FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #18

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IMO.... DT said she met sp for lunch and asked him to stay to wait for kids. It wasnt planned for him to babysit til lunch. This could also just have been said so LE wouldnt know they were left alone after school. I dont think anyone usually watches the kids but A. (the oldest). DT also has another child that lives with her father. 5 kids and 3 dads. I think he babysits them when he gets home prob not long after they do. I dont think somer knew anyone was there til mom gets home or pc whichever is first.
Thinking she wasnt in a hurry because only sibs would know anyway and she was upset with them.

So that could mean that she wasn't abducted until the after-school rush was over and there weren't as many people around. I mean, I know they say she disappeared before they got home, but she could have just been hiding out. We used to do that all the time when I was younger...we always had people out searching for my sister because she would just go to whoever's house. She stayed in trouble about that and I was supposed to keep up with her, but we had a huge crowd that we walked home with, and inevitably, she would always wind up walking on home with one of her friends. I mean, of course, times were different then. I am just saying, to me, it wouldn't be odd that she ran up to someone's house or to the side of it or if she was sitting in the woods waiting for everybody to walk on by...we have already learned that she was in the burned house. Is that where she was snatched? Was she crouched down waiting for everybody to walk by?

As to planning the abduction, they may have just taken their opportunity. It could be the perp watched the kids every day. She may have just walked into it. He may not have been targeting her, but just waiting for a child to be alone.
I have been told by numerous family members that DT let the older kids "raise" the others. That A had complained that he and AT was the one always taking care of the twins. RUMOR: but it came from a VERY reliable source, but i dont know how to verify it that DT was investigated by CPS when ST was deployed because kids were roaming neighborhood,, twins still in diapers and asked a neighbor if they could have dinner with them.. she called CPS....I think they were stationed in SC..

Who is the 5th child? No names, of course.

How old? Is the first husband the father?

Why did DT move to Florida? To be by this child?
I was in a pretrial of a man who babysat his own brand-new baby for the very first time -- she was six weeks old -- and he assaulted her the very first time he was ever left alone with her. No known past. Good job, nice house, new baby. He worked nights; wife worked days. Wife's first day back at work.
No one has been cleared except the Sheriff himself, according to him.
So that could mean that she wasn't abducted until the after-school rush was over and there weren't as many people around. I mean, I know they say she disappeared before they got home, but she could have just been hiding out. We used to do that all the time when I was younger...we always had people out searching for my sister because she would just go to whoever's house. She stayed in trouble about that and I was supposed to keep up with her, but we had a huge crowd that we walked home with, and inevitably, she would always wind up walking on home with one of her friends. I mean, of course, times were different then. I am just saying, to me, it wouldn't be odd that she ran up to someone's house or to the side of it or if she was sitting in the woods waiting for everybody to walk on by...we have already learned that she was in the burned house. Is that where she was snatched? Was she crouched down waiting for everybody to walk by?

As to planning the abduction, they may have just taken their opportunity. It could be the perp watched the kids every day. She may have just walked into it. He may not have been targeting her, but just waiting for a child to be alone.

Sounds plausible to me..
Has anyone else heard that DT has a 5th child that lives in OP with her father? That seems to be according to sadnpod.
Hi - I've been lurking here for the past three weeks - you all are amazing!

The reason I'm posting (other than to applaud you all) is that I was watching the ID channel this evening, and they did the story of Ashley Ponds and Miranda Gaddis in Oregon from a few years ago. The girls used to spend time at their murder's house, a kind of place to hang out with this really "friendly" father. It was eye-opening to see how naive young girls are (I had forgotten what it was like) -- did Somer have anyone like that? A person she went to see when she was "MIA" on her walks home?

The other thing I wanted to mention was about AT -- she is 10 years old. If something did happen to her or to Somer with the BF or one of the other characters hanging around (abuse), she certainly would not say anything. I can feel her fear in my bones.

Thanks for listening -- I don't have much to add and a lot to learn from you all.

What Human said in #465!

I think you're saying that DT's other child is a daughter and she lives with her dad.

ETA: But all the other questions in that post and subsequent apply here too.
Has anyone else heard that DT has a 5th child that lives in OP with her father? That seems to be according to sadnpod.

I have not heard that before.

Does anyone know what happened to the perp that was booked with the blackeye and neck scratches?
This is very sad.My heart really goes out to Somers mother and her family.I pray they find her killer soon and justice is done for Somer.No one should have to ever have to go through something like this.Losing her pretty little girl.I pray God comforts Somer's mother and her family.
Has anyone else heard that DT has a 5th child that lives in OP with her father? That seems to be according to sadnpod.

