Holly Bobo's Remains Have Been Identified

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There are hundreds of cases here on Websleuths. Cops and prosecutors always hold back details until the investigation is over or it goes to trial. If they didn't, they'd never get a conviction.

Of course we want to know all the details. But we aren't going to get them, and that's the way the justice system works.

Again, if the TBI told that guy to hold his tongue, then he should have listened. And I hope for Holly's sake he didn't mess up the DA's case.
Speaking for myself, I don't think I'm making excuses for anybody. My mind is open to facts, which I don't believe we have. In fact, if it can be documented with facts that the TBI did directly and unlawfully threaten Mr. Stone, I'll write a letter to Mr. Gwyn myself. But I don't think a paraphrased semi-quote by a third party even qualifies as hearsay.

Seems plausible/believable to me, maskedwoman...

The TBI has a facebook page( TBI Joined Facebook
May 9, 2011/26 days after HB's abduction
).. Drop Director Mark Gwyn or the TBI PIO a message..


Man Who Found Holly Bobo: 'It Will Be With Me Forever'

By Chris Conte. CREATED Sep 11, 2014

NewsChannel 5 was scheduled to do an in-depth interview with Larry Stone at his home on Thursday, but Stone said he was intimidated by a TBI Agent and threatened with jail time if he spoke with the media.
Seems plausible/believable to me, maskedwoman...

The TBI has a facebook page( TBI Joined Facebook
May 9, 2011/26 days after HB's abduction
).. Drop Director Mark Gwyn or the TBI PIO a message..


Man Who Found Holly Bobo: 'It Will Be With Me Forever'

By Chris Conte. CREATED Sep 11, 2014

NewsChannel 5 was scheduled to do an in-depth interview with Larry Stone at his home on Thursday, but Stone said he was intimidated by a TBI Agent and threatened with jail time if he spoke with the media.

Respectfully, if something being plausible or believable were the only standard required of our criminal justice system, a good many more criminals AND innocent people would be behind bars today.

I once wrote a letter to the editor of my local paper and that letter was deliberately edited to twist my meaning, because it would rile people up and make for "good news". I'm sure readers of my edited letter, some of whom left vile messages on my home answering machine, thought it was believable and plausible that I wrote the letter as published. But I had not. For this same reason, I find it difficult to accept a "hearsay" paraphrasing of Mr. Stone's comments from this reporter as "proof" of the TBI engaging in wrong doing.

You can go right ahead though. :)
There are hundreds of cases here on Websleuths. Cops and prosecutors always hold back details until the investigation is over or it goes to trial. If they didn't, they'd never get a conviction.

Of course we want to know all the details. But we aren't going to get them, and that's the way the justice system works.

Again, if the TBI told that guy to hold his tongue, then he should have listened. And I hope for Holly's sake he didn't mess up the DA's case.

ThoughtFox, I honor and respect your opinion, but respectfully disagree. 'Times they are a changin'.. We now live in the age of communication. Advancements in forensics and communication technology in the past decade have not only enhanced investigative techniques, but also the strategies by many, if not most progressive LEAs who have adapted new procedures to maximize the use of these new resources, imo. Although hold back evidence and info is very important for interviews and interrogations. Imo, it is not necessary to hold back all info, and the more info that can be shared with the public, the better the probability of solving and prosecuting the case.

I've been researching the silent epidemic of missing/murdered persons and the ensuing investigations for about seven years now, with the goal of finding common denominators of the cases that were successful, and those that were unsuccessful. Although each case is different, and there are multiple common denominators that separate the two results. Transparency by investigators is primarily the shared theme of those investigations that ended successfully.

Without transparency by LE via Pressers and MS Media, possible valuable tips may never come to light. The dots must be collected before they can be connected..


Interactive Social Media: The Value for Law Enforcement
- With well-planned implementation, the use of social media can impact community issues, and police departments and citizens can work together to solve crimes.

'America's silent disaster:' Mysteries of the missing -
Knoxville News Sentinel
Jun 28, 2009 - FBI: More than 1,100 'active' missing-persons cases in Tennessee; ..<actual number unknown>
<sniped - read more>
Another possibility might be a bloody weapon - knife or blunt instrument.

Re. the witness being "intimidated" by the police: he shouldn't be talking to the media because it could prejudice the jury and potentially damage the chances of a conviction.

