FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #9

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They just interviewed Somer's dad on HLN. He said the older brother was handling it "pretty well" as compared to the other children. FWIW

Somer's dad also said that the oldest boy is 13 years old.

As far as LE advising or not allowing the family to view the body, remember that she went from the dumpster to the trash truck and then into the landfill. A lot of trash trucks compact the trash. I'm not going to spell it out but you can just imagine the damage that would cause.:(
A family member makes sense to me.

I was reading something on another board about how that area was full of traffic around that time of day. I do feel that Somer knew her attacker.

That would also explain the statements by LE, John Walsh, etc. Maybe they want the family to feel confident that they are not under suspicion.
I don't think it was a family member or friend. I think it was a pervert who by a certain amount of chance happened to see Somer stray into a secluded area where he could grab her. He either got her into his car or was just able to do what he did in the secluded area which was near a dumpster.
I did see someone on here saying she was found half clothed, but I haven't read or heard on TV that she was found that way. What they reported was that she was found partially " covered" with only her legs sticking out from the trash in the landfill. Someone might have taken "partially COVERED" to mean "partially or half clothed". Then again, I might have missed it on the news when/if they said "half clothed". I think by them not wanting the mom to view the body, that it must have been beaten beyond recognition where they could not "fix" the visible injuries or either her body was crushed by the compactor garbage trucks, but they did report that they tentatively identified her by the birthmark on her left leg then positively by dental records.

This chld was in the trash for 3 days wasn't she? In the hot Florida elements. Decomp can begin in two or 3 hours. I am amazed they were able to id her so quickly. Plus wasn't it a truck that compacts the contents so it will hold more. There is no way she could have been viewed by anyone and especially her mother. JMO
If there is a tidbit in the police report, could it be the RSO name, which was later said to have been a mistake? Or could it be the "someone" who gave the name to the officers?
I know what BSU was getting at. I've read the comments on one of the news sites, I know what some people think.

DT picking up AC at the park at 4ish places him at or near the scene of the crime. That's really not good.

There's that interview where she is wearing that (probably Somer's) purple hair thingy. She is asked something about her knowing who the person who did this is and she falters. She says something that sounds to me like "it could be my k-, it could be anybody" or something like that. The way her mouth is shaped, it's not an 's' or an 'n' that almost comes out of her mouth, but a 'k' sound, IMO. Was she saying "it could be my kid"?

Motive? Was he at school the whole day? Because at the time that Somer was walking home, he should have been in class. Maybe he cut class and Somer saw him doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing?

What doesn't add up, though, is the dumpster. I can't see a 13-year-old thinking of a dumpster. Unless, of course, DT helped with disposal. But I just don't see that either.

None of this is actually on my short list, but, again, I need to know how this child died and if she was sexually assaulted. Then I can flip to the direction I need to flip to in my mind.

But I can't go into BSU Territory yet...

yeah and if that did play out like that she would have had all her clothing still intact, the detectives know the cause of death, if they felt this was an accident they probably would have mentioned that fact. I mean it is all possible that happening but I personally feel like foul play was involved. I know that the le won't release specific details so that sensitive information isn't public. I think they know she probably had semen on her or inside her. maybe she scratched that person and if so thats even more dna to collect. I would say on a scale of one to ten that she was sexually assulted would be around a 8 or 9
I agree.
Also... there was a map posted a while ago showing the Jr. High School.
IF the brother went to that JR. High School then how did he make it to this location?
The JR. High School was in the other direction.... past their home.
Lol Hi kids, good afternoon everyone.
Guess where she flagged LE down though? right across from the JR hs. That was my other "eureka" moment yesterday. There was a whole lot of activity on the other side of Gano, too. My guess is that AC is the Indigo child, and SP was there for an appointment. The whole- hour- driving -just- for-lunch -thing just wasn't working out for me. I'll bet someone had at least part of that day off for counseling. Remember "my son re-" fill in the blanks. DT isn't covering for a SSDI defense.
NSC made a map (I think it was NSC) about a shortcut from close to home to OPAA that ended up across from 1080 Gano

Actually, Shutterfly did this particular map. I think you are talking about the drainage??

I just want to state for the record that I have thought a RSO or SO this entire time. But when everyone keeps bringing up family and occurences, I am not an idiot I am going to look at anything and everything. This truly makes me without an opinon at this point but open to looking at everything.

Is it possible. Somer was doing her usual not coming home. Hid over by the park area we know her brother ended up there at some point since Mom did pick him up there. Maybe he was trying to get her to come home, she teased and ran away and he tried to get her to come and an accident occured??? It seems FARFETCHED, it does.
just my opinion on this one, but if she was half clothed I would bet my left leg she was raped, i think thats why she was discarded the way she was in hopes that her body along with dna evidence would never be discovered..

Of course she was raped. No doubt.
This chld was in the trash for 3 days wasn't she? In the hot Florida elements. Decomp can begin in two or 3 hours. I am amazed they were able to id her so quickly. Plus wasn't it a truck that compacts the contents so it will hold more. There is no way she could have been viewed by anyone and especially her mother. JMO

Not to mention the intial reports were identifying her by a birth mark and her clothes! I still don't see how you can ID by a birth mark on a decomposing body? That one has stumped me.
I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone. I mean no harm, I am only trying to get you focused in the right direction, as I believe it to be.

I have extensive training in body language/micro-expressions/investigative discourse analysis. So before anyone turns me into the police or shuts my account down or calls J. Edgar Hoosits, I will explain my posts. Please understand I have no direct knowledge of this investigation. But I know what I see and hear on TV. What follows is my opinion:

Mom is hiding something, unquestionably. I do not believe she committed this crime, but she knows who did. Listen to her statements...and I mean LISTEN, don't just hear them. Everything she says has meaning. Listen to what says and doesn't say. Think like a psychologist. Listen also for the very subtle mistakes, or "brain farts".

