GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #4

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Did the real estate site show a floor plan of the house? I maintain that the mother could not have been home prior to her discovery that Willow was missing. The reason is that there simply was no place for Willow to be, other than in plain view.

How many rooms are in the house? Likely just a kitchen/dining area, a living room, bathroom, and two or maybe three bedrooms. With the grandparents in one room, the brother in one, and mom in one room, where did the kids sleep? Probably with the mom.

If the kids were up, mom had to have walked past them on her way from the entrance to her room. The house is too small for there to be alternate routes to the bedrooms. If they were asleep, they were probably sleeping in her room. There's no where else to go in that little house.

Dollars to doughnuts, mom came home in the morning after a night out, to find her son crying and alone. Oh my goodness, this simply breaks my heart.

I am going to bring this up once again...everyone keeps talking like he actually stabbed her five times in the chest...PLEASE READ the Probable Cause report. It does not say anything about stabbing to the chest...This has been bugging me since last night when I read another poster write it, it enlightened me, and I posted about it.

He alleges he stabbed her five times, this is going off the perps confession, however when you read the AUTOPSY findings, it does not reflect that ever happening.

I can see where he might have tired to slit her throat, she was fighting him off, got the defense wounds on her hands. He slit her collerbone and clavicle area in his attempt to slit her throat before finally getting it on target and slicing her throat. I also see where he stabbed her in the throat, but nowhere does it say anything about chest wounds. It really bothers me that he fabricated stabbing her in heart five times, this could be him setting up a defense also for the future.


Keeping in mind we have not seen the autopsy report. Just a Probable Cause Statement from a very early investigation, the purpose of which is to show he murdered her, not to back up his facts. jmo
So that was his initial interview. Then LE, in a follow-up interview, intimate that they have more evidence and he makes the below statement. jmo

"Then he said he went into the bathroom to watch a pornographic video at about 10:30 p.m."

I'm glad he checked his watch before he went in to do his thing. 10:30PM? Willow should have been asleep. :(
I wonder what time JD went to work at Starbucks on Sunday.

I have a bad feeling the little brother was left alone in the house for hours until CD got home in the morning.
Oh I was just using the "five times" because he's so darn SPECIFIC about the strangest things in his confession - stabbing her 5 times, 30 minutes in the bathroom, etc. If you were in a panic about something would you remember something as specific as that? Whenever I'm freaking out and panicking I practically forget to breathe!

I was only using yours as an example, but not pointing this at you at all. I missed it too, but there is no documentation in the Probable Cause statement of ANY chest wounds, NONE....

As calculated as he has been in bringing up kitty litter, masturbation, scratch on arm etc, why would he say he stabbed her approx. five times aiming for her heart and there be no documented damage to her chest area? This bothers me and just keeps niggling at me and I just cannot figure out what his reason would be to allege this? IMHO
Yeah but his parents were gone, his sister was out so why would he need to go in the bathroom to masturbate ESPECIALLY if he was supposed to be watching Willow and her little brother. I noticed in the probable cause report that he was in the bathroom for 30 minutes. He's awfully specific with odd things - stabbing her 5 times for example. For someone in a supposed panic, he somehow managed to keep track of how many times he stabbed her? He somehow keeps track of how long he was watching *advertiser censored* and masturbating? What time did all of this happen? Was it after the kids went to bed? If so, why would he need to be in the bathroom? If he was in the bathroom, what if Willow walked in on him and he decided to act on his urges (she fought back) OR maybe she saw something he was watching (child *advertiser censored* perhaps?). Either way he was afraid she'd tell.

I think there are elements of truth in his story. It's easier to stick with a lie when it mirrors the truth. I believe he was watching *advertiser censored*, masturbating, Willow made him angry somehow, he killed her. I can't see her successfully running away from him if she couldn't see without her glasses. I think the falling on a pile of sticks and one impaling her throat is hogwash. To "end her suffering" he slit her throat AND stabbed her 5 times!? That's overkill IMO.

Does anyone know if they will check his system for drug use?

BBM -EXACTLY!! I am sorry I really don't by him getting up and masturbating in the washroom.

