Greta 8-15-08

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Can't have a hearing on it on Monday -- legally, the State's Attorney has to give notice. Even for an ex-parte hearing there has to be some notice to Baez --- often by 10:00 a.m. the day before the hearing. Generally, you will find that requirement in the Court Rules. So, the earliest the hearing could be held will be Tuesday -- to change any bond conditions. She'll be out Monday.

There was talk about having Casey go to another location, so if this is the case then what you stated means they have to go to court to do a change in the original bond stipulation and the earliest would be Tuesday before Casey can be released on bond. Am I reading you correctly?
I don't think so. She would have to break a condition set by the Judge and not the one paying out the bail money. Think of it this way...a pimp bails out his hooker. If she makes him mad...he can't take her back to jail for it and get his money back! Can he? Well...he wouldn't have to since he would just put her in the hospital instead...but you know what I mean.

Thank you for that analogy, it made everything perfectly clear. Padilla needs to trade in his cowboy hat for a fedora *LOL*
As it stands that is the only thing that will keep her in jail. The psych evals are not public knowledge so there is just NO WAY this bounty hunter, Padilla, can have a clue about them. I know that anyone here who has a psych background know that some people are so good at "lying" that without extensive visits with them you are just flying by the seat of your pants in most cases. She seems like someone who could easily coast through a psych eval. IMHO.

I agree with you. I think she has already passed this psych eval and the other one as well. I think the psych holds have been satisfied and will no longer hold her.
Sheesh, Larry is wearing his Caylee bracelet and shaking it in front of the camera proclaiming that he believes "This little girl is alive!"

Larry, have you been under a rock???

This is a freak show. I'm waiting for the bearded lady to appear now...

If this guy thinks Casey was on drugs, I wonde if he has seen a drug test to prove it, and will get her into rehab once she's out of jail. Also, does anyone know if Casey will be allowed to drink her precious beer if she's bailed out?
Good, I hope she is let out only to be yanked right back in. You have to remember she's facing a couple of other charges that could tie her up for a day or so. her case, she doesn't have a fixed address. So really, would they have allowed her to be released on her own recognizance if she had the withall to make bail herself? Her bail hearing wasn't indicative of that, and that she would be released to her parent's home, which is why George and Cindy were on the stand?

I am confused... help me
Yes, it is what he said. They were putting up the full amount and not just ten percent.

They're guaranteeing the whole amount. Bail bondsmen always guarantee the whole amount. They usually don't pay anyone anything when they bond someone out -- the "bond" is their insurance that they will pay the full amount if the defendant doesn't show up in court. That's what the bondsman meant when he said he had a "line of credit." The 10% is what the defendant pays the bail bond company to get them to risk the bond amount.
Bond agents have a standing security agreement with local court officials, in which they agree to post an irrevocable "blanket" bond, which will pay the court if any defendant for whom the bond agent is responsible does not appear. The bond agent usually has an arrangement with a bank or another credit provider to draw on such security, even during hours when the bank is not operating. This eliminates the need for the bondsman to deposit cash or property with the court every time a new defendant is bailed out.
There was talk about having Casey go to another location, so if this is the case then what you stated means they have to go to court to do a change in the original bond stipulation and the earliest would be Tuesday before Casey can be released on bond. Am I reading you correctly?

If the bond conditions state she can go "home" and they rent a safe house for Casey's "home" then that is "home."
He can't take her back to jail for violating HIS conditions.

He can revoke the bond if she does not follow his conditions. She will have to sign papers agreeing to his conditions and it will state that bond is revocable if she fails to comply. I've seen clients get picked up and taken back to jail for not checking in once a week, per their bond conditions.
Yes, shaking that purple Caylee bracelet probably convinced a lot of people that Caylee is alive. Good job, Larry!
There was talk about having Casey go to another location, so if this is the case then what you stated means they have to go to court to do a change in the original bond stipulation and the earliest would be Tuesday before Casey can be released on bond. Am I reading you correctly?

BTW, it wasn't a "stipulation" (as in when opposing parties agree) it was a court-ordered condition. Big difference.
I have to honestly say that after today I am taking a second look at Truly's conspiracy theory. I just can't figure out why we haven't had any legit searches in this case. It makes no sense. Along with everything else that makes no sense.
Nothing any of them have done has been on a rational level of thinking. No searches are being done because they are waiting a) on Casey to tell them where, b) on someone to accidently find the body, c) because they are in recovery mode already and there is no "missing child" so no rush, d) on the forensic tests to be completed on everything then it may not be neccessary at all.
Good, I hope she is let out only to be yanked right back in. You have to remember she's facing a couple of other charges that could tie her up for a day or so.

