Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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FWIW, I did relocate a few of the abandoned factory pics (parts of which are being used as a warehouse) that someone posted here back in June:
Wow, thanks a lot for finding them.. got a serious dose of shivers down my spine as I look at them... Bleak indeed.. piles of gravel, just lying there....
I seriously do hope they sent cadaver dog teams in there.. but am not at all sure they did..
Wow, thanks a lot for finding them.. got a serious dose of shivers down my spine as I look at them... Bleak indeed.. piles of gravel, just lying there....
I seriously do hope they sent cadaver dog teams in there.. but am not at all sure they did..

probably even better are these videos posted by the same person who did the prior pics of the factory (shows just how close the factory is to the apt. complex):

Video driving around the perimeter of Stonegate Village where BC lived

Video driving from the west side of the gym to Stonegate... don't blink, it's a whole 15 sec ride

Please note the abandoned concrete plant in between BC's apartment complex and the Refinery gym. Which is usually empty and used only for storage by a local apartment company, but there seem to be several cars there today... no official law enforcement presence but if there was itd be all over the news... could be searching the plant quietly?
probably even better are these videos posted by the same person who did the prior pics of the factory (shows just how close the factory is to the apt. complex):

Video driving around the perimeter of Stonegate Village where BC lived

Video driving from the west side of the gym to Stonegate... don't blink, it's a whole 15 sec ride

Please note the abandoned concrete plant in between BC's apartment complex and the Refinery gym. Which is usually empty and used only for storage by a local apartment company, but there seem to be several cars there today... no official law enforcement presence but if there was itd be all over the news... could be searching the plant quietly?
powerful research. seriously creeped out now.
i know we asked and discussed this in past, but not sure we got answers- did he habitually drive to the gym or did he sometimes walk.. if the latter its possible he would have been aware of open fences and other security breaches.. i ran a reddit search earlier to check whether students ever partied there. i found nothing..
if its accurate that he replaced phone chip after a period of several hours, is it most likely that he would have completed his entire act, including disposal by then?
powerful research. seriously creeped out now.
i know we asked and discussed this in past, but not sure we got answers- did he habitually drive to the gym or did he sometimes walk.. if the latter its possible he would have been aware of open fences and other security breaches.. i ran a reddit search earlier to check whether students ever partied there. i found nothing..
if its accurate that he replaced phone chip after a period of several hours, is it most likely that he would have completed his entire act, including disposal by then?

If you watch the longer video that Webthrush posted, at .055 you;ll see garages on the right and a red car on the left. BC's apartment complex is about forty feet left of that > facing the garages. You'll also notice just how close Johmsons plant is. I didn't know till today that his gym is literally in a straigt line of his apt. then the plant and then the gym. I think living that close and as much time as he spent at that gym, he would surely know how and when he could get in there. As I said the other day, I did notify the FBI about the closeness of such a perfect hiding place, And to Kittys point. If you were gonna search that place I would think cadaver dogs would be a must. You can't really get an idea of the size of that place unless you see it. Plus it has all kinda weird rooms and upstairs storage. and underground areas.One of them was an older coal room. Another was a grease pit.Throw in the outbuildings and you;ve got a modern day catacomb.
If you watch the longer video that Webthrush posted, at .055 you;ll see garages on the right and a red car on the left. BC's apartment complex is about forty feet left of that > facing the garages. You'll also notice just how close Johmsons plant is. I didn't know till today that his gym is literally in a straigt line of his apt. then the plant and then the gym. I think living that close and as much time as he spent at that gym, he would surely know how and when he could get in there. As I said the other day, I did notify the FBI about the closeness of such a perfect hiding place, And to Kittys point. If you were gonna search that place I would think cadaver dogs would be a must. You can't really get an idea of the size of that place unless you see it. Plus it has all kinda weird rooms and upstairs storage. and underground areas.One of them was an older coal room. Another was a grease pit.Throw in the outbuildings and you;ve got a modern day catacomb.
I was mentally matching your description, which was very good, while I was watching it.