I suspect it was probably either a weapon or bloody clothing. Hair...despite being covered by a bucket...would still get wet, get matted down, wouldn't likely be immediately obvious. But bloody clothing or a weapon probably would.
Mr. Stone and his friend involuntarily became a part of Holly's case when they found her remains in the ginseng patch. I think they would then be included in the gag order issued by the judge. Perhaps, they were only reminded by TBI that jail time could be earned by talking about what they found.
Mr. Stone and his friend involuntarily became a part of Holly's case when they found her remains in the ginseng patch. I think they would then be included in the gag order issued by the judge. Perhaps, they were only reminded by TBI that jail time could be earned by talking about what they found.

pearl, the judge denied issuing a gag order in this case...

A judge denied a gag order in the case of the kidnapping and murder of Holly Bobo.
ThoughtFox, I honor and respect your opinion, but respectfully disagree. 'Times they are a changin'.. We now live in the age of communication. Advancements in forensics and communication technology in the past decade have not only enhanced investigative techniques, but also the strategies by many, if not most progressive LEAs who have adapted new procedures to maximize the use of these new resources, imo. Although hold back evidence and info is very important for interviews and interrogations. Imo, it is not necessary to hold back all info, and the more info that can be shared with the public, the better the probability of solving and prosecuting the case.

I've been researching the silent epidemic of missing/murdered persons and the ensuing investigations for about seven years now, with the goal of finding common denominators of the cases that were successful, and those that were unsuccessful. Although each case is different, and there are multiple common denominators that separate the two results. Transparency by investigators is primarily the shared theme of those investigations that ended successfully.

Without transparency by LE via Pressers and MS Media, possible valuable tips may never come to light. The dots must be collected before they can be connected..


Interactive Social Media: The Value for Law Enforcement
- With well-planned implementation, the use of social media can impact community issues, and police departments and citizens can work together to solve crimes.

'America's silent disaster:' Mysteries of the missing -
Knoxville News Sentinel
Jun 28, 2009 - FBI: More than 1,100 'active' missing-persons cases in Tennessee; ..<actual number unknown>
<sniped - read more>

Yes I know about social media, the facebook, the twitter, yadda yadda. I've been online for many years, including here on WS since, oh, 2003? Wow, that's eleven years as of last month.

I don't think cops should hide, lose, plant, or tamper with evidence. But that doesn't mean they have to undermine murder trials by releasing everything people ask to see, every day. That isn't how the system works.

All the evidence will come out in the trial, and that guy will be a star witness. How could they possibly repress his evidence since he found the body? Surely he can put on his grown-up pants and stop talking long enough to think about the victim.

Because if any witness says too much and undermines the case, the family of Holly Bobo will not thank them, and neither should we. Just saying.
I don't think cops should hide, lose, plant, or tamper with evidence. But that doesn't mean they have to undermine murder trials by releasing everything people ask to see, every day. That isn't how the system works.

All the evidence will come out in the trial, and that guy will be a star witness. How could they possibly repress his evidence since he found the body? Surely he can put on his grown-up pants and stop talking long enough to think about the victim.

I think there are two very DIFFERENT issues here pertaining to the men who found the body, and we should put on our grown-up pants too and admit they are different.

Issue one is the question of whether it might be wise, or best for the case, for the witness to choose to avoid interviews before the trial. I think we all see the benefit in that, and I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise. Ask him to keep quiet? Sure.

But there is also issue two, which is whether LE should go around threatening false imprisonment and putting fear in citizens - potential witnesses, in facts - to try to get their desired result. IMO acting like a or a bully, outside the law, should not be tolerated any more when it comes from the police than when it comes from criminals. Threatening jail time, for activity that is not illegal, is way over the line IMO, and it has the potential to backfire when citizens notice the thuggery and react by choosing not to get involved.
Yes, we are a zoo with lots of fur and we clean their brushes out doors and let the wind take the fur. The critters in teh area appreciate it. We also take our human hair trimming results and put them outdoors for the same reason.

But if preserved from reach of those critter, I really don't know the answer to that question

Well my Mom cut her hair off when she was in her teens while it was in a braid and it is still in excellent condition in her cedar chest......... and she turned 88 this spring......
They've found hair with 2000-year-old burials. It can last a long time under the right conditions. It wouldn't still be attached to the scalp, though.
I think there are two very DIFFERENT issues here pertaining to the men who found the body, and we should put on our grown-up pants too and admit they are different.

Issue one is the question of whether it might be wise, or best for the case, for the witness to choose to avoid interviews before the trial. I think we all see the benefit in that, and I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise. Ask him to keep quiet? Sure.

But there is also issue two, which is whether LE should go around threatening false imprisonment and putting fear in citizens - potential witnesses, in facts - to try to get their desired result. IMO acting like a or a bully, outside the law, should not be tolerated any more when it comes from the police than when it comes from criminals. Threatening jail time, for activity that is not illegal, is way over the line IMO, and it has the potential to backfire when citizens notice the thuggery and react by choosing not to get involved.