The bail on the 3rd degree felony child neglect was $500,000
The other two charges were misdemeanors and bail on those was $100 for each charge. Bail on all 3 was set on the same day.
Yes, shaking that purple Caylee bracelet probably convinced a lot of people that Caylee is alive. Good job, Larry!
Hahahahaha~ Do you think he looks like the cucumber on Veggie Tails?! It was all I could think about when he was trying so hard to speak intelligently while Greta was making him look really stupid.
In all fairness, I think Lee was the most invested in finding Caylee....

Well, as you know, I really do respect you opinions LI Mom, and maybe I'm wrong about Lee. But I never thought he got all that tough with her. He seems like he tip-toes around her like everyone else. He asked some tough questions, but then backed off. And I think he was enjoying the spotlight a little too much, like the rest of them. I'm glad he's been laying low this week, maybe it's helped him get some perspective...

Awww thanks, Amy.

I also wished Lee had gotten a little tougher with her but back then I still believed the family was placating her in order to get her to open up.

With a person like Casey, if you antagonize her, it's going to make her more determined NOT to back down from her stance.

And we have to remember a sibling's relationship is so different than that of a parent.... there's very little he can 'threaten' her with especially IF he knows the parents are apt to give in to her & make HIM look powerless.

It was only later that I started to feel like Lee gave up any hope of getting the truth out of her. It must have been a bitter pill for an older brother to swallow because I have a feeling he came to her rescue a million times over the years.

I think he might have felt alienating himself completely from his family at this tragic time was not an option for him. No matter what... he still loves his parents AND the sister he grew up with.

Sad for Lee.... he really does seem like a very decent & nice young man & I'm sure it hurts him to see how his parents are suffering & reacting.

Sad for them all...... well except Casey. I'll reserve any sympathy for her until she takes some responsibility & does the right thing.
Nothing any of them have done has been on a rational level of thinking. No searches are being done because they are waiting a) on Casey to tell them where, b) on someone to accidently find the body, c) because they are in recovery mode already and there is no "missing child" so no rush, d) on the forensic tests to be completed on everything then it may not be neccessary at all.

It's still so bizarre. :eek:
I have to honestly say that after today I am taking a second look at Truly's conspiracy theory. I just can't figure out why we haven't had any legit searches in this case. It makes no sense. Along with everything else that makes no sense.

I think LE did search in areas of where Casey led them as well as any tips, but for the big search teams that are always out there when a person is missing, this really bothers me. Either they were not interested or didn't get a call from the Anthony's. Heck the neighbors of the Anthony's didn't go out and look. One vigil they had two Baptist church members were the group otherwise they would not had anyone there.

Even flowers and gifts for Caylee's birthday seemed to be so few.

When I heard about this case, and the time frame that had passed, and the lies and the 911 calls, I felt they needed to look for a body, but where do you look!
They're guaranteeing the whole amount. Bail bondsmen always guarantee the whole amount. They usually don't pay anyone anything when they bond someone out -- the "bond" is their insurance that they will pay the full amount if the defendant doesn't show up in court. That's what the bondsman meant when he said he had a "line of credit." The 10% is what the defendant pays the bail bond company to get them to risk the bond amount.
Bond agents have a standing security agreement with local court officials, in which they agree to post an irrevocable "blanket" bond, which will pay the court if any defendant for whom the bond agent is responsible does not appear. The bond agent usually has an arrangement with a bank or another credit provider to draw on such security, even during hours when the bank is not operating. This eliminates the need for the bondsman to deposit cash or property with the court every time a new defendant is bailed out.
This is correct -- excellent explanation.
As it stands that is the only thing that will keep her in jail. The psych evals are not public knowledge so there is just NO WAY this bounty hunter, Padilla, can have a clue about them. I know that anyone here who has a psych background know that some people are so good at "lying" that without extensive visits with them you are just flying by the seat of your pants in most cases. She seems like someone who could easily coast through a psych eval. IMHO.

I hope not, but I think she could as well.
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