FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #2

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Still catching up on reading, but I have a bad feeling about the cinder block holding the door open and the 17 yr old gf. A man, would easily be able to carry a 5 yr old girl, without needing to prop open a door to get her out of the home, a 17 yr old female would not. I hope I am wrong.... but this seems like some kind of accident? to me, and perhaps the 17 yr old called someone to help her get the child out of there before dad came home?

I hope I am wrong, but something about that back door just isn't sitting right with me.

What about an overweight man? Would he have trouble getting her out of the house without propping open the door?

Take a look at the picture of the SO living a few houses away from the Cummings.
You guys wanna hear my impression of the dad? (don't answer that LOL)

I think Dad is a very young guy with the maturity of a guy in his 20s.. which he is. I see a dad that is working shift work with hard hours and two small kids at home. I see a guy with an intense desire to look tough and not let the cameras see him crying or in anguish and beat down or shown as a man that cannot protect his own children.

I saw a man so overcome with grief he didn't even register his phone was ringing. He curled up in the fetal position. He never made eye contact because he had nothing to challenge...he did not need to stare into the eye of the camera or into reporters faces trying to read their own faces to see if they bought a lie. I will be really surprised if this man is lying at all.

But then again...it is just my opinion... and the reason this place is so great is because of diversity of opinion and the ability of our members to respect those opinions.

I love it here and thanks for all you other wonderful fellow wsers... I am a more enlightened person because of all of you! (people who think he is lying can now throw eggs at nurse :)

this is my take, too...exactly.

I just need to hear what others think so I don't start getting tunnel vision....people here have some good ideas...

so thanks for indulging me, guys:)
On Greta it was just stated that he worked from 3pm to 3am.
thanks for that Tonia~ now that makes sense why he stated it was the last time he saw Haleigh... He picked her up from the bus...took her home...then went to work...
Some manufacturing lines have 6 shifts that stagger so your entire crew is not leaving the line at the same time. My ex worked in a medical lab and got of work at 3am. I don't think it is that unusual.

FWIW, I believe it was reported the dad worked on bridges. Where I'm at, those major projects are usually done when traffic is at it's lowest at night and early morning.
A lot of bars let in underage kids now. They put wristbands on them- one color if you can drink, another color if you are underage.

Fusion promoted it this way-- 17 to come---21 to swallow. :silenced:


Oh geez, must have missed that! :D
I didn't find the change in voice strange, it went from crying to resentful, to me...from talking about the daughter to the girlfriend. Also eye contact doesn't really mean anything...at least according to the microexpression body language information I've read. Obviously I am no expert, just my take on it:)

I understand how you could draw that conclusion, though..

I have no conclusions yet. Too many things aren't really known yet. The 911 calls and his work hours are bothering me too. Anyone have definete hours he worked? I didn't like what he said in the background of the 911 calls. Also, couldn't hear it cleary.

I know not everyone looks straight into a camera or eyes, as I had a worker who did that too. Thought it was strange until he told me about being locked up as a kid in a closet by his parents when he was 11 to 15 years old. Sadly, a true story. But have had others do it and they were hiding something. Who knows?
This guy did not have anything to do with his daughter missing. The girlfriend ?????
Also, I think someone confirmed that kindergarten at Hayleigh's school got out at 2pm? Is that correct?
this is my take, too...exactly.

I just need to hear what others think so I don't start getting tunnel vision....people here have some good ideas...

so thanks for indulging me, guys:)

I think that the dad is innocent..
The GF, I am not so sure of. I know many 17 year old's whom have their own children, and 17 year olds with boyfriends with children. Something is strange that she is not by his side right now. And I don't think it has anything to do with age.
Was it the mom on greta or the girlfriend? if so, what did the mom say????? Im sooo curious to hear this one...

Really the grandma said more...I will find a transcript in a bit, because the dad is on now...and now HE is breaking my heart:(
I have no conclusions yet. Too many things aren't really known yet. The 911 calls and his work hours are bothering me too. Anyone have definete hours he worked? I didn't like what he said in the background of the 911 calls. Also, couldn't hear it cleary.

I know not everyone looks straight into a camera or eyes, as I had a worker who did that too. Thought it was strange until he told me about being locked up as a kid in a closet by his parents when he was 11 to 15 years old. Sadly, a true story. But have had others do it and they were hiding something. Who knows?

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you were drawing premature conclusions..I should have worded that differently. My apologies!

His Greta inverview is much different...much more "eye" contact with the camera

Thanks for sharing your impressions, though, I really am genuinely curious
Are We All On The Same Page Here That Something Has To Be Done With These Pedofiles
They Can Not Stop . So Why In The Hell Do They Let Them Out. 45/55 Registered In A 5 Mile Area Jesus If There Gonna Be Let Out They Need To Be Im Planted With A Chip Somewhere So That It Can't Be Taken Out Without Killing Themselves. That's My Humain Way To Do Something .You Don't Wanna Know What I Really Beleive Should Happen To These Pedofiles.

You know how it is... they are "rehab'd" and "deserve a normal life" and other PC crap. As a person who has lived thru such hell, they are not able to be rehabilitated. The recitivism rate is huge. If drug dealers can go to prison for life, then pedophiles can certainly be put on an island with each other.

I know... off topic, kinda. Just an angry topic personally.
Where do I begin?
He would not look into the camera.
He gave up way too much info.
In the 911 call, he began insisting she had been stolen.
Too many inconsistencies in the stories coming out.

- hung up on 911 (who does that?)
- didn't even look at his phone when it was ringing in his hand
- right hand has several red (new?) scabs

I'm not saying I don't believe him. These are just things I noticed.

I am actually more suspicious of his 500 ft away SO neighbor and I know diddly about him except his record...
FWIW, I believe it was reported the dad worked on bridges. Where I'm at, those major projects are usually done when traffic is at it's lowest at night and early morning.

He's a crane operator for PDM bridge, and yes, a lot of road construction happens at night.
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