jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Seriously? Am I seeing things?

No, I don't think you're seeing things. Did you see the look she gave him when they stood for the lunch break? You're the second poster I've seen mention this and I just saw it with my own eyes. Gawd, I can't believe this creature.
That's it exactly in my opinion. She keeps trying on different masks attempting to reach a state of empathy with the jury.

Angry, combatant hasn't worked. We still see it when Juan's getting to her.
Meek, mild hasn't worked because she can't totally control angry, combatant.
Snarky, nasty was frowned upon by the defense team so she knows that's too far.

So we're onto the next psychopathic personality...seemingly honest and reasonable, with leaks of angry and combatant she can't contain, and sweet sing-songing of her favorite testimony, her sexual self.

Think she'll stick with this method?

What might she try next?
Red cars go faster. CHPS aren't LE. The logic in Jodiland is a tad bit off.

Is Jodi's ego so massive that she must trump every question from the prosecution with verbal sparring? She is so combative. If I was her mom I would have broken a few wooden spoons on her butt.
Peanut butter on flatbread. I never want to go to prison.
Apparently she didnt know that skaters tend to flip license plates on white cars. She should have got a blue one.
The gloves are now coming off.

Go Juan!!!

She is going to be too scared to eat her new lunch, imo.
I really believe that if she's convicted her appeal will be based on mental illness. It might be the only thing that can be seen as truthful because she has to be crazy to play around like this in court.
Observation: During Jodi's direct examination, we generally saw the same Jodi daily. Under cross, we see the many faces of Jodi Arias.
Sidebar -
Judge asks if the attorneys have anything to deal with -
Nurmi - not other than my objections
Hmm.. this red car thing is something I've heard before from my grandpa, but I don't believe it! I got a speed ticket for 10 over coming home from chemo w/ vomit all over me and my car was grey! My car blends into the color of the sky here in the Pacific NW!

This used to be true but no longer.

More car mfgrs make red cars in all their models whereas 30 yrs ago it may have been reserved for sport models.

My dad has had 5 old Porsches over the decades, all different colors and the one he got the most tickets in (yes it was a regular occurrence for him) was his red Porsche.
Ninjas, though. Really. Ninjas?
okay, she is completely insane. but that doesn't mean she should get away with murder, and I'm worried that she will.
Bingo !! Wait until he gets to the gas cans and her *advertiser censored*-and-bull story about filling up outside of California to save $$$

& look how much she saved by stealing a gun from her grandparents, instead of purchasing one-our thrifty JA!
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