw.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/full-audio-interview-jodi-arias-jurors/
I have a feeling the Alexanders will go face to face with JA for as long as she is alive. They seem like true justice seekers who will never lie down despite the pain it causes. I don't believe in "closure" in a case like this. Or people that say "well they can finally get closure".....There is no closure and I believe that if they were given a THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH opportunity for trial they would take it without hesitation. I just have a feeling the entire family would pretty much sacrifice their lives for justice. Is that healthy? Not for me to say. I admire their strength in numbers.


The reason I mentioned them healing is I've been there. I cannot speak for them, they will make their own choices obviously. But I do know as long as you inject yourself in the middle of the storm, you cannot see anything else clearly, you cannot truly live.

The hardest thing about dealing w/ a sociopath is knowing when to say when. You have so much passion behind your fight b/c you know the truth, but in actuality you will always be 10 steps behind. You will never "win." The person is fooling those who need to be fooled. A clever person with no conscience is an evil combination; and there is no reasoning with a person like that.

After years of fighting, you become drained. You resign to reality, learn to live with it and try to find the silver linings and there will be some. In other words, it's not giving up or giving in, it's giving yourself another chance at happiness. And I wish the Alexanders that chance.
That information came within hours after the verdict was announced. One of the many reporters on this case was looking at the Facebook page for juror #17. While surfing, he/she also looked at the husbands Facebook page. Shown on his friends list was RDLR----sister to MDLR. Hell of a coincidence, huh? That friend was deleted shortly thereafter, and the Facebook page taken down. The C.Y.A. process had begun.

Afterwards, it was reported that there was a picture of RDLR and Juror 17's husband in a picture together. I haven't seen the picture, can't verify. Since it hasn't surfaced, I wonder about the authenticity of it. Hopefully somebody had the presence of mind to save this stuff, if it existed.

Yes, I saw those links. I don't have a screen shot but I will see if I can sleuth one out on other forums, someone surely saved them....
A part of investigating is examining the speculation. If people want to examine rumors to prove of disprove, well that is a part of the process and they should be free to do that, especially here. If people are getting weary then it is up to the to take a break, but I don't feel like it is fair for someone to tell myself or others to step away or get some air. Things will die down once the dust settles. In the mean time, I take huge interest in this bizarre case.


Most are very careful to state when certain things are just rumors and not proven yet.

There also has been MSM reports that certain things are being ivestigated and I hope the powers that be do a thorough job in their investigations.

To me, its interesting to read about everything as it unfolds and to just be very careful to realize that until certain things are proven, then they have to be classified as just discussion points and not necessarily facts yet.

I do hope the investigations are thorough and go as far as they need to. And I hope the media continues to report the results of any of the investigations.
Anyone else think it might be possible that since we were hearing from the jurors at first and then it was announced that they would be on GMA and nobody seems to have seen it or been able to find it that the Court might have issued a GAG ORDER while the investigation is ongoing?
Wouldn't JSS have to approve live-streaming? I would think she would, unless JA requests otherwise, and I'm sure she will. Anyone know definitively?
I would like to know that too. I hope a news helicopter follows the bus to Perryville.
Yes, I agree with you, I really do, but I don't believe they will ever truly live again. Not like they once did, free of agony. If some people can say that they can truly live free of burden after going through that my hat is off to them. But somehow I don't feel the Alexanders will every feel like they can let this go. I feel like they will think about it every time they lay their head down which is painful, even to me to think about. Not after the fight they gave. Of course I am not speaking for them either and this is my humblest opinion. But this is in no way closure:


The reason I mentioned them healing is I've been there. I cannot speak for them, they will make their own choices obviously. But I do know as long as you inject yourself in the middle of the storm, you cannot see anything else clearly, you cannot truly live.

The hardest thing about dealing w/ a sociopath is knowing when to say when. You have so much passion behind your fight b/c you know the truth, but in actuality you will always be 10 steps behind. You will never "win." The person is fooling those who need to be fooled. A clever person with no conscience is an evil combination; and there is no reasoning with a person like that.

