ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 9

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The "unconscious person" call part bothers/perplexes me.

From what I can piece together:

Surviving roomates are downstairs sleep in after a night out. One of the survivor roomies wakes and goes upstairs...sees another roomie, who won't respond. She calls friends over and then the 911 call happens once the friends get there.

1. Where was this "unconscious" roomate? Laying on the floor in the hallway or in a bed?
2. Did she look for other roomates before calling friends? If so, wouldn't the other roomates have been "unconscious" as well?
3. How did she not see blood around the "unconscious" roomate or the room in general when the scene was horrific? Whether in a bedroom or in the hallway, it sounds as it was extremely gruesome.

The retired FBI agent on GMA gives an interesting opinion on #3....but still....if the scene was incredibly bloody.....she didn't notice it? I say/ask this not in an accusatory tone. It's just weird to me.

I'm sure answers will come out in due time. This, to me, is one of the most baffling parts of this case so far.
Why? They didn't want to think their friend was dead, so they probably just said, "I see some blood and cannot wake them up!" 911 dispatch uses "unconscious person (or party)" as their lingo when they're unsure of the state of an individual or group. I don't think it's too confusing.
If this article has been posted, please feel free to delete. Very interesting thoughts from a former FBI profiler.
I seem to remember they have walked that back a bit. I mean, common sense would tell you that since there's a psychopath on the loose with a giant knife, so...

Yeah, the longer this drags on the bigger problem they will have convincing the general public that there isn't an unknown person roaming around who is a danger to others based on the giant knife as mentioned, as well as what he did with the knife, obviously.

Just my two cents as a total outside observer:

1) even though it's hard to imagine for almost everyone we know personally, people we all know are capable of horrendous acts against others when faced with the right circumstances. that can come from many emotions (anger, love, hate, jealousy), which we're all capable of feeling, and younger people are generally more susceptible to allowing their emotions to overtake them just because of their lack of life experience and maturity. HOWEVER, I personally don't see a college age person within the community committing this type of crime and then being able to completely avoid detection by LE, especially one that personally knows the victims their friends and possibly family. Again, their lack of life experience and maturity really hinders someone of this age and relationship from being able to maintain the emotional state necessary to not draw attention from others in the community, not to mention LE. Bottom line: I don't think someone they knew personally could have committed this crime and not given a tell in some form or fashion by this point. I certainly don't think multiple people their age could have done this because one of them would have broken by now.