Whether it was searched or not at the beginning I see no harm in another search.
Sadly I dont live in the country.. but to really push that boat out in a final massive effort seems like such a worthwhile thing to do.
what are the chances of local people coming together to arrange it?
What are the chamces of persuading LE, FBI that it should be done?
They have come up with nothing at all so I dont see how they can object..
Thanks a lot for doing the math on his.. I wonder how long they retain their footage?
I wonder whether his vehicle was picked up anywhere else. too many questions..
The Johnson building is huge.. some pics posted here earlier today..
Do you have any sense of when the searches ceased?
Was there any formal ceasing or did people just stop searching when FBI said they 'believed her to be no longer alive'?
Was there any lo
cal response to this evidence less statement?
Is anybody physically still searching or not?

from what I recall, the university and CUMTD retain footage for around 30 days. No idea on the school, but 30 days would sound reasonable. even if it is shorter than that, I'm sure that they were reviewing footage from those cameras within days after the 12th. They knew he went north on Goodwin. i would not be surprised if they have footage picking the vehicle up other places. Remember the rumor about entering I-74 heading east? If he goes all the way to the end of Goodwin, he could turn right on Bradley, then after a couple of blocks, be at Lincoln. (the corner of Bradley and Lincoln is wher One North, YY's original destination, is located). from there he could turn left onto Lincoln and head straight up to I-74. there are gas stations and shops all along there that would have security cameras that could catch him heading north on Lincoln.

There is supposed to be a ridiculous amount of video evidence the prisecutors have. While some of this is likely gathered to show he did not go into certain areas, I'm sure some of it catches him at different places.. I forget hiw many hours/terabytes it is supposed to be, but it is a ridiculous amount..

Regarding searches, as far as I know there are people still out looking for her -including the family. It may be dying down now because of the weather getting colder, but I still hear of people out looking around from time to time. As for the authorities, they have never said anything to discourage people from searching as far as I know. From Zhidong Wang's quotes here, and in another article, it seems clear the authorities are still very much sesrching for her and intend to continue -even if right now it might be focused on trying to dug up clues about where to target a search.

One thing I have noticed is that from the moment of BC's arrest, they have NEVER given any details about what authorities are doing to search for her, or where they are searching. Whenever asked, they always have no comment, other than to say that the search and the investigation are ongoing. I almost wonder if they might think someone helped him dispose of her, and they are trying to keep that person(s) in the dark about what they know. Perhaps that is far-fetched, but back when the hearing on the Bruno's motion for a continuance was held, the News-Gazette reported that the prosecution supported the motion, and tge prosecutor mentioned that a new indictment with higher charges and/or new defendant(s) could be filed in the coming months.

As for the Johnson building, I understand why it is attractive, but I doubt he would put her there. Its simply too close to where he lives, and since there are people who access that complex from time to time, there is a risk someone might stumble upon her remains; and once they are found there, authorities might start snooping around the area and taking a closer look at people who live close to the building. Supposedly he meticulously planned this whole thing, so it just seems too risky to stash her there, when there are any number of secluded places within a one hour drive where he could bury her without being witnessed and where no one would likely evern think someone was buried.
from what I recall, the university and CUMTD retain footage for around 30 days. No idea on the school, but 30 days would sound reasonable. even if it is shorter than that, I'm sure that they were reviewing footage from those cameras within days after the 12th. They knew he went north on Goodwin. i would not be surprised if they have footage picking the vehicle up other places. Remember the rumor about entering I-74 heading east? If he goes all the way to the end of Goodwin, he could turn right on Bradley, then after a couple of blocks, be at Lincoln. (the corner of Bradley and Lincoln is wher One North, YY's original destination, is located). from there he could turn left onto Lincoln and head straight up to I-74. there are gas stations and shops all along there that would have security cameras that could catch him heading north on Lincoln.

There is supposed to be a ridiculous amount of video evidence the prisecutors have. While some of this is likely gathered to show he did not go into certain areas, I'm sure some of it catches him at different places.. I forget hiw many hours/terabytes it is supposed to be, but it is a ridiculous amount..

Regarding searches, as far as I know there are people still out looking for her -including the family. It may be dying down now because of the weather getting colder, but I still hear of people out looking around from time to time. As for the authorities, they have never said anything to discourage people from searching as far as I know. From Zhidong Wang's quotes here, and in another article, it seems clear the authorities are still very much sesrching for her and intend to continue -even if right now it might be focused on trying to dug up clues about where to target a search.

One thing I have noticed is that from the moment of BC's arrest, they have NEVER given any details about what authorities are doing to search for her, or where they are searching. Whenever asked, they always have no comment, other than to say that the search and the investigation are ongoing. I almost wonder if they might think someone helped him dispose of her, and they are trying to keep that person(s) in the dark about what they know. Perhaps that is far-fetched, but back when the hearing on the Bruno's motion for a continuance was held, the News-Gazette reported that the prosecution supported the motion, and tge prosecutor mentioned that a new indictment with higher charges and/or new defendant(s) could be filed in the coming months.

