ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 56

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newredtabby said:
WHO said E put up a fight? source?
The coroner said there was a hell of a battle going on down there in that room where X and E were

Exact quotation from your link:
Kernodle, who had defensive wounds, and Chapin were found on the second floor of 1122 King Road. "It was a hell of a battle going on down there from what the coroner told us," Goncalves said.
not disputing that, however it was a single bed which is a very cozy sleep. We can only speculate who was asleep and who was awake for now clearly X was awake but who else? I believe the wording was they were attacked in there sleep that does not necessarily mean they all didn't wake up during the attack.

I agree, but D didn't mention any thuds (even though we know at least 1 was caught on audio). If there were more than 1 and also grunting and scuffling noises, like in an actual fight, it seems like she would have heard them. It is mind boggling.

The mattresses they are taking out look to be full or queen size in relation to the truck beds they are in. Definitely not twin size. Too wide.


Maybe by single bed they meant two people were sleeping in a single bed (meaning ONE bed, nota twin or a full/queen) so not to be confused with two beds in the room?

Since this "thud" was heard on an outside camera 50 feet away maybe it was a trunk lid slamming, like maybe the killer putting soiled items in the trunk and slamming the lid to getaway quickly?
Do I have this right? He returned to the area of the crime scene between 9a.m. and 9:30a.m. the next day? Is it possible he was returning to get that knife sheath? Or was he a looky loo? He just had to see all the commotion he'd created?

Why do you think he returned to the crime scene around 9-9:30 a.m the morning of the murders?
Remember, the 911 call didn't come until noon.
It’s really creepy when he smiles at his pretty long blonde hair female attorney thinking of the beautiful blondes that he slaughtered. JMOO

That's what I thought. (Unfortunately) just his 'type'. He doesn't deserve her to be his attorney. It creeps me out too.

Looked just like a simple cordial greeting to me...
IMO he may have been a vegan as a control issue, over himself or others. Certainly when it comes to the pots and pans.
My guess is that it's more rooted in his weight issues from when he was younger than anything. My guess is he is terrified of being that heavy again and probably never learned a healthy relationship with food or even a moderate approach to diet as part of his extreme weight loss, and he may be vegan because he thinks it will help him maintain a healthy weight.

I'm not at all saying that being vegan on its own isn't a healthy relationship with food or can't be a moderate approach to diet. But he would hardly be the first person to trade one form of dysfunctional eating for another and oftentimes that can manifest as very extreme reactions and thoughts about what is good food and what is bad food. I can easily see him using veganism as a vehicle for all that.

So, I suspect veganism for him is more about control over his weight, body, and food intake than any philosophical ideas about animals. [Edited to add: In my experience, too, people who are vegans due to concerns about animals tend to be very vocal animal lovers, and it seems like that wasn't a thing for him. Even within the context of fairly limited information about him, nobody talks about him being vocal about animal rights or even beloved pets, etc. I know for a lot of people who know me IRL, even if not very well, one of the first things they'd associate with me is my dog! That's pretty par for the course with most animal lovers.]

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This is so very sad.

I'm confused though. I thought the judge granted the defenses request to not have the house cleaned out. Did something change or did I misunderstand something?
I was thinking that perhaps the "someone is here" that D heard was X trying to wake up E from a deep sleep (which would make her distracted enough for BK to come up and grab her without much noise), but your comment that it could have been in reference to the Door Dash is something I hadn't thought of. As quiet as this was, though, I really think that E was asleep, as I imagine BK going against two at once would produce a bit more of a commotion.

***Edited to add that the "your comment" was in reference to post #310 by @alex dvport . The post didn't include the quote for some reason!
The witness thought it was Kaylee's voice, could have been Xana - since she was awake.

DM woke up to the sound of what she thought was someone playing with a dog upstairs. One person said "there's someone here". That person could have been upstairs, or across the living room and around the corner near the second floor bathroom.

The dog started barking at 4:17 a.m. (CCTV, neighbour). Xana was known to be on tiktok at 4:12 a.m., not later.

The sheath was left on Madison's bed. If he had already killed two people, even if he was wearing gloves, the sheath should have had some blood on it. It was a mIstake to leave the sheath. Was he surprised by finding two victims in Madison's bedroom?

"D.M. stated she originally went to sleep in her bedroom on the southeast side of the second floor. D.M. stated she was awoken at approximately 4:00 a.m. by what she stated sounded like Goncalves playing with her dog in one of the upstairs bedrooms, which were located on the third floor. A short time later, D.M. said she heard who she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of "there's someone here." A review of records obtained from a forensic download of Kernodle's phone showed this could also have been Kernodle as her cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m"
Affidavit pg.5
The LEO had "fugitive transport" on the back of his jacket - maybe just from working in different areas in a small town..or is BK likely to visit the house with LE?

Snipped for focus. So there is a camera that close to the house that it picked up those sounds? If LE has that camera‘s recordings, then they could have way more sounds from that house. It’s possible they have sounds from the day of, and the day after.
It’s also disturbing to think a camera outside of a persons house, 50 ft away could be hearing stuff inside on a regular basis.
maybe that is with enhanced audio equipment from experts?
This is so very sad.

I'm confused though. I thought the judge granted the defenses request to not have the house cleaned out. Did something change or did I misunderstand something?
They can remove them from the scene for further examination, the defense just also has to have access to it.
Exactly! I think emotion and lack of street smarts outweighed his book smarts in this case.
I think his sexual arousal - piquerism and his emotions totally took over. Any of his alleged book smarts were quick to be forgotten. BK was after one or both M and/or K. He was sloppy and I do think there was a sexual nature in the murders. IMOO
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