Jodi Arias recorded statements and interviews

duh you just said what you were doing... I can take the second link and will do it in the morning.
Link 1 is finished. I'm starting on link 2 now.

Anyone willing to take a link? Even a portion of any of them would be awesome. Can anyone take a 10 or 15 minute portion of a link? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller?
Insomnia for me so I'll do link 3...

Guys.... this transcribing is totally awesome and unbelievably fun! The threads are almost gone....hurry up and grab one while they're still available! Only 2 left to really don't want to miss this kind of fun!! :)

Hi Jodi


How are you feeling right now?

Um nervous.

Objection, relevancy

I want to ask you well, let me ask you this is this a position that you thought you would ever find yourself in? Testifying here today?

Judge: What is the objection?
Judge: Approach please

Let me ask you….a couple of important questions before we get back and start talking about who you are and why you are here, ok?


Did you kill Travis Alexander on June 4th 2008?

Yes I did.


Um. The simple answer is that he attacked me. And I defended myself.

OK. It was also brought up during this, these proceedings that you gave a interview with Inside Edition. Do you remember seeing that tape?

Yes I do.

And in that tape you said that no jury would convict you. Something to that effect. Do you re..remember saying that?

Yeah, I did say that.


Um. I made that statement in September 2008 I believe it was and um, at the time I had plans to commit suicide. Um. So I was extremely confident that no jury would convict me because I didn’t expect any of you to be here. I didn’t expect to be here. So I could have easily said that no jury would acquit me either. I couldn’t say that though because there was an officer sitting 5feet behind me and had I told them the reason no jury would convict me at that time I would have been thrown into a padded cell and stripped down and that would have been my life for a while until I stabilized . Um. So I was very confident that no jury would convict me because I planned to be dead. Probably the most bitter words I’ll ever eat.

I’m sorry, what was that?

I said those were probably the most bitter words I’ll ever eat.

Miss Arias I want I want to clarify another thing as well we were talking here um…your name has been pronounced for most of this trial Arias is there another way of pronouncing it or have you always pronounced it Arias?

I’ve heard it pronounced about 7 different ways. Um. I say Arias as does the rest of my family.

Ok. Well let’s back up a little bit and then talk about your family. Who’s in you’re immediate family?

Um. My immediate family consists of

Objection, relevance

Um. I’m the oldest of my parents. Um. They also have had another son about 2 years after I was born. My um, brother and then um I have another younger sister and another younger brother I also have an older sister from a previous marriage of my fathers.

OK so let me see if I well first of all what are the names of your parents?

Um. Bill and Sandy Arias.

Ok. And are they still married at this time?

Yes. About 33 years.

Ok. And you said you were the oldest child of of Bill and Sandy, correct?


Ok. And you have a half sister that is older than you is that right?

Yeah. She’s 5 years older than me.

Ok, And that is your father’s daughter?

Yes. From a previous marriage.

Ok. And you have a brother that’s 2 years younger than you right?


Ok. And what is his name?

His name is Carl.

And you mentioned a, uh I believe the next youngest would have been uh another sister.


What is her name?


Ok, and your youngest brother, who is he?


Ok, and just so we get a bit of separation, how much younger than you is Angela?

Angela was born when I was 11 and Joseph was born when I was 13

And what year were you born?


Do you remember where you grew up?

Yeah, I grew up in a few different cities, I was born in Salinas California and I lived there until I was almost 12. Um.

Ok. And what was life like in Salinas?

For the first years of my life it was really good. Um.

When you say that let’s before you continue let’s clarify, what do you mean by first years?

I would say until about age 7 it was a fairly ideal childhood.

Ok what do you…different people have different meanings when they say ideal so why don’t you describe for us what what you mean by ideal childhood.

Um. I have predominately positive memories of my childhood at that time. Um. My brother and I lived in….when I was about 4 years old we moved to a house in a cul-de-sac. We had the center lot so it was a huge back yard and we had a lot of places to play there. Um there were trees to climb. There were other kids in the neighborhood and in the cul-de-sac that we played with. Um, we were close in age so we were um my family traveled a lot we went camping we went to all the theme parks in California. Um.

Did you go to school?

Of course. Yes, I went to school.

And you went to grade school in Salinas then?

Yes I went to a private school for about 3 years and then a public school

Were you and Carl in school together or did you go to different schools?

Um. We were in school together. I was held back in kindergarten so even though we’re 2 years apart he was only 1 grade behind me.

And tell us about your parents at that time to your recollection were they both working was your mom at home tell us about that.

Yeah when I was younger I remember my mom used to work I guess she was working as a server with my dad, he owned restaurants my whole life. Um and then when I was around 11 or 12 she um became a dental assistant.
Ok and you mentioned your life was well let me ask you a question do you remember what your interests were as a child?

Yes um I had pets um cats, dog, fish, I had a rat I, I loved animals we had a lot of pets. Um my brother had frogs, things like that. Um, we played a lot of hopscotch and 2 square when we were younger. We went roller skating they didn’t really have roller blades yet, or at least that we used. Um we rode bikes a lot we did a lot of camping, Um I’m sorry I kind of forgot the question.

Alright. Well you’re speaking very quietly, are you nervous today?

Yeah. Yes I am.

What’s that?

Yes. Very nervous.

Ok. Could you do me a favor and pull the mic a little closer to you? Jodi, one of the things that you said a…a couple of questions ago when we were speaking is that um your life was pretty ideal up until about age 7, was was something different after age 7 or?

Um it seemed like um well my parents would just you know spank us or hit us as discipline so it seemed like at age 7 around then it started getting a little bit more intense um that’s something I remember.

Ok. You said they started spanking you.

Well, I was spanked before on occasion just it seemed like the frequency and the intensity of it increased around that age.

What do you mean by that? Frequency and intensity.

