Found Deceased ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #74

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I am really impressed with East Idaho news, and Nate Eaton. Nate has really made a name for him self with his tenacious reporting. DeOrr Kuntz, Micheal Vaughn, Tylee, JJ, who knew Eastern Idaho had so much crime?
Nate was on it. He confronted Lori in Hawaii.
First to fly over LE finding JJ & Tylee on Chads property. Expose all the lies.
Nate was the Calvary in this case IMO
God bless him.
When Nate says “white noise is being played in the courtroom” during a sidebar, what does that mean? I’m “picturing” static or something but thinking that would be very grating on the nerves for the spectators. So what does it mean?
When Nate says “white noise is being played in the courtroom” during a sidebar, what does that mean? I’m “picturing” static or something but thinking that would be very grating on the nerves for the spectators. So what does it mean?

It really isn't annoying. They play it where I work, so no one can hear anyone talking in various cubbies. We have a small machine. You can raise or lower the volume, we keep it fairly low. I used to listen to it 8 hours a day.
Summary of tweets for Thursday, May 11th - Day 23

Judge Boyce reads the jury instructions.

Nate Eaton
We are back at the Ada County Courthouse as Lori Vallow Daybell's trial begins to conclude. Today the jury will be given instructions before they deliberate and we will hear closing arguments from both the prosecution and the defense.

Larry Woodcock walked into the courthouse with Kay and he was playing "We Will Rock You" on his iPad. "That's JJ's song," he said.

A reminder of the charges Lori faces:
-Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (Tylee Ryan)
-First degree murder (Tylee Ryan)
-Conspiracy to commit first degree murder and grand theft by deception (JJ Vallow)
-First degree murder (JJ Vallow)
-Conspiracy to commit first-degree murder (Tammy Daybell)
-Grand theft

Lori just walked in the courtroom. She's wearing gray dress pants, a black top and a black cardigan. She was holding a manila envelope. She's now chatting with Jim Archibald. All of the prosecutors are sitting at their table.

There is a buzz in the air in the courtroom. Much more chatter and Larry is passing out Lifesavet mints from a big red bowl. "Y'all pass those down to the ladies over there," he says. He is in good spirits.

Larry is now on our side of the courtroom with the bowl of mints. "How are you doing Larr
y?" the lady behind me asks. "I'm doing great!" with a thumbs up.

Bailiff (who some have now nicknamed "courtroom daddy") is giving instructions to the audience. "Today is a very big day. Thousands of manhours have been put into this case and we want to give the jury as much respect as we can.

Please silence your phones. If you don't know how to silence them, turn them off. No photos or video in the courtroom. The Lifesavers are a double-edged sword - please open the wrappers now."

Personal note: I'm going to miss seeing the bailiffs and courtroom staff every day. They've been kind and professional in handling such a high-profile case with different people showing up every day to watch.

The reserved prosecution rows are nearly full. Rexburg Police Chief Josh Rhodes, Asst. Chief Gary Hagen, Det. Ron Ball and all Det. Ray Hermosillo sitting there.

Larry and Kay Woodcock, Gerry Vallow (Charles' brother), retired FBI Special Agent Doug Hart and another FBI agent are sitting there along with Rex Conner, Lori Daybell's uncle.

Judge Boyce is on the bench.

Boyce will go through jury instructions before closing arguments. The defense and prosecution are ready to proceed. Boyce says he will first rule on the defense's motion for a judgment of acquittal.

"The court must deny a motion
if there is some evidence of guilt presented at trial," Boyce says. He cites case law about Idaho Rule 29, the motion for judgment of acquittal. "Obviously this has been a long trial with a lot of witnesses and a lot of evidence presented."

Boyce says substantial evidence has been presented during the trial and he's gone through the elements of the charges. He lists the charges (scroll down to 8:05 a.m. to read them).

Boyce lists witness testimony and evidence presented during the trial that shows there is a sign of potential guilt. He says the state provided sufficient evidence to back up the charges.

Boyce continues to list the charges and then explains evidence and witnesses who testified in relation to those charges. On the first count, he denies the rule 29 motion.

