Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

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Animals. Carrion birds. They take hair. Perhaps, Morgan had some cover from that grass and the locale just didn't have the wild life. ALso Morgan was later in the year, and the temps and weather could have been different.

To inform Hannah's parents that this is their daughter when they are not sure, would be too cruel.

He didn't actually say he informed them this was their daughter. But I agree, except that they seemingly had to do a PC about the body (and the closed road and the canceled search), and it would have been cruel not to tell them about the find before they did that. Ugh.

And Morgan was mid October, not mid September. That could make a world of difference.

We just wait. I imagine tomorrow they'll announce the ID. I hope so anyway.
Yes, it's been hashed out in the Forensic Link to MH thread over and over. There was tissue remaining.

lol...i'm sorry but i had to laugh at this comment. :)
Matthews was a big and strong guy. Big and strong enough that he could easily overpower a girl and catch them if they tried to escape. I think most women would see he was was too strong to fight/outrun, and just choose to cooperate instead of fight.

Hannah and Morgan, however, may have taken their chances and fought back. So, he killed them. There are a few possible reasons:

1. They injured him and he got enraged
2. He became irate because he felt they were disrespecting him (''You're a woman, how dare you not give me what I want/deserve as a man?'')
3. He just got annoyed because they were being too loud, wouldn't stop talking, wouldn't cooperate
4. He felt that letting them go would be too risky for whatever reason. Maybe they got a really good scratch in and had his DNA on them, maybe they somehow found out his name and/or had other identifying information
5. In Morgan's case: Maybe he's used to passive/cooperative victims and freaked out when he realized she was absolutely not going to allow him to rape her. So, he killed her in a panic. Then, in Hannah's case, he was like ''I've already killed one girl, I might as well do away with this one too''

It's really sick.

I'm a girl, I'm the same age Morgan was when she died, and I'm starting college very soon. This case really scares me and I don't know what I would do if I were in a situation like that. It makes me realize how vulnerable and weak I am at 5'4 and 140-some pounds and not being very fast. I'm seriously considering buying pepper spray now.

PLEASE DO BUY MACE!!! I like the key chain shown below better than the key chain that comes with the mace because it breaks away without having to depress a button. Put your car key on one side and the mace on the other so you have easy access to it if your key is in the ignition.

This is a Snap-On u joint key chain.

Key chain.jpg
Google this: mountainview adult home, north garden va

i see that it's the house in question, but i don't understand how this could be an assisted living community. here in Louisiana, assisted living communities are HUGE apt. complex type residences. This is a little bitty house.

when googled, it says that it's open 24/7 - what in the world? :waitasec:
I added some more press as it appeared on the post above.

Hannah Graham: Human Remains Found During Search for Missing UVa. Student
By News4 and NBCWashington staff
Sunday, Oct 19, 2014 • Updated at 1:02 AM EDT

Graham case may prompt push for colleges to share more info
By Bob Gibson - Executive Director - Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership
Posted: Sunday, October 19, 2014 2:00 am

Hannah Graham case a 'death investigation' after possible remains found
By Matt Picht and report by Zach Tombs of Newsy
Posted: 2:07 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014
I'm thinking that the cabin was an assisted living retirement day and respite centre, so JM probably knew about it from the aged care facility that he drove for (Martha something? Excuse me I am not local), as well as it's proximity to where he used to live six years ago. I gather it was for sale, has been rented, and is probably empty. And the basement is incomplete. I am hoping JM has been letting himself into the premises and leaving his DNA in there. He may have taken Hannah in there, or have gone in there to wash up and/or sleep afterwards. I think Hannah's skeleton would be scattered if the recent rains had washed her down from higher upstream. However, her hair and flesh may have washed downstream, but were probably foraged. The fact that her pants didn't wash away says to me that it is a consistently dry creek bed though.

