General theory thread and motives rehashed #6

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IMO, Misty shows classic signs of a sexually abused female. IMO, if the guy in Daytona wasn't guilty, he has had ample opportunity to clear his name. Misty getting caught up in Haleigh's case, would have given him the perfect ammunition, to prove she was a liar and her parents were con artists. I remember seeing an interview, (Art Harris, I think), where her mother talked about not knowing about JO messing with Misty, until she passed that part of the lie detector test. And as far as Tommy goes, I believe her. I don't believe his lack of prior record, means squat...except that LE had no reason before Haleigh came up missing, to zero in on him. You'd be surprised at how many people commit daily crimes, under the radar. Misty moving in with an older man, is also a classic sign of a molest victim. But, even though I believe most of Misty's molestation claims, I'm not sure they have a thing to do with this case, except to show the kind of people Haleigh was surrounded by, and the circumstances that led up to her disappearance. I think Misty learned at an early age, that being the victim, got her attention, and was a handy excuse, to blame her problems on. In other words, I think she learned to use it and manipulate it. I have known other victims who have done this very thing. They get on drugs, quit school, are promiscuous, commit crimes...and blame it all on their childhoods. And they're right. It's the reason they are who they are. Some Kids who are molested, develop a lot of negative traits, and thery're not very likeable or sympathetic. Something like Haleigh's case wouldn't happen to a normal person, and Misty, is exactly the kind of person, who would get mixed up in something like this. About Tommy...I don't understand how people can see his spiraling down, as a sign of innocence in Haleigh's murder. I see the exact opposite. IMO, this guy hasn't been tricked by his little sister. I also don't see this brotherly loyalty, a lot of people see. What about loyalty to his own kids? I can't stand, his actions being twisted into something noble, motivated by love and protection. The only person Tommy is motivated to protect, IMO, is Tommy. All of this is MOO ,

BBM1-Totally agree.

BBM2-Just speaking for myself, I see a downward spiral, but I don't think that's a sign of innocence.

We've got stories of what was going on before and after Haleigh disappeared. IMO, what happened to Haleigh has to account for this, because it DID HAPPEN.

I don't go with a theory and then try to make everything fit it. Misty could be covering for Tommy, but what I know of what has gone on, I don't see any evidence of Misty ever covering for Tommy. I see a couple of instances of Misty throwing Tommy under the bus, so to me, this seems unlikely. Tommy could be covering for Misty, and IMO, there is an incident or two that seems to show Tommy does have interest in protecting Misty.

IMO, at the very best, Tommy knows something and kept his mouth shut for over a year, if not to present day, and IMO, there is nothing noble at all about that.

This was siblings of the opposite sex growing up with little to no parental supervision or guidance. I would be surprised if there weren't incest going on at some point.


When children grow up in an enviroment of neglect, even with or without incest being involved, they are at a higher risk of being sexually abused. IMO, these children grow up starved for affection, with no compass of right and wrong, and exposed to the lowlifes. IMO, Misty's story, unfortunately, is not unique.

So, yes, I believe the incest, but I don't believe that equates pedophile, especially if (as I believe) this all started when both Misty and Tommy were children.

BBM IMHO.. And any children brought up and afflliated with the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan have experienced the same and IMHO are ALL at risk for the same behavior too.. Any way you slice it.. Dysfunction breeds dysfunction..
Bottom line for me.. The Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan, as a family, have proven they are as dysfunctional as The Croslins could ever be..IF not more so...JMHO

Okay, wait a minute. I agree that as parents we often don't know or aren't aware of the scope/degree that our ADULT children are up to... even our teens are often times smart enough to evade parents' inquiring minds...

Of course there are rumors...plenty of rumors and that which I know as fact, but without proof am unwilling to share. That's just the way it is.

But I have to ask, as this piqued my curiosity...I'm NOT arguing with you, just where, how and with such stated certainty that you posted this as fact, that which I bolded....?

