GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #1 *Arrests*

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^^^ Just remove the w in my link in my post above if you're having problems opening it sorry :facepalm:. Thanks Coldpizza

Also from the link the family seem adamt POI - Heath Dykes was not reasonable in Tara's case how can they be so sure when it's confirmed by the GBI they were both having an affair.
As the gbi has said no one has been ruled out

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^^^ Just remove the w in my link in my post above if you're having problems opening it sorry :facepalm:. Thanks Coldpizza

Also from the link the family seem adamt POI - Heath Dykes was not reasonable in Tara's case how can they be so sure when it's confirmed by the GBI they were both having an affair.

Just my opinion but perhaps it's too much for them to fathom a family friend actually harming Tara? Although as an observer I can easily see this occurring, I can imagine it would be difficult to suspect a close family
Friend of such, someone I would call in an emergency such as Tara's missing situation, and they ran right over to check on her...the thought that he could potentially be the worst person to call? Could be unbearable.

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I have had issue with HD more than anyone else mentioned among these threads, but recently I've noted a few things with her brother-in-law, L.Gattis:

1) Ive read others posts and viewed court documentation showing Larry had his medical license suspended for writing improper prescriptions. (I also read he's been in treatment for addiction, but have seen nothing that confirms this)

Interesting to me that in the podcast where Payne talks to Jim Hickey, Jim mentioned how he and Tara only went out on 1 or 2 dates, and one of those dates Tara introduced Jim to the man that owned the Pharmacy. So now knowing Tara's brother-in-law, Larry was a Dr prescribing improper medications, and Tara being close enough to this Pharmacist, that she's introducing him to her date, where's the friendship between Tara and this Pharmacist begin? My point is if a Dr (Larry) was prescribing to many of a certain drug or to many narcotics in general, to the point he had his medical license suspended, one of the first people to recognize this would be the small town pharmacist which makes this whole connection between Tara, pharmacist and Larry particularly interesting to me.

Does anyone know whether Larry's medical office was close to the Pharmacy Tara visited on her date with Jim Hickey?

2.) Larry being a Dr, and most people say the glove found at the scene (aside from the color discrepancy) was a type of glove used in medical offices, law enforcement, etc

3.) Larry failed the question regarding whether he had an affair with Tara. Dr. Godwin mentioned in one of the podcasts he believed that Tara may have threatened someone or something along those lines which probably led to her demise. Let's say Tara and Larry were having an affair or had one in the past, and Tara couldn't live with that secret anymore (remembering her emotional state is in question over MH breakup). What if Tara told Larry she wanted to tell her sister about their affair?? motive?

4.) In previous podcasts, "Reverse Psychology" is discussed as a reason HD would leave his business card at Tara's door. I also believe reverse psychology can play a role in why Larry would admit he failed that question regarding an affair with Tara. Perhaps trying to make people believe he would never release that information information if he was guilty. And honestly, why would he put himself out there like that and let people know he failed that particular question? Especially if the public were not going to find out specifics about the case due to the laws in GA. GBI weren't releasing any results so the public wouldve never known to even speculate an affair, he blew his own cover, why?

(side note: does anyone know why GBI wouldn't ask him directly whether he had anything to do with Tara's disappearance during that polygraph?)

Also, I read Larry's alibi was that he was On-Call at the hospital that weekend and it would be "impossible" to leave for more than 15 minutes. This to me sounds like another trick of reverse psychology. Someone with premeditated plans to get rid of Tara would want to do it when it wouldn't seem possible, they had an alibi. For Larry to figure out a way on a weekend he was on call and then be able to tell people "no way i could do that, i was on call" seems too good.

5.) Dr. Godwin posted links to Larry's interviews during the time she disappeared and this is what was discussed in one of those interviews: LARRY HARRIET: Now, your leads, are they pertaining to the 3 suspects in my mind are Marcus Harper, Sean Fletcher, and Anthony Vickers?LARRY GATTIS: The leads have more to do with the possible locations of the body, where she may of been disposed of, that sort of thing...
This was from Nov 2006. I believe Tara wasn't ruled by the courts to be dead until Dec. 2010, 4 years after this interview. I understand the chances of Tara being found alive at the time Larry conducted this interview, a year after Tara disappeared, were slim to none, but his answer about possible locations of the "body" is strange considering someone without involvement in this case wouldn't even know if there's a body to have been disposed of.

