FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #22

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Or have a coworker that you're buddy's with, clock out for you. It happens all the time.

I have a feeling if there were such a person, they would have come forward by now. To avoid an accessory charge, if nothing else.
On the police report - both Misty and dad have the same number listed.

I checked that number and it is a cell phone.
I checked some white pages sites and can't find a landline for the house.

Now, dad claims Misty was "calling" him just as he drove up. So, I assume she had a phone. But, during the 911 call he is heard saying to Misty - give me MY phone?

Why would she have used HIS phone to call 911 if she already had one in her hand from trying to call him? And if she had one - why isn't it listed on the police report for her name?

I don't recall seeing her in the past days with a phone in hand. He does - his was ringing during one of the first interviews and he ignored it.

Soooooooooooooooooooo, if there is only ONE phone - how did Misty call him if he had the cell to recieve that call?

Maybe it meant that she was at the door calling out or screaming to him, not actually calling on a phone? That was one of my first thoughts when I heard about the gap in time from waking up to calling 911...was that maybe she didn't have a phone there. Maybe he normally left the cellphone but that day accidentally took it with? Just thinking out loud...
I'm in here constantly, I don't do alot of posting because I like to think and get many facts before I do. Some of the observations I've made and concerns are as follows:

*GF says "Somebody stole your child."
*The timeline isn't 37 minutes, 3 in the morning until Ron got home at 3:27, it's more like a 10 hr. window actually, if the story about the AC guy and GF's brothers were indeed there and left about 5:30 that evening.
*GF laid low until day 2 when she came back *Wondering if Ron sent her away until he was finished talking to LE first, OR she was scared off by him and his actions and came back after he cooled down?
*GF as we all know has given many stories, We were all in the same bed, no Haleigh was in her own bed, NO, I was in my own bed, Haleigh was near the tv. etc. etc. This is why I question whether or not she was even there.
*Tonight she said she was cleaning at 10 o'clock
*RC's reaction is very questionable, from the first 911 reaction to now. He may have been in great pain but I see overkill (no pun intended) but he's one hard a%s dude and I don't see him breaking like that for anybody.

*IMO he's scary and dangerous, he has a long rap sheet, very little jail time. Did his mother working at the Sheriff's office have anything to do with his getting a pass on alot of things? Also is that how he got the children, bio mom states that the papers were sent to wrong address and she was railroaded into losing the children. He supposedly is a drug dealer and has been caught and know to use Cocaine, heroin, Lortabs, Xanax, *there's that old Zani again* He's had many accident, drives under the influence and has left the scene of an accident with bodily injury. He clearly should never have had the children.

*People were afraid of him, known to have been abusive to CS and his children. The court docs state the Magistrate notes he is likely to cause harm in some way to his children with his lifetstyle, aquaintances etc.
*The pee blanket bother me, did Haleigh pee the bed out of fear and the blanket is gone now, or they knew from the CA case to be careful about blankets?
*A gun was stolen from him? Oh yeah, I pity the supposed cousin who took it. He's not the kind of guy you steal from !!
*He remarks right off the bat that he would give his life to have his child's life back?? How does he now she's dead? Don't you say to the police, we have to find her quickly. Also he says the piece of trash will pay.
*I'm not even sure GF knows what happened, I don't think he'd let her in on foul play (If that is the case with him) He dictates what she should say when on GVS.
*Or GF does know, but is NOT a good liar and is terrified and controlled by him. I certainly wouldn't cross him, he's known to have an anger problem.
*Bio mom's plea was so weak tonight, I was actually waiting for it, when it was over. Bio mom had a waitress job, making only 900a month and was oredered to pay over $300. monthly in child support to him.
*There are too many direct links to SO's right in their own family.
* I still say GF is too young for him, here in NY she would be known as jail bait. She was only 16 two months ago, and responsible for a ready made family? NOT
*LE is saying very little, but they are watching and waiting. The perp is closer than we think, that's their reason for releasing so little.
*I think she may have been removed by boat.