As for the Johnson building, I understand why it is attractive, but I doubt he would put her there. Its simply too close to where he lives, and since there are people who access that complex from time to time, there is a risk someone might stumble upon her remains; and once they are found there, authorities might start snooping around the area and taking a closer look at people who live close to the building. Supposedly he meticulously planned this whole thing, so it just seems too risky to stash her there, when there are any number of secluded places within a one hour drive where he could bury her without being witnessed and where no one would likely evern think someone was buried.
It is indeed possible that many more superceding indictments may be issued and its equally possible a third party was involved, even if not directly.. this could be something as wide as him selling footage of his act to a buyer..
The building has become more relevant because of the very short time window mentioned today. i.e. the time he removed his phone chip until the time he replaced it.

If he was indeed in his apartment with her for the duration, there would have been no good reason to remove the chip. He would have just been home alone all day as per his first lie to the FBI.
But, say it took him 20 -30 minutes from pick up to immobilisation.. thats if he did not shoot her or something crazy like that, the minute she entered the car.. why the clean up?
BUT his whole web history that we have seen is more indicative of a trickster who likes to prolong agony, pain, domination etc etc etc.. theres a litany on mrsobrien's post..

a sudden and quick violent act resuting in her death would not be consistent. Remember he last logged into fetlife 2 days before the abduction.. his obsession was ongoing.. not over.

So its safe to assume that he did what he did in a way that most fulfilled his desires.
His desires are public information.. those he published. Its less easy to publish necrophiliac fantasies but there are several websites that cater to those who like this practice. I spent a ong time perusing them, not easy.. I couldn't find him. How could I? I did not even sense him. But he is a nowhere man.. a closed tin. Theres no way to find him without very good internet tracking skills. I think its possible okay.
So given the time frame, we do not know whether he planned for her death or not. I always thought he did it to obtain a slave and he would want to keep her alive and immobile somewhere close to his home.

He planned it meticulously, was aware of how phone trackers and cell towers work, but forgot the CCTV..
That building is massive, would have very many nooks and crannies. Its possible he knew them, had a place ready for her disposal pre set up.. or a place to hold her as a slave..

I'm just not sure that his phone would have given an exact signal location to that building?
Would it? Or would the signal be exactly the same as his own apartment?
If so.. it is likely he took that one hour drive okay.. but it left him very little time with her ..
Removing his phone chip for several hours. Hmmmm. :thinking: I immediately thought how could he video without a chip in his phone. Perhaps he had another chip to insert or even another phone? If he removed the chip so as not to be traced, does that mean he travelled for an hour or so to dump something? Camera footage is going to be important in this case clearly IMO.

He was stupid enough to forget cctv. I think it more likely he had another chip for his phone than to remove it so as not to be traced. Alternatively, it did not go to plan and she died in the struggle, so he had to then drive to dispose of her body. He removed the chip so he couldn't be traced outside Chambana cameras. What he recounted to the witness and is on tape could be fantasy and not what really happened. I don't believe he is some mastermind. AJMO.
Removing his phone chip for several hours. Hmmmm. :thinking: I immediately thought how could he video without a chip in his phone. Perhaps he had another chip to insert or even another phone? If he removed the chip so as not to be traced, does that mean he travelled for an hour or so to dump something? Camera footage is going to be important in this case clearly IMO.

He was stupid enough to forget cctv. I think it more likely he had another chip for his phone than to remove it so as not to be traced. Alternatively, it did not go to plan and she died in the struggle, so he had to then drive to dispose of her body. He removed the chip so he couldn't be traced outside Chambana cameras. What he recounted to the witness and is on tape could be fantasy and not what really happened. I don't believe he is some mastermind. AJMO.

I doubt whether it is SIM card or chip? My translation might not be very accurate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is indeed possible that many more superceding indictments may be issued and its equally possible a third party was involved, even if not directly.. this could be something as wide as him selling footage of his act to a buyer..

It would certainly explain why they are being so quiet about the search if they believe he had help disposing of her.

The building has become more relevant because of the very short time window mentioned today. i.e. the time he removed his phone chip until the time he replaced it.

Right. But the timeline is confusing from the article quoted. Here's what the article yw0403 says about this:
More information about the case was released:

1.After the kidnapping, the suspect's phone was turned off for three to four hours, and he removed the phone's chip, so he could not be located. According to police, YZ was killed about five hours later that day.

