Has Steve Thomas's theory changed?

I admire and respect Steve Thomas. His book was the first I read about JonBenet, but even before I did more research I found his theory to have some holes in it. I really don't think Patsy was all that fussed with issues like bed wetting, as they occur out of public view. Patsy was all about how things looked to the outside, once the doors were shut the kids wore daggy hand-me-downs and ate packaged food, clothes stayed where they landed and areas of the house were a mess. John was the control freak, not Patsy.
I agree. I think the Ramsey's employed lots of fixers, and still do.
Every theory in this case has holes in it. Lots of holes. Even now that BDI is all the rage. We need to keep in mind a lot of evidence was concealed from the Police. Not saying I’m set on PDI, JDI, or BDI but John was a control freak outside the home. He was detached and passive in the household. Patsy was justifiably very angry and there’s a good chance she was left to deal with most of the dysfunction and serious issues facing her and the kids all by herself. There is so much about this case we will never know.
Yeah well I'm JDI. I guess it has holes - holes that John made and works with.
He was detached and passive in the household
Hmmm not so sure about that. I think he has made it seem like Patsy called the shots, but he's very smooth, very smooth indeed so I don't trust his version of anything. Also I get the feeling he wasn't at home a great deal. A lot of working, driving (cigar time), eating at Pasta Jay's (good looking young waitresses), business trips etc. So he wouldn't really care as long as things were generally stable at home I don't think. I guess that could come across as passive, sure.

Sure, but since then additional forensic evidence has surfaced.

Kolar implies BDI, Thomas implies PDI, and JDI is the default theory inside BPD.

They cannot all be right, something will be made public that will allow us to eliminate one of BDI or JDI, as I reckon Thomas' PDI eliminates itself due to it being inconsistent.

Of course whatever is made public could actually put PDI back on the table by explaining some of the forensic evidence, i.e. longjohns, size-12's, head injury, etc?

I think Steve Thomas will have changed his theory, he will have chatted with Kolar and received updates on the case.

I doubt Thomas will talk publicly about the case until John Ramsey is deceased, he does not want another defamation case, he might even add a few more chapters to his book and republish it?

BDI JDI PDI can you please explain these acronyms
Thank you
Yeah well I'm JDI. I guess it has holes - holes that John made and works with.
Hmmm not so sure about that. I think he has made it seem like Patsy called the shots, but he's very smooth, very smooth indeed so I don't trust his version of anything. Also I get the feeling he wasn't at home a great deal. A lot of working, driving (cigar time), eating at Pasta Jay's (good looking young waitresses), business trips etc. So he wouldn't really care as long as things were generally stable at home I don't think. I guess that could come across as passive, sure.
i agree with a lot about john.
I sit in a little camp of my own.
I am P&JDI
patsy accidently hurt JBR in a tired frazzled outburst and john finished her off. (sent her to god mercy finish if you will) instead of calling an ambulance :confused:

patsy accidently hurt JBR in a tired frazzled outburst and john finished her off. (sent her to god mercy finish if you will) instead of calling an ambulance :confused:
Well I do like that theory. It's much nicer than mine and I used to kind of believe the same. Sadly though, I think John was hiding some terrible things from Patsy and although he may well have 'mercy killed' JBR (that was a huge and determined whack on the head, no mistake) I think it was because he'd taken his sexual game too far and had to finish it all somehow. Or his thinking was, no one else will have her like I have her? Don't know.
Steve had to change parts of his book? Dang sure not remembering that even though it's been a while since I've dusted off my memories from those days. However, his book was the perfect telling of the perfect murder in the perfect town so I'm betting nothing has changed. JFJBR Decade After Decade~ RR!
I can make a REALLY good argument for each of the Ramseys. That’s the problem.

The only thing I know FOR CERTAIN - is a Ramsey did it.

ITA. If its not BDI, then the case is JDI with everyone's prior assumptions, chronic abuse allegations, etc being confirmed.

ITA. If its not BDI, then the case is JDI with everyone's prior assumptions, chronic abuse allegations, etc being confirmed.

The abuse could have come from JAR. The semen stained blanket and the Dr Seuss book look like grooming. Any college kid will have access to real *advertiser censored* and not use drawings from a Dr Seuss book.
i agree with a lot about john.
I sit in a little camp of my own.
I am P&JDI
patsy accidently hurt JBR in a tired frazzled outburst and john finished her off. (sent her to god mercy finish if you will) instead of calling an ambulance :confused:

Sorry, but we're sharing the same camp, @k-mac !

The parents were absolutely suspicious to me right from the start. That ransom note that an expert said was Patsy's handwriting, not cooperating with the police- come on. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that one of them was covering for their spouse or they were involved together in her death.

I also saw some unusual photos of JonBenet and Patsy together- something no normal mother would partake in such a photo shoot with a child. I haven't found them on the internet anywhere, so I wonder if somehow those were conveniently disappeared. This was in a magazine from the first couple of months after she was murdered. I just tried finding them to give you all a link, and to my utter horror, I just found what is allegedly a photo from the BPD of poor JonBenet's body, after it was found, with a blanket over her. I wish I didn't see that, it's making me ill! Needless to say, I ended my search for those unusual photos of mother and daughter.

I can't buy or believe, just from what I've read as to how they found JonBenet, that Burke did that. Oh and coincidentally, LE didn't find her, but John did? In the house, mind you?

They lawyered up awfully quick. I don't believe for a moment that they were covering up for their son.
Sorry, but we're sharing the same camp, @k-mac !

The parents were absolutely suspicious to me right from the start. That ransom note that an expert said was Patsy's handwriting, not cooperating with the police- come on. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that one of them was covering for their spouse or they were involved together in her death.

I also saw some unusual photos of JonBenet and Patsy together- something no normal mother would partake in such a photo shoot with a child. I haven't found them on the internet anywhere, so I wonder if somehow those were conveniently disappeared. This was in a magazine from the first couple of months after she was murdered. I just tried finding them to give you all a link, and to my utter horror, I just found what is allegedly a photo from the BPD of poor JonBenet's body, after it was found, with a blanket over her. I wish I didn't see that, it's making me ill! Needless to say, I ended my search for those unusual photos of mother and daughter.

I can't buy or believe, just from what I've read as to how they found JonBenet, that Burke did that. Oh and coincidentally, LE didn't find her, but John did? In the house, mind you?

They lawyered up awfully quick. I don't believe for a moment that they were covering up for their son.

I think your referring to the ones PR girlfriend took. The ones that look sad? She also did one with Patsy, JB and Burke. Attaching one


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