Fifty three are still unidentified

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That's a good idea, but I'm not sure it would produce any results. One of the reasons Little is so helpful is that he remembers all of his victims in detail. Many other serial killers barely register their victims as human and while they may remember the kill, they don't remember anything about the individual. In many cases, they never knew.

I don't know which kind Alcala is. It might be worth a try.
Doesn't Alcala currently have a pacemaker and Alzheimer's / Dementia right now? I wouldn't think his memory would be all that great, being in a hospice and dying of old age, but you never know.
Doesn't Alcala currently have a pacemaker and Alzheimer's / Dementia right now? I wouldn't think his memory would be all that great, being in a hospice and dying of old age, but you never know.
Had no clue as to his present " circumstances". I'm so glad he's likely in pain and a state of confusion. Hope he dies slowly and painfully.
I found an article that references his health during the Christine Thorton investigation. Assuming it's accurate, seems when he was interviewed in 2016, he was supposedly frail & feeble, but definitely remembered, and enjoyed playing games during a 2 hour interview.

You know what? A 2 hour interview would do most people in who weren't 75, let alone frail & confused. I bet he's acting to some degree. He's continuing to fool many people.

Here's a snippet:
When they showed Alcala the photo of Christine astride the motorcycle, his eyes scanned the image he had taken so many years ago. He traced the outline of her body with a finger.

“You could see him replay that day in his head,” Jeff said later. “He knew what happened out there.”

How Kathy Thornton solved her sister’s 39-year-old murder case
Yes Beekarina, in that interview, one of the LE investigators stated that they thought he had killed as many as 100+. Someone had asked above. I think he did more than one woman there or else it wouldn't be "his area" I wouldn't think. He is playing for sure. I tried to get in to see and interview him. He wouldn't see me. I was going to fly out there but not in the cards for me. I'm okay with that. I wrote the book without his lies and manipulation of me.

As far as the photographs, there were close to 2000 I think but most couldn't be viewed because of subject matter.
I found an article that references his health during the Christine Thorton investigation. Assuming it's accurate, seems when he was interviewed in 2016, he was supposedly frail & feeble, but definitely remembered, and enjoyed playing games during a 2 hour interview.

You know what? A 2 hour interview would do most people in who weren't 75, let alone frail & confused. I bet he's acting to some degree. He's continuing to fool many people.

Here's a snippet:
When they showed Alcala the photo of Christine astride the motorcycle, his eyes scanned the image he had taken so many years ago. He traced the outline of her body with a finger.

“You could see him replay that day in his head,” Jeff said later. “He knew what happened out there.”

How Kathy Thornton solved her sister’s 39-year-old murder case
Y'know that's weird, I have no doubt he's old and sick considering how he looks now but also the 2 hour interview thing and playing games with the investigators just 2 years ago means he's still smart as a whip no matter how invalid his body is now.
Beekarina - I have had to fight almost EVERYONE about not making the book about him. "Oh, call your book 'The Dating Game Killer"...blablabla. I don't want ANY of it to be about him, although I had to a little bit for context. I have interviews of women who lived through his brutalities and can say that he truly is a monster and is still playing games. I despise him!
By the way -- I'm not sure if this is relevant for here or not but I figure since it's the most active thread in this [relatively dead] subforum, but I came across an Alcala picture while watching Aphrodite Jones' episode on him.


Something about the color of his hair here strikes me as odd. The episode had other pictures of him with his hair colored an auburnish shade I couldn't get. Is it normal for dark brown-black hair to appear auburn-red in some settings or filters, or do you think he dyed it or wore a wig? Even his hair texture is different here. I remember reading in one of the books about him that in his locker there was a frizzy black wig he used.

I was thinking it stood out because the Antoinette Wittaker case they suspected Alcala, but the man Tony walked out with was described as having long reddish-colored hair, and it didn't make sense to me until now. What do you guys think?
By the way -- I'm not sure if this is relevant for here or not but I figure since it's the most active thread in this [relatively dead] subforum, but I came across an Alcala picture while watching Aphrodite Jones' episode on him.


Something about the color of his hair here strikes me as odd. The episode had other pictures of him with his hair colored an auburnish shade I couldn't get. Is it normal for dark brown-black hair to appear auburn-red in some settings or filters, or do you think he dyed it or wore a wig? Even his hair texture is different here. I remember reading in one of the books about him that in his locker there was a frizzy black wig he used.

I was thinking it stood out because the Antoinette Wittaker case they suspected Alcala, but the man Tony walked out with was described as having long reddish-colored hair, and it didn't make sense to me until now. What do you guys think?

If it's just a photo, it could be the exposure, or the film used. Think of filters people use to intentionally give snaps on Instagram a vintage feel.

I read he straightened his hair at one point. Dying his hair red would cause him to stick out, so that's a strange decision. Spending a lot of time swimming in chlorinated pools could cause his hair to tint, though. That might account for the color with Wittaker.

Maybe he tried Sun In? That definitely would have turned his nasty mop orange!

That was for NoRest. Haha! Such a creep!
Faerieskye just shared part of a letter Alcala wrote to Someone in August of 2013. In that letter, he mentioned how his hobbies were "jogging 1,000 miles a year, doing an hour of his favorite exercises, starting around midnight..." He also talks about doing pushups.

Yet by 2016 he wasn't walking and was so frail he was in a special medical wingwing so he couldn't be transferred to other states, etc?

I hope that is one SECURE medical unit. That's a strangely rapid decline.....

(Yes, I know it's possible, but seems possible he could be acting too. One scary dude. )

Here's the thread with the letter:

Dark Haired Woman/beige shirt
It could be because old photo prints fade and discolor like that. I have some where Mr. Carbuff's very dark brown hair looks almost that same funny color.

But some dark brown hair does bleach from the sun, especially if he swam a lot in chlorinated pools or salt water. But it looks too evenly colord to be natural.

I dunno. Lots of buts.
Doesn't Alcala currently have a pacemaker and Alzheimer's / Dementia right now? I wouldn't think his memory would be all that great, being in a hospice and dying of old age, but you never know.
He never said a thing. I doubt he's gonna talk now.
Hi, NoRest. I just found this thread. The new board software separates thread and forum updates and I didn't realize there were many replies I hadn't seen. Glad to hear about your book. Now that I know where to look, I'll be checking in more often.

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