There has to be something that made them confident it is Hannah, or they would not have negotiated the media this way. Maybe her shoes WERE there.
i see that it's the house in question, but i don't understand how this could be an assisted living community. here in Louisiana, assisted living communities are HUGE apt. complex type residences. This is a little bitty house.

when googled, it says that it's open 24/7 - what in the world? :waitasec:

Probably respite for people caring for family who need to place their disabled relatives somewhere to get a sanity break. A fantastic resource.
Understood. However, the fact that it is more hot and humid in Florida does not change the fact that it was warm and humid in that area of Virginia in the weeks before the body was found. And unfortunately, again from what I've read flies will find a body outdoors within minutes, and the rest follows from there.

The following is a bit graphic.....

As a first responder, we were called to a murder (shotgun at close range) that happened only minute before. We were at the scene within 10 minutes. By the time we arrived, the body was already covered in ants. It was unbelievable. The quickness and efficiency that insects and animals have in finding bodies (whether human or animal) is amazing. Plus they have certain times that after death they arrive at, some very quickly and some in the weeks after to strip the skeleton. On our ranch we have had deceased cows/animals that weighed several hundred pounds reduced to skeletons and scattered within weeks (in the rear of our property that is wild wooded area).
I have to say the car in the Google maps image does NOT appear to be JM's. His car is rounded and the pic is boxy.
Second, I want to say, no disrespect, but people do find bodies and aren't always accurate. I remember specifically in Deland, FL remains found, the guy said the remains appeared to be a young girl (child) .. But now has been said to be an adult and gender unknown. If I found remains, I'd panic and run for help and probably not be 100% accurate.
And remember, IF you drink or use drugs you no longer have the cognitive capacity to make the decision that it is ok to be alone, ok to drive, ok to go out, ok to go in this room with this cute guy you just met. But, at the time, you'll think you're quite capable of deciding those things.

You must have a sober person with you if you choose not to remain sober so THAT person can make those decisions and keep the others of you safe.

And always, ALWAYS protect your drink. Dump it and get a new one if you took your eye off of it even for a moment.

PLEASSSSSEEEEE don't walk alone in the dark. I see sooooo many girls doing this at LSU around the lakes - it's a popular walking/jogging/cycling area. Many bring there dogs with them- as if they will be safe with the dog - no they aren't guard dogs! It's very simple. Just vow now to NEVER walk alone in the dark! No. It's not fair to not have that freedom as a woman, but better safe than sorry!!! BUDDY SYSTEM!!!!!!!!

ksj3, i was too lazy to find the OP post about starting college so I just quoted yours, but the advice is for her ;)
This. That jumped out to me during the PC, too, but even more now.

"We will not jump to any conclusions after today’s discovery."

I just think he means there has to be forensic testing before he can outright say anything really. JMO
If he accelerated the process with bleach, wouldn't that also destroy DNA on the black pants? I want to be hopeful that LE can tie JM directly to HG's murder, but I had hoped since she was found (relatively) quickly that there would be strong evidence. I so hope LE has the goods on JM. I pray for Hannah's soul and for her parents and family. What heartbreak this is.

I guess the pants would no longer be black if he bleached them :)
I'm still curious if he broke the inside release on the passenger side. So the passenger could not open the door.

Something he may have learned from his cab?

And, another thought, there is a big difference between September and October weather in the south usually. That could add to decomposition time. Typically, we are hot, humid until almost Halloween and animals are still abundant. Just a thought ..
This. That jumped out to me during the PC, too, but even more now.

"We will not jump to any conclusions after today’s discovery."

I just think he means there has to be forensic testing before he can outright say anything really. JMO

Or maybe he was telling us ,he is finished up with the jumping to conclusions part of the investigation.

Isnt it funny how you can read all sorts of things in a statement depending on how you turn your head?
I wonder if "Bow Tie" (JLM's lawyer) realizes yet that he's transitioned from representing an alleged abduction suspect to an actual serial rapist/killer...
I read somewhere on WS that Hannah's father went to the property today. Where did that info come from?
Or maybe he was telling us ,he is finished up with the jumping to conclusions part of the investigation.

Isnt it funny how you can read all sorts of things in a statement depending on how you turn your head?

Could be as to say there is no need to jump to conclusions this time? lol Yeah you can interpret ones thoughts and words in so many ways especially if they aren't willing to answer questions.
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