I also believe that she may have distracted him when he was trying to get off and maybe that angered him. Kids at that age want someone with them, well at least my daughter was like that and still is, she will come find me if I am not around her for an extended amount of time.
Keeping in mind we have not seen the autopsy report. Just a Probable Cause Statement from a very early investigation, the purpose of which is to show he murdered her, not to back up his facts. jmo

I totally agree, and they documented what wound they felt was the fatal stab. But the fact they also mentioned the probable defense wounds on her hand make me think since they went on to other non fatal wounds, why would they not mention chest wound??? It is just bothering me... IMHO
I wonder what time JD went to work at Starbucks on Sunday.

I have a bad feeling the little brother was left alone in the house for hours until CD got home in the morning.

Maybe so, but he may have been the lucky one in the end...jMO
BBM -EXACTLY!! I am sorry I really don't by him getting up and masturbating in the washroom.

I also believe that she may have distracted him when he was trying to get off and maybe that angered him. Kids at that age want someone with them, well at least my daughter was like that and still is, she will come find me if I am not around her for an extended amount of time.

I think there was a sexual assault in the bathroom and that is the only reason it was brought into the story by JD. I don't believe there was any masturbation or *advertiser censored* in the bathroom. If there was *advertiser censored* I think it was before what happened happened.
Unfortunately this doesn't answer the question for me. If he disposed of the body during the night, when CD was still out at the bar, where was the 3 year old?

Either way the 3 year old may have been exposed to a murder. I just hope he didn't see anything.

I strongly suspect the 3 year old was home alone. JD surely didn't have a friend come over and babysit while he did his evil deeds!


He alleges he stabbed her five times, this is going off the perps confession, however when you read the AUTOPSY findings, it does not reflect that ever happening.


Can you post the autopsy report, I've not seen it. Thanks.
I'm not going to argue with your trying to rationalize the "mercy killing" aspect here, because you're entitled to your opinion, I respect it, and I can see where you're coming from (whether I agree or not)... However, even if we could make ourselves think, "Maybe in a panic, someone would really do this," it would not work because of the defensive wounds on her little hands/arms. IMO... This shows that she was alive enough to fight back. Add in the brutality of the killing itself (Tried to stab her 5 times in the heart and slit her throat?), and even if not for the rest of his stupid story, I think it rules out "mercy." Again, JMO.

Respectfully, I think you misinterpreted my comment. I only said that I initially could somewhat sympathize with the "mercy killing" excuse based on my gut instinct every time I see someone suffering. However, I specifically stated that "mercy killing" was not rational. And, I indicated with the recent information that has been disclosed that it was obviously not the case with the uncle and my sympathy lies only with Willow and the horrors she had to endure.

I am going to bring this up once again...everyone keeps talking like he actually stabbed her five times in the chest...PLEASE READ the Probable Cause report. It does not say anything about stabbing to the chest...This has been bugging me since last night when I read another poster write it, it enlightened me, and I posted about it.

He alleges he stabbed her five times, this is going off the perps confession, however when you read the AUTOPSY findings, it does not reflect that ever happening.

I can see where he might have tired to slit her throat, she was fighting him off, got the defense wounds on her hands. He slit her collerbone and clavicle area in his attempt to slit her throat before finally getting it on target and slicing her throat. I also see where he stabbed her in the throat, but nowhere does it say anything about chest wounds. It really bothers me that he fabricated stabbing her in heart five times, this could be him setting up a defense also for the future.


I don't know if you are referring to my post or not

But just for clarification and because it will bug me whether you were referring to me or not lol I was implying his story was BS
I figured that mom was out drinking. Boy, that is so similar to so many cases in the last 5 years. Or the case where mom was drinking on the porch and said that she blacked out, like so many people do. ?? I don't think that that little girl was ever found.

There are so many cases where someone, other than mom, was thought to be watching the kids when they disappear. Oh, well. End of rant.

I, too, am pretty sure that this double wide modular house is not that big. There were be no secrets in that house.
Does anyone recall where the story attributed to mom came from....about her walking around the block, talking to her mom, mom talking to brother, brother coming out of the house in tears, mom calling 911.....and JD taking off, picking up neighbors to go look for Willow?

This is all very detailed! And, if JD was actually at work, NOT TRUE! Searching to where this all originated.....
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