ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #9

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During the Sheriff interview the Deputy threw in the extra information about the gas stop. I took that as the gas stop had to be near the campground and not when they first headed out.

Because the context of the discussion was about the area near where the boy went missing.

Some other stop near their house would not have importance and the deputy threw it in as something else just to be aware of like it was another stop near the campground area.

I took it as the stop at the store was different than the stop for gas but they were both near the campground.

I could have interpreted it wrong. The bottom line is it wasn't clear enough to really tell much and the interviewer should have clarified things better with them.

From the transcript of the interview with the sheriff:

Nate Eaton:
“Okay. Uh, do you know, did they stop any other places on their way up to Leadore?”

Deputy Penner:
“Yeah! They stopped to get some diesel fuel.”

Nate Eaton:
“Diesel fuel…”

Deputy Penner:

Nate Eaton:
“Any surveillance video of that gas station?”

Deputy Penner:

Nate Eaton:

It was on the way up to Leadore. Not in Leadore.
How come any time there is an interview to clear up information then hardly anything gets cleared up.

I listened to the interview with the friend and I don't think the guy harmed the child. I do think he was coached by someone how to respond to media by that point.

Im gonna act like the sheriff and go with my "feelings" about him LOL that I just don't think he hurt the child in any way.

I couldn't make out what he said but got this ...

Reporter: "Did he wander away? Do you know?"

Friend: "Im not ...(garbled due to car noise)...nothing to say about it"

I took that as he was first going to say "Im not supposed to say anything about it" but then stopped and changed it.
I was wondering if the FBI suggest he do the interview. He did not seem dumb to me.

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That is an interesting thought.
It seems unlikely to me that the totality of FBI involvement would be to gather up the information local LE gives them and then issue a report 6-8 weeks later. Doesn't the FBI advise LE on more immediate things like media interviews and interrogations or is that a 60-minute crime show myth?
IR looked like he was just woken up. If someone interviewed me before coffee they'd be lucky that anything was coherent and I didn't growl and grumble the entire time. No one talks to me before coffee.
to those wondering about traffic cameras, in the list of videos in the deorr kunz investigation on youtube there is a video of a retired investigator who claimed there were cameras on a highway 93. i'm assuming that's leading to the campsite or on the way.
One weird thing from IR's interview, aside from that he actually he said he was with ggp and DeOrr when DeOrr disappeared, is that when Nate asked him, "and so he just wandered away?" IR responded, "I'm not supposed to say that."
Who told IR what he was not supposed to say? LE? The parents? GGP? Jack Daniels?

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Or that is, in his mind, a subtle deflection from himself. Like, "I had nothing to do with it but I know who did only I am not supposed to tell....OOPS! Did I say that aloud?"

(Thought cloud): *Now everyone will think I am innocent and am being threatened by the REAL perps who y'all should be looking at, not lil ole me. *

Been following since the beginning. Felt I needed to blurt. Carry on.
But I don't think that DeOrr went out on any walks with his parents earlier on Friday. I am pretty sure thaT they just woke up after sleeping in the Suburban, went to the restroom, washed up, had some coffee, and made a grocery list before going to town. If they returned by 1 pm then they had to leave by about 10:30 or 11, imo.

One of the first things I would have done in the morning would be to walk up to the reservoir to check it out. And I would definitely bring my children, because it would delight them.

The trip in the town probably took about an hour. If they were back by 1:00 pm, they could have left at 11:45 and it would still be considered morning when they left (per the sheriff's interview). Based on FB rumor, I don't get the impression it was a planned trip into town, so there was no need to make a grocery list. It is just a small little local convenience store and they just needed a few things. They weren't going to a big grocery store to buy everything needed for the weekend. There is no grocery store in town.
I was wondering if the FBI suggest he do the interview. He did not seem dumb to me. People in that pocket of the world have their own culture of communication. In my experience, they see indirectness as being polite (normal) and that can include a lack of eye contact. Seriously. My brother is like that and it drives me insane. (Sorry Mike!)

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I think he was forced to answer some of the difficult questions because of the skills of many of the WS posters :yourock: A couple of days ago the information that was being uncovered and discussed was quite detailed and raised many questions. The sheriff directly addressed many of those questions. Our members want justice for Deorr and are not willing to let poor media coverage and incomplete investigations go unmentioned. I applaud everyone here who continues to hold the feet of perpetrators to the fire and demand accountability for our victims. jmho
From the transcript of the interview with the sheriff:

It was on the way up to Leadore. Not in Leadore.

I see what you are saying but I still think that we really don't know for sure where they stopped for gas. It could have been in Leadore when I listened to the discussion because I am not sure the Deputy was trying to be literal about it. I took it as he was adding other important stop and the only important stops would be close to where boy went missing.

I think Transcripts are sometimes misleading in that way. They are literal but not necessarily the intent of the discussion and not even sure the deputy heard the question that way.

I think the bottom line is we really don't know where the gas stop was or more importantly we don't know exactly what time.

I would love to have all those receipts.
Wouldn't you be thrilled if you were a business owner in Leadore and the sheriff announces to the media that he doesn't believe anyone has surveillance cameras in Leadore (as robbers from all over Idaho get into their cars and head up there)? :)


I read your post and immediately pictured this:


i know this is not funny, but sometimes weird images pop into my head, especially when tired, and reading this case is EXHAUSTING. I give mad props to those of you who dig and post on DeOrr. I would want to :banghead:.
How come any time there is an interview to clear up information then hardly anything gets cleared up.

I listened to the interview with the friend and I don't think the guy harmed the child. I do think he was coached by someone how to respond to media by that point.

Im gonna act like the sheriff and go with my "feelings" about him LOL that I just don't think he hurt the child in any way.