Um well just they were um, I think that’s the first year my dad started using the belt. Um my mom began to um carry a wooden spoon in her purse.

Objection, relevance

Ob…may we approach?

You may

Objection over ruled

Jodi if you could, first of all do us all a favor again I, I know it’s difficult I know you’re nervous you’ve told us before but if you could just speak up a little louder make sure everybody can hear ya ok


You were just now telling us uh that your mother carried a spoon with her. What did she do with that spoon?

Um it was um a wooden kitchen spoon that she would keep in her purse and um if we were misbehaving my brother and I this is before Angela and Joseph were born um although it continued through that point if we were misbehaving she would use it on us. Sometimes she would pull the car over and you know if we were just being brats or something

What do you mean by “use it on you”?

Um she would hit us with it.

She hit you hard?

It felt pretty hard, yes. It left welts

It left welts on your body?

Mmhmm, yes.

When your dad hit you with the belt did that leave welts on your body?

Objection, lack of foundation

You told us that your dad hit you with a belt


After age 7.


Did he leave welts?

Um he didn’t leave welts as often as my mom she also used a belt um he my dad was very intimidating so I don’t think he needed to hit us quite as hard to get the point a crossed. My mom didn’t carry that fear factor with her so I think she used more force so her blows felt a lot worse actually.

Physically or emotionally?


You loved your mother?


When she hit you.


You said that these were frequent these incidents where your mother would hit you they were frequent and intense I think those were your words right?

They were definitely intense but they increased in frequency


As I got a little older

Can you discern for us how many times a week your mother would beat you with this spoon?

Um I don’t recall how many times particularly but it seemed like it could go anywhere from 4 times a week to um once every two weeks it just depended.

Ok now how long did you live in Salinas how old were you?

Um I was born there and I lived there until age 11

Ok so let me ask you this that you talked about these beatings that began at age 7 um when you lived in Salinas um tell us about the next few years before before you left Salinas did you continue going to school that sort of thing tell us about that

Yes I went to a public school um had a lot of friends um my brother was at that school too but he had his own circle of friends and um we would just do things together school activities, after school activities and um

Activities. What were your interests at this point in time in your life?

Um I began to get into art um again my pets were very central in my life at that time um we began to I began to read a lot of books, I took piano lessons, my brother and I took karate lessons um he learned the clarinet, I learned flute things like that. Just general

Ok do me a favor ‘cause when you say the word art it could mean a lot of things um to a lot of different people in terms of art it’s a pretty broad area so were there certain areas of the art world that you were interested in or can you describe that for us?

Yeah, I liked…well when I was younger I liked to color with just with Crayolas and um my older sister and I would color and we’d there were a lot of colors just she had the big um box with all of the Crayolas and so we would draw pictures and just watch cartoons and that kind of thing so um I would have coloring books and um I just began to take an interest in that because I wasn’t able to draw what I saw but I would see um art and it would just it would fascinate me so um I slowly began to practice doing that

Ok now at this point in time did did the beatings from your mother and father, did they continue?


Did they increase in nature?

Um they tended to they began to increase I’d say all the way through my teenage years

Ok did they increase you’ve talked about frequency and severity did did the level of the brutality increase?

Yes. My brother and I um would we didn’t like being hit, I didn’t I know I didn’t so we would squirm around a little and so the more we squirmed the harder they would try to whack us um so just as that progressed we things would increase you know at one point um I don’t think she meant to but my mom broke my brother’s vein in his wrist ‘cause he was putting his hand behind his back to block um one of her blows and um you know as I became a teenager my dad would get rougher and rougher

Ok before we go on to rougher and rougher let me ask you this and I’m not simply talking physically how did they feel how did you feel when your own mother was beating you?

Um. When I was younger I remember feeling I didn’t have a word for it then but I can describe it as betrayed um and confused and as I got a little bit older I…it would just really make me mad because I just I didn’t get why…I don’t know, I understood that I was being punished but, I would just be mad at her a lot over that because it hurt.

Because you still loved her?

Yeah, I love my mom

Even though she was still beating you, you still loved your mom.

Yes. It put a strain in our relationship but I still loved her of course

What I’m sorry I didn’t hear the last part.

I still loved her

Ok Going back to what you said a few minutes ago…about your dad and the beatings getting rougher and rougher, um could you describe for us what you mean by that?

Yeah, he um…well he never beat me with his fists or anything but he would just shove me into furniture, sometimes into the piano or um things like that into tables chairs desks whatever was around he would just push me really hard and I would go flying into that um one time I hit a door post. The side of my head hit the door post and it knocked me out momentarily um I just remember waking up on the ground with my mom was there we were all arguing. I was arguing with my mom and he got involved and so I remember waking up and she was telling him to be careful

And this incident you just described about you passing out or knocking into a door frame or door post as you described it do you remember how old you were when this happened

By then I was age 17 maybe 16 but I think I was 17

Ok let’s back up a little bit ‘cause you talked about instances of you being pushed into furniture and a piano like it was just like nothing to it um did this happen a lot?

Not as often with my dad as with my mom but um it just I don’t know if, if I did something to upset them it would happen


Sometimes I got grounded, that became more the norm in high school so the the physical punishment was a little bit more farther apart but more intense than it was prior

At this time that you were getting these beatings from your dad did you love him as well?

Yes of course.

In the in this time period now you said you moved from Salinas about age 11?


Ok and where did you move to?

We moved to Santa Maria California

Ok and I know we talked about this is where in Santa Maria your dad was pushing you into furniture right is this where this these things were taking place?