If anyone wants to add to this list, or dispute feel free to so. I'm only expressing my observations and opinions. :waitasec:

Good morning, my red highlights and what I wanted to directly respond to. Much of this I haven't seen before, so I'm even more shocked and persusaded gf and possibly dad is involved, especially gf.

With the gf leaving the first night after reporting the disappearance to LE and dad, she leaves and stays with family and not Ron? This is a hinky flag to me. I don't buy the Ron's anger mood being the reason. I believe she wanted to distance herself quick. I believe Misty is much more cunning than we give her credit. She continues to look so tired, beat down, sad but not crying, eyes down an awful lot. No hysterics which is what most females would do.

I wasn't aware of the magistrate making these comments, Ron's gun being stolen, do you have a link to confirm these statements in court concerning Ron? Post please.

I haven't seen a documented link to Ron saying this about Haleigh, that he would give his life to have Haleigh's life back, if he did say this, it is very revealing and a big error on his behalf. Yes to having her back, but her life back?

I agree about the boat, it's a good possibilty, the dogs lead to the water, and if it was planned and premeditated, and not harm or kill Haleigh and hide her, I could see those involved taking this much trouble and effort in snatching her from the home.
I'm still having a hard time thinking Ron is guilty of anything more than being a hothead. Saw on Geraldo last night a brief glimpse of him getting ready to go search on horseback. Unlike others we know, at least he was out looking.I think Misty is lying about something, but still think it's about her not being there, having someone over or the like, not harming Haleigh, but I admit I am just going on my gut there and could be very wrong. Her innocent act is just that, an act.The Mom sends me huge signals of being fake, but I think it is due to her fake crying on tv. Her Mom seems very genuine to me.
I believe the ugly custody battle and fear of how this will affect that has alot to do with many of the family not being honest. Hopefully they can put it aside for Haleigh. The story of a cousin of Misty being a SO and having something to do with this fits what most of our sleuthing has turned up so far. I think we are on the right track hunting down the family relations and untangeling that web.
As for the ground search being called off, I think they have covered the ground using TES and searched everywhere they could. Nothing found, so they consider it spinning wheels and resources to continue in that direction.
I believe LE has alot more info they are keeping close. They seem to know what direction they are going in. I would love to be a fly on the wall with them. They know their area, the likes of people who are there, and I think their BS meters are going off like crazy, yet they are not letting that distract them.
Okay, so....help me see what makes sense in all this and what doesn't, K. I am stumped on these thoughts, can't get passed them. Not productive to sleuthing. Thanks
Good morning, my red highlights and what I wanted to directly respond to. Much of this I haven't seen before, so I'm even more shocked and persusaded gf and possibly dad is involved, especially gf.

With the gf leaving the first night after reporting the disappearance to LE and dad, she leaves and stays with family and not Ron? This is a hinky flag to me. I don't buy the Ron's anger mood being the reason. I believe she wanted to distance herself quick. I believe Misty is much more cunning than we give her credit. She continues to look so tired, beat down, sad but not crying, eyes down an awful lot. No hysterics which is what most females would do.

I wasn't aware of the magistrate making these comments, Ron's gun being stolen, do you have a link to confirm these statements in court concerning Ron? Post please.

I haven't seen a documented link to Ron saying this about Haleigh, that he would give his life to have Haleigh's life back, if he did say this, it is very revealing and a big error on his behalf. Yes to having her back, but her life back?

I agree about the boat, it's a good possibilty, the dogs lead to the water, and if it was planned and premeditated, and not harm or kill Haleigh and hide her, I could see those involved taking this much trouble and effort in snatching her from the home.