Clearly, LE should not threaten potential witnesses but - and call me hard-headed - we don't know that's what happened. I would like to hear directly from Mr. Stone, rather than a recap from a reporter, before I decide if wrong-doing occurred. Since he had already given one interview, it seems odd he wouldn't have said that on camera. Even if it were illegal to discuss what he saw and did, it wouldn't have been illegal to say "I can't talk to about that anymore, because of XXXXX". I have looked at his facebook page. There are a total of 5 posts, 4 about Holly. Three of those are about finding her remains. I don't know Mr. Stone, so I can't judge his character or intentions. It would be grossly unfair of me to do so. I can only say that his facebook posts seem kind, but they are barely literate. And I do mean barely. mist for missed, no for know, ever one for everyone, lots for lets, and that is just a few examples. I mention it because it's entirely possible that the discussion didn't occur exactly as it's been portrayed by that reporter. Mr. Stone may have had trouble following finer points of legal issues with the TBI agent or poorly conveyed what happened between them when he talked to the reporter.

To me, condemning the TBI based entirely on the recap of that reporter is like "everyone" in a small town "knowing" the old lady at the end of the road is a witch. No one has ever seen her cast a spell, but everyone says so, so it must be true.
I think there are two very DIFFERENT issues here pertaining to the men who found the body, and we should put on our grown-up pants too and admit they are different.

Issue one is the question of whether it might be wise, or best for the case, for the witness to choose to avoid interviews before the trial. I think we all see the benefit in that, and I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise. Ask him to keep quiet? Sure.

But there is also issue two, which is whether LE should go around threatening false imprisonment and putting fear in citizens - potential witnesses, in facts - to try to get their desired result. IMO acting like a or a bully, outside the law, should not be tolerated any more when it comes from the police than when it comes from criminals. Threatening jail time, for activity that is not illegal, is way over the line IMO, and it has the potential to backfire when citizens notice the thuggery and react by choosing not to get involved.

I absolutely agree. The article was plain and to the point and there has not been anything to suggest otherwise that it didn't happen exactly as reported with the citizen being threatened with jail time. Until evidence shows otherwise, I am believing this happened as reported.

And frankly, the way this case has gone I believe that is exactly what LE did to the poor witness that was just trying to do his civil duty. I would even venture a step further and I bet it is LE own fault that perhaps LE did not even plan ahead and probably didnt properly instruct the person after he showed them where the skull was. Something like "Thank You sir, now get out of the way and go home." If LE didnt instruct the person to not talk to the media after he showed them the evidence, it is their own fault IMO. They should have known the guy was going to get haunted by media.

The poor chap may not have had time to even realize it could be harmful to the case before the media got ahold of him.

And I also agree that strongarm LE tactics like that can easily backfire. Why risk getting your witness all mad at you in the first place. No reason for it. I now wonder if he has a right to refuse to testify. Even if he is forced to testify, he may now not be as cooperative as he would have been had he not been intimidated.

This is a horrible mistake by LE if it happened even close to the way it was reported. And right now until evidence shows to the contrary, I am believing this plain and to the point article.
Here is a reason Police ask Mr Stone not to give interviews ..... Police have seen the remains and evidence , yet they do not go public with all the details .... it is important information that should only be revealed at the trial .... I think that makes sense to all of us

With that in mind , it should also make sense for the hunters to remain silent , they have also seen the evidence , and it is only proper that they do not tell the whole world what they saw ... it should come out at the trial instead of the daily newspapers or gossip columns etc..

best wishes

Exactly! How many times have we seen a witness decimated on the stand by the defense because that person "only wanted their 15 minutes of fame and therefore can not be believed" card was played. Media hogs tend to be self-serving and are easily discounted in court.
So maybe they found fingerprints or something else linking Dylan to the bucket and whatever else was there with Holly's remains.

This article is a bit different. It says they FOUND evidence he disposed of.

This is what it says.
Officials from the TBI said they found evidence that 26-year-old John Dylan Adams disposed of evidence on April 13, 2011, the day Bobo went missing.

I think they have someone singing that he disposed of evidence on the day that Holly went missing, things that they found in the beginning.
He could have been handed her lunch bag and the things that were found right after she went missing.
I don't think that anyone drove around with Holly in the car to dispose those items. They drove straight to wherever they took her. Someone else disposed of her things after she had been taken there. IMO.
Interesting strategy. LE is sending a message that if you come forward to give them info about the case, they're going to find some reason to arrest you and charge you with a crime. In my estimation, Dylan had been willing to give the best testimony they had acquired, and now who knows.

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