GA - Sunday Blombergh, 28, Tifton, 22 April 2010 - #1

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some one she met at the hospital....she says she was scared to go home with herman i believe she told GBI this as well.
have you seen could she manipulate anyone?

maybe with money LOL

I'll be honest here, when I first laid eyes on her I thought she looked like Ronnie James Dio......ok his sister.

But for real.

Sorry Ronnie ~ RIP.
I really doubt he had money....herman and them didnt have alot of money either. Just because you own a business doesnt make you rich....hell they RENTED a mobile home!!!! What does that tell you?!
so any chance you know what she was in the hospital for??

I don't want to guess...but I will if I have to.

ETA: I was kidding about money :)
Besides the owner of the mobil home I see another association with that address, initials are DS.
some one she met at the hospital....she says she was scared to go home with herman i believe she told GBI this as well.

So IIRC, herman said on his FB wall that Ruby already had a new guy.... is this new friend / almost stranger she met at the hospital & left there with?

Had the new person move into Briarwood already?

No idea....Mental breakdown?????drugs...who knows

It would be easy to believe a combo of both afterall she had recently killed the mother of her grand-daughter all the while pretending she was not involved!!!!


ETA: do you happen to know which hospital she was in?
no she moved out of hermans home.....i guess thats the boyfriend he was talking i gather you feel ruby was the actual murderer? not herman?
Maybe she tried to OD.
no she moved out of hermans home.....i guess thats the boyfriend he was talking i gather you feel ruby was the actual murderer? not herman?

NOT sure who's who in this...GBI obviously has them in it's not a very good picture no matter where I sit.

What do you think?

All I know for sure - it's not making very good sense.
oh I think I'm getting it.......she was still living with Herman and I gather still together as hubby and wife when Sunday was murdered......

It was after this that she went to the hospital, met someone and moved in with them and never went back to the original house.....

Is that correct???? wow she moves on quick.....

very interesting then as to why she went to hospital since the murder has already taken place.......and how long was she in there if she managed to meet someone else?????

The reason I said he must be gullible is I thought they must have been split and her with a new boyfriend at the time of the murder........but I gather this is not the case........
Maybe she melted down when she lost Izzy even after killing Sunday? Just a guess.
no....she let Izzy go for a visit. She let Izzy go. She could have been a ***** and kept her considring Debra had snatched Izzy from Theo before. See this isnt making since. Sunday and everyone said she was leaving Izzy there till school was out. Its not that big of a pain in the *advertiser censored* to drive toTally. She did it all the time....Thats where her son and mom were. She had visited Sunday there too.
when Sunday lived in TX with her mom Theo lived in FL with Danielle its been a while back appearantly theo had custody in Fl they had custody in tx
This was about the time Sunday got busted for drugs. In Brazoria county.....I am not trying to sling mud....this was just my understanding of the situation. I've known them for a long long time....Sunday and Theo lived with me a while. before all this.
According to HE on 5-15-2010:

"...thursday when she went missing, I didn't know nothing about it... Me and my wife were, we were having problems. We haven't been getting along for a while. Friday night she called me and asked me did I think she should report it..." (FWIW)

Did anyone notice that HE and RE were both charged with "Felony Murder" ?
This is a very distinct and unique criminal charge. This means that Sunday's death occured during the commision of a felony.. Any ideas?

I know the punishment for felony murder is "Life w/o parole" or "Death penalty"

One other thing - Does anyone have any ideas on who else is going to be arrested?
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