Yeah things really started um in Santa Maria

Ok and was that where you went to was that

***Recording must have cut off the beginning of this sentence or it may have continued from the previous recording (part 2/5). It begins with Nermi mid sentence:

that point in time

um at that point um I was really focused on trying to make new friends. That was kind of difficult. Um in 6th grade I went to an elementary school and then in 7th grade I went to another new school for it was called jr it was jr high school then and it’s now middle school I guess but um so it was just it seemed like I was constantly going to new schools there was this new school then another new school and then you know then we moved again and so it was just hard to make friendships. I did make a few close friends though.

Ok well you mentioned earlier that in your grade school years you had an interest in art.


Ok did that continue through jr high?

Definitely I don’t remember so much in 6th grade focusing on my art but in jr high um I took an art class maybe two art classes both years um and I had a really cool art teacher and he mentored me.

Ok. Let me ask you as it relates to your parents uh how was your interest in art received? Did they encourage that how did that how did it how was it received by your parents?

Um, they didn’t discourage me by any means but they were luke warm I would say you know it’s like oh that’s nice they weren’t really moved by it I don’t think. I was getting a lot of praise from my classmates and my um art teacher and other people but I didn’t really get that from them. They were just a little bit indifferent but not disappointed.

Was that hard for you not to get encouragement from your parents?

It didn’t really bother me at that time um I would think it was kind of the norm so I was accustomed to it.

Ok. By that time in your life you were used to them not fostering out your, your interests right?


Objection leading

Let me ask you this. Did your parents ever show any interest as you were growing up in your art work? Did they ever foster your interest in art?

Um they did minimally at one point um in Sa I think this was after I moved to Santa Maria I was enrolled in one art class, which was after school and it lasted a few weeks we, I created a few pieces a few projects and um I remember other family members being more encouraging I have a cousin who is a very accomplished artist and he complimented my work and um and that was in the presence of my parents so


They never went out of their way to you know display it or anything like that but you know

Alright and where did you go to high school?

I went to high school um after 8th grade we moved to northern California to Yreka and um I went to Yreka Union high school.

I’m sorry you I didn’t hear you, you said Yreka something

It’s called…at least when I went there it was called Yreka Union high school

Ok and I’ll ask this because it’s it’s uh different in different places what what grades were you in when you entered Yreka high school?

Um that school is grades 9 through 10…I’m sorry 9 through 12.

Ok so what years then did you enter did you enter in your freshman year or or later?

Freshman year

Ok and so you were starting off at a new school again in, in high school right?


Ok uh and just uh to give us a sense of things uh how far was Yreka from Santa Maria where you were from?

I don’t know the mileage but let’s see from Salinas to Santa Maria it’s 8 hours and then sss I’m sorry Salinas to Yreka is 8 hours and then Santa Maria is another 3 hours south so…

Ok So you were several hours …

Over 10 hours yeah over 10 yeah

Did you know anybody at Yreka high school when you were going?

Um I didn’t know anybody when I moved there but my mother um went to…I don’t know if she went to school with or knew another woman about her age who had a daughter my age who was going into freshman…going into high school as well so we hung out a little bit during the summer so I knew her. And her sister. That was it.

So just a couple people.


Now you mentioned um when you moved to…based on what you told us before…we corrected understanding that the beatings and the pushing of the furniture, that sort of thing with your dad continued throughout your high school years.


Were those the incidents you were talking about before about being pushed into the post and the furniture or were there other incidents?

That happened when I was in high school. Um there were a few things that happened right before we moved. Um um a bunch of friends and I one night decided like the last night that I was there we decided to sneak out of the house and hang out and um my parents woke up and found out so when I came back um my dad asked where I’d been and um I was g I had fallen asleep he woke me up around 6 so when I sss I sat up and I was disoriented because I had been sleeping so I didn’t give him the satisfactory answer so he um hit me across the face and I fell back down and then he sat me back up and asked me again and I didn’t give him a satisfactory answer so he hit me across the face again and um I fell down. again.

You say he hit you across the face, did he punch you?

No it was an open handed hard slap.

Ok do you recall did you bleed?

No I didn’t. not that I recall

Did you bruise?

Um not that I recall

Did it hurt?


Just so we can can clarify as well your dad’s a pretty big guy right?

He was very big at that time his health is…he’s frail now but he was very big at the time.

Can you do you can you give us an idea how about tall and how uh much he weighed at that time?

I don’t know his weight but he’s about 5 11 he used to bench press 520 pounds he um he was a really big guy for a while.

Uh you said he used to bench press five hundred something pounds.

520 yes

Um was was that a hobby of his, weightlifting, or can you describe that for us?

Yes he was very much into weightlifting he had um I guess it was like a Bowflex machine at home. I think it was called Soloflex it was one from like the 80’s um but he would use that a lot to work out um he was into martial arts we watched a lot of movies like that um you know things like that he went to the gym frequently.

Was your, to your knowledge was your mom aware I know you mentioned the one incident where your mom was present was your mom aware of your dad beating you?

Um well when she was present yes of course sometimes we were on road trips together and um they would take turns if they you know had to pull the car over or something not that it happened several times in one trip but I remember it being both my mom and my dad punishing me in the presence of each other and um I don’t know when she was gone I assume they would talk about it

Ok we talked a little bit about your dad during high school and your mom with the wooden spoon. In your younger years did your mom’s beatings with the wooden spoon did they continue in high school as well?

They continued for a short time but I think as I turned 16 17 she didn’t I don’t recall her carrying the wooden spoon around she would just start grabbing whatever was available like a hair brush or…she had acrylic nails so sometimes she would grab me and dig her nails into my skin things like that.

Ok in high school uh what were some of your interests?

In high school um I was very interested in learning Spanish so I took that all throughout high school and middle school. Um I was getting into art um I was excited to get my driver’s license um I traveled abroad to Costa Rica to learn Spanish better. Um I had a few friends I didn’t get I didn’t really make a lot of close friends like I had before it just seemed like I was constantly making friends and then we were moving away so um.

