Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #41 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Did she ever testify before that he had been physically abusive before? Where is this coming from?
She claims to basically being raped from behind and she would rather have that than having TA mad at her. Who in the WORLD is going to believe this garbage?

Seriously. She's insulting every rape victim. I am so angry. And look how nonchalantly she talks about having sex with him.
Are these sexual subjects hard for you to talk about
yes this one in particular
because of how the day ended

oral sex he wanted to perform on you - did you want to?

I was still monomgamous . . . he was still the same person

you didn't want to incur his wrath?
I was worried about disappointing him - he seemed very happy to see me the night before . . . he likedthose things and typically
because we were doing that consensually

I asked him to stop - he hadn't shaved and it kind of hurt

We ditched the rope idea . . . tossed it on the carpet for the time being
toward the bed
more toward the dresser

he cut the rope - he measured it out in the bathroom - Iheld one end and he cut the rope in bathroom.. .

what did he use when he cut the rope . .

he used one of the knives from the knife block in the kitchen

where did he place this knife?
either in the bathroom or by the nightstand

I don't remember . . . there are a lot of gaps that day
whats that
there are a lot of things I don't remember that day

what happens next?
at some point there were pictures but we also had regular sex that day - like regular vanilla sex - just vaginal . . . nothing too out of the ordinary just normal . . .

before or after the photos were taken?
don't recall but pretty sure it was after

show you some of the photographs previously admitted beginning with exhibit #168

picture shown to JA . . . she turns away . . sniffs . . . .

can you see that?
your hair on your head - how would you label that particular style?
why was your hair in braids that day
he liked my hair in braids

what was your understanding of why he liked your hair in braids
he just said it was hot

showing you exhibit #164 -
ja is looking as if she might vomit .. . something is not tasting right in her mouth!

what do you think about when you see that picture what is your state of mind
what a stupid idiot I was

when you were posing for that picture - was this something you were comfortable doing?
it felt awkward
why did you participate

he got a new camera he was excited about playing around with it.

taking these pictures?

referring to th picture - it appears there is no pubic hair in this picture why
Travis didn't like hair - he didn't even like it on his own body
you remove it at his request?
yes I had a . . . .

please rephrase the question

exhibit #165 - look @ that - sh looks disgusted.

TA suggested all of the poses . . . not my favorite thing to do . . . . . I didn't disagree

you didn't voice your disagreement?

Is this a picture TA also suggested
you complied with all his suggestions

he told you what to do and how to pose

you posed in these positions for him - why?
he asked me to

I had sent him pictues before on my phone but they were not like those - he was being the photographer this time . . .
did you tell him you didn't want pictures of this nature
on previous occasions I told him

was he happy
he seemed a little bit thrilled - he seemed really into it - I don't know f happy is the right word but he was into it

Did making him happy make you happy
Um I don't know - don't know if happy would be the word

what was the plan wit hthese photographs?
wanted to take them; review them, and then delete them

a few other photographs found that day . . . exhibit #167 . . . .

both sisters looking down

exhibits #166 . . . can you explain what was happening when this photo was taken

yes he wanted to get a picture of us having sex - he told me to put it on the time . . he told me just figure it out . . . it was on the nightstand

you were tryin to set the time and it went off inadvertantely

#167 - a couple minutes later . . . another attempt of the two of you trying to photo while you were having sex . . .

don't know if we were trying to do a video . . . .

was there contemplation of you and TA making a video that day
a video of what
a video of us having sex

when you went to Mesa to TA's home did you do so with the intent of making a sex video with him?

was it your idea or TA's idea to make this video
it was his idea

to your knowledge was that video ever made?

I had an Olympus camera . . . I think we ended up using my camera to make a video - couldn't figure his camera out . . . we reviewed it and deleted it that day.

we just saw the pictures of your attempts to take pictures of video of you two having sex . . .
Ummm . . . it was around the same time

you did have sex with him . . . described as plain old vanilla sex but it was different because you were video taping it right?
yea - I guess so

occurred about 1:30 or 2 in the afternoon on the 4th . . . did you have any understanding about whether any of the roommates were home . . .

my understanding no one was home during that part o the day.

After the 2 of you have sex that afternoon . . .around 1:45 - where do youhave sex?
on his bed

after sex on his bed - what did you do next

she looks up . . . I think we watched the video then deleted it then shortly after I got into the shower . . .

