GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #4

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Casey Brown won't say Heather's name, but he'll say her sister's

Good point! Although it was only after Bri kept asking him to repeat/clarify the question.

Poor Morgan. That's gotta be tough sitting right there next to your parents while this cocky defense attorney brings up these things and you can't speak up.
Now y'all make sure you take a shower because of all the smut that we heard today:


(turn on the sound)


(I posted this is another thread today, but it seems appropriate for this thread, IMO)
Okay, so tomorrow bright and early!!! I will try to start my drive to work earlier than usual so I don't miss a thing!!!! It's been so much fun watching this with everyone and putting pieces together that all point to what we know all along .. TM is guilty!! I can't wait to see how tomorrow pans out!!!
Any chance the State will be in late night meetings to come up with some sweet plea deal for Sidney?

I know it's not a popular opinion but I really do hope and pray for that. I mentioned the Holly Bobo trial previously. I heard the most vile testimony by someone who was directly involved in her violent death in order to save his own butt and he's still sitting in jail. Just b/c SM makes a deal in exchange for his testimony doesn't mean he gets to go home when he steps off the stand. I do worry that the years of abuse he suffered from TM have made him a true DV victim and it's tough to break through those years of mental abuse. He's not innocent, he's not perfect and he was involved in whatever happened to Heather. I do sincerely believe TM abused him and if you have ever met a DV victim you understand that the one doing the abusing NEVER takes blame for anything. Eventually the victim starts believing that everything IS their fault. Maybe he gets up there and doesn't say anything good but I pray he tells enough to get her locked up and gives answers to what happened to Heather. If that means he gets a lesser sentence and as long as the Elvis family agrees to it, I'm for that. They deserve to know what happened to Heather and give her a funeral :( and final resting place that wasn't chosen by the evil monster(s) that took her life. IMO

Also, I thought I read that SM parents were on the witness list for the State too. Maybe tomorrow will be a busy day of Moorer testimony?

If Sid flips that means he's admitting his own culpability. He and TM were together the night of Dec 17 into the early morning hours of Dec 18. He would be sinking his own ship and basically admitting to committing a felony. He's not going to do that.

He may not say nice things about his wife if he's on the stand, but he's not going to roll over and put himself in the crosshairs, and by flipping, that's exactly what he'd be doing.

The only way that I can even imagine Sidney testifying for the State, is if they offer him a really sweet plea deal. And, as well as this trial is going so far for the state, I just don't see that happening.
I know it's not a popular opinion but I really do hope and pray for that. I mentioned the Holly Bobo trial previously. I heard the most vile testimony by someone who was directly involved in her violent death in order to save his own butt and he's still sitting in jail. Just b/c SM makes a deal in exchange for his testimony doesn't mean he gets to go home when he steps off the stand. I do worry that the years of abuse he suffered from TM have made him a true DV victim and it's tough to break through those years of mental abuse. He's not innocent, he's not perfect and he was involved in whatever happened to Heather. I do sincerely believe TM abused him and if you have ever met a DV victim you understand that the one doing the abusing NEVER takes blame for anything. Eventually the victim starts believing that everything IS their fault. Maybe he gets up there and doesn't say anything good but I pray he tells enough to get her locked up and gives answers to what happened to Heather. If that means he gets a lesser sentence and as long as the Elvis family agrees to it, I'm for that. They deserve to know what happened to Heather and give her a funeral :( and final resting place that wasn't chosen by the evil monster(s) that took her life. IMO

Also, I thought I read that SM parent's were on the witness list for the State too. Maybe tomorrow will be a busy day of Moorer testimony?


I agree with this.

All you have to do to make bandwife1's post quoted, just place a [ QUOTE ] at the start, no spaces between characters and then [ / QUOTE] at the end, no spaces between characters

like this:

Hope that helps for next time. :D

Thank you I'll try next time.
Careful, with learning all these tricks, I may take over your job.:D
However, you'll have to show me, where you find your laughing men etc .
Love the one running across the screen.
"There's messages asking – basically from Tammy's phone to Sidney's phone - asking ‘Can you bring me the pot stickers and the orange juice?’ Sidney's phone replies, ‘Yes ma'am,’" Lynch testified.
"To Heather, it says ‘What do you want to talk about?’ and Heather responds, ‘I think you’re a little obsessed with me,’” Lynch testified. “Sidney responds, ‘Nah, it was a bore.’ Sidney responds to Heather, ‘If you want to speak to me, call now. Otherwise leave me alone forever.’ And then heather responds, ‘Really? So that’s why you’re still childishly texting me from your cheating husband’s phone?’ Then there’s a message right after that from Sidney that says, ‘Call the number, it’s me,’ and then Heather responds, ‘You call.’”
‘I think you’re a little obsessed with me:’ Content of text messages focus of day seven of Tammy Moorer trial
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