FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #3

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That's weird! They took down the breaking news banner that said there would be a presser. I pray this little girl is found safe.
In the 911 call the gf mentions the "brick" cinderblock

The gf says the back door was wide open with a brick
Operator "your back door was wide open, what are you talking about a brick? what is the brick"
gf "its almost like the one on the stairs like we have like a walkway"

I'm wondering if they're missing any bricks from their walkway that someone would have taken and placed to leave the door open.

The gf has a problem answering questions such as "when did you last see her" and "what was she wearing"

gf "we were just like you know it was about 10 o'clock we were she was sleeping ...."

operator "what was she last seen wearing"

gf stalls and then "she was in her pajamas we were sleeping"


If the gf was truly there, then she should be able to answer all the questions right away, no stalling, no "um.. huh.." etc
She balks at a lot of questions.

The father claims he's never seen the cinderblock *brick* before. Although he's a new renter to that trailer. (NG interview last night)
The father also claims him and his G/f passed lie detectors..
Yea I guess - "officially" would mean that someone in authority was called and that article says the incident was never reported BUT if I'm rescuing my child from the water and reviving her - then you bet I'm heading straight to the hospital or doctors office. So - one would think there are medical records to back this incident up.

True ...
She might have had trouble hearing the 911 operator since the dad was in the background raising caine until he finally got on the phone himself.
If the gf was truly there, then she should be able to answer all the questions right away, no stalling, no "um.. huh.." etc
She balks at a lot of questions.

I just listened to the 911 call and my take on it was that he was screaming in the background and that she was having a hard time listening to both the operator and Ronald. I could hear him screaming - I heard him scream "How could you let my daughter get stolen?" but I think he also called her a name. A 17yo - under that kind of pressure - her bf calling her names, screaming about killing people and yelling at the 911 lady - I don't think that that excuses it. She should have just been able to answer the questions. BUT Ronald was in the background and I imagine she was scared. I would have been - she probably couldn't have told him to stop screaming so she could talk bc he might have just completely lost it even more. I don't know. I started out thinking she had something to do with it but when I listened to the uncut 911 call - I felt sorry for her and I actually am starting to think someone just walked in and took her. I could be wrong.
I don't have a good feeling about this at all, but I do think she will be found fast. I saw the interview of the father on both GVA and NG last night and I find him to be very hinky - kept his head down most of the time. He said that both he and the gf had passed polygraphs with flying colors, but IMO both he and the gf are involved, with the gf covering for him.
On the link just posted interactive foxnews, there sure does look like a ton of LE cars, whew...I hope everything is still ok, as far as her not being found in the river or something, I prefer them to find her lost in the woods hungry but alive and safe.

I missed Tim Miller talking too. Can someone fill those of us that missed him in?
The father claims he's never seen the cinderblock *brick* before. Although he's a new renter to that trailer. (NG interview last night)
The father also claims him and his G/f passed lie detectors..

I am not suspecting the girlfriend yet. That area from what I can ascertain has many sex offenders and pedophiles in the area.

But what I do think is strange is Haleigh was taken shortly before her father was to arrive home from work.

So it makes me think that someone may have been watching the schedule of that family and knew the father worked 12 hour shifts and got off at 3 am every morning.

It makes me wonder if it was someone known to them or someone that lives in their close proximity.

There is no way this child could have placed the cinderblock against the backdoor screen.


In this link the mother admits the girl has wandered off before and was found in a canal.
"It wasn’t like she wandered out. I mean, we were getting ready to leave. I told her father to get her and put her in the car. I had already put Junior, the baby, in the car. I went back in to get the bags and the baby's stuff. I come out, Haleigh was not in the car, and I ran straight down to the canal, and that's where she was," Sheffield said.

Today it was stated that they will focus on the canal.

(Bolded by me)
I find it quite interesting that the last time this child almost drowned, it was the father who was supposed to be taking care of her while mom handled the baby.
(This is how my H and I always handled getting the little ones buckled in.)
Maybe the dad resented being asked to get Haleigh and tossed her the canal to "teach mom a lesson" to do it herself, knowing that mom would immediately run looking for the girl.
Polygraphs are great, but they can be unable to detect a lie if the person being tested is comfortable with lieing.

I have the link up - but is it over? What did TM say? Some of the mics are still there.

Im not sure as to if LE has spoken yet but i did catch TM. He just said that this was way to close to CA and that they will do what they have to do to find this little girl. Nothing really major news wise just that he will do everything in his power to try to locate her and talked about Caylee.
It just scares that holy craps out of me that someone would be that brave, to take the chance of going in to get the little girl, and making sure to be out before dad came home, not to mention the 17 yr old gf, who was either laying in the same bed, same room?..same house atleast.
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