Nope - that's news to me... hmmm..... wonder why a 5th child wasn't mentioned in the obituary?
Nope - that's news to me... hmmm..... wonder why a 5th child wasn't mentioned in the obituary?

Never thought about that !

Does the 5th child live in OP? Why aren't we hearing about the fifth child?
5 kids? Is the father the first husband?

How old is this child? Male? Female?

Is that why DT moved to Florida? If not, why did she move to Florida?

This is the first I have heard of another child, but there has been confusion about AT and where he lives. Please, give us this info!

I just got this info from LH (ST's sis)

oldest is M who lives w dad now. A is next.. he is 13. lives DT...
ST came bk from deployment and found man living in his house, took kids went to co where he was stationed.. this is when M's dad got custody. ST got out of mil moved 2 nc w grandma 4 kids ....dt was still in sc,, DT got straight... ST got good job.. he and DT's relationship was good... DT moved to fam in fl... got her life together..and kids went to fl w DT cuz ST's job required travel. they were all gettin along.. they met halfway for kids to visit nc, st went to visit in fl... 1 1/2 yrs ago things went sour and less and less commmunication. PC lied to LH and said she had wrong number more than once....
Yes, he has to come up with 10% to the bail bonds agency. He loses that money.

Bern - you are correct. 10% of the total bond to be paid to a bondsman - and that amount is nonrefundable. It would be the bondsman's fee. In order to receive any bond money back, the total amount of the bond would have to be paid (in cash) to the court, and would then be refunded after the defendant made the required court appearances and the bond was released.

So, unless he has some wealthy relatives or friends that would be willing to put up the money, he's staying put until he serves his sentence. Unless, of course, the judge reduces the bond at a future date at the request of his attorney.

ETA: It is at the bondsman's discretion whether or not to accept a case with or without collateral. If they feel the defendant isn't a flight risk, they will often accept a case with only the 10%. If the defendant is a flight risk, they will require additional collateral (real estate deeds, stocks, other forms of currency.) But in any case, they keep the entire 10% as their fee.
I remember that PC remarried (although ElizaAvalon did not see divorce record) and they had a child.

But I don't recall seeing a child from the marriage to TL.

Some information was posted in. It's cryptic, just to warn you.

See above for Sadnpod's explanation.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4433951&postcount=481"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park thread #18[/ame]

IMO.... DT said she met sp for lunch and asked him to stay to wait for kids. It wasnt planned for him to babysit til lunch. This could also just have been said so LE wouldnt know they were left alone after school. I dont think anyone usually watches the kids but A. (the oldest). DT also has another child that lives with her father. 5 kids and 3 dads. I think he babysits them when he gets home prob not long after they do. I dont think somer knew anyone was there til mom gets home or pc whichever is first.
Thinking she wasnt in a hurry because only sibs would know anyway and she was upset with them.

Wondering where you got the info for 5 children???? There were members who put mom D's history of births, marriages, and divorces on this site and she did not give birth to 5 children - not that I can remember. That info is in one of these threads.

You represent yourself as a cousin of dad T. Does he know you are on here saying such things? TIA

So that could mean that she wasn't abducted until the after-school rush was over and there weren't as many people around. I mean, I know they say she disappeared before they got home, but she could have just been hiding out. We used to do that all the time when I was younger...we always had people out searching for my sister because she would just go to whoever's house. She stayed in trouble about that and I was supposed to keep up with her, but we had a huge crowd that we walked home with, and inevitably, she would always wind up walking on home with one of her friends. I mean, of course, times were different then. I am just saying, to me, it wouldn't be odd that she ran up to someone's house or to the side of it or if she was sitting in the woods waiting for everybody to walk on by...we have already learned that she was in the burned house. Is that where she was snatched? Was she crouched down waiting for everybody to walk by?

As to planning the abduction, they may have just taken their opportunity. It could be the perp watched the kids every day. She may have just walked into it. He may not have been targeting her, but just waiting for a child to be alone.

Thats why I have been asking if WLK had access to house he had recently lived in on gano?? that day.. do u know if LE has investigated that house?
sadnpod, is M ST's child?

Did M attend the funeral or either of the memorials?

You didn't have this info before?


I'm only lurking a little for awhile. I had a dream last night that my husband was burying someone under our back step. eek!
Nope - that's news to me... hmmm..... wonder why a 5th child wasn't mentioned in the obituary?

Neither was the father or the paternal family at all. Dienas fam was listed in hte obit in graham btw
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