I apologize.. Perhaps it was her deceased husband I read about who may have done drugs...?
Maybe have my cases mixed up too..
I just cant shake the Katrina angle for a few reasons. I know she was troubled and suffered from being an addict (her husband died of an overdose) she had a tumultuous relations with Annette (she pressed charges on her before), she may have not raised Hope, as Hope is a Sykes, so there is a story with that, and if thats true, Hope was raised with Ron, because as we know, Teresa did not parent her kids till Kirby Sykes became ill and Annette had to devote that time to her dying husband, so Hope and Ron being raised together shows loyalty to Ronald, as she had to consider him like a brother, or more ( please listen to the audio of Hope telling her encounter with Ron to Katrina). We always think, oh Chelsea knew, Teresa knew, everyone knew, but I always think in the back of my mind, how as a mother, could these people know and live with themselves and carry on? What if your daughter did something for Ron (your nephew) that involved a dead Haleigh, (your great neice), and you knew after the fact, or were privy to watching your drug addicted nephew (who she could have been dependent on for whatever) lose control and accidentally kill her? Katrina not being charged with being at the drug deal is one of two things, imo, one, they didn't want her and knew she had nothing to do with Haleigh, or two, she cut a deal to tell all she knew on her own child and nephew and what she saw/heard that night. I don't know which one it was, but why would Katrina have to drive Ron, he had a truck, why was she involved in any way? Why couldnt Misty go on her own with the UC as she had previously. Did the cops set it up to have Katrina bring them there? Maybe its as simple as she wanted to buy some of those pills...jmo

:goodpost: Chablis!!


Yes, why exactly did Katrina drive them? As you mentioned, they had enough vehicles between them that they could have gone without her.

It has always been very suspicious to me that she was allowed to just drive off. Once again, more shades of s_ _ t regarding this case.
Actually a team of experts throughout FL were in Putnam County over the summer reviewing the Haleigh Cummings case. I think PCSO is still working the case.

I think though getting their main suspects in prison was brillant. Sometimes prison can work wonders on people.

They think they are big and tough at first, but after their appeals go by, and year after year passes. Especially when they are roughed up in prison... They will start to break down.

I think we have seen some good police work from the PCSO and other agencies working on this case.

It is encouraging to learn about the team of experts taking a look at Haleigh's case. And, it is very good that Ron, Misty, Hope and Tommy are in prison and not making a run to skip out of town. I'm still not convinced that one of this bunch is going to break and give up some truthful, valuable information.

Levi, do you think that Ron Cummings family were investigated and homes/vehicles/land searched adequately by LE? Personally, I hope that the expert team is digging into Ron's side of the blanket.
I keep going back to Tommy's earlier arrest when he had a higher bail but then supposedly made a comment that he had gone to the MH based upon Ron's request and nobody was there. This was obviously something LE wanted to hear 'cause his bail was released.

We only really have bits & pieces from phone calls, visits, and an attorney. Who knows what Tommy really told LE and how much of it was what he thought they wanted to hear for his own benefit?

Misty even said on one of her jailhouse tapes that if LE wanted her to tell 'em something, she would. Did you hear truth in that statement? Hasn't she since said that she tried to tell 'em about Ron's involvement and they didn't want to hear it?

Bottom line -- it's not black/white. The court system is a game.
I keep going back to Tommy's earlier arrest when he had a higher bail but then supposedly made a comment that he had gone to the MH based upon Ron's request and nobody was there. This was obviously something LE wanted to hear 'cause his bail was released.

We only really have bits & pieces from phone calls, visits, and an attorney. Who knows what Tommy really told LE and how much of it was what he thought they wanted to hear for his own benefit?

Misty even said on one of her jailhouse tapes that if LE wanted her to tell 'em something, she would. Did you hear truth in that statement? Hasn't she since said that she tried to tell 'em about Ron's involvement and they didn't want to hear it?

Bottom line -- it's not black/white. The court system is a game.
IDK of course, but what it looked like to me, was LE set a trap for Tommy and he fell right into it. They knew he was desperate to not go to the pen, (in a jail tape, Tommy made reference to the yrs that he was threatened with), so they had the leverage. IDK if Tommy told the truth or not, but it did put him at the trailer at a certain time...Misty being home or not, might be beside the point. I remember LE saying they had this case almost completely solved, so this might have been them tying up a loose end...getting Tommy to admit to being at the trailer. And he did! Also, when Tommy tried to back away from this story and change the time, LE said they were sticking with his original time. MOO.
ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Jane, I can tell you that Ronald Cummings has told law enforcement about a timeline and about phone calls Misty made that night. So -- or actually that he made that night. And they are trying to put together new information he`s given them. And that has resulted in a request to interview Misty Cummings -- Misty Croslin again.

