FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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Misty definitely has a lack of communication skills and it very well could be part of the problem with her story seeming to change constantly. We haven't stopped to take into account that she may have a possible learning disability or something else which affects those communication skills. She may not be lacking intelligence, but the way it comes across is that she is slower than norm.
I have been contemplating the changing of the g/f stories and the connection of all the bedwetting talk. Is it possible that LE found the little girl's bed had been wet, and questioned the g/f how she could have slept through a bed being wet, and therefore she had to change her story to have her and the little brother in a different bed? That would also explain all the talk about who's blankets were where, if LE pointed out the blanket that had been urinated on was on the bed that had not been wet, as in she had staged it wrong? Hope I am making sense, it being so late and all.

When my daughter was still very young and just out of potty training, she had slept with me in my queen size bed one night when there was a thunderstorm. She wet the bed with me in it, and I will never forget the feeling of waking up to that. It woke me up the instant it was happening out of dead sleep.
It's odd that Misty spent 27 minutes in that house with the back door open. You'd think that she would have ran over to shut and lock it. She must not have thought anyone was still inside or she'd never have stayed in there herself and would have called someone much quicker. Very strange. Misty told the boyfriend that "your back doors open and someone took your daughter".
This has fascinated DH all day. He finally gave me his take. He thinks sometime during day 1 - after that video of him going to his knees - he "lost it" more or less with someone - probably a dectective or CSI and he had to be "subdued". Probably taken down and still wouldn't quit so he got himself tazed - hand held to the back of the neck. Anyway that's just MHO.

Oh...that would make Alot of sense, for his own protection. I knew that hubby of yours was smart...
I'm curious about the neck issue, but more curious about the train. Has the train been analyzed? I'm just wondering if the perp was able to jump on the train with Haleigh in tow and use it for transportation? But to where?

Wish we had a local sleuther here. There are a couple on the Dominick thread and it's fascinating!

anyone know what time trains go through that area? is it a passenger train line or strictly a cargo train line?...like here in ontario CP lines (cargo only) are different from CN lines which have both passenger and cargo trains...maybe a train was going by and the scent stops there because the perp couldn't cross? or maybe had a vehicle parked there?
I'm curious about the neck issue, but more curious about the train. Has the train been analyzed? I'm just wondering if the perp was able to jump on the train with Haleigh in tow and use it for transportation? But to where?

Wish we had a local sleuther here. There are a couple on the Dominick thread and it's fascinating!
I don't see a perp taking a child onto to train and going unnoticed tho. A vehicle would make more sense parked near the tracks. However, it is my belief that Haleigh is still in the area and so is the perp, imo.
This has fascinated DH all day. He finally gave me his take. He thinks sometime during day 1 - after that video of him going to his knees - he "lost it" more or less with someone - probably a dectective or CSI and he had to be "subdued". Probably taken down and still wouldn't quit so he got himself tazed - hand held to the back of the neck. Anyway that's just MHO.

Swag, I'm leaning more that way than a hickey or a tattoo. I thought you covered a hickey with make-up. And if you get a tattoo, you're not supposed to cover it. I have no link for either of those statements; just personal experience!
But in the interview he says:

I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door.

So, how could she be outside, if she 'opened the door' ?

You're right she wasn't outside. I guess I still think it's very odd that she stayed in the house for 26 or so minutes with the back door wide open. Unless of course she had his gun and had it pointed at the open door LOL
OT - Hi Roblyn, Got the new avatar for the basement but haven't posted there yet. Trying to get caught up here. I LMAO too when I saw it.

I'm thinking she just wasn't there when Haleigh was abducted and she's too scared to tell the truth.


I came across with this article about adults dealing with alcohol syndrome (Misti?)
and mental problems.........
somewhere I read that Misti had alcohol syndrome............would that make her this way?
Not ecusing her stories but what is that syndrom like? I think I'll look it up on google.
I have seen kids w/ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but not older teenagers. I didn't notice any facial characteristics that she has that are similar to FAS, but as I understand it there are not always obvious outward signs. There may be learning disorders, mental delay, but I can't see any real obvious signs in MC. My opinion only.
Will Fla release a document dump on this also, like Caylee's case under sunshine law?

Personally, I hope she's found and all this is put to rest long before documents arrive. I'd much rather see that than more docs.
somewhere I read that Misti had alcohol syndrome............would that make her this way?
Not ecusing her stories but what is that syndrom like? I think I'll look it up on google.

I thought her mom said she didn't drink on her MS page.
You're right she wasn't outside. I guess I still think it's very odd that she stayed in the house for 26 or so minutes with the back door wide open. Unless of course she had his gun and had it pointed at the open door LOL
OOOOO - Good point - didn't he say he had a 9MM Baretta? Where was that gun? Maybe MC was allowed to know where it was.
Thank you, that is good to know. Why would grandma allow a 17 yr old girl who has dated her son for such a short amount of time watch her precious grandchildren? Sorry, guess I think all grandmas are like my Mom. :blowkiss:

When he went to court for custody he said his mom and aunt (I believe) watched the kids. They were living with his mom at the time.
even with two kids, it's highly likely that a 17yr old would stay up past 10:30...i have one child and i'm in my 30's and even when my son went to bed at 8:30 i would stay up until at least midnight so that i could enjoy some time by myself..watching tv, computer time, etc.
i just find it odd that she would go to bed so early, but i'm a night owl so maybe my view is skewed a bit? dunno.
i still say she looks suspicious with her every changing stories.

She probably isn't a morning person either, because Haleigh missed a lot of school, though I have not confirmed that information. Also, I don't know if they have morning and afternoon kindergarten in Florida, and if so, which class she is in.
I thought teenagers slept a lot?
You make a great point. Misty is said to have come from an abusive background. [Going on memory here, sorry no link to back it up] but I was the same way. Dead calm. You learn not to react when you don't feel safe because you never know what any reaction will bring.
Even if she was not afraid of RC the fact that he was cussing and hollering would have put her right back into the mode that was survival instinct.
It's hard for people who have not lived with violence to understand that you become hardened to it. The day you get slapped across the face is a good day compared to most. The bad days are much much worse.

I still have a problem with her stories. Maybe I'm missing something in an interview that explains why things appear to have changed. It may be lack of good communication skills.


ITA with every word you have said:) Your fear makes you 'FREEZE' up(imc)this may be what is going on with Misty...i just pray they find her soon.
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