My 2 cents:
I think Misty went to her family because this entire family on both sides are hotheads and harda**es. I think Mom and family would have ripped her to shreds in a minute.
It has been my experience that most harda** people aren't as tough as they make themselves out to be, and tend to surround themselves with other harda** people.
I agree Misty is cunning. I think they all are, the lifestyle they have makes it a way of life.
I'm still having a hard time thinking Ron is guilty of anything more than being a hothead. Saw on Geraldo last night a brief glimpse of him getting ready to go search on horseback. Unlike others we know, at least he was out looking.I think Misty is lying about something, but still think it's about her not being there, having someone over or the like, not harming Haleigh, but I admit I am just going on my gut there and could be very wrong. Her innocent act is just that, an act.The Mom sends me huge signals of being fake, but I think it is due to her fake crying on tv. Her Mom seems very genuine to me.
I believe the ugly custody battle and fear of how this will affect that has alot to do with many of the family not being honest. Hopefully they can put it aside for Haleigh. The story of a cousin of Misty being a SO and having something to do with this fits what most of our sleuthing has turned up so far. I think we are on the right track hunting down the family relations and untangeling that web.
As for the ground search being called off, I think they have covered the ground using TES and searched everywhere they could. Nothing found, so they consider it spinning wheels and resources to continue in that direction.
I believe LE has alot more info they are keeping close. They seem to know what direction they are going in. I would love to be a fly on the wall with them. They know their area, the likes of people who are there, and I think their BS meters are going off like crazy, yet they are not letting that distract them.
Okay, so....help me see what makes sense in all this and what doesn't, K. I am stumped on these thoughts, can't get passed them. Not productive to sleuthing. Thanks

You just explained, perfectly I might add, what I feel regarding RC and MC:clap:
I wonder if there was a pile of sorts of the cylinder blocks near the home. Also I wonder if 2 of them were removed, one to block the door and one to use as a weight? I think you would be able to tell as long as they lived there that more than one was removed, or at least LE could between the markings on the one by the door and the pile.
I hate to think it, but since they took the boat into evidence, that means if it was used, it came back to where is was originally. If someone transported her (a perp and not family), they certainly would not have be courteous enough to bring the boat back. Is Misty afraid of the dark? Is she afraid of water? Has she ever been given the control of rowing or running a motor in the boat?
You just explained, perfectly I might add, what I feel regarding RC and MC:clap:

Thanks Lovejac. I did however forget to add that I truly believe, for whatever reason (drugs, mental disorder, etc) that Misty is stoopid. Not stupid, but stoopid. I know that sounds awfly mean, but it is what it is.
I'm in here constantly, I don't do alot of posting because I like to think and get many facts before I do. Some of the observations I've made and concerns are as follows:

*GF says "Somebody stole your child."
*The timeline isn't 37 minutes, 3 in the morning until Ron got home at 3:27, it's more like a 10 hr. window actually, if the story about the AC guy and GF's brothers were indeed there and left about 5:30 that evening.
*GF laid low until day 2 when she came back *Wondering if Ron sent her away until he was finished talking to LE first, OR she was scared off by him and his actions and came back after he cooled down?
*GF as we all know has given many stories, We were all in the same bed, no Haleigh was in her own bed, NO, I was in my own bed, Haleigh was near the tv. etc. etc. This is why I question whether or not she was even there.
*Tonight she said she was cleaning at 10 o'clock
*RC's reaction is very questionable, from the first 911 reaction to now. He may have been in great pain but I see overkill (no pun intended) but he's one hard a%s dude and I don't see him breaking like that for anybody.

*IMO he's scary and dangerous, he has a long rap sheet, very little jail time. Did his mother working at the Sheriff's office have anything to do with his getting a pass on alot of things? Also is that how he got the children, bio mom states that the papers were sent to wrong address and she was railroaded into losing the children. He supposedly is a drug dealer and has been caught and know to use Cocaine, heroin, Lortabs, Xanax, *there's that old Zani again* He's had many accident, drives under the influence and has left the scene of an accident with bodily injury. He clearly should never have had the children.

