IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #12

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I really feel the girls are alive and being held in a home very close to the area of Maiden Lane. I find it hard to believe someone passing through Evansdale would risk such an abduction. This had to be someone who knew the geographic layout of the park and how to pull this off without being seen.

With this theory, the perp may have been a shift worker, self-employed, unemployed or retired and imo is living alone.

If the abduction was on one of the streets in Evansdale, then I think it is very feasible it was a stranger passing through the town.

Because the timeline is so fast, makes me think it is a local person.

Just IMO

I agree.

It could be someone who lived in Evansdale and then moved.

Or someone who lives in the Cedar Valley area and is enough a bicyclist or walker to have checked out the local trails.

Or someone who lived in the Cedar Valley area, checked out the local trails, then moved away.

The pool just keeps getting larger when it needs to be getting smaller.
How do you think he did it?

Physically, I mean, with no one seeing or hearing a thing?

I also think perp is local, knows Maiden Lane, walked down to the gate and waited for the girls to arrive at the gate, got them to stop and lured them back up Maiden Lane, but from there it could have been a vehicle or depending on if the perp lived in the neighbourhood and knew the habits of the neighbours, who was at work or who was away, maybe the three of them walked to the perp's house. Besides little animals, what other lures could have been used, I can't think of many. IMO only
Which confirmed people do we have around the lake? I only know TG who some people claim is the jogger, one fisher, and a possible paddleboater who may be the perp. Were there others?

I think there are plenty of ways to subdue two little girls fairly easily especially if the perp is known to them so that part doesn't bother me. I am curious how many people were actually around the lake around the time of the actual abduction and what they might have seen.
Heres the thing. They didn't go towards open grassy area, there were no tire tracks. They didn't go up the hill to the hwy, someone would of seen them. They didn't go up in the air. So that leaves the lake and across.
I agree.

It could be someone who lived in Evansdale and then moved.

Or someone who lives in the Cedar Valley area and is enough a bicyclist or walker to have checked out the local trails.

Or someone who lived in the Cedar Valley area, checked out the local trails, then moved away.

The pool just keeps getting larger when it needs to be getting smaller.

I read an interesting quote from someone involved in investigations like these.

They said, essentially -

You don't start at left field with investigations like this, you start at home base and work out.

No one has ever gotten past home base in this situation.

No one who is considered MOST LIKELY (statistically) has actually been cleared.

Heres the thing. They didn't go towards open grassy area, there were no tire tracks. They didn't go up the hill to the hwy, someone would of seen them. They didn't go up in the air. So that leaves the lake and across.

But they would have been seen...IMO.

A third scenario -

a vehicle was backed up to the gate, they jumped in voluntarily or were wrestled in.

I have always personally believed they were abducted right where the bikes were found.
I do have a feeling that someone involved is posting here from reading between the lines and plus i have had some dreams about it too. May not be the perp per say, but someone with some inside knowledge and maybe a guilty conscience.

For the record it aint me...:) I am 631 miles away and my days (and nights) are accounted for! But i am done posting theories on this case. I think LE has a good bead on this one and its only a matter of time. Gonna watch the nascar race instead. Woo hoo.

Yeah, my alibi is solid too :), but now you have me going back and reading between the lines. Maybe that is a good thing at this point.
There were plenty of people about, exercising at the lake, I live in a very hot environment and the streets are deserted on hot days...this was not the case here.

Indeed, the girls wouldn't have gone on a ride at all, if it was extremely hot IMO.

It was also school holidays so there were quite a few people about who normally would not be about.

We have reports of people cycling, people jogging, paddling and fishing. Lots of folk at the lake that day.

So...exactly how would a single perp get two girls (one of whom was adult sized) to drop their bikes, surrender their purse, and walk without sound to a house that has already been searched and cleared, past fishermen, cyclists, joggers and paddleboaters, all unseen?

Not dismissing your opinion, just trying to see in my minds eye, how you think it could be done?


I don't claim to know what happened or how it happened but I do know how easily children can be stolen by a predator. One way would be to use a stun gun and that's just for starters......
The empty house across the lake, the paddle boat that the neighbor thought someone used. The neighbor might have been gone that day, or he would see someone messing with their boat. And the dogs losing the scent at the waters edge. The purse on the shore lake side of fence.
Which confirmed people do we have around the lake? I only know TG who some people claim is the jogger, one fisher, and a possible paddleboater who may be the perp. Were there others?

