Help With a Source Please

Evening2 is not the worst. That honor would go to Shill. Evening2 is merely obsessively off track and a real close call has to be made between delusional and obsessive. Shill is ill informed and mean and dangerous. That is my opinion stay distanced from him unless you dont mind being abused and baggered.

You got that right, CK! Ahahahahaha - good to see you! And thanks muchly, Solace, same back.

Delusional and obsessive are the same exact words I've used to describe E2 to people I know that aren't JBR case enthusiasts. I might possibly apply those same words to Shill. He'd be more of a threat if he were more articulate, and if he weren't so narrow-minded and ignorant.

He doesn't often have facts about the JBR case correct, and then he states his opinion in a way that makes it look like fact - and not only fact, but fact that any reasonable, rational person should also agree with...and it's crap like the idea that BPD should have locked down the entire city of Boulder and cancelled all flights just because some unknown CEO claimed to have a ransom note and a missing child.

They didn't even lock down the entire city of DC and cancel all flights for the DC Sniper (not knowing when or where he would strike next) but Boulder should have shut itself up tight on the busiest shopping/travel day of the year for the daughter of some businessman no one outside of Boulder has ever of before. He's dangerous because he does crap like try to p!mp his bondage fantasies as theory and use that as an excuse to post inappropriate images, and then people like E2 take him seriously and repeat his crap as if it were fact.
Evening2 is not the worst. That honor would go to Shill. Evening2 is merely obsessively off track and a real close call has to be made between delusional and obsessive. Shill is ill informed and mean and dangerous. That is my opinion stay distanced from him unless you dont mind being abused and baggered.

I am happy to report before I left CL (actually I asked Freshwater to ban me) and she did. I kept returning. Assisted suicide I call it.

But I am happy to report that I did get Shill banned for one month. :woohoo:
You guys are funny!!!!!!!!!! I prefer it here actually at least the natives are friendly!!!! BTW what happened to E2?
You got that right, CK! Ahahahahaha - good to see you! And thanks muchly, Solace, same back.

Delusional and obsessive are the same exact words I've used to describe E2 to people I know that aren't JBR case enthusiasts. I might possibly apply those same words to Shill. He'd be more of a threat if he were more articulate, and if he weren't so narrow-minded and ignorant.

He doesn't often have facts about the JBR case correct, and then he states his opinion in a way that makes it look like fact - and not only fact, but fact that any reasonable, rational person should also agree with...and it's crap like the idea that BPD should have locked down the entire city of Boulder and cancelled all flights just because some unknown CEO claimed to have a ransom note and a missing child.

They didn't even lock down the entire city of DC and cancel all flights for the DC Sniper (not knowing when or where he would strike next) but Boulder should have shut itself up tight on the busiest shopping/travel day of the year for the daughter of some businessman no one outside of Boulder has ever of before. He's dangerous because he does crap like try to p!mp his bondage fantasies as theory and use that as an excuse to post inappropriate images, and then people like E2 take him seriously and repeat his crap as if it were fact.

He is all that and a bag of chips.I think he is dangerous because he threatens people I will never forget when he said soon enough Id be joining satan in hell . I dont know that E2 has ever gone to those lengths. That was right after I got back from being in the hospital he said that remember he said Satan was laughing at how easy it was to turn me to the darkside. He was banned over here for that thank heavens for the quick reaction of our wonderful moderators. Add that to his fantasies of bondage and general nastiness he is one sad sack that is for sure. So is E2 or anyone else that has jumped on the Shill fan club cheerleading section. It does seem he has his own IDI cheering section. It sickens me. They have several members that carry things way to far. Fair and honest debate is one thing .....well you get the picture.
He is all that and a bag of chips.I think he is dangerous because he threatens people I will never forget when he said soon enough Id be joining satan in hell . I dont know that E2 has ever gone to those lengths. That was right after I got back from being in the hospital he said that remember he said Satan was laughing at how easy it was to turn me to the darkside. He was banned over here for that thank heavens for the quick reaction of our wonderful moderators. Add that to his fantasies of bondage and general nastiness he is one sad sack that is for sure. So is E2 or anyone else that has jumped on the Shill fan club cheerleading section. It does seem he has his own IDI cheering section. It sickens me. They have several members that carry things way to far. Fair and honest debate is one thing .....well you get the picture.

I don't want to belabor this but I just have to chime in about Shill. He is an admitted drunk who posts when he is drunk and more often than not it is inappropriate posts as NP has said on bondage or how to please your husband - mind you, this a$$hole lives with a roommate and he is about 50 years old. He looks like a cross between Jay Leno and the creature from the black lagoon and I will leave him in the dust on any subject and so will most people. He is right where he is comfortable on one of the worst sites on this subject going - CrimeLibrary. He would not be able to post over here, his ignorance would show immediately and if Shill if you are reading this, come on over and I will leave you in the dust here.

Not to worry Colorado, he won't show up, he is the proverbial coward, who, at best, picks on women he believes he can terrorize. Says a lot for CL.

He is all that and a bag of chips.I think he is dangerous because he threatens people I will never forget when he said soon enough Id be joining satan in hell . I dont know that E2 has ever gone to those lengths. That was right after I got back from being in the hospital he said that remember he said Satan was laughing at how easy it was to turn me to the darkside. He was banned over here for that thank heavens for the quick reaction of our wonderful moderators. Add that to his fantasies of bondage and general nastiness he is one sad sack that is for sure. So is E2 or anyone else that has jumped on the Shill fan club cheerleading section. It does seem he has his own IDI cheering section. It sickens me. They have several members that carry things way to far. Fair and honest debate is one thing .....well you get the picture.

