GA - Sunday Blombergh, 28, Tifton, 22 April 2010 - #1

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NOT sure who's who in this...GBI obviously has them in it's not a very good picture no matter where I sit.

What do you think?

All I know for sure - it's not making very good sense.

All I can say is this. You can figure it out from here. This is the law in all states:

Anyone who commits a murder gets charged with murder.
Anyone who conspires to murder someone and asks someone else to do the murder also gets charged with murder. (sometimes the person who conspires gets charges with the actual murder while the person who did the deed pleads down to a lesser charge in order to testify against the conspirer)
Anyone who knows about a crime of murder and does not step forth gets arrested.
Anyone who assists in getting rid of a body, gets arrested.
Anyone who has knowledge of a crime and the authorities say "more arrests to come" means just that...with the exception that it could take time to make that arrest if the person:
A. is already arrested on other charges in another state, or has not yet been located.
This was about the time Sunday got busted for drugs. In Brazoria county.....I am not trying to sling mud....this was just my understanding of the situation. I've known them for a long long time....Sunday and Theo lived with me a while. before all this.

A mother's worst nightmare is to know their child becomes involved with unsavory characters and who have influence over their children in a negative way. Which is the reason that Sunday's family always stepped forth to try and talk her into getting away from Theo. I think his record speaks for itself in that he had quite the history prior to Sunday meeting him. If anything, I hope other vibrant young women watch this case very closely because as
I've raised my own children, I as a mother, have always tried to convey "you are who you associate with." When my children come back to me with "why do you say that?" I tell them that while you may not be doing drugs, or you may not be involved in misdeeds...if you associate with those that or two things WILL happen. Others will view you as the same...even if you're not...or you will end up doing things that you may not ever predict you would do that could be illegal...or harmful.

I know that over the years Sunday's family tried to convey this to her as well. Like many adult children, they may continue to go on their way because they feel they are "helping the person who is doing the misdeeds, due to their own low self esteem"..or they may be simply rebellious to their parents and siblings in showing them "I know how to live my life and don't need to be told."
Anyone who commits a murder gets charged with murder.

There are varying degrees of murder. HE and RE have been charged with "Felony Murder" which is a relatively new charge. This particular offense is weighted more than murder in the first degree. There are only 2 penalties for anyone convicted of felony murder - Life w/o parole, and death.

This tells me that (somehow) the murder occured during the commision of a felony?!
Either way the tragedy in all of this is not only the death of a beautiful young mother...but the last few years that Sunday's family tried to help her...and FINALLY, as a mother herself....Sunday proceeded to walk away from T.E and the whole lifestyle of partying, etc., over the past few years... Only to have gone back and forth in being with T.E....perhaps out of guilt for her child "needing her dad", or perhaps in thinking he would change.

Regardless, we all know Sunday made mistakes but what we do know is her life was snuffed out BECAUSE she was a good parent and off the drugs and I personally believe (my opinion) that some people didn't like the fact that she was no longer vulnerable and was afraid now that Sunday was clean she would come forth and go against those who were doing wrong things because she didn't want her own daughter to associate with those who were doing such things and THAT is the reason they turned against her.

I believe R.E. (my opinion) told Sunday, under a false pretense, "sure come live with H.E. and I, we'll help you stay from T.E." ...the motive all along was to have Izzy close...with the hopes of keeping Sunday "under wraps"..the fact that Sunday was moving back to Florida with HER family was enough to cause distress to those who feared what she would tell or do now that she was clean. (my opinion) Certainly knew she would keep Izzy away once she was out of school and permanently in Florida.

Doesn't matter if it was 1 1/2 hours away. Sunday was a different person now. She was on the solid straight path. They know that "Who in their right mind would want their daughter to go through what they went through?" and that Sunday would probably begin to keep Izzy away from all those that were bad influences. Maybe Sunday (my opinion) knew that Izzy obviously would be ok as Gramma R.E. would not harm her...but knew she herself was at risk and had to "get out" and had no choice but to "keep friends" with R.E until she knew she was settled and could wait out the last month of school for Izzy to join her. Perhaps R.E. realized what was going on and knew once mother and daughter together that all previous "rights granted" were no longer going to be the same. Perhaps R.E. knew that her only way to see Izzy would be in her having to go to Tally to see her under the protection of her mother and R.E. didn't like those terms.

That was probably the threat for RE. (again, my opinion) I believe this will even come down to premeditation. So maybe the motive was not only in keeping Izzy, but also in keeping Sunday from having to "tell all that she knew" which she certainly would have done (any mother would have) had a child custody battle or visitation rights occurred via grandparent (R.E) and bio mother (Sunday). Let's not forget that R.E. also lost another grandchild from T.E's previous girlfriend, due to suffocation at 9 days old. No way, I believe, that R.E. was going to lose another one if it took all she could do to stop it.

