jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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She's playing semantics again. Many people use the word "police" to refer to all forms of law enforcement (sheriff, highway patrol). She thinks she's cute.

I bet she didn't have a lot of friends throughout her life with this "cuteness." I've been around people like that, and they tend to be ostracized due to pure annoyance. Especially once you're on to them and figure out that the things they do don't make sense.
That's it exactly in my opinion. She keeps trying on different masks attempting to reach a state of empathy with the jury.

Angry, combatant hasn't worked. We still see it when Juan's getting to her.
Meek, mild hasn't worked because she can't totally control angry, combatant.
Snarky, nasty was frowned upon by the defense team so she knows that's too far.

So we're onto the next psychopathic personality...seemingly honest and reasonable, with leaks of angry and combatant she can't contain, and sweet sing-songing of her favorite testimony, her sexual self.

Her smiles of delight at the sex stuff tells the jury the story, IMHO. Today she can't seem to shake the smiles and utter delight at hearing and recalling it all.

Juan has her back to leaking out facials and that is key, IMHO to them seeing what a sick psycho she is.

:great: Loving today so far!!!!!!!!!!! :great:

THE FANTASY admission was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, Your not seeing things, I have noticed it too...... Wondering what her motive is? Any Ideas?

I'm wondering at her motive for changing her testimony from direct?
She's got a reason - and she thinks it will benefit her.
What could it be?
I do NOT believe she is giving in - not at all.
I've made a resolution for the day-- NO HLN in the Pawprint household. NONE!! Also no In Session. Zip, zero, zilch!

If I end the day less crabby, it may become a permanent rule.

I will however gladly read everyone's critique of the TH's not-so-insightful critique. :tyou:
What was covered thus far? What points were scored by JM? What was jodi's demeanor? And do we have any lovely sleuthers there today?

He totally dismantled her accusation of Travis liking little school girls. He found a text message FROM Jodi, where she said she wanted to ' Eff him like she was a dirty horny lil school girl.'

BINGO---He got her to admit that SHE had that same fantasy and it was just a mutual shared fantasy of theirs.

That was huge, imo.

My ustream at noontime on my droid did not work as it said AZFamily channel was not streaming. And I put in search abc15 and it said channel offline too? Were others having that problem? What other ustream app (not links to websites for computer, but specifically ustream) do others use for their droid app?

Settlement conference memo re: JA's plea proposal. Basically, she said let me plea to 2nd degree murder, or we go to trial and I drag Travis through the mud.

Wow. She actually quoted Detective Flores stating that there was anger involved. What she failed to realize that it was not anger on the part of TA that was so apparent. It was her anger that was overwhelmingly apparent. She just does not get it at all. IMO
What a horrible feeling! I feel men who do that have a lack of respect for women. Are you still with him? How did he treat you in other areas of life?

I think Travis didn't respect Jodi because she was too easy and allowed him to demean her sexually. When her participation in these dirty games didn't result in a ring on her finger, she "punished" him.
Riiiiight....she was so demeaned in those sex tapes. Poor Jodi sounded like she was just hating every minute of it. Poor poor baby.

She enjoyed it and is the one who introduced him to "demeaning" sexual stuff. SHe didn't like it when he wised up to what she really is.
I think Jodi's creepy smile at JM was more of a "I am going to so enjoy stabbing you when I get off on this charge... and I am going to tape it and enjoy watching it over and over and over. " eek
She is a vicious murderer. But watching the prosecutor treat her like she was a worm under a magnifying glass makes me uncomfortable.

I have the opposite response. She IS a worm under a magnifying glass, and that is exactly where she belongs. So for me, this treatment gives me no small amount of pleasure.
He, for the most part, was successful. But he chose every single decision he made to hurt another human being in any capacity. As such my empathy, for my own sanity, must also end at the point it became his CHOICE to do those things.

Obviously wholeheartedly my so not nearly impartial opinion.

(respectfully snipped, I'm sorry you had to be involved with someone so harmful)

This exactly. While it is true that these people are likely deeply troubled, there are many deeply troubled people out there who SEEK HELP and never harm anyone. It is a CHOICE to harm others, unless someone is severely hallucinating and does not know what they are doing, they are making the choice to harm another. And it has become very common for people to try to use mental illness as a scapegoat.

For example: there are people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and have intrusive thoughts about harming themselves or others. Despite their mental illness, they are horrified by the thoughts and would never act on them.

There is a danger in painting murderers as controlled by mental illness, when overwhelmingly in the world that is not the case. It stigmatizes the mentally ill more than they deserve. I hope the jury realizes this, that JA is not 'crazy', but evil.
Red cars do get pulled over more, not because they are faster, but because the perception of police is that people who buy red cars tend to drive faster. This is also why insurance premiums are slightly higher on red vehicles.

That's not true. I asked my insurance agent and my BIL who's a state trooper.
She absolutely refuses to admit tht she exchanged the red car because she did not want the police to notice it. Unbelievable how conniving she is!!!

But she did admit it. She wanted a red car so she would not draw attention from the police department. Police pull you over because you are speeding regardless of the color car. She admitted she has gotten tickets in the past and I bet she did not have a red car. We had red cars for years and never were pulled over.

I think the questioning went well today. Jodi was not as controlling. Bet she lied about the lunch and the judge was not going to put up with that kind of nonsense. jmo
I think she didn't want the neighbors to notice it when she parked near Travis' house. She thought a white car would be less noticable, IMO.

Oh yes, that is definitely true. No one would know her car in Mesa and she wouldn't take the chance of getting stopped after the crime.
No, I don't think you're seeing things. Did you see the look she gave him when they stood for the lunch break? You're the second poster I've seen mention this and I just saw it with my own eyes. Gawd, I can't believe this creature.

I did NOT see what look she gave him when they stood for break! What was it? Thanks, Kathryn, for validating my observation!:seeya:
Red cars do get pulled over more, not because they are faster, but because the perception of police is that people who buy red cars tend to drive faster. This is also why insurance premiums are slightly higher on red vehicles.

I've been in the insurance industry for over 30 years and not one insurer I represent asks what color the vehicle is.
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