I couldn't make out what he said but got this ...

Reporter: "Did he wander away? Do you know?"

Friend: "Im not ...(garbled due to car noise)...nothing to say about it"

I took that as he was first going to say "Im not supposed to say anything about it" but then stopped and changed it.

Well at least it gives us something to talk about. :)

I mentioned before that I think he was first going to say "I'm not sure" but changed it to I don't have anything to say about it or I don't want to talk about it. If he was going to say "I'm not sure" that would mean that he did not witness what happened or he doesn't know what happened. That kind of goes along with his saying "As far as I know, he just disappeared." I get the impression that he is just kind of out of the loop and really has no clue.
to those wondering about traffic cameras, in the list of videos in the deorr kunz investigation on youtube there is a video of a retired investigator who claimed there were cameras on a highway 93. i'm assuming that's leading to the campsite or on the way.

There are definitely traffic cameras in the area. The other night a Sleuther posted pictures of the vehicles passing by on Th-Fr-Sat. They have since been removed (possibly to avoid interfering with the investigation). I'm certain that if LE hadn't already captured that footage that they used the pictures from this site.
Well at least it gives us something to talk about. :)

I mentioned before that I think he was first going to say "I'm not sure" but changed it to I don't have anything to say about it or I don't want to talk about it. If he was going to say "I'm not sure" that would mean that he did not witness what happened or he doesn't know what happened. That kind of goes along with his saying "As far as I know, he just disappeared." I get the impression that he is just kind of out of the loop and really has no clue.

Totally agree with this.
Out of curiosity, if Nate Eaton wasn’t front and center reporting on this case or if he were never in the picture from the start, what kind of media attention do you think Deorr would have received or would be receiving 5 weeks later?

Regardless of the information or perceived lack of information obtained from each and every one of his efforts, if we took away his interviews of the family, the grandmother, the family friend, the PI, the Sheriff, the Nancy Grace/HLN guest appearances, the radio appearances, the timelines, etc., what information would we really have? Who would be Deorr’s voice if Nate Eaton wasn’t in the picture from the start and still here plugging away 5 weeks later?

Just wondering...
There are definitely traffic cameras in the area. The other night a Sleuther posted pictures of the vehicles passing by on Th-Fr-Sat. They have since been removed (possibly to avoid interfering with the investigation). I'm certain that if LE hadn't already captured that footage that they used the pictures from this site.

Which is exactly why I haven't posted any, but I know they are there, and I know that anyone coming or going would have had their vehicle captured on one of those cams. Makes me feel just a tad better about some of the situation.
Out of curiosity, if Nate Eaton wasn’t front and center reporting on this case or if he were never in the picture from the start, what kind of media attention do you think Deorr would have received or would be receiving 5 weeks later?

Regardless of the information or perceived lack of information obtained from each and every one of his efforts, if we took away his interviews of the family, the grandmother, the family friend, the PI, the Sheriff, the Nancy Grace/HLN guest appearances, the radio appearances, the timelines, etc., what information would we really have? Who would be Deorr’s voice if Nate Eaton wasn’t in the picture from the start and still here plugging away 5 weeks later?

Just wondering...

Its scary isn't it. I do give Nate huge KUDOS for at least trying to get things answered. He is genuinely concerned about the boy and he gets it just like us here. We are all so worried about what happened and we just want the truth and want some solid answers.
to those wondering about traffic cameras, in the list of videos in the deorr kunz investigation on youtube there is a video of a retired investigator who claimed there were cameras on a highway 93. i'm assuming that's leading to the campsite or on the way.

It is unlikely that they took rt 93 to get to the campground. The road up there is rt 28, which is not an interstate. It is just a two lane highway.!2m2!1d-113.4659628!2d44.580879!3e0
Out of curiosity, if Nate Eaton wasn’t front and center reporting on this case or if he were never in the picture from the start, what kind of media attention do you think Deorr would have received or would be receiving 5 weeks later?

Regardless of the information or perceived lack of information obtained from each and every one of his efforts, if we took away his interviews of the family, the grandmother, the family friend, the PI, the Sheriff, the Nancy Grace/HLN guest appearances, the radio appearances, the timelines, etc., what information would we really have? Who would be Deorr’s voice if Nate Eaton wasn’t in the picture from the start and still here plugging away 5 weeks later?

Just wondering...

I believe this story would have been a headline in some of the Idaho papers for the first weekend. After that, sadly, it would no longer be mentioned. jmho
But I don't think that DeOrr went out on any walks with his parents earlier on Friday. I am pretty sure thaT they just woke up after sleeping in the Suburban, went to the restroom, washed up, had some coffee, and made a grocery list before going to town. If they returned by 1 pm then they had to leave by about 10:30 or 11, imo.

As reported by the parents, correct? Have we heard from the parents how DeOrr was occupied during the morning before they went to the store?

My kids, for as long as I can remember, sleep until exactly sunrise when we go camping...usually around 5:30 or 6 at the latest. Instead of repeatedly saying "Shhhh!" to them for the next 2 hours, either DH or I often take them somewhere not too far away that they will enjoy (a stream, lake, etc); a fun-ish place away from other campers so we don't wake up the whole campground or, when in more remote areas, to let the other parent get a little extra sleep. KWIM?

Visiting the rez would have been exactly what I would have done with my kiddos in that location...I bet it was beautiful first thing in the morning. Can you imagine?

Again, who knows? I just can't think of any reason for the dogs to track up there unless he went up there at some, could be he wandered up there, could be he was taken up there during an abduction or "interference by predators (as the Sheriff's office said in that interview~weird imo)," or could be he went up there earlier.

It would be interesting to know what the time stamp on the receipt is.
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