Objection beyond the scope she was testifying about her interests

Did you have a lot of friends in high school?

I had a lot of um I had a large circle of friends but nobody I was very close with

Would I be correct in assuming that your interest in art by the time you were in high school moved beyond the uh Crayola crayon phase?

Yeah very much so

Tell us about that

Um my grandm…I was at my grandmother’s house one day and she had an old set of oil paint and I knew what oil paint was I’d never worked in that medium before so um I didn’t know what I was doing I just took a piece of printer paper and started painting oil paint on this paper and it began to oil began to spread around the paint so I figured ok that’s not going to work so um I went to Michael’s the arts and craft store and bought some supplies and began to experiment with that and um started painting.

And did you work during high school?

I did. My dad owned a restaurant at the north end of town um it’s now a Mexican restaurant but he owned it then and I would work as a server there um from the time I was a freshman on through I think 96 or 7 when he closed it

Mmm so you started working in 9th grade, how old were you in 9th grade?

In 9th grade I was 15

And how many was there a certain amount of days you worked while you were in high school?

Um he put me on a few afternoons and the weekends.

Ok did you graduate high school?

No I didn’t

Why didn’t you graduate high school?

At the time I about 3 months well it’s kind of complicated actually.

Ok well let’s… let’s um talk about it. Did you drop out of high school?

Yes I did.

Uh where were you living at the time you dropped out of high school?

Um I was living with my boyfriend at the time about 6 mile…a little town 6 miles outside of Yreka.

Let’s break that… why did you leave… prior to that were you living with your parents?


Ok why did you leave your parent’s home to go live with your boyfriend?

Um I was kind of becoming tired of the discipline and I was 3 months until I was 18 and um one day they um decided to ground me until I was 18 because I was…I skipped one period in high school because there was a final for my um I was taking a college history class US history and I wasn’t…I didn’t feel like I had adequately studied for the exam so I skipped that period to study for the exam and um decided I would make it up the next day so I parked my car in the parking lot at Rite Aid and just cracked open the book and I was studying it for that hour and my dad…somehow he found me, it’s a small town so um I guess the school notified him that I wasn’t present for that class so he found me and um at that point they didn’t use physical discipline that day but I was grounded till I was 18 so I couldn’t fathom being grounded for 3 months when when you are grounded in my house it meant no phone, no TV, no friends, no no social functions of any kind um you…you’re in your room. Period. So um

So let me ask you this um this would have been towards the end of your senior year in high school or was this at the end of your junior year

Yeah it was in May I think

Ok so of your senior year or of your junior year?

May, April…Um my junior year yes

Ok so you you dropped out of high school at before you finished your junior year is that right

No I did finish the junior year mostly with D’s and F’s um because toward the end of the year I just let it all fall apart.

You mentioned discipline you talked about grounding uh was there a any particular physical incident or an incident of abuse that motivated you to leave your parent’s home?

Um one of the yes one of the the incident I just incident I described where I was knocked against I called it a door post I guess it’s a door frame um then at that point I was the guy I was dating we started talking about me possibly moving in with him so after that incident I began to um surreptitiously pack boxes of my things and start moving them out to his house and um then when it came when they finally when they grounded me until I was 18 all of my stuff mostly was there and I thought I’m just going to go ahead…I was going to wait until I was 18 to move in with him but it was 3 months away and it just made sense to me at the time as a 17 year old so I just moved out

Ok after your junior year then did you just not go back to school is that…how you

Yeah I turned 18 that summer um I got a job at another restaurant and began working there full time I had bills to pay now car insurance and credit cards and that kind of thing um so it just to me it made more sense to work so I could support myself and my boyfriend, he didn’t have a job.

Ok and what was your boyfriend’s name?

His name was Bobby

And what was his last name?


And Mr. Juarez uh how old was he in relation to you?

He was 3 years older than me.

Uh so he would have been out of school I would assume?

Yes he was out of high school

And what did he do for a living?

Um he had never been employed at that point so you know he kind he lived it was an isolated town we lived in and it was difficult to obtain employment.

Ok well let me ask you this um as it relates to Mr. Juarez when did you meet him?

I first met him the first summer that I moved to Yreka when I was 15 um the uh carnival comes to town and so I was there with the girl I had mentioned that my mom introduced me to um her and her sister we were there and I saw him walking in a crowd with a few other friends and he caught my eye he was very intriguing looking and he was kind of dressed like sss 18th century goth kind of um he was…

Repeat can you describe for some of us who may not uh follow that reference just kind of describe what he was wearing maybe?

Um he…Yeah it was like July or August when I met him and it’s in the maybe triple digits in the temperature, it’s very hot um Yreka gets really hot not quite like the desert but in the triple digits in the summer but this guy was dressed in a black suit and um a high collar…white shirt and uh he was on crutches um he had long dark curly hair and um he just seemed intriguing to me as I remember seeing him walk by and I didn’t approach him or anything um but I, I noticed him so um we spent the day there my friends and I walking around and at one point we were getting…they were getting in line for the zipper. I didn’t want to get on the zipper um there was only 2 per cage anyway so I was kind of the 3rd odd one out so I just stood next to the line waiting for them to go on the zipper and come back um but I was just looking around and I caught his eye again and he was looking right at me and um he motioned for me to come over he went like that and I didn’t know if he was talking to me so I kind of looked around and looked at him again and he did it again so I walked up to him and he said…in a very kind way he said do you want to go…

Objection hearsay

Oh, sorry


Let me ask you this without telling me what he said and just to clarify a bit based on what you told us he would have been around the age of 18 at this time right?


Ok and you were 15 um you meet him at a state fair kind of thing


Ok um tell us then um do you begin a relationship at that point in time or or just kind of describe for us how that relationship was at that time.

