Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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Of course not. I am banned from posting there but am able to access their website using my incognito browser. They are all up in arms now saying that they searched instantcheckmate and someone claims they paid for the report showing a long list of battery arrests including one to a spouse lmao

Sorry, but, I am late to this current discussion. Can you elaborate as to whA this sis in reference to ?
Semi O/T, but I thought that defense attys couldn't deliberately create a lie to use as a defense? If their client lies to them and they build a defense on that, that's one thing, but when JA admitted to Nurmi that she killed TA, for example, Nurmi couldn't say "well, let's just stick with the ninja story anyway" could he?

That is exactly right.
People keep saying this and I so strongly disagree. I've no doubt her defense team aggressively questioned the ninja story and probably even said to her, "this sounds utterly absurd." But the idea that they contrived a false story and are now not just suborning perjury but actively directing it is insane to me. Do you realize they would both be disbarred for such a thing? What reason on earth would they have for this?

We'll just have to agree to disagree. What I said is what I believe.
People keep saying this and I so strongly disagree. I've no doubt her defense team aggressively questioned the ninja story and probably even said to her, "this sounds utterly absurd." But the idea that they contrived a false story and are now not just suborning perjury but actively directing it is insane to me. Do you realize they would both be disbarred for such a thing? What reason on earth would they have for this?

Totally agree. I respect the defense team as Officers of the Court. Nobody is telling "Miss Thang" what to do. I'm confident in saying she's been almost impossible to defend because she won't follow her attorneys' advice over and over and over again.
Are there any photos that show injuries to Travis' right hand? I have found autopsy photos of left hand, but didn't see any of right hand. Does anyone know if Travis was right or left handed? Thanks

From the autopsy report, he had four cuts to his left hand and one to the right thumb nail.

Reportedly both TA and JA were left-handed, although JA now claims to be ambidextrous.
There is no way that this girl was ever serious about suicide. She is too conceited with herself. She thinks she always has an out. The only person who takes that away from her is JM. Everyone else has always bought into her game.
Hi lawyers. I have a question: I keep reading that the jurors have been writing more questions while Jodi has been clarifiying her answers to the jury questions asked by the judge. Will Jodi have to answer the new questions as well or will they be ignored? If so will Nurmi and JM get another go at her?

The judge has discretion when to say "enough is enough" and call a halt to jury questions. But in the case of such an important witness, IMO she will be very lenient. Nurmi and JM will get to follow each round of jury questions.

Possibly MORE Jodi. And more Nurmi!
I've still yet to see any proof that there was any sex that day. :waitasec:

Why is he naked on his bed with her there? That's the one reason I can't buy there was no sex that day. I just don't care one way or the other.
Why is he naked on his bed with her there? That's the one reason I can't buy there was no sex that day. I just don't care one way or the other.

I'm with you. I think a lot of the resistance to the idea they had sex that day is because most of us posting are women, and just can't imagine him letting such a reptile back in his bed. I think a lot more men find it understandable.
one thing I did find useful on the JA innocent site is a list of the jury questions. I had not seen the total list and have only read and heard testiphony regarding what I could catch during my werk day on the sneak. So I can now go through the entire list of questions to better get a feel for where the jury is having sticking points with JAs statements. Woot Woot.

We have the entire list posted here too.
I believe that they did because of the rear photo of JA. Something is pretty dilated there. If that is how she is normally, she probably has to wear Depends.

Thank for that. I needed a good
Laugh at this murderesseses expense .

We can all laugh at her, right ?

She is the dewfiussest of the dewfies.

Canker on her lip during the trial for her life.".....sign."..!!!

Plain Jane who thought a Mormon man would go for the stripper type when types matter the most......LMFAO

LOSER.....had no right to take a persons life. I will never get how people think that they cam play God. life is far too prescious.......and short.

We all know (or do we ? ). That this is it. This is life.....we are ALL here at this moment in time. For what reason we won't know......yet.

Make it good. I'll never understand that anyone would risk eternal salvation (said

in a non-denomalization (sp) way. FU to take a life, before your own.

She simply had to right to go to hs house that day. Uninvited and vengeful.

Shoulda checked herself....before she wrecked herself.......haha
I am seeing something different in the accidental photo taken at 5:32:16, which shows Jodi possibly dragging Travis. In some of the enhanced pics it is easy to see that his right arm is bent at the elbow, and I am feeling that this is the moment Jodi was slicing his throat and he was trying to defend himself, but possibly too weak from blood loss to do so. I am thinking this, because if she were dragging him, his right arm would have been either fully extended up above his head, or her arms would have been in his armpits and that can't be seen here. I don't think she could have been pulling him by the head. Whatcha think?

ETA: with his right arm bent at the elbow, he may have been trying to reach his neck/throat area. Jodi being left handed would have been able to exert more force/pressure on the knife from right to left, cutting the right jugular and carotid first causing the blood to run down his left shoulder.

OMG! I sometimes feel like I am thinking like a murderer. Anyone else feel like this sometimes?

That would explain that strange posture. I don't think he was dead. I think he was trying to get up.
in regards to JA and her claim of ambidexterity (depending on the activity) I believe she may be to some degree. Because I believe the shower photo of TA which does not feature his head (the one she claims was the accidental one that happened when she "dropped" the camera was actually taken just after her attack on him. I further believe he was wounded when that picture was snapped.

For my theory to be possible, she is holding the camera in one hand and having pose and then retreives the gun or knife from where I feel she had the weapons secreted (that cabinet that also contained the glass found at the crime scene).

I think with camera in one hand she retrieved the weapon with the other while he was distracted. She attacked, snapped the photo and then was shocked when he was not dead, came out of the shower trying to ward her off. She then grabbed her other weapon and proceeded with her frenzied attack.

I feel she was using both hands for a different task during the time when she initiated the attack.

I say this because I am ambi (also depending on the activity). I was born lefty b ut when I hit kindergarten, teachers wanted righties because the world was too hard for lefties. So the school of though at that time was to force kids to relearn to use their right hand. in 3rd grade my right wrist was broken so I then had to return to lefty writing. As a result I write well with neither, lol. But I can eat, catch throw with either hand but each activity does have a dominant hand that is better at the activity than the other.


okay, awaiting tomatoes.
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