I think there are plenty of ways to subdue two little girls fairly easily especially if the perp is known to them so that part doesn't bother me. I am curious how many people were actually around the lake around the time of the actual abduction and what they might have seen.


TG was the biker who swerved to avoid the two bikes at appox. 12:20 that day. The jogger/runner to my knowledge has never been publicly identified. JMO
But they would have been seen...IMO.

A third scenario -

a vehicle was backed up to the gate, they jumped in voluntarily or were wrestled in.

I have always personally believed they were abducted right where the bikes were found.

Tire tracks in the grass would easily have been seen, especially since it rained earlier in the day.
Which confirmed people do we have around the lake? I only know TG who some people claim is the jogger, one fisher, and a possible paddleboater who may be the perp. Were there others?

I think there are plenty of ways to subdue two little girls fairly easily especially if the perp is known to them so that part doesn't bother me. I am curious how many people were actually around the lake around the time of the actual abduction and what they might have seen.

IIRC the closest I've seen to confirmed people right at or very close to the lake have been:

- boy fishing who said he'd been there awhile
- TG who was biking and swerved to miss the bikes (around 12:20ish)
- mystery jogger who saw two girls riding bikes (around 2ish)
- potentially a paddleboater, no one's ever said he/she was seen but since LE was looking for a paddleboater I'm guessing there was either one around or they're trying to rule out one being around
- Aunt T. when she realized the girls were missing and asked to be taken to the lake
- After that... lots of family, LE, and later volunteers searching for the girls
But they would have been seen...IMO.

A third scenario -

a vehicle was backed up to the gate, they jumped in voluntarily or were wrestled in.

I have always personally believed they were abducted right where the bikes were found.

I tend to 'see' it that way as well. A trap set, girls lured into a sense of safety, or it was someone they knew, then the abduction moved fast. I think of the boy on his bike, how quick the couple in the white van acted.

Cindersoot: Just saw your tire tracks point.
I don't claim to know what happened or how it happened but I do know how easily children can be stolen by a predator. One way would be to use a stun gun and that's just for starters......

Again, not dismissing just following in my minds eye.

So he has a stun gun. Uses it on the girls.

One at a time obviously...so what does the other girl do when she sees her friend stunned?

Scream, most likely...but maybe not, if too surprised.

Then girl two gets stunned.

So the perp has two stunned girls lying on the path. How does he move them? Lyric was a heavy girl and a dead weight is difficult for anyone to budge.

So he manages to pick up Lyric and toss her over his shoulder...which still leaves one stunned little girl lying on the ground. How does he carry her?

Remember, TG was on that path at 12.20 and saw the bikes...no perp, no stunned girls, no nothing.
Where is the boy that was seen fishing with a man? Was that rumor? IDK
The day I was at the lake was on a Sunday afternoon, nice out. I saw two old people walking on the west end of the trail, the creepy guy in the white van, and thats it. Keep in mind the girls were abducted during the week day. On Friday.
Re :pic of Biker.. Why is he wearing gloves on hot day?? jus sayin... kidding I think People bike all the time around here never seen gloves must be an advid biker I guess ..:0


Many bicyclists wear fingerless gloves with padded palms to help relieve the pressure of the handlebars on the hands.

However (I can't resist making a PSA), if a bicyclist suffers from tingling hands when they ride, the best fix is not padded gloves but to raise the handlebars in relationship to the seat. If the handlebars are just a tad too low, the cyclist has to reach forward with their hands while raising their head to see where they are going. This creates in some people a condition where the major nerves that run down the arms get pinched.

Raising the handlebars by 1 to 2 inches makes all those angles less severe and can make all the difference in the world.

Please keep in mind that the tingling is not just unpleasant. If it goes on for long periods of time, it can signal the onset of nerve damage.

This PSA brought to you by the girl whose daddy used to be the rolling RAGBRAI doc. Back when RAGBRAI was just Kaul and Karras with a few thousand of their closest friends.
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