No um he invited me to go on the zipper with him so we went on one ride with that and uh talked a little bit as we were flipping around and um after that we parted and I didn’t see him again for a while

Ok when did you see him again?

Um I think it was October maybe November of that same year um I was at a homecoming football game for my high school and I saw him again and he was with some friends and um I was really shy but I wanted to say hi to him so I walked up to him and said do you remember me and he said he remembered me but he couldn’t remember my name so I told him. I didn’t remember his name either so we kind of re-introduced ourselves and he said tell me your phone number and I promise I’ll remember it so I gave him the house phone which was my parent’s phone, we didn’t’ have cell phones. Um and he remembered it and called me

Uh did you begin dating at that time?

No we were just friends we talked for a while, we weren’t dating.


He was actually seeing a girl I think I don’t remember

Ok uh so you were just friends for a period of time

Yeah, several months we were just friends

And but we were telling us he became your boyfriend at that point so I’m assuming at some point in time uh that you two began dating.

Yeah the girl uh broke up with him and um there was a period in time where he was single and I was single and we started just talking more and more and then I think it was on New Years um that follow…that year when I was a freshman we decided to become boyfriend girlfriend

Ok and then you say you said that was your sophomore the beginning of your sophomore year or…

I would have still been a freshman then

Ok and you said you were going to become boyfriend and girlfriend with him I believe you guys decided that


Was he still in high school at that point in time?

No he was out of high school

And to your recollection was he working at that point in time?

No he wasn’t working

Ok um describe for us then what uh being boyfriend and girlfriend at that stage in your life meant for you and Mr. Juarez

Um for us we…I didn’t have a car I didn’t have a driver’s license yet I think I was getting my permit that year um so he would come to town and so during lunch um a lot of kids would leave campus and there is a small gas station USA gas station right near the high school so I would walk down there and he would be there. There was an arcade in there and he really liked video games so we would meet there and just hang out um hold hands that kind of thing

Ok how long at this point in time uh how long did you did y..well did you date Bobby continuously from the time that you were 15 till you moved out of the home?

No. we stayed together for a while and I think at age 15 I felt like the relationship was getting very intense he was talking about being together forever and you know I I loved him but I didn’t feel like I was in love with him and I knew at age 15 there was no way I could decide who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with at that point so um um he wanted to move to San Francisco and he had all kinds of wild ideas which were they seemed fun but they were just not where I was so at that point I broke up with him

What do you mean wild ideas?

Um well he entertained the belief in vampires and he thought let’s go to San Francisco and see if we can find some real vampires and you know I used to read Anne Rice novels so at the time it seemed like it didn’t seem realistic to me but it seemed like it was just an idea that I would go along with you know with him

Um and this was at a time when you were about 15 years of age he wanted to move to San Francisco and hunt vampires right?

Yeah. So yeah so we could live together forever and be together forever

Was there a certain point in time then when this was going on and you said it was getting too intense for you uh did you and Mr. Juarez break up?

Yes um it was one afternoon I broke up with him on the phone. I don’t know where my parents were but my, my aunt Lisa was at the house she was picking my brother and I up um I was having this conversation with him, he was very upset um and she Lisa was wanted us to leave she I mean she wanted to take us we had to go somewhere with her so I didn’t have time to stay on the phone with him for a long time and talk through it with him um so I had to sort of abruptly end the phone call shortly thereafter and it was I don’t know I guess he didn’t take that well. Um

Ok. What do you mean by you guess he didn’t take that well?

Um I found out a few years later that he

Objection hearsay
Overruled you may continue

I’m sorry Ms Arias I was describing we were asking um you said you understood that uh Mr. Juarez didn’t take the break up that you had when you were about 15 so well. Describe for us what you mean by that.

Um I learned a few years later that he slit both of his wrists and tried to kill himself and he was committed to um some kind of psychiatric ward in um Citrus Heights just north of Sacramento

Ok Did you have…after this phone call where you broke up and you left the home um did you have any sort of relationship with him um in between that and the uh I, I well let me ask you this way it sounds like he was your boyfriend again about the time when you turned 18 right a few months before hand


Ok how did that come about?

Uh we didn’t talk at that point for a few years um it’s kind of silly um there was this older man that used to come into my parent’s restaurant I’d say he was in his 60’s maybe 70’s and he always had his bible and um It was a small pocket version of the New Testament and he had it all marked up and he was always you know quoting bible scripture and things and um he had done the math in the bible and determined that he knew when the second coming was going to occur and he said it was going to occur September 23rd 1997 so um I was really naïve and I kind of believed him so he would come in weekly or several times a week on my shift and continue to reiterate that so I mean at the time I was non denominational Christian and this seemed important so um I thought that Bobby should know about it because at the time he wasn’t religious and um he was uncertain about his spirituality um at least when I last had known him so to me it was important that he at least hear that information um so he could make a decision for himself so I made contact with him again and called him
jodi's statement on why she is smiling in her mug shot
Why Jodi Arias is smiling in her mugshot - 48 Hours - CBS News

(she is truly twisted!)
Here is the portion of the CNN transcript of why she is smiling in her mugshot to go along with your video:

Here`s how she explained that smile to CBS News` "48 Hours."


ARIAS: And I thought to myself, you know, what would Travis do if he were in this situation? This is why I`m here. And, you know, barring the fact that he would likely not get himself into such circumstances, he would -- he would be smiling. He would be like, hey, you know. He would just flash this grin that he always does, and so there was part of that. And then also part of the fact that I knew it would be all over the Internet. So why not?
Jodi talking about when the nude pictures were taken.

