"G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand? #2

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Easiest way to learn the truth is to call up the state attorney's office and ask for the statute....
I think I'll do that first thing in the morning!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. If there's a charge, we'll pass the hat. :blowkiss:
And don't sha know that defense has that evidence and that is their job, right, to look at the evidence and poke holes in it. Only thing we have heard from that camp is how "technically" unqualified their experts are with new technology and they need more time to produce their witness list and discovery. KC does not have to say a word and has not done so. The accident plea was already presented to her if she would take them to Caylee, and KC turned it down. Taking into consideration what was found at the remains site it is quite obvious why she would not take the deal.

Is that true? Where is that doc? Did the state really offer a plea to Casey? I dont know how I missed this.
It's a truth of life that no raindrop considers itself to be responsible for the flood. Yet, little by little, things accumulate by unseen degrees, as brooks run to rivers and rivers to seas.

True, and is a fitting homily for almost any point of view.
Well, during the interrogation I did hear LE say that, but I dont remember Casey saying it. Again the Police officers putting words in Casey's mouth. These are the reasons that I don't trust investigators. They are very tricky.

How is it tricky of investigators if the defendent walks "with a purpose" down a hallway where she claims to work yet does not? How is it tricky of investigators to track down all of addresses KC gave them "on TAPE" where ZFG and her family supposedly lived only to learn that those addresses were not connected with these fictious suspects? How was KC tricked? She was not. She lied. Is a liar. A thief. Even admitted as much in a written statement...not tricked out of her by LE and in an officially recorded interview. She is in control of her fate. If it was an accident, and she is so ignorant as to not admit it, that is her decision. She was not arrested on a whim. She never reported her child missing. Her mother did. And even on that officially recorded 911 tape sounded about as interested in talking to the 911 operator about her "missing" child as one would conversing about carpet samples.

Translation = there are no other suspects. So this was either an accident or deliberate. The facts will fill in that gap. Whatever is leaked to us via the Sunshine law. But KC was not attacked in a park. KC had no nanny named ZFG. KC stole from her own grand parents. Her parents seem to think that because they "eventually" got to the truth with KC that somehow her lies are just a cover for an innocent mistake. The same daughter who allowed her parents to think up until the last moment that she would walk across the stage to graduate. A non-graduation that she was forced to admit ONLY because she would not be allowed to cross the stage. Never mind that her grand parents were in attendance to said non-graduation. The same girl who lied about being pregnant well up until her 7 month. Translation = this girl only lies when the truth seriously comes out. No pun intended. Because a dead baby was found dumped like trash...in their minds means...reasonable doubt...but with this girl's track history....lies on top of lies...she can't even keep her story straight on who the father of Caylee is. Yet she can be trusted?
True, and is a fitting homily for almost any point of view.

Interesting. This last bit makes me want to get out my crayons and draw. Only Mr. Rogers could inspire me to do that. LOL.

I will say this, if anyone on this forum can show that there is a viable suspect other than KC...then "come on with it." Otherwise it is just a lot of hot air in an otherwise airtight case against a completely worthless defendent.
Interesting. This last bit makes me want to get out my crayons and draw. Only Mr. Rogers could inspire me to do that. LOL.

I will say this, if anyone on this forum can show that there is a viable suspect other than KC...then "come on with it." Otherwise it is just a lot of hot air in an otherwise airtight case against a completely worthless defendent.

I hear ya, sistah! And color me gone...

hitting the thanks button just wasn't enough

How is it tricky of investigators if the defendent walks "with a purpose" down a hallway where she claims to work yet does not? How is it tricky of investigators to track down all of addresses KC gave them "on TAPE" where ZFG and her family supposedly lived only to learn that those addresses were not connected with these fictious suspects? How was KC tricked? She was not. She lied. Is a liar. A thief. Even admitted as much in a written statement...not tricked out of her by LE and in an officially recorded interview. She is in control of her fate. If it was an accident, and she is so ignorant as to not admit it, that is her decision. She was not arrested on a whim. She never reported her child missing. Her mother did. And even on that officially recorded 911 tape sounded about as interested in talking to the 911 operator about her "missing" child as one would conversing about carpet samples.

