GUILTY GA - Eight family members brutally murdered in Brunswick home, 29 Aug 2009

Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 1m
Lawyers on both sides in #heinze trial are talking behind closed doors @wjxt4. Jury is not deliberating right now.
Savannah Daily News ‏@SavDailyNews 3m
Court in session an hour in Heinze murder trial, but no notice that jury is still deliberating. Attys are scurrying. Negotiating going on?
I still don't see how that was the hard part for the jury. They found her guilty so it should have been easy to send he to her fate . It was BART that she murdered him. No question in anyones mind she was guilty. NONE . I think they just didn't want to be the one sending a person to die. I think there was ore hope for reform and positive prison enhancement on the DC sniper than on Jody .IMO

Not really. Some of the women later on were interviewed on national tv. They said they cried because they had voted to sentence her to death but the verdict wasn't unanimous so they felt so sorry for Travis' family that they couldn't bring some kind of closure for them.

9:50 a.m.

Guy Heinze Jr.'s death penalty murder trial has been back in session since 9:05 a.m., but Judge Stephen Scarlett has not announced whether the jury has resumed deliberating.

Meanwhile, prosecutors and defense lawyers have been in discussions.

A plea deal if the jury is hung?

I really doubt it but we will see.

I have never seen a DA plea a deal when it involved mass murders.

Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 2m
Lawyers for both sides and Judge Stephen Scarlett are back in the courtroom @wjxt4 #heinze trial
Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 2m
Guy #Heinze Jr. is in the courtroom @wjxt4 Jury is coming into courtroom
Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 42s
there's an update in #heinze trial... standby @wjxt4
Savannah Daily News ‏@SavDailyNews 1m
Conclusion in Guy Heinze murder trial: A juror has been excused, Juror 308. Judge: destroy that verdict and start new deliberations.
Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam now
A juror has been dismissed from the jury. An alternate will become a new juror. That means the jury must start over in deliberations
Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 1m
The new jury in the #heinze trial will have to start over completely, which means they must destroy their verdict form. @wjxt4

Savannah Daily News ‏@SavDailyNews 1m
CORRECTION on Heinze case: Juror is removed, an older gentleman. Alternate Juror 308 is seated. They begin again. Throw out previous 9 to 3.
Tim Pulliam ‏@WJXTPulliam 1m
New deliberations in the #heinze trial means this could be another long day. @wjxt4
Um .. what verdict?

Start again?

why was the jury member excused? Why are there never any answers ,yet we had to suffer 22 day of Jodys butt on the stand.

Ok I am going to go to work and try not to think about this jury for the rest of the day.
I think the verdicts for the last two counts is what has to be destroyed.
10:20 a.m.

A juror has been excused from the panel in Guy Heinze Jr.'s death penalty murder trial. Judge Stephen Scarlett put a woman alternate on the jury and ordered them to start anew.

"Your deliberations must start anew and cover all 11 counts,'' Scarlett said.

That wipes out the verdict on two drug charges that the foreman announced they had reached Thursday.

Scarlett passed a new verdict form to the foreman and at 10:30 p.m. ordered the nine-woman, three-man jury to begin deliberations.

Heinze is on trial for his life in the Aug. 29, 2009, beating deaths of his father and seven others.

The drug charges, a felony and a misdemeanor, arose from prescription painkillers and a small amount of marijuana police found that morning in the car Heinze was driving.

The prosecution has been trying since Monday to have a juror removed after a bailiff testified that as early as the second day of the trial he could not find Heinze guilty. The bailiff also said that the juror had spoken of the case with his wife Sunday afternoon during closely monitored visits.
I think it is going to be guilty on all counts, now.

I am hoping that you are right.

Hopefully it is the juror that should have been tossed long ago.

The jury must have complained he is refusing to deliberate! Kudos to them, if so.

I always suspected this juror to be an older man by the way he referred to Heinz as a 'gentleman.':scared: Really sir, are you serious? A gentleman GHJ is NOT.


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