Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #34

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New things I learned from this second part of Nate Eaton’s interview of MG:

  • Lori was collecting around $6,000 a month from survivor benefits for Colby and Tylee from Joe's death and from disability benefits for JJ;
  • Lori sold the claim of herself bring threatened by CV by telling MG there was a $3 million policy on her life and the dark spirit that inhabited CV’s body (“Ned Snyder” or “Ned Schneider,” someone they once knew…?) was after that money;
  • Lori did not want to move to Rexburg. She wanted Chad to come to Arizona, but told MG that was not what revelation told her to do;
  • MG did not see Tylee while she visited in Rexburg and did not find the claim that Tylee was attending BYU believable;
  • MG did see JJ during that visit, but Lori told MG that JJ had become a zombie and was pointing out things he was doing or saying as indicators. MG found this claim unbelievable as JJ didn’t seem different than he’d been in her presence in the past. Lori told MG that JJ would be going to live with Kay so “he would not get in the way of her and Chad’s mission.” Lori also said Kay was a zombie;
  • MG had lots of doubts about Chad’s and Lori’s strange revelations, some of which she expressed to Lori. Alex told MG he truly believed the teachings about zombies inhabited by dark spirits;
  • Chad and Lori told MG they would be traveling to California with Chad’s children for Thanksgiving and that Tylee and JJ would not be with them. (MY NOTE: And what of Tammy?);
  • MG was caught entirely by surprise and was troubled by Chad’s call (in all his nervousness) a few days before Thanksgiving asking her not to answer the call when police called asking about JJ because MG had been led to believe JJ was going to live with Kay;
  • Lori instructed MG to take photos with kids around to look like MG was at movies with JJ (as Lori had told police MG was). MG said Lori was upbeat in that call, told her everything was fine. MG was dumbfounded by the request;
  • MG chose to tell the police the truth rather than participate in advancing Chad and Lori’s lie; and
  • MG urges others who may have heard Chad’s revelations to reflect upon whether so much darkness and death is consistent with what they know from the Gospel - that in Christ’s time on earth, he didn’t kill, but rather healed those who suffered and brought light and clarity rather than darkness, secrecy, and confusion.
I don’t think he can talk his way out of openly flaunting their relationship right under Tammy’s nose. We didn’t know, or at least I didn’t, they openly acted as a couple complete with PDA’s in Rexburg! That can’t sit well with the kids. That’s their mother he was mocking and until today they might not have known it.
It was in the "zombie email" but was difficult to believe. At one point in the interview Nate was almost quoting things from that email.
This is an example of when one of them (MG) should have woken up by then. If someone tried to tell me to cover for them about their missing children when the police call, I would say "no way", and at that point I would go to LE myself.

On what planet is it ok to start colluding with someone about missing kids and covering for them when LE calls. And why are we just now hearing about this and why didnt she go right to LE as soon as this happened.

I guess part of being in Chad's group means you have to agree to break the law of the land.
Im so upset with any of them that helped to hide what was really happening.

MG didn't cover for them. She refused to lie to the police and told the police JJ wasn't with her.
One of the weirdest parts to me is when MG visited LVD in Rexburg. If we assume Tylee was already "gone" by then, then why even have the conversation with MG about JJ? Wouldn't LVD already know "the inevitable" conclusion would be the same as for TR? Was it part of a cover/lie, or to make herself LVD feel better? Was she actually considering sending JJ away or just building an elaborate lie? How could you have that conversation knowing what had already become of TR?? My heart is breaking just thinking about it, and her mother is sitting there thinking about offing the next one while chatting with a friend??

I agree. It reveals Lori's premeditation to get rid of JJ. She was just looking for an "acceptable" thing to tell her friend MG in the future as to why JJ was no longer with her. MOO.
MG didn't cover for them. She refused to lie to the police and told the police JJ wasn't with her.

I want to believe that, but I still don't know if that's completely true. MG only directly said she wouldn't go along with one of the various plans one time during this interview. She seemed to go with the flow quite a bit. She even admitted she's gullible.

Again, I don't think she's a criminal or deserves endless ridicule over this.
As I'm watching this, I feel like MG should have alerted police or mental health professionals immediately when Lori suggested JJ had become a zombie. She should have intervened on these profoundly disturbed and dangerous people.