This is from the CNN transcript with JVM hosting on 9/24/12

Prosecutors are describing her as a scorned woman, a woman who is out for revenge, and she did a lot of bizarre things. Exhibit A on the bizarro factor, the photos she allegedly took, according to prosecutors. Secret photos found on a camera inside Travis` washing machine. There were naked photos of the two of them, photos of sexually-provocative positions, and then photos of Travis naked in the shower, and then photos of him bleeding. It`s an unbelievable series of photos. Something, if you saw it in a horror movie, you`d say, "My God, this is over the top."

Remember, Jodi is a professional photographer by trade. Listen to this.


ARIAS: They`re just photos that we took, and that we deleted with the intention of -- that wasn`t -- that wasn`t a one-time incident. I mean, there were many times where, you know, we took pictures, whatever, and any kind of media. And it was deleted because it`s just -- it`s just something that we didn`t intend to ever keep.

This is from the CNN transcript with JVM hosting on 9/24/12


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Were you in love with Travis?

ARIAS: I think that being in love and loving someone are two different things. And there was a point in time where we were in love, but it was short-lived.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did you guys break up?

ARIAS: There was sort of a breach of trust in our relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On your part or his part?

ARIAS: Both.

This is from the CNN transcript with JVM hosting on 9/24/12

What she says about evidence and she denies killing Travis


ARIAS: There`s a lot of forensics suggesting that I was, you know, in his house. The evidence is very compelling. But none of it proves that I committed a murder. None of it proves I committed a crime. What it does substantiate is what I did tell detectives.

Oh holy nothing...I just wanted to put this here to say that I'm so thankful that I am only reading a transcript and not watching a clip at this moment. :D


ARIAS (singing): Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the dawn of a new...

Murder Victim`s Friend Speaks out about Jodi Arias
Aired October 4, 2012 - 19:00 ET

VELEZ-MITCHELL:What was your impression of the accused murderess, Jodi Arias? You met her on several occasions. Tell us some of the stories that made you very, very creeped out by her, for lack of a better word.

TAYLOR SEARLE, FRIEND OF TRAVIS ALEXANDER: Well, you know, she is really good at making people think that she is an angel and a super nice person. And she really is a nice person if you meet her.

When I first met her, however, I kind of got the vibe from her that she was putting a front up and that she really had different intentions.

And I think the way it played out is it seemed like those intentions were just to be really close to Travis. And I think, looking back, it seemed like she just wanted to be the one that got him, because he was always flirting with lots of girls and going on lots of dates with lots of girls and very flirtatious and social. And I think it was kind of a trophy or a catch for her to try and stake her claim.

So that`s kind of the vibe I always got from her. And I didn`t really like how she went about it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, my understanding from reading the research is that a lot of people, perhaps yourself, feel that Jodi was obsessed with this man, your friend.

Jodi allegedly slashed Travis`s tires at least twice. And even the tires of his new girlfriend. And then, after that incident the girlfriend got an e-mail from a John Doe, but she has said that she thought that e- mail came from Jodi. It reads, "If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are a daughter of God and have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more."

Now, I want to stop right there and ask you about that, Taylor, because that sounds like very kind of strange language. I understand she also adopted your friend, Travis`s, the victim`s religion of Mormonism. To me that smacks of somebody who is completely obsessed with another human being. What are your thoughts on that?

SEARLE: Yes. Well, I mean, towards the end of their relationship after they had kind of broken up and he had put some distance between them, it really was an obsession type of a thing. And the way he described it is that she was really stalking him.

And those stories that you bring up about the slashing of the tires and the e-mails, and those things were really -- they really started to take a toll on him. And really have created problems for his other relationships. And as far as the faith goes, Travis really...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Can I jump in, Taylor, and ask you one question as a follow-up?

SEARLE: ... chose to create an environment where he could follow the teachings of the church. And what ended up happening is she adopted that and kind of tried to use it against him to drive wedges between him and the other girls.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I understand that Taylor actually said at one point and according to the reports that I`ve read that he told the victim, Travis, long before he died, hey, are you worried that she is going to hurt you?
jodi's statement on why she is smiling in her mug shot
Why Jodi Arias is smiling in her mugshot - 48 Hours - CBS News

(she is truly twisted!)

Here's the CNN transcript on 10/4/12 of her speaking about the MF story...


ARIAS: There have been a lot of people that have been speaking out and saying things, you know, on their side. And this isn`t a two-sided story. This is a multi-faceted story. There are many sides to this story. And I just don`t feel like mine has been represented.


Here's the CNN transcript on 10/4/12 of her speaking about the MF story...


ARIAS: There have been a lot of people that have been speaking out and saying things, you know, on their side. And this isn`t a two-sided story. This is a multi-faceted story. There are many sides to this story. And I just don`t feel like mine has been represented.

Oh Poor Poor Poor Jodi she is embarresed :blushing: saying all this in court..YEAH right IMO she is hoping to give the male jurors WEll I will stop there
Princess - thank you SO much for the transcription that you have done! That is amazing. I had told you I would do some of it, and I apologize for totally spacing on this until right now when I saw all the awesome work you did.
Jodi's testimony, February 4, 2013, part 4:

(talking about breaking up with Bobby when she was 15 and then later contacting him to inform him the world was going to end in September 1997)

JODI: ....made contact with him again September 2007 ..I'm sorry, 1997

NURMI: Just so we're clear, um , in terms of your high school years, how long of a break was there between this phone call that you made to break up with Mr Juarez ...(mumbling) ..until you contacted him -- how much of a break was there?

J: I'd say, let's see, maybe ...19 months.

N: So you make this phone call to Mr. Juarez -- and you said this was in 1997?

J: Yes

N: ok ..uh. where would you have been ..(mumble) ..Junior year?

J: I was just starting my Junior year

N: ok ..and...subsequent to this phone call, did you begin to -- did you maintain a friendship with Mr Juarez? Tell us about how that evolved.

