FL FL - Stepha Henry, 22, Miami, 29 May 2007 *ARREST*

I just got off the phone with Sylvia Henry ( Stepha's Mom) and she has informed me that the REWARD is now up to $15,000.00.

Mrs. Henry has also asked me to tell you that she opened a
Post Office Box hoping someone would be more willing to give her
information than they would give LE.

(a note from me) I'm sure she would also appreciate cards or letters of support while she struggles with the nightmare of finding her beautiful daughter.

Mrs. Sylvia Henry
P.O. Box 5083
Hollywood, FL 33083-5083

Oh, it does clear that up! Thanks! I don't understand why they haven't found that man or the car yet tho. It shouldn't be that hard if someone knew this guy!
Something is REALLLLLLLY wrong here. If this friend of a GOOD friend from high scool drove Stepha to the club then all they have to do is ask this good friend and I'm sure they'll tell them how to contact their friend.

If this really is such a good friend they would've already talked to the good friend's friend and that car would've been traced by now. And what's this crap about borrowing a car and you have no idea who you borrowed it from?? B.S.!! The only way that can happen is if you stole the car.

There is something rotten in Denmark about this case.
Stepha's story not heard

The case is in the hands of an "incredible team " of investigators, said Commander Linda O'Brien, of the Miami-Dade Police Department, the agency handling the case. They have searched canals and interviewed a number of people, including the man who Stepha drove off with. But he's not a suspect, O'Brien said.

"In some of these stories, there's a faster pace of breaking information," she said. "Unfortunately, we have a little slower pace on this case, but we aggressively follow up on every lead."

"The big thing we need is more help from the public or anybody that knows anything."

But police and the media are the ones that can help make that happen. The more they keep it before the public, the more likely it is that someone will help solve the case.

Bumping for Stepha. Such a strange case with a lot of unexplained situations.
Standing at the stove in her Brooklyn apartment yesterday, Sylvia Henry prepared white rice and thought of her daughter.

But instead of making a joyful family dinner, Henry was cooking for a fund-raiser to increase the reward offered for 22-year-old Stepha Henry, who disappeared May 29 while visiting relatives in Florida.

"I'm still hoping to see my daughter alive," said Henry. "It's been more than three months, and we have no answers

*Bumping for Stepha and her Family*

[FONT=Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif]As part of our efforts, the College through the generosity of faculty, staff and students has already raised an additional $2,000 that we will commit to this reward fund. This is an ongoing effort on our part and we will continue to collect monies to add to the reward. Anyone interested in contributing may send a check payable to the John Jay College Foundation, Inc. and mail it to the Foundation, 899 Tenth Avenue, Room 623T, New York, NY 10019.

*More at link*
It's too bad about all no snitching mentality in the black community since many feel this was probably a black on black crime.

The perp must feel guilty and either confess or tell someone who will tip off LE for this to be solved.

There is no DNA or physical evidence in this case, right?
BUMP for Stepha.

ANYONE paying attention to this case anymore???
Just began reviewing this case. Pardon me if I speak things already discussed.

I just read ". . . They've continued to call her cell phone hoping for a response.
All they hear is: "Sorry, that mailbox is full. Please call again later.". . ."

Not a cellphone expert but I wonder if L.E. can get phone service provider to delete the family messages off the server and if that would in turn show up in the phone or if the individual phone must also delete them from its memory. It might depend on where the messages are stored prior to reading the messages. If the messages are stored on the company's servers and if the little text notification is all thats on the phone then that list might update if the company server deleted the stored messages.
But if the phone has to actually clear its memory by the owner hitting a delete key then they will have to try other things. Perhaps the phone will send out a ping once in awhile if it is powered up and the towers can be used to get a fix on the location.

In any case the phone should have been traced to where it was last turned off. Surprised if that has not yet been done.

If the family acquaintance (probable POI in my opinion) borrowed the car then where did he return it? More importantly, if he lied about borrwing the car how did he get home from where he buried/hid/drowned the car?
Do we need to look for a brother or close friend that would have given a poor guy a ride after a tiring night's kill?

Reading between the lines I get the idea that L.E. does not believe the family acquaintances story and suspects the car will hold proof of a crime or else it would have showed up to be seen by all.
Stepha will also be featured on the Montel Williams show this Thursday, October 11 along with Jennifer Kesse, Madeline McCann and others. Check www.montelshow.com for listings and times.

I'm glad her case is getting this coverage. I think there are people who aren't telling what they know. Maybe if they see her mother on TV it will influence them to come forward.
There is a Stepha Henry thread in the first Missing section.
(Thanks for the kind response.)

Yes but the info and support sections are for info and support only and not for case discussions so for me to be able to discuss the case I had to open another thread here in the proper discussion section.

For those who might not know:
Missing section menu is broken into 4 sections:
1. "info and support" which is only for posting case info such as news reports and for posting support type posts for the family and others to read.
2. "located info and support" which is where missing persons cases go when they are solved and the person has been found. You will also notice that found bodies both ID'd and UNID'd sometimes end up there too.
3. "Missing but not forgotten" which as far as I know is for cases in which time has gone by but the missing person case has not yet been solved and so posts are made there to show support and to say our missing person is gone but not forgotten.
4. "Missing/located forum discussion" is for case discussion. Discussing the case of a missing person can be very upsetting for family members to read so they have the support threads to read and the case discussion threads are where the case with all its unpleasant possibilities is discussed by forum members.

Most of this same info is printed in the list of the 4 missing person section menus under each section title.
I haven't really noticed this case until now.

What's the deal with the dude who drove her to the club? Lemme get this straight...

-the guy picked her up in an Acura Integra which was not his.

-he doesn't know who he borrowed it from.

-he left the club without the car.

-he doesn't know where the car is.

So I presume he found a car running and decided to take it out for a joyride. Then he picked up Ms Henry and took her to a club. But he separated from her at the club. Then he left without the car and just left the keys on the bar table? Or perhaps he just said to somebody "oh hey would you like my car?"

yeah that's plausible! :rolleyes:

Please tell me the cops are just being really quiet on this case and not giving away what they really know about this guy. What has been reported in the papers makes NO SENSE.

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