IL - July 4 Parade, Highland Park, at least 6 fatally shot, 4 July 2022 *son charged, dad guilty*

I would still throw the book at the father.

At the end of the day, the father sponsored weapons purchases for somebody he knew had been assessed as dangerous- and whose violent behavior then continued to escalate (what lived at home and was hanging sex dolls around the house in posed death positions?).

That individual then murders people using a weapon whose purchase was sponsored by the father. That is enough for me.
Do we know when Crimo purchased the rifle used?
I would still throw the book at the father.

At the end of the day, the father sponsored weapons purchases for somebody he knew had been assessed as dangerous- and whose violent behavior then continued to escalate (what lived at home and was hanging sex dolls around the house in posed death positions?).

That individual then murders people using a weapon whose purchase was sponsored by the father. That is enough for me.
Maybe it would be a warning for other thoughtless, uncaring "parents".
In April 2019, police came to the Illinois home where Mr Crimo was residing after he had threatened to take his life by suicide, and the second instance was the day in September 2019 when he said that he would kill everyone inside the family home.

Two months after police were called to the Crimo’s Illinois home, Robert ‘Bob’ Crimo Jr, the suspected shooter’s father, sponsored his son for an FOID card, which was approved one month later in January 2020.

Mr Crimo passed four background checks in the purchase of his guns, all of them conducted in 2020 and 2021, well after the 2019 incidents that drew police attention, according to the state police.

I keep looking but I haven't been able to find anything that says when he bought them. Other then some articles that said "obtained before the shooting." (sort of goes without saying.)

If Crimo III bought the rifle in late 2019 or early 2020, but didn't use it to murder people until 2 years later, does this impact the legal concerns of his father sponsoring him for the FOIA card since over 2 years passed without any violence related to firearms? Another question is that apparently Crimo III renewed his FOID card when he turned 21? So does that mean that the father's sponsorship ended when Crimo III turned 21 and filled out his own card? Just trying to get a better understanding of the legal issues that the father could be facing or not facing.

edited typo
I still want to know where he got money for all this. The guns - mags - ammo, he had a car, "sex doll", cell phone & wifi to post his "music/videos", the materials for building his "tiny" home, paint for his "wall art"

He had to eat (food), gas for the car

Did daddy just pay his way?

We know the guns, mags, & ammo had to have cost at least (close to) $3,000. We know he didn't work (only worked at Panera for a short time).

With the Uvalde shooter - he worked and saved for over a year (close to 2) to get the money. Grandma was letting him live for free but was fighting with him over the cell phone bill.

So how was this leech living day to day? We have heard nothing about this part of his derelict life.

If Crimo III bought the rifle in late 2019 or early 2020, but didn't use it to murder people until 2 years later, does this impact the legal concerns of his father sponsoring him for the FOIA card since over 2 years passed without any violence related to firearms? Another question is that apparently Crimo III renewed his FOID card when he turned 21? So does that mean that the father's sponsorship ended when Crimo III turned 21 and filled out his own card? Just trying to get a better understanding of the legal issues that the father could be facing or not facing.

edited typo

That's what common sense would seem to indicate (that dad is no longer responsible). But the law doesn't always follow common sense. I'm curious as to how this will all play out.
I keep looking but I haven't been able to find anything that says when he bought them. Other then some articles that said "obtained before the shooting." (sort of goes without saying.)
I have looked all over and not been able to find this information either. I know it was out there a day or two ago.
From memory, BCIII purchased five weapons after he obtained his FOI card. Two high powered rifles, two hand guns and maybe another rifle. I believe they were purchased around 2021, all legally, but I can't verify it until I can find some of the older articles.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I'm going to keep looking

<modsnip - quoted post was removed>
You can't prevent a parent from making false statements or a gun seller from looking the other way or ignoring the rules. But you can make the punishment severe enough that they know better than to violate the law.

You'll probably never get through to some parents. This has happened several times before - parents buying guns for their mentally disturbed children who later go on to commit mass murder. But if you enforce the rules about keeping gun sellers registered and regulated and instill enough fear in them for breaking the law, they'll do most of the prevention. If a gun seller knows that selling a gun to a mentally ill, underaged kid will cost him his business and put him in bankruptcy, he'll decide it's not worth the risk. If gun sellers decided to stop selling guns to underage kids, that would be even better.

As for the cost of suing, most victims and their families will discover plenty of attorneys willing to take their case without money up front.
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I still want to know where he got money for all this. The guns - mags - ammo, he had a car, "sex doll", cell phone & wifi to post his "music/videos", the materials for building his "tiny" home, paint for his "wall art"

He had to eat (food), gas for the car

Did daddy just pay his way?

We know the guns, mags, & ammo had to have cost at least (close to) $3,000. We know he didn't work (only worked at Panera for a short time).

With the Uvalde shooter - he worked and saved for over a year (close to 2) to get the money. Grandma was letting him live for free but was fighting with him over the cell phone bill.

So how was this leech living day to day? We have heard nothing about this part of his derelict life.

IMO, his parent's were negligent and somewhat absent in his childhood. Former teachers and Scout Leaders (ironically the current Mayor of Highland Park) sadly described both Bobby and his brother as being the last children picked up from any activity. The father (Bob Jr) was 'always at work' and the mother was described as 'flighty' and didn't answer to phone calls when the boys hadn't been picked up from school/activities. Not a good childhood foundation or supportive home life.

He dropped out of high school at the beginning of his sophomore year. Again, why did his parent's allow this? I agree with you, who was funding his spending for all of these years?

He did have a small moment of success in 2018 with a Rap song, I assume he earned some money from this. He also had a You Tube (or some other social media) audience, so I'm assuming a little money from there. His music and social media have been taken down. But either his parent's or someone else must have been giving him a bit of spending money along the way as well as giving him a place to live.

From what I understand, he grew up in the house where his mother lives in Highland Park (near the parade route). At some point, his parent's separated. There was a older family home (maybe grandparent's) in Highwood (small community just to the south). BCIII was living there, in a small plywood shed he had constructed in the driveway or backyard. I am under the impression both his father and uncle also live at that home. I also understand the house in Highwood is in pre-foreclosure.

Though his father is publicly denying any culpability in this, he has hired one of R Kelly's defense attorneys...

The above is IMO, JMO and from my memory of reading articles about this for the last few days. I'm just exhausted.

I suspect more will come out about his parents..
The problem is a lot of people do have these crisis without acting on them.
As well, many parents don't know where to turn when there is a crisis within their own home. Particularly when their child is over 18.

Both laws and community resources need to be addressed in the wake of this and many other tragedies.


From the link provided by @x_files:

But his son was known to police.

In April 2019, the same month the elder Crimo ran for Highland Park mayor and lost, a police report shows Bobby's mother told officers her son "attempted to commit suicide by machete" and that he had a "history of attempts."

Months later, in September 2019, another call was made to police to report that Bobby has "made a threat in the household," that he was "going to kill everyone."


Wow. Previously I'd only read that Crimo had THREATENED suicide. I don't think I've seen other MSM that said he ATTEMPTED suicide. Specifically, with a machete. And more than one attempt.

I remind myself, as I do with several different cases, that the murderer is the murderer. The parents are not. Yet I cannot fathom how anyone would facilitate their child obtaining weaponry when they already have proof that their son was AT MINIMUM a danger to himself.

The parents did not kill these innocent spectators, but IMO they greased the path for this to happen. If they'd never signed for this FOID card thing, what he would have done at 21+ would have been beyond their control and all culpability would have been his alone.


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