IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #4

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I actually can comment on this. A friend of mine is one of the health aides at her elementary school. She's talked to WC MANY times over the years, as Lyric was known to come into the nurse's office quite often, complaining of headaches or feeling ill. IMO it would indicate a she wasn't necessarily handling the home situation unscathed.

Your friend telling you this is a HIPAA violation. That is protected health information.
Also, interstate access is limited from that spot. You could fairly quickly get down Gilbert, to River Forest Rd and be on Highway 20 in seconds, but only to head west. To go east, towards I-380, would almost require knowledge of the area in order to do that quickly.
I have heard of kidnapped people being released alive but unharmed no. Two victims..

Adam mayes released 2 of the four he abducted.

Thats all I got .

Charlotte Kinsey and Cinda Pallet were abducted from the OKC State Fair together. They were about 12-years old.

Sheryl Vaughn, 16, Of Newalla, OK and Susan Thompson, 16, of McCloud, OK were abducted together around the same time that Charlotte and Cinda were abducted.
I have heard of kidnapped people being released alive but unharmed no. Two victims..

Adam mayes released 2 of the four he abducted.

Thats all I got .

a poster previously posted the profiles of types of kidnappers...AM was obsessed with those two girls and felt they were his own in his mind which fit the profile that he never would harm them and he didn't. He did kill the mom and other daughter who may have just been in his way.

It would be good to know what type of person the FBI profiles a potential kidnapper to be if in fact they are not in the lake and they do conclude they have been abducted.
Is there a timeline stating when the roadblocks and car searches were first instituted? Because really, if perp(s) snatched girls and forced them into a vehicle, with 380 literally a stones throw away from where the bikes were found I don't even know that the road blocks would have been an issue for said perp(s) :(

And I do think these girls were abducted. I believe either stranger (crime of opportunity) or someone familiar with the area and at least one of the girls in a passing way. Neither of those possiblities are being given the focus I feel they should be given. I do not think mom, dad or any of their less savory associates related to drug/criminal history have a single thing to do with why these girls are gone.

I only hope they are alive.

snip-Court records also show that on Friday, prosecutors posted a notice they are adding additional evidence in the drug case. Details about the additional evidence weren’t available.

Morrissey had been scheduled to enter a plea in the meth case on July 12, the day before the Lyric and her cousin, 8-year-old Elizabeth Collins, disappeared, court records state. Court records filed in connection with the July 12 court appearance state that Morrissey “does not intend or is not prepared to enter a guilty plea at this time and wants this case reset for trial.”

The odds of this situation being related to the case with the girls missing are what??? but it sure does make me go hmmm...

Ollipop, didn't you say there was a known interesting 'character' in the area? any possible connection? Or out of the realm of normal operations for such '''character'...

if you feel it's appropriate to respond, or elaborate upon?
Charlotte Kinsey and Cinda Pallet were abducted from the OKC State Fair together. They were about 12-years old.

Sheryl Vaughn, 16, Of Newalla, OK and Susan Thompson, 16, of McCloud, OK were abducted together around the same time that Charlotte and Cinda were abducted.

They were not released unharmed.
a poster previously posted the profiles of types of kidnappers...AM was obsessed with those two girls and felt they were his own in his mind which fit the profile that he never would harm them and he didn't. He did kill the mom and other daughter who may have just been in his way.

It would be good to know what type of person the FBI profiles a potential kidnapper to be if in fact they are not in the lake and they do conclude they have been abducted.

I would love for a reputable profiler to step up and provide this information as it could be very telling especially where there are two girls involved.
Also, interstate access is limited from that spot. You could fairly quickly get down Gilbert, to River Forest Rd and be on Highway 20 in seconds, but only to head west. To go east, towards I-380, would almost require knowledge of the area in order to do that quickly.

like someone who travels through the area regularly (ie commutes, truck driver with regular route, etc)
Two crazed killers or stupid thrill seekers together doing their evil on the girls? Wouldn't it be difficult to talk a friend or cohort into helping?This reminds me of some sick criminal minds tv plot - and it does happen rarely right? Not like on TV, but how often and why here - just why these girls? What brought this about? Usually someone knows something and thinks about it, plots it, then carries it out maybe on a whim but in a small town and meth labs about? Dangerous trails and two girls alone.

I don't think it is family but maybe someone who knew the family and they were into some sick or bad stuff. I imagine the family is giving names of all people they have had contact with lately - or have visited.

Yet it is still bothersome that so many are abducted into sex trafficking - makes the pool of possibilities large.

I was just responding with an idea as to how it could happen being there are two missing little girls. You never know who is out and about or driving down the road or visiting a movie theater. I don't think there are meth labs about on a nature trail. Surely the trails are monitored regularily and a meth lab would stink to high heaven. I can see a perp hiding in the woods along the trail waiting for a passer by. But, who knows what these crazy *advertiser censored* holes can do especially if it is not the first time. jmo
Your friend telling you this is a HIPAA violation. That is protected health information.

A school aid is not a “covered entity” or a health care provider according to HIPPA. She would not transmit information in an electronic form in connection with a health transaction that HHS has adopted a standard.

Who is Covered by the Privacy Rule
The Privacy Rule, as well as all the Administrative Simplification rules, apply to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and to any health care provider who transmits health information in electronic form in connection with transactions for which the Secretary of HHS has adopted standards under HIPAA (the “covered entities”).

Was it an unethical act? Maybe if it was done with malice, but it's not a federal crime.
A school aid is not a “covered entity” or a health care provider according to HIPPA. She would not transmit information in an electronic form in connection with a health transaction that HHS has adopted a standard.

Who is Covered by the Privacy Rule
The Privacy Rule, as well as all the Administrative Simplification rules, apply to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and to any health care provider who transmits health information in electronic form in connection with transactions for which the Secretary of HHS has adopted standards under HIPAA (the “covered entities”).

Was it an unethical act? Maybe if it was done with malice, but it's not a federal crime.

I stand corrected, maybe, depending on the health care situation at school. However, if a school isnt' covered by HIPAA (and it could be) its covered by FERPA
Just saw this tweet from KWWL anchor Ron Steele: "RT @ronsteele7: FBI source tells me California FBI divers done searchng Meyers Lake. It's clean. Missing girls not found."
I wonder - are there any statistics about two girls being taken off by a stranger (a displaced parent maybe) ? Or two children period taken and then harmed? I can't recall any cases but then again I am not up to speed on abductions.

There are others here with far more encyclopedic knowledge than I possess, but it is (especially among pre-teens) exceptionally rare. Off the top of my head I can think of the Lyon sisters in Maryland in 1975 and two Australian cases both from the 60s/70s: the three Beaumont children who disappeared during a day at the beach, and two girls abducted from the Adelaide Oval while at a sporting event.
I actually can comment on this. A friend of mine is one of the health aides at her elementary school. She's talked to WC MANY times over the years, as Lyric was known to come into the nurse's office quite often, complaining of headaches or feeling ill. IMO it would indicate a she wasn't necessarily handling the home situation unscathed.

I got headaches and felt ill as a child ,I still do .
My daughter also starting complaining about this.

Then for fun as a kid about age 8 ,I would fake sick to go to the nurse. LOL . They had a blanket and a cot and after lunch a few times a week. I would make this weird breathing sound and freak the teacher out and she would send me . I have always loved a good nap. Oh and the AC window unit ,it was heavn I tell ya. The shut the door and I would read and then nap until school was over.

Until moms was called to the school so they could tell her to carry me to the doctor . My mom straight up told them I was faking. Sometimes mom was right.
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