The micro-expressions are fascinating. There are more than a few. They are very hard to see, but they are there.

Crying is another matter. She appears to be faking it, but we don't know what meds she may be on that may be causing the effect HOWEVER: Meds that affect crying will almost always affect her speech in some detrimental fashion, and I do not see that. But, and this is a big "but", I do not know what is normal speech for her.

Geographic profiling: Look at the "Google" maps everyone has so adeptly posted here. They speak volumes. Look at the location of 1080 Gano and the bathroom that was searched in relation to "other" locations.

The police report also gives us an interesting tidbit in the first movements after notification of Somer's unaccountability.

Put it altogether, girls! There are only two viable suspects. I can't narrow it any further at this time without additional information.

Again, this is my opinion only. I am truly sorry if I offended. I have little experience in forums.

I'll sit back and take your assaults. I guess I do deserve them. I'll also watch as this unfolds as I've said.

I know I have my 2 suspects picked out, but not going to post. Would have pm'd you, by can't.
I know why all of you are watching mom and family, and checking them out! I think its great that you all sleuth every detail of these crimes. But when I lost my dad, Who I adored and loved with all my heart at times I would cry and cry, I would scream, I would hit things other times I was blank at other times I laughed because of memories we had together at times I giggled, Times that everyone could tell I had been crying all day and there were times when others wouldn't have thought my dad was just killed.

It really is hard to really judge a grieving person.
Sorry for the string of posts but my head is spinning with possibilities here.

If someone told me my child was missing and I suspected something had gone wrong, I'd tell whoever called me to dial 911 and fly like a bat out of hell straight home. I would not pass go or go to a park to pick up another child - I'd delegate that to someone else, or probably forget about it altogether. Just a thought.

As for geographically profiling this case:

- NSC made a map (I think it was NSC) about a shortcut from close to home to OPAA that ended up across from 1080 Gano.

- older brother would possibly cross paths with Somer on his way to OPAA since his school is in the opposite direction.

- 1080 Gano is obviously right there, too.

Speaking of OPAA... why in this interview when the mom starts talking about
picking up her son and going to OPAA does this interview go black?
It seems like they purposely blacked out this part?
Video is titled: “Diena Thompson talks about grief, anger and determination”

One of the statements mom made to the media was "I just can't talk about it."

This was before the child was found.

And yet, she was talking to the media and out in public--that is an inconsistent statement, and yet truthful if you believe that it means she's not unwilling to talk to people and the media (she commented elsewhere that she's never been private), rather I believe she means she can't talk about the truth of what she knows.

Keljo gets it!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol Hi kids, good afternoon everyone.
Guess where she flagged LE down though? right across from the JR hs. That was my other "eureka" moment yesterday. There was a whole lot of activity on the other side of Gano, too. My guess is that AC is the Indigo child, and SP was there for an appointment. The whole- hour- driving -just- for-lunch -thing just wasn't working out for me. I'll bet someone had at least part of that day off for counseling. Remember "my son re-" fill in the blanks. DT isn't covering for a SSDI defense.

Well, I just looked up Indigo Children and that says alot as far as I am concerned. Anything could have happened here.jmo
Hi neighbor!!!!:wave:

Are you talking about Derrick Todd Lee?

Yep I sure am. While he was on the loose I was working as a home health nurse, talk about scared. I even saw a patient one night in St. Francisville, while he was still on the loose. If I had any clue! LOL, all stores were out of Mace spray, so I carried a can of AquaNet Hair Spray with me, since I know I would debilitate someone if sprayed in the eyes, and given the chance I would have turned it into a blowtorch with a lighter, LOL
HEY everyone....who can tell me when (or how) new members get the PM feature - does it become available after a certain amount of posts or something??? if so how many?!?!?

Or am I just chomping at the bit so hard over here that I can't see the trees for the dayum forest?!!??!!
I've thought about the oldest son, but there is absolutely no way he could have done it and covered it up on his own. We know that the dumpster at the burned home was not emptied, so there is no way he could have placed a body there. The only other place a person could have placed a body (while traveling on foot) would be a dumpster right there in the park area. I would ASSume that park and all it's trash facilities were searched very well. So to believe it was this 13 year old, you would also have to believe that there was at the very least, an accessory after the fact - someone that helped cover up the crime and dispose of the body in the area but not within a distance where someone could walk and carry a body without being noticed. A vehicle would have had to be involved. Though I will say, it could have happened when someone was supposedly out driving around looking for Somer.

There there is this Kyle person who states he was the last one to see Somer. He was allegedly working at the burned home. Now if he was the last one to see her, was working at that burned home, and he had nothing to do with it, that pretty much rules out anything happening at that house. I have a real problem with this Kyle guys statement, he didn't say what happened to her after he talked to her. Did she run off? Did she run up and start talking to someone else? Where did she go after he finished talking to her. Maybe this guy doesn't even exist and maybe he just called in to the news station to try to turn the attention off of someone else. Maybe his name isn't even Kyle?

I have refrained from saying this, but I will say it now. They carried one piece of evidence out of the men's restroom and it didn't take them long to get it. I can think of only one piece of evidence that would be that small, that easy to find, but yet easily overlooked during initial searches. And it could very well be a key piece of evidence, that being a used condom.
Ok I have not read all these pages yet so forgive me if I am a little behind. I know Dickie personally and I am here to tell you you can scratch him off any list. This man could never ever hurt a fly. My kids always liked going down to talk to Dickie. I do not know any relation to Somer but then I dont know any of his family either just him. He is a really cool guy.
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