ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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This is exactly how I envisioned things unfolding just based on what we know. The “there’s someone here” throws me off a bit because I do think it must have been X to say it, but then I’m not sure what made her think that if up to that point there hadn’t been *that much* noise (other than the sounds that D said sounded like K playing with the dog). And if I heard creaking of stairs or rustling in a house I lived in with 4 other people, I’d probably first assume it was a roommate and be like, “Kaylee? Maddie? What are you doing up?” Rather than say “there’s someone here”

Ugh. I’m desperate for more info as you can see lol.

It seems like maybe she saw something amiss in the kitchen (a slightly opened sliding door?) or even saw footprints in the hall? Heard a man's voice, cough, grunt, groan or sigh?
Also useful are router hits. Even if you do not actively sign on, devices with cell connections turned off, but wifi on can hit routers. With any number of phones (apple for sure) and services eg xfinity open router ,modems it rents, you are leaving your mac address on nearby routers connection tables even if you do not actively connect. If router tables of nearby routers are downloaded within a few days there could be usable and good precision data on those.

But you are absolutely correct. The movement data generated by his phone and even by imaging of his car can be claimed by defense to be the actions of a person who is obsessed but not violent. Plenty of people inappropriately stalk people without killing them. But the DNA on the sheath, and the sheath being to a combat knife, are much more likely to be seen by the jury as definitively putting kohberger inside the home, and in possession of the murder weapon while there.
I'm fairly certain that no identifying information would be logged on a router. Modern phones default to using a unique MAC address for each Wifi network for privacy reasons.
Don't recall when classes started. If middle of August then he had Sept, October, November, December. 4 months. If he had in his mind what the perfect conditions for him to commit this insane crime, I would believe he identified the Moscow area , the girls, the sorority type, as meeting the criteria for getting his restitution. He was ready for Dec 13th. He was in and out within 15 min. Left accomplishing his goal. Didn't care too much about whether he would be caught or was focused more on accomplishing his goal. Kind of like when I make a great meal and totally focused while making a complete mess. It was more about the kill than it was about not getting caught. He lacked awareness and measure or empathy to realize the state of things left behind. It would seem someone would have to be disconnected from reality a bit to believe their actions are hidden. I toddler would make deceptive statements in all seriousness until you called them out and they may cry because they are embarrassed the got caught. A playful experimentation. But what happens when the deception is not acted out but it. Is a private thought ? The adults can't call them out and so they continue to play the game as they mature. At some point you may convince yourself of a certain way of thinking rational. So, to end my point, it would seem that while BK was able to be persistent enough to get into a PhD program his own child like deception developed into a certain lack of awareness of the impact his actions have. I mean, the cognitive behavior that a normal person with mature empathy would have. A toddler may not realize how a desire to have things their way result in harming another person.

It was Nov. 13, but a good analysis. Give him 20 minutes, in my view. I think he did care about not getting caught - very much. I do agree that killing was his top priority, though.

He's not aware he's messy because no one ever called him out on it.

He's not the first grad student murderer, that's for sure.
I was thinking that perhaps the "someone is here" that D heard was X trying to wake up E from a deep sleep (which would make her distracted enough for BK to come up and grab her without much noise), but your comment that it could have been in reference to the Door Dash is something I hadn't thought of. As quiet as this was, though, I really think that E was asleep, as I imagine BK going against two at once would produce a bit more of a commotion.

***Edited to add that the "your comment" was in reference to post #310 by @alex dvport . The post didn't include the quote for some reason!
Does anyone remember offhand ... Xana was on tiktok at 4:12 AM?

"At approximately 4:17 a.m., a security camera located at 1112 King Road, a residence immediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio of what sounded like voices or a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a-m. The security camera is less than fifty feet from the west wall of Kernodle's bedroom."
Affidavit, pg4
Confirming Xana using Tiktok app at 4:12 AM.