So, turned off and the chip removed for 3-4 hours after the kidnapping -but what do they define as "after the kidnapping?" Sometime soon after he had picked her up at 2:04, or sometime later in the day after he was done with her? It isn't entirely clear. Also, they say they are reconstructing the crime seen from evidence from, among other things "outdoor sites." How did they get the location of the outdoor site(s)? From data from her phone carrier? (Remember, her phone was active until at least 2:38, when she received the apartment manager's text message) From his -because he turned it off later, and not immediately after picking her up? Many possibilities. Also, they believe she was killed about 5 hours later. Later after what? 5 hours later after 2:04 PM (so around 7:00PM), or later after he had turned his phone back on after a 3-4 period of being off? (so maybe as late as 11:00 PM, if he turned his phone off shortly after he picked her up...). And if that 5 hour and 3-4 hour period are starting at the same time (2:04), why would he turn his phone back on before he was done with her? Also, it doesn't say exactly when he put the chip back in. He could have turned it on after 3-4 hours and still used some features without the chip in the phone. Maybe I'm parsing it too much and over-thinking it, but it seems to me from this that it isn't entirely clear when this 3-4 hour window starts.....

If he was indeed in his apartment with her for the duration, there would have been no good reason to remove the chip. He would have just been home alone all day as per his first lie to the FBI.
But, say it took him 20 -30 minutes from pick up to immobilisation.. thats if he did not shoot her or something crazy like that, the minute she entered the car.. why the clean up?

I think the clean up explanation is simple: remove any and all trace evidence she was ever in the car (hair, flaked skin, fingerprints, fibers from her clothes) from the moment she was picked up.

BUT his whole web history that we have seen is more indicative of a trickster who likes to prolong agony, pain, domination etc etc etc.. theres a litany on mrsobrien's post..

a sudden and quick violent act resuting in her death would not be consistent. Remember he last logged into fetlife 2 days before the abduction.. his obsession was ongoing.. not over.

I don't think it was sudden and quick. I think he likely tortured her for a few hours, and she either died during it, or he finished her off after he had had his fill and decided it was time to start cleaning up and covering his tracks. The question for me is where was it done? At his apartment, or an outdoor location, or say the Johnson plant? We do know this much: he took her to his apartment and she struggled with him there. That comes from the criminal complaint, the indictments, and the bond hearing. My guess is that he either did it there at the apartment, or he took her back out and did it in a secluded outdoor location. Many scenarios you can envision. You can make arguments pro and con about doing it in any of those three locations (apartment, outdoors somewhere, Johnson plant).

So given the time frame, we do not know whether he planned for her death or not. I always thought he did it to obtain a slave and he would want to keep her alive and immobile somewhere close to his home.

The special findings section of the superseding indictment, and the press release from the DOJ says this:

"....Christensen committed the offense after substantial planning and premeditation to cause the death of a person"

That says to me that they have uncovered enough evidence to show that he did this fully intending for his victim to die. This also matches something I have heard from a local Chinese source: He ultimately intended to torture and kill many women; at least one from each age of a specific age range, and that race/national origin wasn't really a factor -apparently YY was just a target of opportunity.

I have no doubt he would have loved to have a permanent slave; or to have someone he could torture for days/weeks/months before finally killing them. But, he's smart, and he knows in his current financial and life situation, that that scenario would be exceedingly difficult to pull off. Sure, he could keep her at the Johnson plant; but how is he going to ensure that she would never escape while he is off somewhere else? Sure, he could chain her up; but how is he going to ensure that no one who accesses the plant for work isn't going to stumble across her location in there one day? How is he going to explain to his wife where he's going every couple of nights for a few hours; that's easy, you don't have a job so you can go during the day while she's at work! Ok, well,how are you going to ensure that no one who might be working on the grounds of the plant sees you going in and follows you or confronts you about it? Also, how are you going to keep someone at the apartment complex from noticing from time to time that you are walking over to that plant and going in, and wondering "WTF is that creepy ******* doing going over to that plant all of the time?......... Jesus, there's this girl missing from campus..... I wonder..........."

I'm sure he would have loved to prolong her suffering (and that of any other future victims) as long as possible; but it seems most likely he knew his best situation would be to torture her for several hours then get rid of her, and he planned accordingly. Also, even though he knew it might be days before someone would notice her missing, it might only be hours before the search was on, so it wouldn't be safe to keep her around for days/weeks. If this is what he thought, he was exactly right

I'm just not sure that his phone would have given an exact signal location to that building?
Would it? Or would the signal be exactly the same as his own apartment?

From what I understand, current GPS tech on current smartphones can resolve down to 5-8 meters, so that is around 15-25 feet, so I guess they could differentiate his location at the apartment and locations on the plant grounds -but no idea how good his signal would be inside the plant, or in the basement levels

If so.. it is likely he took that one hour drive okay.. but it left him very little time with her ..

