FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #3

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I'm very new to this case (just late last night) & what stands out to me is the mom's "brats" comment, the conflicting reports re: who exactly went to the bathroom, waiting to call 911, the open back door, & the dogs scent to the water..I haven't read too many posts but I bet it's the same for most everyone here?

The mother was rocking back&forth in her chair during the more then 5 mins on Greta..If she was medicated it didn't seem to me it was working well or something else is up with her..The father reminded me so much of Mark Lungsford who I admit I thought for sure was lying & guilty as sin..I turned out to be dead (no pun) wrong & I hope I am now too.

I don't know much about the maternal family background other then the same last name for gm & boyfriend..It does sound like step-sibs which I do know something about cos on my hubby's side 2 step-sibs (since childhood) married..Many of us thought it a bit odd but 20 years & 3 kids later they're still one of the happiest couples I know.

I truly hope they find the little girl with the name that rhymes with Caylee (how odd we also hear about the amber alert during her memorial) but I do fear the worst :(

I just watched it and i too, noticed she was rocking back in forth in her chair the whole interview with Greta. It's either a sign she is in complete stress (we'd have to see if she rocks in other videos) or possibly some kind of side effect from medication. I've seen psych patients rock like that and they're on medication.
Is there any confirmed info on the DOOR w/ the dead bolt? The father said on NG or Greta V that he wasn't sure about the door and if it was pryed open or not and that LE would know that.

My impression is that only the screen door was propped open w/the cinder block.

If someone came in thru the usual front door, why would they go out through the back door? And if they left through the back door, why would they need to prop the screen door open?

Over 200 members of Equuasearch in Orlando, 3 sets of sonar ready to use if needed. Today is going to be a big planning/mapping day....They are meeting at 8am TM and his group and then will know more about what they need, as far as resources...
I believe there are some TES members here, and if any of you guys hear that TM or his group down there needs anything please please, post a message so I can help in some way.

This pressor isn't live,it was from this morning. Really nothing new to report except that they will be doing everything they can do to find her. Light rain there this morning,will not stop them from looking for her. It's been 3 days,its warm so she can survive if she is out there but it is heading into the danger zone.
Florida Law

(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 r 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.
Members of the little girls school is bringing over food and drinks for the family for this afternoon, I hope there are plenty of people ready to bring food and water for TES as well.....
I am waiting to hear how long this had been the pattern of him working nights and MC watching the kids at night. Had it been an established pattern for her and the kids for a day, a week, a month?

Was this his first day of work for the week or did he work Sunday night as well?

Haleigh had attended a local daycare in the past, was he working days at that point?

How long have they lived in this rental unit?
Who owns the trailer?
Who else may have had access to the trailer?
Does MC attend school?
Do they have 2 cars?
Does MC drive?
Do they have a computer?
Was MC online Monday night?
This pressor isn't live,it was from this morning. Really nothing new to report except that they will be doing everything they can do to find her. Light rain there this morning,will not stop them from looking for her. It's been 3 days,its warm so she can survive if she is out there but it is heading into the danger zone.

I really hope she's alive. However, I think at this point the chances are getting slim :(
Florida Law

(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 r 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.

And if that needs to be dealt with....LE will, however right now I am sure they are focusing on the child....as should everyone.
And if that needs to be dealt with....LE will, however right now I am sure they are focusing on the child....as should everyone.
Wondering if someone has set him up. Maybe Haleigh will show up someplace safe and sound.
I missed that one.Where can I find that interview of the mother on Greta at?
Haleigh had attended a local daycare in the past, was he working days at that point?


This is somewhat related to this Q..I thought he worked a 12 hr shift (3p-3a) but he said in presser this am he dropped H. off after school at about 3:45p. :waitasec:
From the initial reports, I was skeptical of the girlfriend, but I tend to agree with you after listening to that call. She sounded like a kid in shock, which is precisely what I'd expect from an average 17 year-old.

While I don't believe the father is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, I find him extremely skeevy. Shacked up with a seventeen year-old he's only known a few months, leaving her with the responsibility of his precious children (free babysitting!), then referring to her as "his dumb b!tch girlfriend" in the police report. Nice guy.

I think it's normal he'd be mad at the gf. After all, she's the one who was supposedly sleeping next to the girl while she was abducted. Even the bio mom and grandma think it's fishy that the gf didn't notice anything or wake up during the incident.

My question is, if the gf noticed Haleigh was missing at 3am, why did she wait until 3:27am to call 911?? That's almost a half hour, she should have called right away.
Maybe she wasn't even home and got home at 3am (before dad got home from work so he wouldn't realize she left the kids alone) Then in the time frame from 3am until 3:27am she ran around like crazy looking for Haleigh (she probably didn't want to call 911 for no reason if Haleigh was hiding somewhere in the house). If she truly was home and was in the bathroom during the abduction, and she noticed the door propped open she should have called 911 right away, yet she didn't.
Leaves me to believe she left the children alone. A sex offender could have been stalking the house (most likely) and noticed the gf had a habit of leaving them alone (maybe she went over a neighbor's at night to hang out) and then he jumped on the chance. This scenario would explain a lot.
Fox News says there is news and a press conf. is coming up.......

This is somewhat related to this Q..I thought he worked a 12 hr shift (3p-3a) but he said in presser this am he dropped H. off after school at about 3:45p. :waitasec:

The FACTS so far have been as clear as mud.

Haleigh Cummings is missing in Florida is about all we know right now.
I don't have a good feeling about this at all, but I do think she will be found fast. I saw the interview of the father on both GVA and NG last night and I find him to be very hinky - kept his head down most of the time. He said that both he and the gf had passed polygraphs with flying colors, but IMO both he and the gf are involved.

I am not going to jump to conclusions just yet. In the interviews I've seen the dad is crying like a baby, just very emotional, and begging for whoever has his daughter to bring her home. Women can fake crying pretty easily, (i.e., Susan Smith) but men just don't fake it that well.
I am reserving my opinions on all of the players at this point, because it's still too early to point fingers, we are getting so many mixed signals here.
The bio mom on Greta seemed to be scared and emotional and she looks pretty young, too. As for the custody thing, nowadays the court will consider which parent can provide better for the children financially. I haven't seen any interviews with the g/f, but 17 is pretty young to be responsible for two little kids all night. I am skeptical about that, but she may be completely innocent, for all we know.
Is it still uncertain whether she was in bed with both kids or what? I told my husband, she could have been sleeping facing away from the little girl, just rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom, then didn't notice the child missing until she came out of the bathroom. Then she panicked and went looking through the house in closets, under the beds, etc. which took a few minutes. I HOPE she did not leave them alone to go out somewhere!
I just hope this baby is found soon, safe and sound, and I am praying for the family, and for TES to find her.
I don't have a good feeling about this at all, but I do think she will be found fast. I saw the interview of the father on both GVA and NG last night and I find him to be very hinky - kept his head down most of the time. He said that both he and the gf had passed polygraphs with flying colors, but IMO both he and the gf are involved.
Yes, they hink to high heaven...he won't look at the camera. He gives out waay too much info, but only as it pertains to him and his innocence. Distancing himself from the brick, passing the lie detector. "Some one stole my child, I know this for a fact."
Until I hear from LE that either one of them passed the LD, I am not buying.
Has LE said his work alibi checked out? I'm not necessarily zeroing in on him, neither one of them...ok all three of them.
and why is it the father seems to (IMO) steer the investigation from the very beginning? From the 911 call, insisting they believe and follow someone stole his child. Hinky.
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