A review of records obtained from a forensic download of Kernodle's phone showed this could also have been Kernodle as her
cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m-
Seriously! It’s part of what makes it so scary. My 2 roommates and I are all female professional students. We have a medium-large dog and one roommate’s boyfriend (also a professional student, tall, muscular, fit) sleeps over most nights. All of that made me feel safer. Not anymore…
Also to know he is in his own head in a bad way and peeping into that home and seeing young and seemingly happy people with one another. What he must have convinced himself of in isolation. The techniques of sitting in a bar owned by a young, burley guy mostly present and ogling employees of all people, who are very sober and not there for getting picked up as others may in such contexts. He could have drove to the big city or even paid for sex. I see the women's beauty and what they represent but if a prom queen or sorority type turns a guy down, he is one of many rejected. I agree with tpen--so many creepy stories of women being home with attempted breakins or targets in Texas Oil Fields or as sex workers in Long Island or Atlantic City. Never blaming victims but he did not fail out or else have some degrading job and could have succeeded and fulfilled cravings for power, semi-academic fame, respect, status, prestige, and found a very good partner.
Someone here on WS posted last night (The thread that got shut down late last night), that they sell those ka bar knives at an Army - Navy Surplus store OR a Military Supply Store (something like that) about 20 miles from either the house or his house. I will go back and try to find it.

That just jumped out at me.

I'm just saying this because he could have used cash, and there would be no record of who purchased the knife (maybe it wasn't a gift or vintage.)

Going to go back and find the post.
I am still surprised that these knives are sold so easily and openly with USMC insignia to people with no military affiliation (USMC KA-BAR®, Straight Edge). When military people speak about kbar knives they mention they can penetrate trees but constantly, their primary purpose or the use most associated with such knives is to kill. This is a very dangerous weapon and I should not be able to access one nor should most people.

The KA-BAR slashed and stabbed its way into USMC history

It's been characterized as a 'brutal' attack on two victims simultaneously, so would have involved using his maximum strength while leaning over or on his victims, his own hands and arms swinging wildly.

I don't think they had a chance to fight back, I think he just hadn't secured it carefully enough and it was torn or fell off while he was inflicting all this violent rage on two innocent girls. So, basically, it was Karma because it will ensure he never walks free again.

So good to read that.
There have been some trials that had (imo) unfortunate conclusions, with what looked like the killer walking free or receiving a light sentence.
But in this case I believe LE have it right and BK will face the harshest justice allowed by law.
Xana was laying on the floor in the west bedroom on the second floor.

"OFC Smith and I entered the King Road Residence through the bottom floor door on the north side of the building. OFC Smith and I then walked upstairs to the second floor. OFC Smith directed me down the hallway to the west bedroom on the second floor, which I later learned (through Xana's driver's license and other personal belongings found in the room) was Xana Kernodle's, hereafter "Kernodle" room. Just before this room there was a bathroom door on the south wall of the hallway. As I approached the room, I could see a body, later identified as Kemodle's, laying on the floor. Kernodle was deceased with wounds which appeared to have been caused by an edged weapon"
Probable Cause pg. 1
Payne states as he approached Kernodle’s room that he could see a body. So Xana must have been near the doorway? His description is rather convoluted in this area of the affidavit imo. I, myself got the impression that she was found partially out in the hallway.
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I'm fairly certain that no identifying information would be logged on a router. Modern phones default to using a unique MAC address for each Wifi network for privacy reasons.

Do you know if a cell phone would retain something that showed which routers its connectivity system caught wind of?