In my scenario that I envision, he had her at his apartment for a few hours after she died, then he took her out under cover of darkness in a container, then drove somewhere pre-determined within an hour of his apartment and buried her. If he leaves his phone at home, they would have no way to track him doing this. IT is also possible he could have disposed of her at the Johnson plant. I re-read some of the other comments, and the grease pit in the basement sticks out in my mind. I'd imagine she'd be difficult to detect if she was sunk to the bottom of that. It would have the added cover of being so close to his place, that people, like me, might think it is too close and too obvious for him to stash her there.

I have no idea if they have searched that place. I can't imagine they haven't, as they searched nearby Kaufmann lake; but maybe the owner doesn't want to cooperate and they can't get a search warrant without more evidence suggesting she would be there -although the very close proximity to where he was known to have taken her would seem to me to be probable cause enough for that.......
It would certainly explain why they are being so quiet about the search if they believe he had help disposing of her.

Right. But the timeline is confusing from the article quoted. Here's what the article yw0403 says about this:

So, turned off and the chip removed for 3-4 hours after the kidnapping -but what do they define as "after the kidnapping?" Sometime soon after he had picked her up at 2:04, or sometime later in the day after he was done with her? It isn't entirely clear. Also, they say they are reconstructing the crime seen from evidence from, among other things "outdoor sites." How did they get the location of the outdoor site(s)? From data from her phone carrier? (Remember, her phone was active until at least 2:38, when she received the apartment manager's text message) From his -because he turned it off later, and not immediately after picking her up? Many possibilities. Also, they believe she was killed about 5 hours later. Later after what? 5 hours later after 2:04 PM (so around 7:00PM), or later after he had turned his phone back on after a 3-4 period of being off? (so maybe as late as 11:00 PM, if he turned his phone off shortly after he picked her up...). And if that 5 hour and 3-4 hour period are starting at the same time (2:04), why would he turn his phone back on before he was done with her? Also, it doesn't say exactly when he put the chip back in. He could have turned it on after 3-4 hours and still used some features without the chip in the phone. Maybe I'm parsing it too much and over-thinking it, but it seems to me from this that it isn't entirely clear when this 3-4 hour window starts.....

I think the clean up explanation is simple: remove any and all trace evidence she was ever in the car (hair, flaked skin, fingerprints, fibers from her clothes) from the moment she was picked up.

I don't think it was sudden and quick. I think he likely tortured her for a few hours, and she either died during it, or he finished her off after he had had his fill and decided it was time to start cleaning up and covering his tracks. The question for me is where was it done? At his apartment, or an outdoor location, or say the Johnson plant? We do know this much: he took her to his apartment and she struggled with him there. That comes from the criminal complaint, the indictments, and the bond hearing. My guess is that he either did it there at the apartment, or he took her back out and did it in a secluded outdoor location. Many scenarios you can envision. You can make arguments pro and con about doing it in any of those three locations (apartment, outdoors somewhere, Johnson plant).

So given the time frame, we do not know whether he planned for her death or not. I always thought he did it to obtain a slave and he would want to keep her alive and immobile somewhere close to his home.

The special findings section of the superseding indictment, and the press release from the DOJ says this:

"....Christensen committed the offense after substantial planning and premeditation to cause the death of a person"

That says to me that they have uncovered enough evidence to show that he did this fully intending for his victim to die. This also matches something I have heard from a local Chinese source: He ultimately intended to torture and kill many women; at least one from each age of a specific age range, and that race/national origin wasn't really a factor -apparently YY was just a target of opportunity.

I have no doubt he would have loved to have a permanent slave; or to have someone he could torture for days/weeks/months before finally killing them. But, he's smart, and he knows in his current financial and life situation, that that scenario would be exceedingly difficult to pull off. Sure, he could keep her at the Johnson plant; but how is he going to ensure that she would never escape while he is off somewhere else? Sure, he could chain her up; but how is he going to ensure that no one who accesses the plant for work isn't going to stumble across her location in there one day? How is he going to explain to his wife where he's going every couple of nights for a few hours; that's easy, you don't have a job so you can go during the day while she's at work! Ok, well,how are you going to ensure that no one who might be working on the grounds of the plant sees you going in and follows you or confronts you about it? Also, how are you going to keep someone at the apartment complex from noticing from time to time that you are walking over to that plant and going in, and wondering "WTF is that creepy ******* doing going over to that plant all of the time?......... Jesus, there's this girl missing from campus..... I wonder..........."