2) The longer this goes on and the more I read, the more I'm leaning toward one of the least likely theories: a complete stranger who is a ruthless murderer somehow found this house and decided it was the place for them to do whatever sick things they had been fantasizing about doing for a long time. I know I keep bringing up Danny Rolling, but for some reason I just keep getting those type of vibes from this whole thing. I probably sound insane, but when you've followed true crime as long as many of us here have you are familiar with terrifyingly large number of crimes just like this where it ended up being just a crime of opportunity and the victims were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's never the first option, nor should it be, for LE, but as time goes on it becomes a real possibility that they have to seriously investigate. Unfortunately, these crimes are the absolute hardest to solve and the main reason many of these types of crimes remain unsolved. We're aware of a few of these monsters, but only because they ultimately lost complete control of whatever it was that had previously allowed them to live as two different people OR sheer luck via DNA or something else: Rolling, Bundy, DeAngelo, Israel Keyes, Ed Kemper, etc. However, think of all of those murders where there's been no real suspects/arrests: Zodiac, LISK, West Mesa, Alphabet killer and so many more less famous ones.
Yes, they could wear coveralls and then burn the coveralls if they wanted to be completely thorough, but someone would have likely seen them doing this in such a populated area. Not necessarily, but this further points to it not being a student of U of I. Most likely slightly older and living on his/her/their own.
They would not have been burned anywhere near the crime. Quick fold and into a pocket, or a backpack, or into a plastic bag put in a backpack . Its not complicated. Really rather simple.
Just to add, if the killer had a bag or backpack it never would have entered the home.
JMO MOO IMHO I forget the others. Its just, like, what I
The Idaho state PD spokesperson said earlier he didn't know any details about the crime, yet was quite forthright on whether they were bound and gagged ("No"). In almost the same breath, he was ambiguous - and perhaps even a little evasive - on whether there was writing in blood on the wall. Why be so definitive about one and not the other?
hi! my last post was taken down however i will state something that is my opinion only based on my past experiences. a friend of mine was murdered several years ago. i live in a town similar population size with a university and several community colleges. we have more crime than in moscow however whenever someone is murdered in cold blood that is not directly connected to major crime or background people do tend to take notice. a friend of mine was taken from us from a gunshot to the back of her head. it rocked the town and it took investors 3 years to collect enough evidence and build a solid case to take to trial. both people directly involved are now behind bars for life. had it been rushed i believe they would not have had such a solid case. i know it is frustrating. the day will come wh n there is justice here. they have mountains of evidence. in my friends case, everyone in this small town knew exactly who did it but we could only sit and wait even after the suspects had been cleared for enough evidence to be discovered to lock them away and take to trial
I believe this case is going to turn out like this. They know who did and it will shock people with it comes out. is likley linoleum that looks like hardwood...a common flooring in rentals. Cheaper, easy to clean and replace...IMO
I think it looks like vinyl or laminate plank flooring. If it is, it has to be installed at least a quarter inch from the wall instead of against it so that it can expand and 'float'. If something is spilled in the area, it will build up and pool in the crevice between the wall and the edge of the flooring IMO.
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The "unconscious person" call part bothers/perplexes me.

From what I can piece together:

Surviving roomates are downstairs sleep in after a night out. One of the survivor roomies wakes and goes upstairs...sees another roomie, who won't respond. She calls friends over and then the 911 call happens once the friends get there.

1. Where was this "unconscious" roomate? Laying on the floor in the hallway or in a bed?
2. Did she look for other roomates before calling friends? If so, wouldn't the other roomates have been "unconscious" as well?
3. How did she not see blood around the "unconscious" roomate or the room in general when the scene was horrific? Whether in a bedroom or in the hallway, it sounds as it was extremely gruesome.

The retired FBI agent on GMA gives an interesting opinion on #3....but still....if the scene was incredibly bloody.....she didn't notice it? I say/ask this not in an accusatory tone. It's just weird to me.

I'm sure answers will come out in due time. This, to me, is one of the most baffling parts of this case so far.
I too have had a tough time squaring the gruesome scene with seeing simply an unconscious body. Ultimately this has led me to the opinion that the girls on the third floor were the targets and first attacked (they may have been sleeping in the same room and thus only one of them was the target as such). The victims on the second floor were awoken by noise and maybe Ethan went out to investigate. This also tallies, in my view, with Xana having defensive wounds. If the perp had already killed their initial target they were probably more likely to be looking to get out quickly, hence the scene on the second floor not being as gruesome and therefore not immediately recognisable as such to the surviving roommates.

Pi Beta Phi: Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen

Alpha Phi: Kaylee Goncalves
Thank you!
And regarding the murder weapon ... obviously the perp knew how to use it (possibly worked on a ranch, farm) and/or hunted (boar, deer, wolf) but if LE described it as a "relic" that suggests it's an older version (WWII, Navy, Marines) it then could be a weapon of convenience as opposed to choice (if the perp had access to older ex-military family/friends) and especially if the perp was not old enough to purchase a gun or whose background report would not clear for the purchase or who had enough intellect to know bullets are more traceable. The fact LE says no sexual assault took place strikes me as odd given the implied crime scene, suggesting the perp may not have experienced the stereotypical childhood psych or sexual abuse often associated with serial/mass murderers. Is there a reason LE seems to think the perp is a man? If it's true that the perp locked the bedroom doors, that detail feels more like something a female would do as opposed to a male.
K-Bars are probably the most common fixed blade knife in the US after that the Buck 119, they are sold in probably a dozen different stores in your town. A stab wound won't tell you the vintage of the knife.
Regarding the last article :
700 tips, 100+ interviews conducted.
Currently no suspects in custody, weapon not located.
Calls to Jack ended at 2:52am. Murders 3-4am.
Other friends in house when police arrived.
Flyers everywhere in Moscow asking people for help solving this.
Kaylee's family is frustrated with the police.
Reporter says that in that part of the country, that style of knife is not uncommon, so searching for whoever has the knife that committed these crimes is like a needle in a haystack.
Evidence, clues and deductive reasoning.