I appreciate your knowledge about this very much.
I don't see that as a consideration because he moved there in August of 2022 to begin his studies and was apparently there to do so, without any extended absences that have been noted by any MSM to this point.
I guess I'm just wondering if there's additional electronic forensic evidence to nail him down even further than the cell phone pings. The arrest affidavit sure seems thorough & we know that's certainly not everything, but more than enough to secure an arrest. Our family uses LIfe360 and it's especially helpful to monitor travel and confirm someone's arrived safely without waiting on texts or confirmation. It's helpful for short distance and long distance travel in various ways. Thinking maybe BK's family used something like this and how it would be more evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of his location.
I turned on NN too late and they had just finished talking about something snarky BK said in prison, does anyone know what they were discussing?
lol. you have been websluething long enough to know taking the phone is a dumb move. I mean he just did not think this through at all
Right? It was my first thought when reading about all of the cellular data they had. He wanted to be invisible, so be invisible. He wasn't. It seems like he was emotionally invested in this in a very sick way. I don't think he wanted to get caught through his cellular data, but he was talking dumb risks because he was so wrapped up in the immediacy of it. He had to have known this was a possible error in judgment, he was a criminology student. He was absolutely obsessed with one or more of the victims. IMO. I can't think of another reason to make such a foolish mistake.
But didn't you read that he liked to hoover late at night when he got home? I mean vacuum!
Maybe he was testing out fiber theories…

Maybe he’d do a really thorough, deep cleaning with the vacuum, then run, jump and move around and re-vacuum to experiment with fallen fibers, hair etc. as a test/dry-run.
He returned THE SAME DAY. 5 hours after murders and 3 hours before 911 was called and the murders reported.

He was either curious because he wasn't hearing anything on the news or what I think is he realized his knife sheath was missing and he desperately wanted it back but there were just too many people around for him to enter the house, too risky.

And they say that phone data shows that the 28-year-old suspect’s phone left his home in Pulman, Washington, at approximately 9am and travelled back to Moscow, Idaho.

“Specifically, the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to the King Road Residence between 9.12am and 9.21am,” the documents state.

“The 8458 Phone next utilized cellular resources that are consistent with the 8458 Phone traveling back to the area of the Kohberger Residence and arriving to the area at approximately 9.32am.”

And then onward south of Pullman to a grocery store? Or back to Moscow and then to Clarkton? It's a very interesting timeline and I keep losing track.
The evidence appears to indicate Xana was the one who fought back. Why does everyone assume it was the male? Argh! JMO soapbox.
I don't understand either. Xana was the one nearest the door who also had defensive wounds.

My guess is is that Xana heard something said to Ethan "someone's in here" and went out to investigate. I think he saw her as he was coming downstairs from the 3rd floor. I think she would have then started to run back into the bedroom but just as she reaches the door he caught up with her and she fell, hence the thud.
WHO said E put up a fight? source?
The coroner said there was a hell of a battle going on down there in that room where X and E were

He stalked that house so often that it seems unlikely that he didn't know there was a 5th person home (was there also a 6th on the first floor?). Either he was trying to get out of there quickly since he had already killed his intended target (plus a few others?), he was tired and didn't want to risk tangling with anyone else, or, he didn't know D was on the second floor & wasn't planning to visit the 1st floor in any case. I think time was of the essence to him.

Also, I can't wrap my mind around the fact that he brought his phone with him to that location so many times! I mean, he wasn't trying very hard to be invisible, was he? Turning it off, turning it on, leaving it on. Why not just leave it at home? Was he looking at their social media posts while sitting outside stalking them? Seriously, what the heck?
There were 6 bedrooms and 6 tenants not that long ago. Tenant No.6 moved out of the other second floor bedroom. Kaylee had moved out, but was visiting for the weekend. She was vacating the bedroom with the balcony on the third floor. It sounds like DM, one of the surviving tenants, was moving into the second floor bedroom, and was sleeping in that room on the night of the murders.

After checking on a noise for the third time from the second floor bedroom, he walked past her. She was frozen in fear, then she ran to the basement bedroom and locked the door. That's what I understood from the affidavit.

He didn't expect to get caught. He thought that: if he turned off his phone during the murders, no one would connect his phone to the murders. He didn't expect CCTV to connect his car to the crime scene because the car on CCTV had PA plates and no plate on the front, and five days after the murder he had WA plates.
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