I'm sure he would have loved to prolong her suffering (and that of any other future victims) as long as possible; but it seems most likely he knew his best situation would be to torture her for several hours then get rid of her, and he planned accordingly. Also, even though he knew it might be days before someone would notice her missing, it might only be hours before the search was on, so it wouldn't be safe to keep her around for days/weeks. If this is what he thought, he was exactly right

From what I understand, current GPS tech on current smartphones can resolve down to 5-8 meters, so that is around 15-25 feet, so I guess they could differentiate his location at the apartment and locations on the plant grounds -but no idea how good his signal would be inside the plant, or in the basement levels

In my scenario that I envision, he had her at his apartment for a few hours after she died, then he took her out under cover of darkness in a container, then drove somewhere pre-determined within an hour of his apartment and buried her. If he leaves his phone at home, they would have no way to track him doing this. IT is also possible he could have disposed of her at the Johnson plant. I re-read some of the other comments, and the grease pit in the basement sticks out in my mind. I'd imagine she'd be difficult to detect if she was sunk to the bottom of that. It would have the added cover of being so close to his place, that people, like me, might think it is too close and too obvious for him to stash her there.

I have no idea if they have searched that place. I can't imagine they haven't, as they searched nearby Kaufmann lake; but maybe the owner doesn't want to cooperate and they can't get a search warrant without more evidence suggesting she would be there -although the very close proximity to where he was known to have taken her would seem to me to be probable cause enough for that.......[/QUOTE]
OK I'm gonna go on a mini rant here. I'll start be saying I am in no way a detective nor a lawyer. But if I'm understanding correctly, the prosecution has to turn over all evidence that it will be allowed to use to the defense. That has been done. So, if the plant was searched, only 2 things could have happened. They found YY's body OR they didn't . If they did I would assume the public would have heard of that. If they DIDN'T I would also assume the public would know that as well. Right? Either way that information would have to be in the hands of the defense . So why do we, the public , not know? How would making public info that they already have would harm their case??
I suppose some day , when this finally gets to trial, there may be an answer as to why the FBI is being so tight lipped. But for now, for me anyway, I find it infuriating!
I'll end my rant with this. I do not even have the words to convey to the Zhaang family the hurt and pain they must have. I'll further stir the pot with this. I realize that the Zhaangs come from a different culture, one that is far more polite and respective towards authority figures. But if this had been my daughter, you all would be seeing me on the news constantly. Demanding answers!!
Thanks for info re smartphone.. I had no idea..But, its also possible he removed it because he was disposing of her very close to home.
The window hours is too non specific but it may still be a clue.
Re wife missing him- they had an open relationship which I assume meant they tended not to miss each other.
The old building is on his way to the gym,the gym was his only fixed habit in life, it seems.. Would have been easy enough to slip in and out of the old factory and easy to explore it and find hiding places too..
Re phone- I suspect he had a few.
re him taking her back to his apartment- thats what he allegedly said on the alleged wire tap.. it was enough to obtain an arrest warrant but its possible it was not the full story and its possible it was not any of the story.. Ditto re the struggle.. Its hard to make anything of it without hearing i his tone of voice- whether the struggle actually occurred or he was merely bragging..

I am fascinated by what the Chinese person told you regarding the theory of killing several women of different ages.
I want to take that and shine a microscope on it because I want to understand his logic..
you know his game name and at least one of his dating or fetlife names was Akumo-- meaning Devil..
We did some work and searches on his possible involvement in occult or black magic practices.. nothing stood out.. but always felt as though he was involved in something.. had delusions of his own spiritual elevation and a sense of graduations to this end..
so , i am wondering whether the theory of the multiple women of various ages fits into this narrative..
His fetlife profile seemed to be a series of graduations as he added ingredients to the menu.. This seems worthy of further exploration?
I doubt whether it is SIM card or chip? My translation might not be very accurate.

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I have assumed "chip" means "Sim card" otherwise I don't know what is meant by "chip".
If YY died 5 hours after abduction and his phone had "chip" removed 3-4 hrs then the most probable reasoning for this is that he kept her at his apartment for say 1-2 hours then left with her at the same time as removing his phone chip to avoid his movements being tracked to wherever he went for the 3-4
hours. His vehicle could have an EDR without him realising it so they may have more evidence of his movements in addition to traffic cams. Or he could have removed the chip because he was not going very far and wanted to hide his movements. Did he also destroy or remove the chip from YY's phone after the 02.38 p.m.text I wonder?
Eta @kitty I see you too have suggested similar about removing chip because of not going far. Great minds...
More information about the case was released:

1.After the kidnapping, the suspect's phone was turned off for three to four hours, and he removed the phone's chip, so he could not be located. According to police, YZ was killed about five hours later that day.