Perhaps R.E. should have started focusing on her own son, T.E instead, and worried more about him getting his act together and she wouldn't have had to fear her grandchildren being taken away. Just my thoughts...but instead she has publicly lashed out at the mothers' of the children her son has born on public websites going back to the deceased newborn. I do believe we may see the death penalty here. (Again, my opinion)
There are varying degrees of murder. HE and RE have been charged with "Felony Murder" which is a relatively new charge. This particular offense is weighted more than murder in the first degree. There are only 2 penalties for anyone convicted of felony murder - Life w/o parole, and death.

This tells me that (somehow) the murder occured during the commision of a felony?!

Or in premeditation. Planned. That would fall under felony murder because "malice murder" is the same as 2nd degree. So many variations would constitute Felony Murder.
A recent example taken from a website is: (look what crime he committed)
State v. C.H., Superior Court of Carroll County
Our client was indicted for aggravated assault, malice murder, and felony murder following the shooting of a man who lived in his neighborhood. The key witness for the prosecution testified that the gentleman we represented walked across the street, pulled out a revolver, and shot the other man without provocation.
Actually that would be T.C. (Theo Conoly)...
where did that quote come from the one from herman

I changed my mind - I will share it with all....

Saturday, 5-15-10 was the poster distribution event. I arrived way too early (Like 10AM when the event started at 11AM) We had stacks of Sunday's missing person flyer on the car, so it was obvious what we were there for.

HE showed up and proclaimed his innocence to us.

That is where the quote came from. That quote was verbatim.

That is where I fall short with my "sleuthing". When it comes to FACTS, such as dates and times, evidence, cell phone pings, distance and time calculations - I am great at drawing conclusions and eliminating possibilities. When it comes to the human element, I suck. I tend to look for the good in people. My father has always described me as having a "soft heart".

[I hope I did not violate TOS by posting this]
This was about the time Sunday got busted for drugs. In Brazoria county.....I am not trying to sling mud....this was just my understanding of the situation. I've known them for a long long time....Sunday and Theo lived with me a while. before all this.

Thanks SouthernChick! I appreciate hearing from people who acutally knew the people involved.
well i would venture to say we are only gonna get the one side of this story ......Because if it were that bad someone would have contacted DFACS..or the police ...or DEA....because noone is around to deny or confirm everything seems to be speculation. there was a reason LE was dragging their feet.....Herman has been lying from the start.... a couch didnt do that damage to his face....his neighbor did......I know that to be a fact....the one that was going on about them in the yard yelling and carrying on, coming down to her house knocking on the door....she was pretty lovey dovey prior to that.( MW) ..people change when you stick a camera in their face. We have to wait and see how this is gonna play out in court.....They are prolly gonna do life out of being stupid and no one will get the whole truth.. hermans gonna lie to get his self in less trouble ....whats it called plea bargain......tomlinson too .....Ruby...the damn ring leader will prolly get death penalty cause it'll be all her fault....and then the other pending arrests....dang
I changed my mind - I will share it with all....

Saturday, 5-15-10 was the poster distribution event. I arrived way too early (Like 10AM when the event started at 11AM) We had stacks of Sunday's missing person flyer on the car, so it was obvious what we were there for.

HE showed up and proclaimed his innocence to us.

That is where the quote came from. That quote was verbatim.

That is where I fall short with my "sleuthing". When it comes to FACTS, such as dates and times, evidence, cell phone pings, distance and time calculations - I am great at drawing conclusions and eliminating possibilities. When it comes to the human element, I suck. I tend to look for the good in people. My father has always described me as having a "soft heart".

[I hope I did not violate TOS by posting this]

Mlatta ... Your heart is in the right place, you were there to help search for Sunday. Thank you for that!!

HE obviously talks a good game, that you initially might have been swayed by his BS is of no consequence. Thank you for sharing what you saw and heard in Tifton.
well i would venture to say we are only gonna get the one side of this story ......Because if it were that bad someone would have contacted DFACS..or the police ...or DEA....because noone is around to deny or confirm everything seems to be speculation. there was a reason LE was dragging their feet.....Herman has been lying from the start.... a couch didnt do that damage to his face....his neighbor did......I know that to be a fact....the one that was going on about them in the yard yelling and carrying on, coming down to her house knocking on the door....she was pretty lovey dovey prior to that.( MW) ..people change when you stick a camera in their face. We have to wait and see how this is gonna play out in court.....They are prolly gonna do life out of being stupid and no one will get the whole truth.. hermans gonna lie to get his self in less trouble ....whats it called plea bargain......tomlinson too .....Ruby...the damn ring leader will prolly get death penalty cause it'll be all her fault....and then the other pending arrests....dang

Any ideas on who else will be arrested? Theo perhaps?
Or in premeditation. Planned. That would fall under felony murder because "malice murder" is the same as 2nd degree.

So, basically, in GA, 1st degree murder = felony murder.

Here in SC it is a little different. (As I ranted in my previous posts)

Thank you for clearing that up for me! :)
Someone said that Sunday's Missing Page on FB was closed for a time due to comments that Ruby was posting there. Did anyone happen to see what she was writing?
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