jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Right? She probably took them off before she went to sleep. Speaking from experience, Brazilians are painful and panties can be quite irritating right after you get it done. I would put mine in my purse.

concur! Loose clothing and no undies. Not that I believe she ever wears them in the first place
Does she come back after lunch or does her testifying migraine kick in?
do we know if JA has a hearing issue, I wonder if she stares like she does because she reads lips????
I was just thinking the same thing before I logged into WS.
Then I reminded myself not to get my hopes up.

Yeah, I spoke too soon. She will fight the premeditation aspect and she will not back down on the self-defense theory. Thus, she has not given up.
Poor, Travis! Can you imagine your last image on this earth is Jodi staring down on you!
Happened to me, I was married, husband had "finished", quickly I imagine, before I woke up. I felt as if I were raped. His act put a damper on my feelings for him.

What a horrible feeling! I feel men who do that have a lack of respect for women. Are you still with him? How did he treat you in other areas of life?

I think Travis didn't respect Jodi because she was too easy and allowed him to demean her sexually. When her participation in these dirty games didn't result in a ring on her finger, she "punished" him.
She absolutely refuses to admit tht she exchanged the red car because she did not want the police to notice it. Unbelievable how conniving she is!!!
great - whatever live stream I watch it keeps buffering and freezing. Not happy.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Wild About Trial is working well for me today. AzFamily was freezing earlier.

Cross examination of Jodi Arias by Juan Martinez, day four.

