France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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I'm sure they would choose to stay here ant let the tax payers take care of them.
Or they could stay and fight for their country and their freedom, not run away and let other countries send their failmy to fight for them.

You mean like the Pilgrims, the Hugenots, the First Wave Cubans and the Chileans fleeing the Pinochet regime? The European Jews who sought asylum in the US during Nazi occupation of Europe? They are all lesser beings for seeking safety rather than facing certain death in opposing an oppressive, and sometimes genocidal regime? Interesting viewpoint.

This country was founded as a place of asylum, refuge from persecution. Very few of us are NOT decended from immigrants. And many of those were refugees. From famine, from religious persecution, from threat of genocide.

"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it". -George Santayana
You know what would make sense .. if Islamic refugees went to Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc .. why doesn't that happen?
I hear ya!

I do feel sorry for the genuine refugees.

I hear ya' but everyday I feel genuinely sorry for the U.S. Veterans that reside in the local VA hospital hanging out in their wheelchairs in a less than satisfactory accommodations. Go visit one the next time one feels a need for a reality check. And I feel sorry for the many homeless men that beg along the roads I travel daily ... Skinny men, possibly mentally ill, sporting cardboard signs stating they just got out of jail & are without a job or food. Every. Day.

Point is, our society is struggling financially -- our social services, social security, health insurance, food stamps, unemployment => all at a breaking point. We have way too much crime, gangs, over-crowded prisons, drugs, Veterans coming home mangled, etc

Can we afford to take in those refugees that we will have to subsidize on the shrinking middle class backs that provides millions of tax payer funded social services to non-Americans? And then sleep with one eye open at night because we aren't really sure who we've opened our arms to?

Sometimes common sense should prevail....
Please forgive me friends but we (USA) are in so much debt, welfare and crime rates..............we can't help most of our own citizens, our elders, drug addicted, disabled, education, children needs and health needs. How are we to take care of everyone crossing our borders and all the refugees? Look at New Orleans and our own citizens that were treated like refugees and did N.O. ever get back on it's feet? My grandparents came here legally, were quarantined a Ellis Island. They looked for work, had no help and carried no disease or threats to the USA. I think for now we should take care of our own house before all of our neighbors. I think of Viet husband served USMC there..........why? because the would not fight their own war. If the people want there land they should be willing to fight for rant is over, thank you for listening..............JMOO
I can say that very few of our Muslim students were present at school today. I assume the parents were concerned for their children's safety.

Of course where I live, people think nothing about saying things like "sand n***gers", "towel heads" and "effing A-rabs". I heard it all standing in line at Kroger on Sunday. :(

I would imagine in places with more rational-thinking folks, Muslim citizens are relatively safe. However I do not to presume how they feel.

After all, Christians are seriously butt-hurt over the red and green coffee cups from Starbucks. They call it religious persecution. Are we serious?

How many documented incidents of backlash hate crimes have there been since Friday?
I'd really like to know. I haven't heard of any murders, or bombings, or beheadings.

There was a mosque in Canada that had fire damage, but was not burned to the ground.

Do these anti-Muslim crimes happen in every city and town?

I'd really like to know about this "backlash" that is happening.
KZ, first of all let me tell you I admire you for your service in the name of your country and I do take into consideration the views you've expressed given your experience.

The only thing is, from my perspective and particular to my country, the same has been said about different waves of immigrants/refugees from time immemorial. For example; first the Irish Catholics, then Northern and Southet Europeans (particularly Italians and Greeks), Eastern Europeans, Asians, Africans and Middle Easterners who come in waves of people fleeing war, famine, poverty and persecution. An ex-politician who railed against the 'Asian Invasion' in living memory, is now instilling fear in our community about our country being full of radical Muslims, in order to get a rare outing in our media.

Yes, there are people who want to kill us or instill fear in us, for whatever reason. Life is fragile and precious but, in the words of an old Aussie rocker, "It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." So, with all due respect, I'll stand on my principles and let the devil take the hindmost.

I don't know how many refugees Australia has vowed to take in? Has there been a number yet?
Fantasy perhaps, but..
It seems to me that the number 1 thing they need in Syria is sturdy boats!
Seriously, how about sending some great big Ocean liners to shelter and feed families until the best place/time is established to depart on that ship?
I'm sure they would choose to stay here ant let the tax payers take care of them.
Or they could stay and fight for their country and their freedom, not run away and let other countries send their failmy to fight for them.

They're refugees who fled a war torn country where they were in grave danger, they did it to save their lives and the lives of their children. They have nothing. How could they go back and fight ISIS? They don't have weapons, they have no money to buy weapons, I doubt any of them have any kind of combat experience (though I don't know how that would help). Do you expect them to infiltrate ISIS camps and throw rocks at them? SMH.
You know what would make sense .. if Islamic refugees went to Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc .. why doesn't that happen?

I once read something about the one would take them....they tried Jordan, they tried Lebanon, they tried they stay in Israel..

Yeah, it sure would be nice if they could be settled in another Arab country.
I once read something about the one would take them....they tried Jordan, they tried Lebanon, they tried they stay in Israel..

Yeah, it sure would be nice if they could be settled in another Arab country.

It's not like the countries mentioned are short on funds.
Wherever they settle, I'll bet Obama doesn't want them living in whatever neighborhood he's going to be living in after he leaves office.
I can say that very few of our Muslim students were present at school today. I assume the parents were concerned for their children's safety.

Of course where I live, people think nothing about saying things like "sand n***gers", "towel heads" and "effing A-rabs". I heard it all standing in line at Kroger on Sunday. :(

I would imagine in places with more rational-thinking folks, Muslim citizens are relatively safe. However I do not to presume how they feel.

After all, Christians are seriously butt-hurt over the red and green coffee cups from Starbucks. They call it religious persecution. Are we serious?

I was thinking about where I grew up and how the talk must be. You summed it up, except the language would be much worse. I can't even imagine what is being said in the neighborhood I am from. Any kind of change, sets people off, and they talk about it all over town.
Why won't some countries take in the refugees? What has the past four years of the refugee camps looked like & what is the cost to the host countries? What has the security risk been? Has there been assimilation or signs of assimilation of these refugees to the native's culture?
What do the people of the host countries hope to gain from taking in these refugees (aside from a warm fuzzy feeling from ideologies)? These are the real questions.

Once again, I feel a juxtapose between idealism vs reality. Sadly, once again.
And if they somehow DID find the means to being an uprising against their "rulers", spme people would claim "oh they are all a bunch of blood thirsty fugs- let them all kill each other off", or "why are those Muslims all so warlike?".

When Muslims flee danger in a peaceful manner, where are the people saying "oh, I guess some Muslims ARE peaceful!" *crickets*

They're refugees who fled a war torn country where they were in grave danger, they did it to save their lives and the lives of their children. They have nothing. How could they go back and fight ISIS? They don't have weapons, they have no money to buy weapons, I doubt any of them have any kind of combat experience (though I don't know how that would help). Do you expect them to infiltrate ISIS camps and throw rocks at them? SMH.
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