After years of fighting, you become drained. You resign to reality, learn to live with it and try to find the silver linings and there will be some. In other words, it's not giving up or giving in, it's giving yourself another chance at happiness. And I wish the Alexanders that
We are not posting rumor at all. Here is the interview- http://www.abc15.com/news/region-ph...ideo-jodi-arias-jurors-weigh-in-on-sentencing

and here, the interview with all eleven of the Jurors- it doesn't take much sleuthing to find these, try Google ....https://juror13lw.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/full-audio-interview-jodi-arias-jurors/

sorry about "rumor" comment there are so many and indeed I saw that interview...for some reason I was thinking it was GMA the national show and could not find it...that you for linking that.
maybe they will do this and dump her in the grand canyon


Quote Originally Posted by deedee21 View Post
I would like to know that too. I hope a news helicopter follows the bus to Perryville.
She will settle in, to being miserable.

That, after speaking with a long time corrections officer who works in a max prison in segregation, sadly I disagree. Jodi will settle in, have a "family" manipulate other prisoners and guards. She will cause others a lot of harm by manipulating them to do her dirty work. People could end up with longer sentences or hurt because of her. His prediction is she will be pregnant within a year by a guard. Granted this is just his opinion, but I would call it an educated opinion based on 15 years experience.
Anyone else think it might be possible that since we were hearing from the jurors at first and then it was announced that they would be on GMA and nobody seems to have seen it or been able to find it that the Court might have issued a GAG ORDER while the investigation is ongoing?

there seems to be a local station where some talked (link provided in another post) but yes I think they may have been cautioned that some investigation is going on and they may not want to not talk for some time during this investigation...i'm sure the jurors want 17 investigated as well as how their info got out there so they would comply...I have to wonder since the judge released them with no restrictions if a "gag order" is that easy to impose?
Someone had mentioned this earlier on here and I can't find the post, so I want to reintroduce the info. I just watched Beth Karas' most recent video and Beth said that she had pulled up J17's Facebook page while waiting for the press conference with the jurors to begin (how did she get her name?). Beth said that a lot of J17's info was public and she "liked" we already know The Secret and Nancy Grace, BUT, she also "liked" a group that was anti-Sheriff Arpaio. I think that's significant as it's a little more evidence of a "stick it to the man" kind of mentality, OR, a fan of JA.

This is all so bizarre...

GOOD point, how did Beth know juror's name!!!!

No one will convince me that there isn't something hinky with MDLR/#17 connection. And after spending 3.7 million on a trial, I think it behooves Arizona to get to the bottom of it. OR IT WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN IN OTHER TRIALS.

Looking at the diary is NOT deliberating. AND I trust the 11 people that were there. Their opinions are she did NOT deliberate. And the words that came out of her mouth, immediately wanting to send paperwork in for hung jury shows she was not interested in much else. Sounds coached to me.

3.7 million is a lot of money to play with, especially with sleezy lawyers. What did Casey Anthony's defense cost?
I think that was another rumor and honestly with everything going on and the fact if LE is investigating (I am not sure on this) they will question the jurors and not so sure they should be doing interviews. That said...if it is out there love to see it.

I don't get what you mean by it being a rumour?

There is about a three min video and at the end of that the host said tune in to gma tomorrow morning to see the full interview...

So I'm confused lol

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:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

Just checking in to see if anything is "new" ... and nothing ...

I hope we hear something factual regarding this disaster regarding J#17, the list of jurors' names being released to the JAII site, etc. ...

But I am not holding my breath :gaah:
Otoh, she could be hiding razorblades in her legal files... I'm sure the sheriff has the authority to check everything she has in that cell for contraband.

Iirc it was that he had searched her "legal" documents previously and JA had made allegations against the authorities that they had photo copied her book notes or something like that, plus I think they may have tried to confiscate one of her "art" pieces at one time that MDLR had hidden in her "legal" papers, that stirred up some controversy(that may even be some of these civil matters that people are asking about, wasn't JA going to sue for slander or something like that... rofl).

Remember when MDLR handed Sandy Arias a file in court, it was done as if she was trying to hide what she was doing.
That, after speaking with a long time corrections officer who works in a max prison in segregation, sadly I disagree. Jodi will settle in, have a "family" manipulate other prisoners and guards. She will cause other a lot of harm by manipulating them to do her dirty work. People could end up with longer sentences or hurt because of her. His prediction is she will be pregnant within a year by a guard. Granted this is just his opinion, but I would call it an educated opinion based on 15 years experience.
I'm not saying she won't do what she can to make her day-to-day life tolerable, and become engrossed in the daily drama and routine of her existence, and even forget for awhile she had ever known anything else, but somewhere inside she will always know that her life has become limited far beyond anything she at one point could have imagined, and there is no future for her that is any different from the present she is locked into. That misery will always be waiting for her, just below the surface, and she will never be able to escape it.
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