Translation = there are no other suspects. So this was either an accident or deliberate. The facts will fill in that gap. Whatever is leaked to us via the Sunshine law. But KC was not attacked in a park. KC had no nanny named ZFG. KC stole from her own grand parents. Her parents seem to think that because they "eventually" got to the truth with KC that somehow her lies are just a cover for an innocent mistake. The same daughter who allowed her parents to think up until the last moment that she would walk across the stage to graduate. A non-graduation that she was forced to admit ONLY because she would not be allowed to cross the stage. Never mind that her grand parents were in attendance to said non-graduation. The same girl who lied about being pregnant well up until her 7 month. Translation = this girl only lies when the truth seriously comes out. No pun intended. Because a dead baby was found dumped like trash...in their minds means...reasonable doubt...but with this girl's track history....lies on top of lies...she can't even keep her story straight on who the father of Caylee is. Yet she can be trusted?
They sure do!
With the evidence so clearly pointing to KC it makes me sick her own family would rather cover up the truth ,than get justice for her.
IMO Yuri Melich,John Allen,Nick Savage,the SA's and all the LE men,women and DOGS are the only ones really fighting for Caylee.So many people ,like the Grunds ,want true justice.They aren't doing back flips to get KC off .
JMO : )

Well I respectfully disagree. Both sides are fighting for Justice for Caylee. That is what the fact finding mission is all about. Yuri, John, Nick and SA have all sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Thats right, the checks and balances is part of getting to the truth. So I doubt they would agree with you on this point. It is an effort on both sides to get the truth. In my opinon, both sides are working very hard to get to the truth.

So far, it looks like the State has no real case in my opionion. This is why I am on the fence, and starting to lean to NG.

Last post by Yuri on this web site he stated: Please keep the Anthony's in your prayers. So I don't see him throwing GA and CA under the bus and see no purpose in that what so ever. As a matter a fact, it points the finger away from Casey. JMO
Do you know the real reason there might be a COV? It's because Baez fought against the gag order that the SA asked for. JB did not want his silly grinning face away from the cameras. He and his cohorts continually make stupid comments and grant one interview after an other. The Anthonys have put this case front and center with their inflated egos and saturated tv appearances.
Don't blame the Judge, I don't see him on tv making an azz out of himself nor do I see anyone from the SA Office saying a peep either. You can thank JB for any COV.

I am not sure I understand this concept at all. I see now we have thrown Baez under the bus, GA and CA under the bus, but we continue to point the finger away from Casey. I am not going to take my eye off the ball. I am beginning to believe that a good share of the majority are losing their focus. It just proves my case in point. There is no evidence that Casey is Guilty. At this point in time, I am coming off of the fence and saying NG
Bold 1: I am pretty sure LE took Casey to Universal. It is LE that claimed it was her office. It is LE that said she led them down a hallway and turned around and said she doesn't work there. Quit putting words in Casey's mouth. That is exactly what LE did and they will be cross examined about it. They are going to have to provide proof that she lied. A tape would be nice. They should have read her her rights at that point before they ganged up on her and started interogating her. I stand by my question: Where is the proof that Casey lied to police? This is why I am on the fence here. If we want to get to the truth for Caylee, then we are going to have to understand that LE will come under cross examination.

I am curious, right at the beginning of the case, when as she says,she had been searching high and low in all the local nightclubs to find Caylee, LE asked if she would give a DNA sample so that Caylee's name could be placed on the National Missing Persons database. She refused. Wonder why.... would you ascribe their efforts to find Caylee to trickery ?
Hellooooooooo! That's exactly what is in the thousands and thousands of posts and stickies,and documents we have poured over for the last year.It's what WSers do.To suggest that it has not been done by those that feel she is guilty is ,yet,another insult.

Me reading the same docs and coming up with my opinion of Not Guilty is not an insult at all to the majority. It is just my opinion and I have a right to it. I haven't meant any harm or insult to anyone. If you don't like my post, just scroll by. I only want to discuss with people that are willing to elaborate on the docs. I don't want to just read and decide. I value others opinions, so I do believe it is good to go beyond just reading and go ahead and discuss. Sorry if I offended anyone.
I am not sure I understand this concept at all. I see now we have thrown Baez under the bus, GA and CA under the bus, but we continue to point the finger away from Casey. I am not going to take my eye off the ball. I am beginning to believe that a good share of the majority are losing their focus. It just proves my case in point. There is no evidence that Casey is Guilty. At this point in time, I am coming off of the fence and saying NG

There is no evidence that shows that KC is innocent either. Eye on the ball and such. The vast majority of us are not falling for the smoke and mirrors defense. There was a dead baby in KC's car. That car was controlled by KC. To me, there are no other defendents. Period. So I am assuming you are leaning towards an "accidental" death of Caylee and KC just poorly covered for it? Incidentally, I understand that "someone" wiped decomp (decomp of Caylee) on paper towels...and that arm hairs or some type of human hairs were intertwined with said decomp. on the paper towels. and since we know KC was lazy...you know, that whole "I work somewhere.com" lie it can be reasonably assumed that she wasn't attempting to clean the trunk, just to wipe her daughter's decomp off of her. Just my best guess. But to say that this defendent is credible given her less than reliable track history is ludicrous.
I am curious, right at the beginning of the case, when as she says,she had been searching high and low in all the local nightclubs to find Caylee, LE asked if she would give a DNA sample so that Caylee's name could be placed on the National Missing Persons database. She refused. Wonder why.... would you ascribe their efforts to find Caylee to trickery ?