Dr Gattis lived an hour and a half from ocilla, not close to the pharmacy that has been closed for years. Tara was just a customer at pharmacy. Gattis was referring to tips received and all the searches that he was heading up. Everyone basically knew Tara was dead and searchers were were looking for remains. GBI never asked Dr Gattis during the polygraph if he harmed Tara or knew where she was yet.

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying Tara isn't the victim. It's sad that she's missing, and I can only imagine what her family is going through. However, my point is there's more than meets the eye. There are many that were close to her that are coming forward saying she had issues, and was having affairs with married men, etc. This isn't me calling her a *advertiser censored*, I'm just saying that she had another part of her life that wasn't front and center. Also she seemed to have other personal mental health problems. But again, it's sad that she's missing, but we got to look at the facts and where they lead. I realize what I wrote isn't popular with many, but don't take it personal.
I would not say mental health problems but rather emotional issues related to the breakup of someone she loved. Lots of people go through this

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Just to clarify, I'm not saying Tara isn't the victim. It's sad that she's missing, and I can only imagine what her family is going through. However, my point is there's more than meets the eye. There are many that were close to her that are coming forward saying she had issues, and was having affairs with married men, etc. This isn't me calling her a *advertiser censored*, I'm just saying that she had another part of her life that wasn't front and center. Also she seemed to have other personal mental health problems. But again, it's sad that she's missing, but we got to look at the facts and where they lead. I realize what I wrote isn't popular with many, but don't take it personal.

Obviously there's more here than we know...everyone gets that about this case.

what exact issues/mental health problem has she had you speak of, I'm not aware of a medical diagnosis regarding her mental heath ever being confirmed. She was a single woman appearing to be looking for love, and hurt from a long relationship that ended with a man, who was still going on vacations with her as of a month before she disappeared....seems obvious MH had a part in the fact she had such a hard time letting go of him, seems like he was playing games with her.

Like a lot of 30 some year old single girls out there, she allowed herself to get involved with the wrong one, but nobody has the right to blame that all on Tara, it takes two people to make that happen. And I believe it was already discussed that during her relationships with she had with the men discussed, she appeared to be committed to one of a time if it was serious, and if she was casually dating people then she had every right to date other people at the same time. It's called being single and dating and it's normal behavior in todays world. Today we have Tinder,, etc....single people casually go out and date multiple people all the time. I don't believe her character should be in question for this, the only questions should be directed at those men that have shady alibi's and something to hide that made themselves a part of her life.
MH makes it rather clear he does not want marriage or a permanent relationship & has expressed this openly. It is understandable that Tara would seek out other relationships. It seems like she had a hard time accepting how cold, distant and impersonal he was with her.
You seem to blame her for her relationship with other men. It takes two and is not fair to only blame her. HD may have told her he was leaving his family and may have been the aggressor in this relationship. It is unreasonable to blame her totally for this relationship with HD. We do not know all the facts.
MH makes it rather clear he does not want marriage or a permanent relationship & has expressed this openly. It is understandable that Tara would seek out other relationships. It seems like she had a hard time accepting how cold, distant and impersonal he was with her.
You seem to blame her for her relationship with other men. It takes two and is not fair to only blame her. HD may have told her he was leaving his family and may have been the aggressor in this relationship. It is unreasonable to blame her totally for this relationship with HD. We do not know all the facts.
I don't blame her. This is me only stating "What if?"

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Obviously there's more here than we know...everyone gets that about this case.

what exact issues/mental health problem has she had you speak of, I'm not aware of a medical diagnosis regarding her mental heath ever being confirmed. She was a single woman appearing to be looking for love, and hurt from a long relationship that ended with a man, who was still going on vacations with her as of a month before she disappeared....seems obvious MH had a part in the fact she had such a hard time letting go of him, seems like he was playing games with her.