*People were afraid of him, known to have been abusive to CS and his children. The court docs state the Magistrate notes he is likely to cause harm in some way to his children with his lifetstyle, aquaintances etc.
*The pee blanket bother me, did Haleigh pee the bed out of fear and the blanket is gone now, or they knew from the CA case to be careful about blankets?
*A gun was stolen from him? Oh yeah, I pity the supposed cousin who took it. He's not the kind of guy you steal from !!
*He remarks right off the bat that he would give his life to have his child's life back?? How does he now she's dead? Don't you say to the police, we have to find her quickly. Also he says the piece of trash will pay.
*I'm not even sure GF knows what happened, I don't think he'd let her in on foul play (If that is the case with him) He dictates what she should say when on GVS.
*Or GF does know, but is NOT a good liar and is terrified and controlled by him. I certainly wouldn't cross him, he's known to have an anger problem.
*Bio mom's plea was so weak tonight, I was actually waiting for it, when it was over. Bio mom had a waitress job, making only 900a month and was oredered to pay over $300. monthly in child support to him.
*There are too many direct links to SO's right in their own family.
* I still say GF is too young for him, here in NY she would be known as jail bait. She was only 16 two months ago, and responsible for a ready made family? NOT
*LE is saying very little, but they are watching and waiting. The perp is closer than we think, that's their reason for releasing so little.
*I think she may have been removed by boat.

If anyone wants to add to this list, or dispute feel free to so. I'm only expressing my observations and opinions. :waitasec:

Regarding the part I bolded. The magistrate didn't say that, that was what the Bio Mom was alledging in this motion she filed:

"Motion for Rehearing and Objection to Findings of Magistrate

Comes now the Defendant through her undersigned attorney to state the following:

... (other allegations Omitted for space)
5. His chosen lifesyle and illegal business actions pose a severe threat to the children.


Court Documents 1 & 2
Thanks Lovejac. I did however forget to add that I truly believe, for whatever reason (drugs, mental disorder, etc) that Misty is stoopid. Not stupid, but stoopid. I know that sounds awfly mean, but it is what it is.

No, no, I understand completely! I seriously believe she has damage to her brain from drug use. Seriously, I'm not trying to be mean either, but that's what she reminds me of. She NEVER should have been in charge of caring for children, she's a child herself (and I'm not just talking about her year age of 17) This situation was just an accident waiting to happen, IMO.

Also, I don't doubt for a second that Ronald C loved Haleigh.
Regarding the part I bolded. The magistrate didn't say that, that was what the Bio Mom was alledging in this motion she filed:

"Motion for Rehearing and Objection to Findings of Magistrate

Comes now the Defendant through her undersigned attorney to state the following:

... (other allegations Omitted for space)
5. His chosen lifesyle and illegal business actions pose a severe threat to the children.


Court Documents 1 & 2

That's a big difference.
I saw Ron GMa interviewed last night. IMO she has been the first person who I have seen who I think has a bit of what I consider "normal" to her.
I'm in here constantly, I don't do alot of posting because I like to think and get many facts before I do. Some of the observations I've made and concerns are as follows:

*GF says "Somebody stole your child."
*The timeline isn't 37 minutes, 3 in the morning until Ron got home at 3:27, it's more like a 10 hr. window actually, if the story about the AC guy and GF's brothers were indeed there and left about 5:30 that evening.
*GF laid low until day 2 when she came back *Wondering if Ron sent her away until he was finished talking to LE first, OR she was scared off by him and his actions and came back after he cooled down?
*GF as we all know has given many stories, We were all in the same bed, no Haleigh was in her own bed, NO, I was in my own bed, Haleigh was near the tv. etc. etc. This is why I question whether or not she was even there.
*Tonight she said she was cleaning at 10 o'clock
*RC's reaction is very questionable, from the first 911 reaction to now. He may have been in great pain but I see overkill (no pun intended) but he's one hard a%s dude and I don't see him breaking like that for anybody.

*IMO he's scary and dangerous, he has a long rap sheet, very little jail time. Did his mother working at the Sheriff's office have anything to do with his getting a pass on alot of things? it has been speculated that he could possibly be an informant.
Also is that how he got the children, bio mom states that the papers were sent to wrong address and she was railroaded into losing the children. He supposedly is a drug dealer and has been caught and know to use Cocaine, heroin, Lortabs, Xanax, *there's that old Zani again* He's had many accident, drives under the influence and has left the scene of an accident with bodily injury. He clearly should never have had the children.

