GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #8

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Unfortunately, that video doesn't include where TM says she is a born again Christian or makes the inappropriate remark about married men to NL. (A commercial pops up then. I wonder if that's intentional?)

But you can catch that missing part here: Cathy Russon on Twitter
Born again, a completely different person. I know we are not supposed to judge. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (thoughts and intent). But we can be fruit inspectors. TMs apples are rotten and full of worms. If she were truly saved, she would confess the truth. I'm sure this particular statement struck a particularly hurtful chord with Heather's parents. Their faith has been their shield over the past five years.
I had no idea others could read it online until reading a post here. It was brought up and shot down first thing this morning in court surprisingly by the judge, unfairly in my opinion, he lost big points since that statement, btw, with me as he dictated how the court would be run from now on and didn't listen today. Disappointed to say the least. bummer, a day behind and a day late. Ruled any previous motions could not be brought up again Seemed angry since yesterday morning ruling out 5 witnesses for the defense, wrong move dude, just wrong. He should be angry with himself, jmo. He ruled out something he knew nothing about (proof of manipulated social media, abruptly and angry to me. You can change the date, time, etc... on fb, you can backdate or forward date on fb posts you make (back to the year 1915 or back in the ages) and on cell phone change the date or copy text, resend and delete original text. Why aren't attorney's hip to this stuff? It's way past time to not check facts up from FB, twitter, Instagram or wherever!
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Did I miss something or does it seem like the “phone sharing” only went one way? A lot of text messages from TM using SM’s phone. I don’t recall testimony of SM using TM’s phone but I haven’t watched every minute of the trial either.

I guess I just assume TM’s motto (especially regarding her husband) is “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine”.
WOW! From reading here on cross examination - I will definitely have to watch that! LOL!

Again Thank you ALL for posting commentary, etc.! Loved it!

Now only have about 160 more posts to read on this new thread. But must do stuff around here - and HOPEFULLY there won't be another 160 plus to read when I get back! :D
Tammy’s mention of Heather Elvis & her diary & her Twitter made me realize that we do not know who Heather Elvis was from this trial.
Admit I missed the opening but where is the evidence & testimony to tell us who she was?
It’s clear now that Heather was killed, as stated by Tammy but who was Heather Elvis?
Let’s see more than a photo of her & the mention by a defense witness that she was a nice girl who always held a job. Now we have testimony that she was vindictive by the accused.
We’ve heard about the full moon but we don’t know Heather considered herself the moon child.
We don’t know her personality or her dreams & aspirations.
Let’s learn about the victim. Have heard too much about the accused & how she, Sydney & her family are the victims.
Heather is the real victim here who didn’t have a choice to stay alive & thrive. Her life was snuffed out & she was somebody with loved ones, hopes, aspirations & a future.
Don’t care if this trial lasts for another month. This is the chance to convict a cold blooded woman of being involved in Heather’s disappearance. Don’t leave a thread of evidence unturned. Tell us why she was so threatened by Heather that she would plan &
help execute her kidnapping.
Define the word INVEIGLE for this Jury. Would post it here but I don’t know how. It is an element of kidnapping and defines exactly what Tammy &
Sydney Moirer did to Heather Elvis.
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Unfortunately, that video doesn't include where TM says she is a born again Christian or makes the inappropriate remark about married men to NL. (A commercial pops up then. I wonder if that's intentional?)

But you can catch that missing part here: Cathy Russon on Twitter
Imperative to anyone listening to find this important missing testimony!!!
If you didn’t know better you would think that might be a veiled threat to Nancy Livesay from Tammy to reference her being with married men.
Tammy was definitely acting, pretending to be coy, even manipulating the prosecutor & the whole situation. She is a planner & a manipulator and there was evidence of it everywhere.
We watched a performance today from a psychotic narcissist- possibly even someone with borderline personality disorder like Jodi Arias.
Will admit I had to watch it again. It was so crazy it took a second watching for some of it to even sink in. There’s no way to comprehend Tammy without watching it again.
Tammy tried to INVEIGLE US ALL today! She’s a master at it.
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Its funny that in the past she always said Sidney had only gotten oral sex from HE in exchange for lattes and that was the extent of their affair. And, then there was the time she said "he banged a hoe." I guess that was a couple more lies lol

Imo TM makes the vagina eating comment to try & imprint (w the vulgarity of those words) that the relationship between Heather & SM as oral only therefore theres no way Heather couldve been pregnant w SM's child. Which imo is the reason Heather is gone.
Is there a good link to watch the cross? I can’t find it on YouTube at all or WAT. Only the direct

Try here starting at the 2:55 mark:

NOTE: not in the recorded testimony above find below TM’s testimony about being a reborn Christian and sleeping with married men which would explain NL’s concern at the end of the video when she approached the judge about it:

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Most of the camera people were sitting while taping and typing up stories on their computers. I think they just missed it because it was so fast.