J: Um, well when I first called, he answered the phone. I recognized his voice, and I said, "Is Bobby there?", and he said, "Who's this?", and I said, "Jodi", and I immediately heard a *click*. So I left it alone, and, um, ok, 'cuz our last phone call some years back didn't end well. And so the next night, I tried one more time, and the same thing happened, so I left it alone. And about um ...

N: (Interrupting) Well, let me ask you this before we continue, um, you mentioned that Yreka was a pretty small town, right?

J: Yes

N: You never ran into Mr Juarez in between these two phone calls?

J: No, he didn't ...I lived in Yreka, he lived in Montague, which is 6 miles from Yreka. It's even smaller. I think there's about one thousand people in that town.

N: Ok, but never in this time did you run into him at all?

J: No

N: Ok. And I'm sorry, you had talked about -- you had called a couple times, hear a click on the other end of the phone, how does the relationship progress at that point?

J: Um, I don't know how many days later -- it was under a week, maybe 4 days, maybe 5 days -- um, I was on the phone with a friend of mine, and we were talking, and I heard the call waiting beep, so I clicked over, and I heard someone say, "Is Jodi there?", and I recognized his voice, so I clicked back over and said, "I have to call you back" , so I clicked back over and, um, we started talking again.

N: Did you, after that conversation, did you become friends again, did you start dating, or just describe that for us.

J: Yeah, um, I felt kind of silly explaining to him why I was calling him, especially knowing that his religious beliefs at that time were not really defined, and I kind of expected him to laugh at me, but it was important to me, so I told him the reason I was calling, and

(Objection, hearsay/Overruled)

J: He expressed appreciation for that, which surprised me. We just sort of picked up from there and began talking again.

N: Does talking mean dating?

J: No, not yet.

(Noon recess)

Part 5:

Nurmi: Ms Arias, before we took a break, I believe we were talking about a point of time in your life where you got back together with Bobby Juarez

Jodi: Yes

N: And from what I understood earlier, you were about 17 years of age when that took place, right?

J: Yes

N: And, you were talking about how he had called you, responded to your initial phone contact - tell us how the relationship progressed from him making telephone contact with you

J: Um, well at the time -- at the time I had a boyfriend. He lived in another country. So we it wasn't a romantic.. it wasn't like, like I said I reached out to him for spiritual reasons. Um, I don't know if he was seeing anybody at that time; I don't think he was. He used to call a party line a lot, and meet people on that - I guess this was before the internet was, you know, in every single home ...

N: (interrupting) Let me um interrupt you a little bit here on a couple of different things. (gesturing wildly with left hand, right hand stuffed in pocket) You said he made contact on a party line -what is that, can you describe that for us?

J: From my understanding -- I didn't talk on it -- but from my understanding it was a 900 number that you could call, and it's like a chat room, but it's on the telephone instead of on the computer.

N: And you chatted to Bobby that way, or...

J: (interrupting her lawyer) I didn't. He chatted with other people that way.

N: And you also mentioned -- I don't want to get too far from it -- you mentioned you made this contact with you, after the contact in which you described spiritual reasons, that you had a boyfriend in another country, right?

J: Yes

N: And what was that boyfriend's name?

J: Victor

N: Did Victor have a last name?

J: Arias, ironically.

N: I'm sorry, what>

J: His name was also Arias.

N: Aaaaaaand, where did you meet Victor Arias?

J: Um, the summer that I turned 17, right before I turned 17 in July, I flew to Costa Rica on an exchange program, and I spent 3 weeks there with a family. And there name was also Arias, and they had 2 sons and 2 daughters in that familly, and the oldest son was just a little bit older than me and so we kind of clicked and got to know each other and sort of had a little romance blossom thing.

It was like my first experience with the "warm fuzzies" , somebody that I really felt - somebody that I cared for.

N: And that relationship lasted a few weeks? Tell me how (mumbling, trailing off, unintelligible)

J: Um, it sort of began to develop while I was in Costa Rica - I had my 17th birthday there, in that country - and I flew back near the end of July, and, um, we corresponded and talked occasionally on the phone through August, and then he flew to the United States, um, that September, and stayed in Redding, which is a city about 100 miles south of Yreka, um, he had some people that he knew there. He stayed there about a week, I think, and then stayed at my house for 2 weeks before flying back.

N: When did he come stay for 2 weeks, when was that?

J: That was early September 1997.

N: So, this is about the time then that you were -- close to the time that you were in contact with Mr. Juarez as well, right?

J: Yes, um, it was just right before that.

N: Aaaaaaaand, you considered Mr Arias to be a boyfriend?

J: Yeah, actually he had given me a ring, and it was like a promise ring, like we were going to get married, but we weren't "officially" engaged, so we would talk about children and he wanted me to come move down there and start a family.

N: (mumble) ...your first experience what we call "young love", right?

J: Yeah, it was. I wouldn't say totally in love, but it was my first taste of like being .. feeling warm about somebody if that makes sense.

N: As it relates to your situation then, Mr Arias, Victor, he goes back to Costa Rica, is that right?

J: Yes

N: And then the realtionship becomes one probably primarily of (windmill gesturing) letter, phone calls, describe that for us? [sorry for the editorial, but I really get the feeling that Nurmi is not even really trying ...]

J: Yeah, um, we wrote a lot. The post man actually got to know my name and face and he would tease me every time I would go to the post office to get it stamped to send to Costa Rica. And I would receive letters from him, really romantic and, the Spanish language is very romantic, so he would write things like that. Very romantic.

N: And relative to your age, how old was Victor?

J: I don't remember his exact age. I wanna say he was about a year older than me. I think actually we were just under -- we were very close in age but he was older than me.

N: Now, when you started interacting with Mr Juarez again - we heard from your earlier testimony that he became your boyfriend at a certain point in time when you were around 17 years old, right?