Boyce denies rule 29 motion on count two.

Boyce denies rule 29 motion on count three.

You can see the indictment here and follow along on each of the counts. 404 Page Not Found

Boyce denies the rule 29 motion on the remaining charges. Case will move forward to the jury on all counts. Jurors will now be brought in for final instructions.

While we wait for the jury, Boyce explains that jury instructions were finalized yesterday. There are 39 instructions and each juror will receive a copy of them along with a verdict form they will each complete.

Jurors walk in carrying their notebooks and water bottles.

Lori is writing in a notebook, looking at the jury and looking at the judge. Boyce begins with jury instruction #4 - the defendant is presumed to be innocent and the state has the burden to prove her guilty.

She is never required to prove her innocence and never has to produce any evidence at all. The state must prove the alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

Boyce: "If there is a reasonable doubt, you must find the defendant not guilty." He reads from rule #5 that the defiant has a right not to testify.

Rule #11 - "You have not heard all the evidence in the case. My duty is to instruct you as to the law. You must follow all the rules as I explain them to you. You may not follow some and ignore others. Even if you do not understand or disagree, you must follow them.

Boyce: "The lawyers are not witnesses. What they say is not evidence. If the facts as you remember them differ from what you the lawyers say, go with what you remember."

The jurors have written instructions in front of them and are following along as Boyce reads them. They seemed focused and not distracted. Lori is also following along on her paper copy.

Boyce lists off the exhibit numbers that were admitted as demonstrations rather than evidence.

Boyce says jurors should consider the qualifications and credentials of the testimony of each witness. He explains what conspiracy to commit murder is - "an agreement by two or more persons to commit first degree murder.

They may not agree on every detail. It may be shown by evidence of an oral or written agreement." He explains what murder is.

Boyce explains what malice is and what "to obtain property" means. "An owner of property is any person who has a right to possession of such property superior to the right of the defendant."

Boyce lists out specific allegations in the charges and says if they have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, "you must find the defendant guilty." If they have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, "you must find the defendant not guilty."

We are on jury instruction #30. He lists out the allegations and says the state must have proven each element of the alleged crime in order to find Lori guilty.

Jury instruction #31. Boyce explains that in order for Lori to be found guilty of first-degree murder, the state must prove each allegation listed in the indictment.

Once the jury begins deliberating, they will have access to all witness testimony and all the evidence -- including the 130,000-150,000 items found on Lori's iCloud account. There are 18 jurors here - 12 will be picked as the actual jurors, the others as alternates.

Boyce continues to read instructions and stresses the jury can only find Lori guilty on each charge if the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the allegations were indeed committed.

Jury instruction #33. "There are different forms of theft depending on how the theft was committed. Lori Daybell is charged in count 7 with the theft of social security funds."

Boyce: "In this case you will return a verdict consisting of a series of questions. Although the questions on the verdict form are self-explanatory, I am required to read them to you."

Question 1: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of conspiracy to commit first degree murder of Tylee Ryan?
Question 2: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of first degree murder of Tylee Ryan?
Question 3: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of conspiracy to commit first degree murder of JJ Vallow?

Question 4: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of first degree murder of JJ Vallow?
Question 5: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of conspiracy to commit murder of Tammy Daybell?
Question 6: Is Lori guilty or not guilty of grand theft?

Boyce says all the exhibits will be in the jury room except the firearms. They can be viewed if requested with assistance from the bailiff.

Boyce reads a rule that says the jury will appoint a foreman. The duty of the foreman is to make sure everyone is heard from. "The verdict can't be arrived at by chance." He says the jury cannot reveal to anyone else their verdict until the judge asks for it.

We are on the last instruction. Boyce again reminds the jury that the arguments of the attorneys are not evidence. He says the attitudes and demeanor of the jurors at the beginning of deliberations are very important.

"You are not advocates - you are judges." He reminds them of the importance of "the declaration of the truth."

Boyce is done reading the jury instructions. Rob Wood will give closing arguments on behalf of the prosecution. Wood asks for a brief sidebar. White noise is played in the courtroom.

We will now take a brief recess before closing arguments begin.

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