On the jurors. I don’t want to give any identifying info so I’ll just say what I wrote about each one and leave out the gender/age and the identifying stuff I noted if that makes sense? Leaving that out makes it a little sparse, but I would hate to say anything that gets TM to try and use to help her if that makes sense.

In no particular order from today’s testimony:

Two jurors I noticed consistently don’t take many notes if any for hours. Neutral faces.

Another consistently takes tons of notes, leans forward, and looks only at the witness and lawyer.

One has a straight up disgusted look on his/her face most of the time. Takes notes a lot

Another non note taker- at least today. Looked pissed when the guys were brought in today to testify about heathers character

One in particular doesn’t keep expressions very neutral- mainly looks like WTF this is total bs anytime the defense is talking.

One has a poker face but consistently takes notes. Mainly looks at witnesses and lawyers.

For another I wrote pays attention to everything in the courtroom- seems to look at her for reactions to some things said.

The next one I wrote about has his mouth open like half way a lot. Kind of like “uhh “ or confused look.

My notes for another say his eyes get real big and wide at times like what the heck am I hearing/seeing right now.

I noticed that one in particular puts a hand over their mouth when they maybe want to snicker or laugh.

One in particular today who has been taking notes stopped when TM testified. Sat with hands crossed across chest intently watching- leaned back not angry more relaxed type of look. I didn’t get the feeling he was buying any of it.

Another looks everywhere. Strains neck to see anything and anyone. Any sound. Any door opening. Looks at the courtroom crowd a lot.

The last one (if I got them all I had them in order on my paper with gender/age/ and what I imagine they do for a living- LOL I literally have no idea wasn’t there for jury selection. I took them all out of order of how they sit cuz we know TM is cray and will use anything to cause some sort of mistrial) takes a good amount of notes, doesn’t seem confused, and seems to be as bored as we all are when the defense is talking.
Pure gold. Thank you @yupikgirl!
Imperative to anyone listening to find this important missing testimony!!!
If you didn’t know better you would think that might be a veiled threat to Nancy Livesay from Tammy to reference her being with married men.
Tammy was definitely acting, pretending to be coy, even manipulating the prosecutor & the whole situation. She is a planner & a manipulator and there was evidence of it everywhere.
We watched a performance today from a psychotic narcissist- possibly even someone with borderline personality disorder like Jodi Arias.
Will admit I had to watch it again. It was so crazy it took a second watching for some of it to even sink in. There’s no way to comprehend Tammy without watching it again.
Tammy tried to INVEIGLE US ALL today! She’s a master at it.

You’ll find that missing piece of testimony here on Twitter:

When the defense finished their questioning, Tammy Moorer said she wants people to know the truth, Elvis to be found, and that she believes her case was botched.
“I was angry with Sidney for 72 hours, then I was over it, it may not sound possible but it was,” Tammy said.
The defense showed Tammy a picture an investigator took of a camper on her property, and the investigator previously testified to seeing a shot gun shell casing, concrete mix, and some sort of cleaner.

During cross examination, the prosecution brought up how Moorer says she was over the affair in 72 hours and pointed out a text Tammy sent her friend a month after the affair, where said she hated Sidney.

Tammy says sometimes she still hates him now.

Her testimony will continue Monday morning.
Moorer trial enters day 10 as Tammy Moorer testifies, trial to continue Monday
Anyone know where in her testimony Tammy mentioned having the DVRs with her of all of the prior hearings & trials in this matter & offered them up to the Prosecutor to play for the jury? Want to watch it again. (Saw a stack of DVRs)
The official record of all of those previous proceedings is NOT from Tammy’s DVR but from the Court reporters in those proceedings transcripts.
Tammy also offered up her copy of Heather’s diary for the jury and for Solicitor Livesay.
(Let’s remember the live feed.)
Am bothered that some of the defense exhibits appear to be documents culled from Tammy’s collection & could easily have been altered. Glad the Assistant Solicitor noticed Tammy handling them improperly in the Courtroom & asked the Judge to admonish her about it.
Have a premonition that this case in particular will eventually set a strong precedent about such things.
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Pure gold. Thank you @yupikgirl!

I wish I was there for jury selection. I would love to know more about each one so I could get a better feel.

I have to add which I didn’t say in my original post. These are my observations of only two days. I obviously don’t know how anyone was reacting during the rest of the testimony.

In every trial I watch it’s so hard when it’s the defenses turn - but when I watch and listen to Tammy I literally remember specific pieces of evidence that dispute stuff she’s trying to spin. I hope the jury does too.
Has anyone looked into her and SM “alibi” about where they were that night (because I don’t think we knew where she said they were before yesterday) to see if it jives with their cell tower records?

They said they went to longhorns then Sticky fingers then had sex at broadway at the beach then went back to sticky fingers? I think? I need to go back and rewatch
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