ITA Cool.
Last post by Yuri on this web site he stated: Please keep the Anthony's in your prayers. So I don't see him throwing GA and CA under the bus and see no purpose in that what so ever. As a matter a fact, it points the finger away from Casey. JMO

notthatsmart you are seriously NOT saying that Yuri's comment to "keep the Anthony's in your prayers" is pointing the finger AWAY from Casey???? HOW??

In your next post, you are saying "we" have thrown JB under the bus? Who is we? JB threw himself under the bus when he REFUSED the GAG order and shows his truly laughable "lawyering" in the court room. BTW, WHO is pointing their finger AWAY from Casey?

In my opinion, ALL of the members here at WS want justice!!! Not just justice but truth as well! We want justice for Caylee! If that truth points to KC as the prime suspect, so be it because it will be justice!!! We have NOT lost focus and we have NOT taken our eye off the ball! Caylee is forever ingrained in our hearts and souls. It is the Anthony's that have been focusing on the obvious suspect and ignored the death of their precious granddaughter. They may not answer for the blood on their hands on this earth but they will answer to a Higher Power one day!

Proof that Casey lied to investigators ? Come on, the proof is in the looong rambling statement and interview she gave to OCSO in July. You remember the one where she said she worked and had an office at Universal, she left her daughter with the "nanny" at her apartment at Sawgrass...the one that was not occupied ?

No, there has been no cross examination yet because there hasn't been a trial. Honestly, if you can not deduce from the evidence that Casey has lied repeatedly to LE then you have not been paying attention (or are here to just argue). I get the feeling it may be the latter.

C'mon if the majority doesn't want to discuss the evidence, then more power to me. I will just keep rambling on. To call me arguementive is just to attack me and not my post.
Well, during the interrogation I did hear LE say that, but I dont remember Casey saying it. Again the Police officers putting words in Casey's mouth. These are the reasons that I don't trust investigators. They are very tricky.

Straight from KC's mouth:

A I talked to Juliette Lewis. She’s one of my co-workers at Universal.
Q She works... you still work at Universal?
A Yes.
Q What ah, what do you do at Universal?
A Event coordinator.
Q Okay. What is Juliette, what position is she? Where does she work?
A She’s also an event coordinator. We work in the same department.

(http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Anthony, Casey No 1-0721.pdf Page 11)

Earlier in this interview KC tells LE how she left her phone in her "office".
C'mon if the majority doesn't want to discuss the evidence, then more power to me. I will just keep rambling on. To call me arguementive is just to attack me and not my post.

notthatsmart the majority DOES want to discuss the evidence, not argue about evidence that has already been proven!!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

My opinion of Guilty has not changed since "day one"!
C'mon if the majority doesn't want to discuss the evidence, then more power to me. I will just keep rambling on. To call me arguementive is just to attack me and not my post.
I guess I'm up...I believe I was attacking your post and you (just kidding...sort of).

I have no problem with discussion of the evidence, but it is common knowledge that Casey lied many times to Investigators. This isn't based on opinion, it is fact.
I am not sure I understand this concept at all. I see now we have thrown Baez under the bus, GA and CA under the bus, but we continue to point the finger away from Casey. I am not going to take my eye off the ball. I am beginning to believe that a good share of the majority are losing their focus. It just proves my case in point. There is no evidence that Casey is Guilty. At this point in time, I am coming off of the fence and saying NG

There seems to be some confusion with the expression, "throwing under the bus". I'm quite sure it means trying to pin Caylee's murder on somebody else. (other than Casey) I've noticed this expression is being used very liberally lately and perhaps without knowing it's actual meaning? If I am misunderstanding the use of said expression, I apologize.
Bold 1: I am pretty sure LE took Casey to Universal. It is LE that claimed it was her office. It is LE that said she led them down a hallway and turned around and said she doesn't work there. Quit putting words in Casey's mouth. That is exactly what LE did and they will be cross examined about it. They are going to have to provide proof that she lied. A tape would be nice. They should have read her her rights at that point before they ganged up on her and started interogating her. I stand by my question: Where is the proof that Casey lied to police? This is why I am on the fence here. If we want to get to the truth for Caylee, then we are going to have to understand that LE will come under cross examination.

Could I have a reference cited for the bolded statement of fact, please? Or is this just your opinion? Are you trying to say that LE took her to some building that LE selected that she never told them about and forced her to walk the halls? Are you really implying that LE was "setting her up?"
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