Like a lot of 30 some year old single girls out there, she allowed herself to get involved with the wrong one, but nobody has the right to blame that all on Tara, it takes two people to make that happen. And I believe it was already discussed that during her relationships with she had with the men discussed, she appeared to be committed to one of a time if it was serious, and if she was casually dating people then she had every right to date other people at the same time. It's called being single and dating and it's normal behavior in todays world. Today we have Tinder,, etc....single people casually go out and date multiple people all the time. I don't believe her character should be in question for this, the only questions should be directed at those men that have shady alibi's and something to hide that made themselves a part of her life.
Supposedly tara threatened to kill herself over getting dumped.

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"""This isn't me calling her a *advertiser censored*, I'm just saying that she had another part of her life that wasn't front and center. Also she seemed to have other personal mental health problems.....""

I really don't know how to interpret what you are saying by the above. Perhaps you can clarify what you mean.
I posted this on the general discussion thread as well but it fits hear too. - - - -
I'm new to this case thanks to Payne's podcast. One advantage of coming in to cases after a longer period of time is kind of the "fresh eyes perspective"...
I started back at the beginning of many threads that were started the week Tara went missing in 2005. Several questions & observations have come to mind. One of which is in regards to her clothing from the night of the cookout. Multiple sources seem to state that it was on the floor & her expensive shoes were there as well which would be unusual because she would have taken care of them. The necklace was also found on the floor. It was also stated that the bed looked like the comforter had just been pulled up quickly. (Not nicely made etc)
One thought that came to my mind (as a single woman in my early 30s) is that this could easily be the scene after a "romantic encounter" - Guest arrives (possibly meeting her after the party or perhaps she picked him up) took him back to her house which would explain no additional cars and her seat being adjusted later) In the heat of the romantic moment the clothes and necklace are discarded hastily on the floor...
If true so many questions emerge. Not only WHO but then did the crime happen there or was she then lured away?
This theory could also bring in to play the lamp being askew & the clock getting knocked under the bed during the romance.
Like I said, just a thought that came to mind while going back to initial evidence. Not sure if anyone has suggested the same theory in the past decade or not. It didn't sound like from early evidence the bedding was taken by LE for evidence or potential DNA. Was her clothing? If MH or DH has DNA on either well that would be a bombshell since both deny they had contact with her the day she disappeared.

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I posted this on the general discussion thread as well but it fits hear too. - - - -
I'm new to this case thanks to Payne's podcast. One advantage of coming in to cases after a longer period of time is kind of the "fresh eyes perspective"...
I started back at the beginning of many threads that were started the week Tara went missing in 2005. Several questions & observations have come to mind. One of which is in regards to her clothing from the night of the cookout. Multiple sources seem to state that it was on the floor & her expensive shoes were there as well which would be unusual because she would have taken care of them. The necklace was also found on the floor. It was also stated that the bed looked like the comforter had just been pulled up quickly. (Not nicely made etc)
One thought that came to my mind (as a single woman in my early 30s) is that this could easily be the scene after a "romantic encounter" - Guest arrives (possibly meeting her after the party or perhaps she picked him up) took him back to her house which would explain no additional cars and her seat being adjusted later) In the heat of the romantic moment the clothes and necklace are discarded hastily on the floor...
If true so many questions emerge. Not only WHO but then did the crime happen there or was she then lured away?
This theory could also bring in to play the lamp being askew & the clock getting knocked under the bed during the romance.
Like I said, just a thought that came to mind while going back to initial evidence. Not sure if anyone has suggested the same theory in the past decade or not. It didn't sound like from early evidence the bedding was taken by LE for evidence or potential DNA. Was her clothing? If MH or DH has DNA on either well that would be a bombshell since both deny they had contact with her the day she disappeared.

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Correction: HD... not DH.

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Unfortunately, that appears to be the case. And then a 3 week break or something like that afterwards. Sheesh! I hate trying to binge listen/watch things halfway through a season, I always end up catching up. Call me Tom Petty, because the waiting is the hardest part.
It's all pretty strange! Wish we heard today what came of it.
When Dr G messaged GH and said he didn't know Payne and GH messaged back "Troy and Payne Lindsey know who I am." Does GH know they were contacting Troy? Creepy.
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