What good did it do CV to go to police about the same kind of claims? When he called police about his concerns about her mental instability demonstrated by these expressed beliefs AND by her extreme actions (cancelling his trip and hiding his truck, vacating the house and changing the locks, emptying the bank accounts), CV pointed out that she had their two children with her. And the police totally blew him off, saying that was her right as their mother. Quite honestly, they sounded like they thought it was "some of that weird LDS stuff" (the officer said he was not LDS so he didn't know about all this stuff) and didn't want anything to do with it.
I for one dont know how I would behave after being groomed into this group, maybe getting attention that I wasnt used to. I dont think it fair to judge her imo she did go and speak to someone she trusted who helped bring her to her senses and then she went to the police. She did this before anything came out even before the zombie letter. I think it better to show empathy and hopefully encourage more to come forward. If people are blaming MG and giving her a hard time then I dont know if I was another member of this group if I would want to come forward. All jmo glad she came forward and I hope more do
Yes, we see this all as crazy, but breaking yourself out of brainwashing is very difficult and rarely happens instantaneously. Human brains are so good at justifying our actions it's frightening. Just as any religious fanatic believes they are doing God's will, our brains contrive a scriptural basis for these things, just as @CSIDreamer pointed out their zombies is just another word for demonic possession. Some who disagree with Christianity call Jesus a zombie. And in The Book of Mormon an incapacitated drunk is murdered and justified by the scripture 1 Nephi 4:13 "Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief." Lori said she would murder Charles if he got in the way of her mission--in her mind, slaying the wicked to bring forth God's righteous purpose. The same is true with the crusades, with suicide bombers, with witch hunts, you name it. A crazy person can justify themselves with any religious beliefs, and unfortunately, setting yourself right again requires adjustments in your reality, which is an incredibly painful and ongoing process.

I think I'm one of the few who thinks CD and LVD genuinely believe what they were peddling. Or, at least, allowed themselves to believe in this fantasy they fueled in each other. I don't think it makes them insane, just believers in their own incredibly destructive religious offshoot.

All MOO.

ETA: I'm actually a little terrified by how sympathetic MG still feels towards them. But then the abused often love their abusers. I'm absolutely not trying to deflect responsibility from these people, just pointing out it's a very tangled situation.
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That's one way to look at it. However, the lives of children are at stake! MG even said she had a sinking feeling in her gut when Chad called her and asked her not to talk to police. She knew something was wrong. Honestly, she knew something was wrong when Lori said JJ had become a zombie.

I'm not condemning MG like she's a criminal. But I am very disappointed at all the missed opportunities to stop this runaway train before it got too far out of hand.

I wonder if part of our issues here watching this interview is our own personalities? I'm just as likely to bite someone's head off as not if a child is in danger. Other people are more passive. Jmo
One of the weirdest parts to me is when MG visited LVD in Rexburg. If we assume Tylee was already "gone" by then, then why even have the conversation with MG about JJ? Wouldn't LVD already know "the inevitable" conclusion would be the same as for TR? Was it part of a cover/lie, or to make herself LVD feel better? Was she actually considering sending JJ away or just building an elaborate lie? How could you have that conversation knowing what had already become of TR?? My heart is breaking just thinking about it, and her mother is sitting there thinking about offing the next one while chatting with a friend??
It was just lying. Lori likes to pretend that everything is alright. She even told Melanie that she was at an airport handing over JJ to Kay.
One of the weirdest parts to me is when MG visited LVD in Rexburg. If we assume Tylee was already "gone" by then, then why even have the conversation with MG about JJ? Wouldn't LVD already know "the inevitable" conclusion would be the same as for TR? Was it part of a cover/lie, or to make herself LVD feel better? Was she actually considering sending JJ away or just building an elaborate lie? How could you have that conversation knowing what had already become of TR?? My heart is breaking just thinking about it, and her mother is sitting there thinking about offing the next one while chatting with a friend??

My guess: For Lori to continue to legally collect the disability payments on JJ, JJ would have to be alive and in her care. So, IMO Lori likely hoped to create the illusion that was so; saying she was providing for JJ and making all the important decisions about him, but he was temporarily "spending time with his grandmother."

Tylee was soon going to be 17. IIRC (and I cannot remember where I read this here), there was some provision in the setup of her survivor benefits that indicated that when TR reached age 17, something about those benefits changed (like she got the remainder as a payout or something).

IMO, before LVD killed her kids, she commoditized them.
What good did it do CV to go to police about the same kind of claims? When he called police about his concerns about her mental instability demonstrated by these expressed beliefs AND by her extreme actions (cancelling his trip and hiding his truck, vacating the house and changing the locks, emptying the bank accounts), CV pointed out that she had their two children with her. And the police totally blew him off, saying that was her right as their mother. Quite honestly, they sounded like they thought it was "some of that weird LDS stuff" (the officer said he was not LDS so he didn't know about all this stuff) and didn't want anything to do with it.

Even with all of this considered, MG still should have spoken up. It’s not an excuse.
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