J: Yes.

N: Could you just kinda describe for us what happened in that time period when Victor was your boyfriend and then Bobby became your boyfriend?

J: Yes, um, Bobby and I would talk a few times a week and then it became a little more frequent, um. Victor and I would, um, I couldn't see myself moving to Costa Rica and having that kind of life and having children with him, um. We argued over little silly things, um, Victor was very jealous and so we would -- like, I couldn't talk to any of my high school friends that were guys. Like I went through the drive through and there was a classmate that I had gone to school with two years, you know, over the years, and he had a job there, and I was driving of course cuz Victor was from out of the country and we just were there to get ice cream - it was hot - and he gave us the ice cream, and we hadn't seen each other all summer -- this person that served us -- and the interaction I had with him, um, Victor didn't like it, so we argued over things like that. Um, when we were in Costa Rica, he wanted me always to walk on the inside of the -- on the sidewalk away from the street, and, um, we were at a huge soccer game there, it's a very big deal there, um, they call it football, but it's soccer.

(to be continued..just wanted to get this part posted)
Jodi's testimony, Feb 4, Part 5 Continued...

J: (at a football/soccer game with Victor in Costa Rica) And there was actually somebody who walked by who looked like Bobby - kinda reminded me of him at the time, he had long, dark, curly hair, and I glanced at him, and Victor got upset. Um, things like that, I just didn't see myself being in a marriage with him, so I broke up with him in October, maybe November, 1997, on the phone.

N: On the phone?

J: Yes.

N: Ok. After you broke up with Victor, did you continue seeing Mr Juarez?

J: We weren't really seeing each other, we were just friends at that time, but we continued to talk

N: Ok, um, when did the friendship move into something more ..(mumble)..your boyfriend?

J: Um, it was again around New Years. I think we spent New Years Eve -- I had a car then, so we drove out to this little white chapel, it's called Little Shasta, it's tiny, an even smaller's this tall white chapel with a steeple, and there was snow everywhere, and we just kind of hung out there, rung in the new year, didn't really do anything -- I had developed feelings, began to develop feelings for him right before Christmas, and so I expressed that and he said he had feelings for me to and so we gave things another try at that point.

N: And this would have been a few months prior to you moving in with him, is that right?

J: I believe we moved in late April, so we would have been around the new year, so 4 months, four and a half, five

N: Did your parents - were they aware of your relationship with (total unintelligible mumbling for several seconds) ...Did they know of your relationship with Mr Juarez?

J: They knew about it, I don't know how they knew - I wasn't very open with them about my relationships because of prior negative experiences with regard to that. So somehow -- I mean, it's a small town, I'm sure people told them they saw us running around or hanging out in the park or just walking around, we hung out, so people would tell my mom and things like that.

N: Did you ever get any indication that your parents approved or disapproved of this relationship?

J: I didn't talk extensively with my dad about it but my mom didn't like the fact that I was with him because of -- she was basing her opinion of him off of (unintelligible, trailing off)

N: When you were - you described in high school when you were working for your father at your father's restaurant, right?


N: Aaaaaaand, you you're in high school your junior year, all this is going on in a point in time when you were, began dating Mr Juarez, right?

J: I think my dad's restaurant closed the year prior when I was still a sophomore - I can't quite remember -- no, no, I think it was, I think it closed that Spring, that would have been '98. I can't remember, it was some time in high school he closed his restaurant.

N: Ok, did you work elsewhere after that?

J: Um yes

N: Before you moved out

J: Yes, I worked briefly as a hostess at a little place called Grandma's House

N: Aaaaand, during this point in time, when you're 17 year old high school student, Mr Juarez is out of school, are you supplying him with money at this point in time before you left school?

J: Yes, he lived with two people he called Mom and Dad, I think they were his grandparents. Bobby said he was adopted so his actual, his real parents, I never really met them. Um, but he lived with them - they would be his mom and dad, by definition. Um, so I think they were just supplying like clothing and shelter and food and that kind of thing at that point

N: So going back to my question - were you supplying Mr Juarez with money at this point in time?

J: At this point, no.

N: You leave high school, and you move in with Mr Juarez, right?

J: Yes, mmm hmm, in the Spring.

N: Aaaaaand, you mentioned that he was living with persons you believed to be his grandparents - his adoptive grandparents.

J: Yes, I don't know if they were like really related ("official" grandparents) or if he just called them his parents, but if anything they were more like his grandparents, but he called them Mom and Dad

N: You say that because of their age ...

J: (interrupting her lawyer, swinging hair a bit) Yeah, they were very much older, actually saw who everyone around him kind of knew was his mother, but he didn't want anything to do with her and she was more appropriate age to be his mother. And these people were like in their 70's

N: Ok, when you spoke about your first relationship with Mr Juarez, you spoke about his desire to San Francisco and chase vampires and be with you forever, and how he dressed in a Goth style. Was that 15 year old Bobby the same way he was when you got back together with him? (ed note: Bobby was 18 the first time they dated, not 15)

J: No, he was 20 now, he was a little more mature, but he still had that eccentricity about him, he had a flair, for Halloween he would dress up as the character played by Brandon Lee in The Crow, the white face and all black leather and all that. It was a Halloween thing, but he really got into that - he did it pretty well, actually. So he still had - he was still drawn to that, and part of that was fascinating to me. I thought he was beautiful on the inside and out, and I was attracted to him in that regard. But he was a little more down to earth at this point.

N: Earlier you were describing for us a situation where you were taking some of your possessions and moving it to Mr Juarez' home and how eventually you moved out

J: Yes

(to be continued shortly -- taking a break)
Thank you all for the transcribing JA's testamony. I have been trying to watch it live but really can't hear it clearly because I lost my ability to hear. At least I now know what has been said. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

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