*People were afraid of him, known to have been abusive to CS and his children. The court docs state the Magistrate notes he is likely to cause harm in some way to his children with his lifetstyle, aquaintances etc.
*The pee blanket bother me, did Haleigh pee the bed out of fear and the blanket is gone now, or they knew from the CA case to be careful about blankets?
*A gun was stolen from him? Oh yeah, I pity the supposed cousin who took it. He's not the kind of guy you steal from !!
*He remarks right off the bat that he would give his life to have his child's life back?? How does he now she's dead? Don't you say to the police, we have to find her quickly. Also he says the piece of trash will pay.
*I'm not even sure GF knows what happened, I don't think he'd let her in on foul play (If that is the case with him) He dictates what she should say when on GVS.
*Or GF does know, but is NOT a good liar and is terrified and controlled by him. I certainly wouldn't cross him, he's known to have an anger problem.
*Bio mom's plea was so weak tonight, I was actually waiting for it, when it was over. Bio mom had a waitress job, making only 900a month and was oredered to pay over $300. monthly in child support to him.
*There are too many direct links to SO's right in their own family.
* I still say GF is too young for him, here in NY she would be known as jail bait. She was only 16 two months ago, and responsible for a ready made family? NOT
*LE is saying very little, but they are watching and waiting. The perp is closer than we think, that's their reason for releasing so little.
*I think she may have been removed by boat.

If anyone wants to add to this list, or dispute feel free to so. I'm only expressing my observations and opinions. :waitasec:

I added something in red to speculate on
Regarding the part I bolded. The magistrate didn't say that, that was what the Bio Mom was alledging in this motion she filed:

"Motion for Rehearing and Objection to Findings of Magistrate

Comes now the Defendant through her undersigned attorney to state the following:

... (other allegations Omitted for space)
5. His chosen lifesyle and illegal business actions pose a severe threat to the children.


Court Documents 1 & 2

ANd might I add, from what I have seen, it is the same with any type of hard drug use. I don't consider pot a hard drug.
The allegations of cocaine and everything else were said during a custody battle, so I will take them with a shaker of salt. The only confirmed drug possession was before his kids were born.
Same thing with violence and abuse. All we have are allegations made during a court battle. No real verification of any abuse or violence on his part. Just harsh words.
I watched the bio mom really closely tonight just to see what I could see and I have to admit her eyes look very tired but her plea reminded me of Susan Smith without the tears. I feel guilty even saying that but she has never seemed sincere to me from day one. Maybe that is just the way she is though. I would rather it be her than anyone else because that would mean that Haleigh is alive somewhere.

Could the abducter be the cousin of Mistys that messed around with her when she was younger? He would know the routine of the household and if Misty had woke up he could have come up with an explaination for being there as he is related to her. I wonder if he is a registered sex offender? If not it sounds like he should be. I just hope this little girl is found alive but the days are flying by so fast and not a sign of her.

Are they still searching and is Tim Miller and Co still there? It doesn't sound like they even have any clues. I guess no one claimed the reward or Haleigh would be home now.

The name of the county that Haleigh is from seems so familiar. Have there been a lot of murders there in the past few years? Maybe children?

I think that the GF reminds me a Susan Smith. INviews with Susan Smith she had her eyes closed. The GF has her eyes close in inviews. Everytime I see the GF I can't help myself but I think of Susan Smith.
I still honestly feel that everything LE is not saying is what is leading back to Misty not telling the truth.
ANd might I add, from what I have seen, it is the same with any type of hard drug use. I don't consider pot a hard drug.
The allegations of cocaine and everything else were said during a custody battle, so I will take them with a shaker of salt. The only confirmed drug possession was before his kids were born.
Same thing with violence and abuse. All we have are allegations made during a court battle. No real verification of any abuse or violence on his part. Just harsh words.

I agree. I am trying to not use much from the custody battle to make judgements because I think they both would have used anything at their disposal during it.
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