<missed 13 minutes>

--JM asks JA if her and TA talked about ending the phone sex. Exhibit 497. Sex tape exerpt. TA talking about taking a photo of him coming on her face and wants to take a photo mid shot. JA telling him how she thinks about sex with him everyday. <can't make out exactly what TA is saying> JA says if it's wrong she doesn't want to be right.
--JM says it appears that there appears to be a bit of a conflict because of the sexual activity whether it was by phone or in person.
--JM says it created conflict for TA because of the LDS faith and then reminds her that she is also LDS and it also created a conflict for her.
--JM says that you continued to engage in the sexual activity even though you had a conflict.
--Audio tape again...Exhibit 498. TA says that the pictures she takes are so hot. JA says what are we going to do with ourselves. It's weird. We're hornytoads. JM says that there is no indication she is offended by the sex that is going on. JA agrees.
--JM says that JA had a pet name for Travis. Exhibit 499. Text message from January 20th. "hey hottie biscottie" call me before you hit the sack.
--JM asks her if that is a term of endearment people use towards one another.
--JM says that Travis really wasn't special to you was he (paraphrased)
--Exhibit 287, message to Ryan Burns where she says "hey hottie-biscottie"
--JM says you used the same term for Ryan Burns and you only met him once. In terms of a one-on-one it was only one time you met and you are already calling him "hottie biscottie".
--Exhibit 286, tells us a little bit more of what happened when you went to see him. In the text, Ryan says that when they woke up she adjusted him. She pressed her body close to him. JM says that bottom line you are already involved the same give and take you were with Travis.
--re: stories she gave to Det. Flores and then another story to 48 hours. JA says that she thinks she was inconsistent with her lies. JM says lets take a look at what you said to 48 hours.
--Exhibit 500, 48 hours exerpt, JA says let me talk about this and nobody knows this, the detectives know this...boy this is really hard...there is a lot of evidence that places me at Travis' house the day...not just the day...the week and there is a reason for that...I did see Travis that day and I almost lost my life as well. I was told I can't speak about it because my family's life is in danger.. I was told that they would die and I would die. There was an argurment with two individuals, one said they wanted to take her life and the one said that that's not why we came. JA says she was on the ground on her knees and the guy held the gun to her head. The female ninja was standing by Travis in the bathroom. JA just remembers closing her eyes. JA says that the man pulled the trigger, there was a that point she pushed past him and ran down the stairs. Could swear she could hear someone following her down the stairs and she got in her car and left.
--JM says that nowhere in that video did she ever tell anybody about her memory loss.
--JA says she couldn't get her story straight.
--Exhibit 501, 48 hours exerpt, JA says she was looking down and looking at some photos. TA was really critical of himself. Says she heard a loud pop and was hit on the back of her head. When she came to, TA was on all fours, one of his hands was on his head, on his knees and she looked over towards the entrance to the hallway, she ran into the closet to run out the other door but he (male ninja) stopped her and put a gun to her forehead. She stopped and squatted the the male left the room. The female ninja was in the bathroom. JA ran down the hall and pushed her. TA landed on by the sink and JA pulled him and kept saying c'mom lets go. TA was not really saying anything. she was able to get him halfway down the hall. The female was stomping on her feet and kicking her. The male came into the room. The male and female argued whether or not JA should die. He didn't want to and she did and she kept saying why they should and the male said that's not why we came here. Male went through her purse again and then pulled the trigger but nothng happened. At that point she ran, pushed right past him and ran down the stairs. JA was hyperventilating, her hear was racing, she was trying not to stumble down the stairs so she got out as fast as could and slammed the door behind her and got into her car.
--JM says that this is yet another story and JA says that she couldn't get her lies straight.
--JM says she spoke to 48 hours about moving to Mesa. JM says that when she came out to Mesa she didn't have a plan and JA asks "you mean on June 4th?". JM says that when she left Yreka she didn't have any plans to go to Mesa. JA says that is correct. JM says lets take a look at what you told them (48 hours).
--Exhibit 502, 48 hours exerpt, JA says she goes by the wind when she goes on her road trips, says that on this last trip her plan was to go to Monteray...(missed some). Says that when she was in Pasedena that night she decided to go to Mesa. TA had found out about her road trip and TA told her to come to Mesa and visit him. JA says that when she was in Pasedena she called him and told her she was coming to Mesa. Told him not to wait up for her. She got to Mesa around 0400 and TA was watchign videos. Went to bed to sleep.
--JM asking about the videos TA was watching
--JM says that JA left Yreka on June 2, 2008 and made some preparations. Made a reservation to rent a car, not in Yreka, but some other place. JA says it was in Redding. JM says that she had to inconveniece somebody else to take her. It would have been much more convenient to rent a car in Yreka.
--JM asks JA how much money she took with her in cash. JA says $80-$200, she doesn't really remember. JM asks her if it could be $300. JA doesn't remember having that much. JM says that if she doesn't remember how much it must be $80-$200 as that is what she usually took.
--JM says that it would have been more convenient to rent the car in Yreka. JA says no. JM says that Yreka is a small town and it would have been more convenient to rent the car there. JM says that she had said that Yreka is a small town where everybody knows everybody elses business.
--JM asking her again about when she told them that Yreka was a small town and that is how her father found her in 1997-1998 when she was in her car in the parking lot.
--JM: In Yreka, if somebody does something they may meet up with somebody they know. JA says yet. JM: If you went to a car rental company in Yreka to rent the car somebody may have recognized you. JA says that she hadn't been living there very long.
--Yreka population is 7,000. She worked at one of the bars, Casa Ramos. The road trip was part of her vacation. JA says that it was partially vacation and partially a business trip. JM says that because it was a business trip she would save her receipts for income tax purposes.
--JM says that she paid attention to the receipts she got from the gas stations.
<live stream froze>
--JM says so you're in Yreka and you decide to rent a car in Redding. JA says it's south, thinks it is 99 miles, just under 2 hours away.
--JA was at the Redding airport around 0800. JA says she did not wait for it to open. There was a line. Says she can't remember if it was her brother's neighbor that drove her.
--JM asks if the person with her got out of the car. JA says she doesn't remember.
--JM says that she was given a car by Mr. Columbo, the car offered initially was a red car. JA had told us that the reason she didn't want a red car was the color that police officers focus on. JM says you did give a reason why you didn't want that car.
--JA says that she just heard that they get more tickets (red cars).
--JA says that on the freeways in California the people that give out tickets are not police but California Highway Patrol. JA says highway patrol are not police but law enforcement.
--JM asks her how she would describe her reluctance to rent a red car. JA says it was for financial reasons because she didn't want to get tickets that would cost her money.
--JA says that her thought is that drivers of red cars tend to drive faster and get more tickets. That's what she has been told.
--JM says that if she was doing the speed limit or 10 over then she wouldn't get a ticket.
--JM asks for her to give an example of when she was driving within 9 miles over the speed limit and got pulled over and got a ticket.


Judge asks if there was anything else and Nurmi says there is and the judge asks them to approach. Live feed is cut off.
&#9834; &#9835; Lunchtime the bell calls.. Spegetti & meatballs..... &#9834; &#9835;
Very short sidebar. Judge probably told defense to make sure Jodi has lunch!
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