AH reported that on JVM after Ron's plea deal. He gave LE NEW info, he WITHHELD about his phone conversations the night Haleigh went missing.

Now why would someone who was innocent withhold information about their telephone conversations for over a year while their daughter was missing if they didn't have any involvement? Ron was doing a lot of calling/texting that night and not a lot of "werkin" it looks like!

Ron's proffer agreement had to be about Haleigh, LE didn't need him for the drug cases, they were all caught on tape. Plus, the drug case was just a way to get their main suspects behind bars and put pressure on them.

People act like the drug case has nothing to do with Haleigh's case. IT HAS EVERYTHING to do with Haleigh's case and shows us who LE wanted to put the most pressure on.


I don't consider Art Harris reliable. Got anything else?
Actually a team of experts throughout FL were in Putnam County over the summer reviewing the Haleigh Cummings case. I think PCSO is still working the case.

I think though getting their main suspects in prison was brillant. Sometimes prison can work wonders on people.

They think they are big and tough at first, but after their appeals go by, and year after year passes. Especially when they are roughed up in prison... They will start to break down.

I think we have seen some good police work from the PCSO and other agencies working on this case.

That is really kind of depressing that experts in FL were reviewing the case over the summer and we still are not any further ahead with an arrest in the murder. I feel that if we had access to the information that FL LE have (phone records, all statements, etc.) that we could hash that out and know where to really put the pressure. But knowing that a good working theory does not always equate to an arrest, especially when everyone is lying and/or covering, is another story.

"Two trafficking counts were dropped as part of Cummings' plea agreement and he has agreed to "provide truthful testimony" in future cases, including the one involving his daughter's disappearance, said Christopher Kelly, assistant state attorney and spokesman with the 7th Circuit State Attorney's Office."

Ronald Cummings was also charged in the same undercover sting and took a plea deal and agreed to a 15-year sentence. Cummings was also fined $250,000. As part of the plea agreement Cummings also agreed to testify for the state in future litigation involving his missing daughter.

"Two trafficking counts were dropped as part of Cummings' plea agreement and he has agreed to "provide truthful testimony" in future cases, including the one involving his daughter's disappearance, said Christopher Kelly, assistant state attorney and spokesman with the 7th Circuit State Attorney's Office."

Ronald Cummings was also charged in the same undercover sting and took a plea deal and agreed to a 15-year sentence. Cummings was also fined $250,000. As part of the plea agreement Cummings also agreed to testify for the state in future litigation involving his missing daughter.


Wow! What a guy. Sterling father isn't he?!

"Two trafficking counts were dropped as part of Cummings' plea agreement and he has agreed to "provide truthful testimony" in future cases, including the one involving his daughter's disappearance, said Christopher Kelly, assistant state attorney and spokesman with the 7th Circuit State Attorney's Office."

Ronald Cummings was also charged in the same undercover sting and took a plea deal and agreed to a 15-year sentence. Cummings was also fined $250,000. As part of the plea agreement Cummings also agreed to testify for the state in future litigation involving his missing daughter.

Thanks, GrandmaJ


IMO, this does not incriminate Ron in involvement in Haleigh's disappearance, and it still leaves what he told in the 'proffer agreement' wide open.

I don't believe much of what Crystal Sheffield says about Ron because IMO a lot of what she has said has been debunked. Crystal says Ron beat on her when she told him she was pregnant with Haleigh. Standing alone, I wouldn't give that much weight, but there seems to be similar stories regarding Amber and also Misty when they told Ron they were pregnant, so to me that makes it more credible, and also makes the story about Misty being beaten before the party weekend more credible.

Ron's behavior for quite some time seems to indicate he believed Misty wasn't involved in what happened to Haleigh. Why, I don't know. IMO, it's very plausible LE questioned Ron about their split and Misty's long weekend party prior to Haleigh disappearing, and Ron lied about it, 1.) because he didn't want to get arrested for assault, and 2.) because he thought it was irrelevant since he didn't think Misty was involved, and maybe even 3.) he didn't want to look bad and jeopardize his custody of Jr. To me, this is a reasonable, possible explanation of something Ron had to offer in a plea deal.