2.YY's family is really hoping the suspect will trade their daughter's whereabouts through 'plea bargaining", but given the current situation, the possibility is fairly small, the suspect is a smart physics student, he has high IQ and he thought the LE could not obtain enough evidence to convict him. In addition, a new team of lawyers has just taken over, and the suspect needs a process to get familiar with them. According to the FBI agent, finding YY is very unoptimistic, unless the suspect opens his mouth, or, in an extremely coincidental situation, someone will find YY's body.

3. YY disappeared from her seat after 15 seconds she got into the suspect's car

4. The FBI is still using evidence from vehicles, bedrooms, mobile phones and outdoor sites to reconstruct the crime scene .

Sorry, but I'm not buying any of this as credible.

Re phone- I suspect he had a few.

This is something from the story translated by yw0403 I'm not sure about. All the things that Wang lists the FBI using to recreate the crime scene are listed as plural: vehicles, bedrooms, smartphones, outdoor sites. Is this just a quirk of the translation that everything is listed as plural, or are they indeed looking at multiple phones and vehicles and sites?

re him taking her back to his apartment- thats what he allegedly said on the alleged wire tap.. it was enough to obtain an arrest warrant but its possible it was not the full story and its possible it was not any of the story.. Ditto re the struggle.. Its hard to make anything of it without hearing i his tone of voice- whether the struggle actually occurred or he was merely bragging..

From Count 3 of the superseding indictment:

.....defendant herein, willfully and knowingly made a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the Government of the United States, by stating to Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") Special Agent Anthony Manganaro that he dropped off an Asian female in a residential area shortly after picking her up in his Saturn Astra on June 9, 2017, when he knew full well that he did not drop the female off shortly after picking her up, but instead, took her back to his apartment.

From the indictment, it's pretty clear that they now can prove he took her back to his apartment; if not immediately after picking her up, it was at least a stop on her journey. My guess is that they found some trace evidence of her at his apartment -hairs, blood, fingerprints. IT may also be that they found images of her in his apartment, if he took pictures of what he did, and they were taken there...

You're exactly right that when people make statements, they can be lying and embellishing to brag. People even lie and make false confessions, for whatever crazy reason(s). This is why they could say when they originally arrested him that they believed she was dead, but they didn't charge him with her death at the time. They heard him say it, they heard him say how he did it, they had a couple of other bits of information that suggested strongly that he killed her, maybe; but without her body, they needed more evidence to back it up. After investigating for an additional three months, they finally developed multiple lines of additional evidence to confirm she was killed and the way she was killed -lines of evidence that were strong enough to show she is deceased even though they don't have her body.

I am fascinated by what the Chinese person told you regarding the theory of killing several women of different ages.

All I can remember is that they said that investigators had found writings of his that indicated he wanted to kill one woman of each age between the ages of 18-99, and that there was nothing to suggest that Asians were to be singled out. This might be another one of those bits of evidence they gleamed right after the initial arrest to suggest she was dead

I want to take that and shine a microscope on it because I want to understand his logic..
you know his game name and at least one of his dating or fetlife names was Akumo-- meaning Devil..
We did some work and searches on his possible involvement in occult or black magic practices.. nothing stood out.. but always felt as though he was involved in something.. had delusions of his own spiritual elevation and a sense of graduations to this end..
so , i am wondering whether the theory of the multiple women of various ages fits into this narrative..
His fetlife profile seemed to be a series of graduations as he added ingredients to the menu.. This seems worthy of further exploration?

It certainly could fit into some narrative like this. It's also possible she wasn't his first, but my guess is she was. Perhaps he had aspirations of actually becoming "Akuma" -and to do that, he had to inflict pain, suffering and death upon someone -or multiple someones- in a cruel manner, perhaps. Whatever the case may be, I'm glad he's off the streets and hopefully if guilty, he'll be off this mortal coil eventually before long. The world needs fewer types like him, not more.......
It does seem like some of it would be details that the FBI wouldn't want released at this point, which is why I can't fully buy it. He would know better than to divulge info they don't want divulged -and he should be smart enough to know that with the nature of this case, him releasing it wouldn't stay secret just because it was in a Chinese article written in Chinese....
This is something from the story translated by yw0403 I'm not sure about. All the things that Wang lists the FBI using to recreate the crime scene are listed as plural: vehicles, bedrooms, smartphones, outdoor sites. Is this just a quirk of the translation that everything is listed as plural, or are they indeed looking at multiple phones and vehicles and sites?