Like attracts like.
I don't want to belabor this but I just have to chime in about Shill. He is an admitted drunk who posts when he is drunk and more often than not it is inappropriate posts as NP has said on bondage or how to please your husband - mind you, this a$$hole lives with a roommate and he is about 50 years old. He looks like a cross between Jay Leno and the creature from the black lagoon and I will leave him in the dust on any subject and so will most people. He is right where he is comfortable on one of the worst sites on this subject going - CrimeLibrary. He would not be able to post over here, his ignorance would show immediately and if Shill if you are reading this, come on over and I will leave you in the dust here.

Not to worry Colorado, he won't show up, he is the proverbial coward, who, at best, picks on women he believes he can terrorize. Says a lot for CL.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I thought you said she had gone? Just wondered if she had left in a huff or been banned??

Dont think it was me or if I did, did not mean to. As far as I know, NP says she is still at CL. I thought I read in one of the above posts that they were not sure if Shill was still there. He probably is.
:doh: Well of course they would not like sticking around here where the facts are presented intelligently

Shill is there for shock value only, pure and simple. He is not even shocking; he is predictable.
Evening2 is not the worst. That honor would go to Shill. Evening2 is merely obsessively off track and a real close call has to be made between delusional and obsessive. Shill is ill informed and mean and dangerous. That is my opinion stay distanced from him unless you dont mind being abused and baggered.
I dare say a corpse could probably do a better job of abusing and badgering than shill ever could.

I dare say a corpse could probably do a better job of abusing and badgering than shill ever could.


Seriously - he's a legend in his own mind, and in the weak, confused minds of his harem. The fact that he is so callous and antagonistic as to put up one of the inappropriate images that got him banned as an avatar pretty much says it all about shill - he's an inconsiderate jerkoff with a penchant for *advertiser censored* (specifically bondage), and trying to annoy/aggravate as many people as he can, thinking he's terribly witty and clever. it really figures that his harem is braindead enough to fall for his questionable "charm." And wooo, you should have seen Eagle1 jump to his defense! You'd think she thinks he's the Second Coming!

I'd be slightly more impressed with him as a poster if he was actually able to get a few facts in the Ramsey case correct, but he can't get off his martinis and cyber sex/fetish sites long enough to educate himself about the facts.
Seriously - he's a legend in his own mind, and in the weak, confused minds of his harem. The fact that he is so callous and antagonistic as to put up one of the inappropriate images that got him banned as an avatar pretty much says it all about shill - he's an inconsiderate jerkoff with a penchant for *advertiser censored* (specifically bondage), and trying to annoy/aggravate as many people as he can, thinking he's terribly witty and clever. it really figures that his harem is braindead enough to fall for his questionable "charm." And wooo, you should have seen Eagle1 jump to his defense! You'd think she thinks he's the Second Coming!

I'd be slightly more impressed with him as a poster if he was actually able to get a few facts in the Ramsey case correct, but he can't get off his martinis and cyber sex/fetish sites long enough to educate himself about the facts.

He is a sicko alright...his theory is that JB was tied up, and hanging from her wrist...from a beam. Another scenario of his, is that JB was tied to the hot water heater..he claims that distance of the cord, between each wrist, suggests that this is what may have happened. And that she was an intruder. So, he is torn between her being tied to a wooden beam, and hanging....and being tied to the water heater. (I think that its all a fantasy in his own sick as it is.)
He is a sicko alright...his theory is that JB was tied up, and hanging from her wrist...from a beam. Another scenario of his, is that JB was tied to the hot water heater..he claims that distance of the cord, between each wrist, suggests that this is what may have happened. And that she was an intruder. So, he is torn between her being tied to a wooden beam, and hanging....and being tied to the water heater. (I think that its all a fantasy in his own sick as it is.)

What I know is this. He has said enough twisted stuff that he should have been permanently banned. CL should have banned him eons ago.
I dare say a corpse could probably do a better job of abusing and badgering than shill ever could.


Tea I really respect you. I guess you missed alot of the harassment, abuse and badgering he did of me and others I know who left due to his sick twisted name calling and threats. I could guide you back so you could see for yourself he can be substantially mean and cruel but I really dont want to revisit it. It makes me ill all over again and if I ever have to deal with the likes of that again I will dismantle my own computer and I will be done. I had a stroke two bleeds into the brain less than a week after that incident. Its take me so long ...... and I am not laughing. Coincidence? Maybe Try to convince me of that.
Tea I really respect you. I guess you missed alot of the harassment, abuse and badgering he did of me and others I know who left due to his sick twisted name calling and threats. I could guide you back so you could see for yourself he can be substantially mean and cruel but I really dont want to revisit it. It makes me ill all over again and if I ever have to deal with the likes of that again I will dismantle my own computer and I will be done. I had a stroke two bleeds into the brain less than a week after that incident. Its take me so long ...... and I am not laughing. Coincidence? Maybe Try to convince me of that.

I am so sorry Colorado. I really wish I were there and I promise you I would have taken care of that weak, spineless, nonentity. Don't give him a second thought. :blowkiss:

Just stay here where we all love you. Okay.:blowkiss: :dance:
What I know is this. He has said enough twisted stuff that he should have been permanently banned. CL should have banned him eons ago.

It is a biased Board and they need all the Intruder Did Its that they can find. And they will put up with people like him. He tries it on everyone especially when he gets drunk.

I hope he is listening and he knows what a lowlife I think he is. :razz:
I am so sorry Colorado. I really wish I were there and I promise you I would have taken care of that weak, spineless, nonentity. Don't give him a second thought. :blowkiss:

Just stay here where we all love you. Okay.:blowkiss: :dance:

Oh trust me I am right where I want to be. There are good posters there as well. NP Rashomon and I wish we could go help them out from time to time but really I am so much better off allowing those who can handle that represent the truth. Yup you all are stuck with me.

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