IMO, the plea deal reinforces the theory it was someone other than Ron who is responsible. I don't believe the state would waste a plea bargain on someone they thought was guilty without getting the body in return, and also IMO they would have required him to at least plead to a lesser charge, like involuntary manslaughter, in order to close the case.
BBM1-Totally agree.

BBM2-Just speaking for myself, I see a downward spiral, but I don't think that's a sign of innocence.

We've got stories of what was going on before and after Haleigh disappeared. IMO, what happened to Haleigh has to account for this, because it DID HAPPEN.

I don't go with a theory and then try to make everything fit it. Misty could be covering for Tommy, but what I know of what has gone on, I don't see any evidence of Misty ever covering for Tommy. I see a couple of instances of Misty throwing Tommy under the bus, so to me, this seems unlikely. Tommy could be covering for Misty, and IMO, there is an incident or two that seems to show Tommy does have interest in protecting Misty.

IMO, at the very best, Tommy knows something and kept his mouth shut for over a year, if not to present day, and IMO, there is nothing noble at all about that.

IMHO..When Ron C and his family realized they could no longer rely on Tommy keeping the secret is when Teresa Neves started revving up the bus to implicate Tommy (as well as Misty) as being the one/s involved...

IIRC Tommy was never mentioned as being involved until six months later.. Not until after the blow up between Ron C and the Croslins which landed Ron C in jail and him then putting a headless rat in Tommy's mailbox. Look at the lies and the conflicting stories Ron C told about the headless rat incident..

Ronald Cummings' Rat Alibi

Ronald Cummings was arrested for battery against his brother-in-law Tommy Croslin August 6. Croslin stated that he feared revenge. On August 8, Tommy Croslin complained of receiving a headless dead rat in his mailbox, which he perceived as a death threat. When questioned by police, Cummings denied placing the rat in Croslin's mailbox, using partying with Misty as an alibi.

But when questioned by Tim Miller of Equusearch, Ronald Cummings reportedly admitted placing the rat in the mailbox, claiming that his alibi was a test of Misty's ability to successfully lie to the police. He allegedly claimed he wanted to see how well she could lie to police so he could judge how well she lies to him.

How can anyone knowing the above to be the case not know he is the one responsible for his daughter's death and his main goal from the beginning has been to deflect from himself and set up others to take the fall..JMHOOTS

ETA...For the record.. I don't go with a theory and then try to make everything fit it either. I put the pieces of the puzzle together and then..Voila.. I get the picture...JMHOOTS
And why did Tommy and Ron get friendly after Misty called in her fam to get her and Tommy had ROn arrested? She told Tommy something that made Ron fearful. Whatever could it have been? Seriously, if you helped dispose of a body for someone, would you call the cops on them for a fight?
IMHO..When Ron C and his family realized they could no longer rely on Tommy keeping the secret is when Teresa Neves started revving up the bus to implicate Tommy (as well as Misty) as being the one/s involved...

IIRC Tommy was never mentioned as being involved until six months later.. Not until after the blow up between Ron C and the Croslins which landed Ron C in jail and him then putting a headless rat in Tommy's mailbox. Look at the lies and the conflicting stories Ron C told about the headless rat incident..

Ronald Cummings' Rat Alibi

Ronald Cummings was arrested for battery against his brother-in-law Tommy Croslin August 6. Croslin stated that he feared revenge. On August 8, Tommy Croslin complained of receiving a headless dead rat in his mailbox, which he perceived as a death threat. When questioned by police, Cummings denied placing the rat in Croslin's mailbox, using partying with Misty as an alibi.

But when questioned by Tim Miller of Equusearch, Ronald Cummings reportedly admitted placing the rat in the mailbox, claiming that his alibi was a test of Misty's ability to successfully lie to the police. He allegedly claimed he wanted to see how well she could lie to police so he could judge how well she lies to him.

How can anyone knowing the above to be the case not know he is the one responsible for his daughter's death and his main goal from the beginning has been to deflect from himself and set up others to take the fall..JMHOOTS

ETA...For the record.. I don't go with a theory and then try to make everything fit it either. I put the pieces of the puzzle together and then..Voila.. I get the picture...JMHOOTS

BBM in red.