Rollings was a serial killer who did sadistic things to his female victims. I do agree, though, that this killer is a psychopath, like Rollings, and comfortable using a knife, like Rollings.

yeah, they're not all going to have the same "kinks" (for lack of a better word), but the end result is the same. multiple people (sometimes multiple at same time) living an average risk lifestyle (for their age and situation) randomly murdered in a gruesome way by someone they had never interacted with in their entire lives and seemingly were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The "unconscious person" call part bothers/perplexes me.

From what I can piece together:

Surviving roomates are downstairs sleep in after a night out. One of the survivor roomies wakes and goes upstairs...sees another roomie, who won't respond. She calls friends over and then the 911 call happens once the friends get there.

1. Where was this "unconscious" roomate? Laying on the floor in the hallway or in a bed?
2. Did she look for other roomates before calling friends? If so, wouldn't the other roomates have been "unconscious" as well?
3. How did she not see blood around the "unconscious" roomate or the room in general when the scene was horrific? Whether in a bedroom or in the hallway, it sounds as it was extremely gruesome.

The retired FBI agent on GMA gives an interesting opinion on #3....but still....if the scene was incredibly bloody.....she didn't notice it? I say/ask this not in an accusatory tone. It's just weird to me.

I'm sure answers will come out in due time. This, to me, is one of the most baffling parts of this case so far.
I think the most likely explanation is a group of what are essentially kids fully freaking out, like actually hysterical and the operator probably asked if the vics were breathing and from personal experience it is really hard to feel for a pulse when you've got adrenaline going, it does seem baffling from the outside though with the limited facts
MOO but I cannot see this group of people having triggered any sort of drug related grudges
Drug dealers 99/100 times would not commit crimes like this in my opinion from my studies and work experience. This sort of murder would be more aligned with cartel crimes, not a neighborhood drug dealer, and I don't think the cartel is up in Idaho hurting college students. Not their MO.
My theory with regard to it being reported that Xana had defensive wounds is that she had warning about the perp. I.e. Ethan was first victim of the two - maybe he heard something and got up, and that woke her up slightly, and she heard what was happening when Ethan was attacked and had some time to react, even if she was frozen in bed. Or if they were in bed together, seems likely the perp would attack the male first, waking up Xana. So terrible to think about but good for her for fighting back. MOO/speculation
Let's hope they catch this dirtbag soon
Love reading your guys theories! My guess is we don’t have a suspect yet because the perp has no connection to the 4 victims. This is why the case is so confusing. If it was targeted and personal I feel it would likely be just one victim which would be much easier for the killer than passionately killing 4 people in their sleep with a strong motive and not the 2 downstairs?

My guess is the perp simply gets a thrill out of hunting. He picked the easiest (college, easier prey, drunk, no grown adults, likely no guns) house to see into with a parking lot hidden behind trees that gives you a snow globe view of the home. Was impatient and didn’t scope out longer than a couple days.

I would suspect you can’t see the first floor windows from the parking lot so the perp had no idea people lived on the first floor. And just assumed the 2 roommates were one of the many party goers seen through the windows previous nights.

I do believe however, he wasn’t sloppy with his exit. I think he parked further away then we think and trekked back under cover. I’m sure he still has his weapon. I think he takes pride in the hunt and not getting caught.
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