From Count 3 of the superseding indictment:

.....defendant herein, willfully and knowingly made a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the Government of the United States, by stating to Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") Special Agent Anthony Manganaro that he dropped off an Asian female in a residential area shortly after picking her up in his Saturn Astra on June 9, 2017, when he knew full well that he did not drop the female off shortly after picking her up, but instead, took her back to his apartment.

From the indictment, it's pretty clear that they now can prove he took her back to his apartment; if not immediately after picking her up, it was at least a stop on her journey. My guess is that they found some trace evidence of her at his apartment -hairs, blood, fingerprints. IT may also be that they found images of her in his apartment, if he took pictures of what he did, and they were taken there...

You're exactly right that when people make statements, they can be lying and embellishing to brag. People even lie and make false confessions, for whatever crazy reason(s). This is why they could say when they originally arrested him that they believed she was dead, but they didn't charge him with her death at the time. They heard him say it, they heard him say how he did it, they had a couple of other bits of information that suggested strongly that he killed her, maybe; but without her body, they needed more evidence to back it up. After investigating for an additional three months, they finally developed multiple lines of additional evidence to confirm she was killed and the way she was killed -lines of evidence that were strong enough to show she is deceased even though they don't have her body.

All I can remember is that they said that investigators had found writings of his that indicated he wanted to kill one woman of each age between the ages of 18-99, and that there was nothing to suggest that Asians were to be singled out. This might be another one of those bits of evidence they gleamed right after the initial arrest to suggest she was dead

It certainly could fit into some narrative like this. It's also possible she wasn't his first, but my guess is she was. Perhaps he had aspirations of actually becoming "Akuma" -and to do that, he had to inflict pain, suffering and death upon someone -or multiple someones- in a cruel manner, perhaps. Whatever the case may be, I'm glad he's off the streets and hopefully if guilty, he'll be off this mortal coil eventually before long. The world needs fewer types like him, not more.......
Yes, aspirations to become/ embody akumo. That makes sense..
I searched through thousands of esoteric writings involving akumo and the 689, which, though its his month and year of death may also have another significance in the demonology realms..
Strangely although 689 was listed in searches, it was invariably removed from all the texts I searched.. like this page was missing or had been removed so I never found it..
Regarding the 18-99- he had put that on his profile, not sure which one- whether icupid tinder or fetlife as age preferences for ideal woman. Reeks of desperation, but may well have an esoteric meaning as well.
Re info about case- Its a FEd case.. they dont talk, its bureau policy.. in this case its abhorrent..
Was she his first?
Its difficult to know
Would give anything for a decent look at his internet history, memberships of organisations, what other aliases he used..
He was acting out of a brutally dark spiritual ethos..something motivated him to take this journey.. what was it? what had he to gain by it?

I cannot help but wonder what..
.the person who wore the wire is feeling and experiencing since his arrest, I hope she is okay..
I wonder what he feels toward her, whether he is capable of malice hatred etc.. he is drugged now though..
Re translation, I used Google translate.. It has its limitations.. usually am translating Arabic. Bing tends to get it entirely wrong, sometimes the opposite to what was said. Might be a third better option. It is so important to keep up with what Chinese media are reporting and we have been starved of that
It does seem like some of it would be details that the FBI wouldn't want released at this point, which is why I can't fully buy it. He would know better than to divulge info they don't want divulged -and he should be smart enough to know that with the nature of this case, him releasing it wouldn't stay secret just because it was in a Chinese article written in Chinese....
Other possibility might be that it is exactly what the FBI want at mo..
Sorry, but I'm not buying any of this as credible.
I have to say I would prefer to see a LE or US MSM source. Has any US media picked it up?
Btw what do you think of the B block dumpster having a camera apparently on it? Is that usual in Chambana to monitor trash but not entrances or car parks?
I have to say I would prefer to see a LE or US MSM source. Has any US media picked it up?

Well, I know I certainly requested reports from Chinese media because we are receiving no information here.
Its easy to check whether source is reputable or not, just google search reputation.
But whether its accurate or not it has led to a new conversation.. her parents are returning home without her very soon.
Its also a last ditch effort to think of places that could still be searched..and to gain more local information.
Nothing has been lost and I still want to see and will welcome more reports from Chinese media in this regard.
The smallest clue might just remind somebody of something researched in the past, particularly the first few threads here.. enormous work and effort..
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