Maybe because (first story) it doesn't seem that odd for a person to lie to police about breaking the law, and maybe (second story) Ron was starting to get suspicious of Misty's story about what happened to his daughter, and wondering if she was really that good a liar, and/or he didn't want to admit being so petty as to do this in retaliation for being charged with assault for beating someone up. MOO.

I could understand the reasoning here if Ron was such a stand-up kind of guy who consistently took responsibility for his actions until this incident, but that's not really the case, IMO, so to me this is just more of the same ol' thing.
And why did Tommy and Ron get friendly after Misty called in her fam to get her and Tommy had ROn arrested? She told Tommy something that made Ron fearful. Whatever could it have been? Seriously, if you helped dispose of a body for someone, would you call the cops on them for a fight?


What could it have been? If Tommy has already helped Ron dispose of Haleigh's body, what is there left for Misty to tell Tommy that would make Ron fearful? I would say at this point Tommy would already know enough about Ron to have him worried.

And why would Ron start trouble with Misty in the first place if she's covering for him for murder, and then beat up Tommy and stick a rat in his mailbox after Tommy has already done him a solid and helped him dispose of a body?

I've never had anyone help me dispose of a body, but I'd like to think if I did I'd be doing things like buying them dinner and taking them fishing, not beating them up and leaving dead animals in their mailbox...

ETA: Disclaimer: The above comment means I have never been in a position to have to dispose of a body, not that I prefer to do it solo....Just sayin'...
Misty told Tommy what really happened, or a VERSION and once again Ron played his "gotta keep my enemies closer game" with Misty and Tommy, I mean someone who has the knowledge to have a needle put in your arm, is your enemy, of course, Ron being a drug addict for a decade, imo probably made his brain so fried he never knew the true meaning on the saying anyways. He talks like a macho wanna be 10 year old who watched to many tough guy movies. jmo
Thanks, GrandmaJ


IMO, this does not incriminate Ron in involvement in Haleigh's disappearance, and it still leaves what he told in the 'proffer agreement' wide open.

I don't believe much of what Crystal Sheffield says about Ron because IMO a lot of what she has said has been debunked. Crystal says Ron beat on her when she told him she was pregnant with Haleigh. Standing alone, I wouldn't give that much weight, but there seems to be similar stories regarding Amber and also Misty when they told Ron they were pregnant, so to me that makes it more credible, and also makes the story about Misty being beaten before the party weekend more credible.

Ron's behavior for quite some time seems to indicate he believed Misty wasn't involved in what happened to Haleigh. Why, I don't know. IMO, it's very plausible LE questioned Ron about their split and Misty's long weekend party prior to Haleigh disappearing, and Ron lied about it, 1.) because he didn't want to get arrested for assault, and 2.) because he thought it was irrelevant since he didn't think Misty was involved, and maybe even 3.) he didn't want to look bad and jeopardize his custody of Jr. To me, this is a reasonable, possible explanation of something Ron had to offer in a plea deal.

IMO, the plea deal reinforces the theory it was someone other than Ron who is responsible. I don't believe the state would waste a plea bargain on someone they thought was guilty without getting the body in return, and also IMO they would have required him to at least plead to a lesser charge, like involuntary manslaughter, in order to close the case.
No,technically speaking, it doesn't necessarily incriminate RC in Haleigh's disappearance, but IMO, it does incriminate him in holding back information, in Haleigh's disappearance...which is astounding, if you ask me. Why hadn't he already told all he knew? only he knows...but I don't like this at all. This is just an opinion, but I don't think LE would waste such a stifling plea on non Haleigh related information. IMO, they want his direct knowledge. Either he has been covering for himself or he's been covering for Misty. IMO, he has been covering for Misty's direct involvement. Now, why he would do this? IDK, but I'd guess her direct involvement, leads right back to him somehow... and he didn't want to be judged, so he chose to keep his mouth shut. What the whole plea deal looked like to me, was LE was sick and tired of waiting for RC to do the right thing, so they forced him. In other words, I think they've had enough of RC's you know what, and are done babying him. They have a murder to solve, and a body to find, and his refusal to tell what he knows, got old. All MOO
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