TA was downstairs somewhere she believes while she was in the shower.

she gets dressed - starting t get ready t hit the road - getting dressed . . . hadn't really unpacked much - just some pjs thenshe changed her clothes - at one point the luggage went back in the car . . . . .

get ready to leave . . . where was TA?
first in the kitchen then he was in his office.

whn e left you came down stairs . . . putting your luggage back in your car . . . if you know - where were his bedding and sheets?

they were in the washing machine . . .
do yo know who put them in

probably me
do this after sex
we typically was the sheets after

packd luggage in your car and getting ready to leave - what time of the day this was?
I don't . . . after 2 I am sure but don't remember exact

dressed . . . car is packed . . .recall what you were wearing?
no I don't remember exactly I think I was wearing a tank top and some pants

car packed ready to leave - what happens next
went into the office - just to chill . .. I had CDs I kept forgetting to give to him . . . pictures of our trips we took together . . ..

I got CD's out they looked pretty scratched which he noticed he got upset about that - it was my fault they were scratched - he put them in his CD drive =- he washaving hard time bringing up the CD - the screensaver was a bunch of little bugs eating up his screen he said he got a virus

I was laying on the floor . . . I could see if I looked -

CDs not working - on the floor with napoleon

mostly he could bring up just little grey squares . . . where the thumbnail would be it was just a medium to light grey square or rectangle.. . probably because I scratched cds'

if I would have given them to him when I was supposed to they woul not have been scratched . . . he was getting mad . . . angry -tone changed,demeanor, movements and body language changed

at this point you saw signs of anger
based upon your experience with TA - you had seen those signs before
how were you feeling on the floor watching his anger rise?

I laid there for awhile while he was doing this . . . he opened cd disc he flung it at the wall - it ricocheted off the wall and landed on my head and the carpet . . . .

show exhibit #36 . . .

area laying is that depicted in this photo?
not really

let me show you exhibit #40
does that depict the area you were laying?
it was on the other ide of the desk where the shadow is - I was laying near the outlet on that wall - my head was more toward the des and my feet were toward the door.

the cd rolled off the deskand landed on me . . .
then seeing more signs of anger at that point in time?
still apprehensive or something more when saw more signs of anger
yes it moved to more
how would you describe that feeling
I am worried because I thught the trip had gone pretty well . . .. I thught I had done something stupid again and he was getting angry an napoleon got up and left the room - e always left when TA was angry . . . . whole trip ruined because the CD's were scratched.

are you fearing he will be physically aggressive with you
don't know if I was consciousoy thinking of that but irmember being a little more tense

after cd rolls by . . . what happens
stood up - walked over to rub his back ... . I still had the pictures on my acon data drive but that drive was not working but I was going to apologise he stood up . . . chair got pushed to the side . . . he stood me up, spun me around and pressed up against me

Exhibit #40 . . . see this area where the chair is . .

when you said . . . there are various desks in his office - this item here?yes on the other side . .

he grabbed you
upper arms - spun me around and grabbed my right arm
did he grabb both your arms
at the time he grabbed both your arms did you see his face
did you see anger
he looked pissed off . . I was scared he was going to throw me or something

he grabbed your arm and spun you around
yes . . .
around where
right by on the desk
we were standing right about here

earlier we heard he spun you around and smacked you in the face
his hands
to your face or your body
to my body - he never hit me in the face

just to the side of the cheek
um near the face
ok near the face

grabs one of your arms both and spun you aroiund

he grabbed both my arms - grabbed right arm and spun me around and twisted it.
did you feel pain
I don't think I felt pain

did you think yu could get away?
not at that particular moment - he was kind of heavy

did you tell him to stop?
why no
I ddn't want to make him more pisseed off . .. .

usually when I went along with what he did it would go along faster . . ..
that or groveling or something - he would get less angry quicker.

what did he do when he had your arm being your back?
he pressed his groin up against my butt

facing the desk or the back wall
I was bent over the other side of the desk facing that way
his groin area pressed against your buttocks
wearing clothes
was he

bent over the desk - did he push you down
he had my right arm and bent me over
did he say anything
I don't recall what he said if anything

he does a few thrusts briefly . . . started pulling my pants down . . . thrusted a few times , pressed his groin against me
against your buttocks

based on that movement did you feel he wanted to have sex again
yes Icould feel he had an erection

did you want to have sex with him - well yea - I actually I really did - I was actually relieved . . . when he had sex it was his way of distressing to use his term he would calm down after that.

he just wanted sex what was the more damning alternative to having sex
I din't want it to escalate to the levels he had done before- physical and verbal - screaming mostly

sex alternative to his wrath or anger
that would be accurate

after he thrust against you - you didn't say no don't do this
wehad sex again

did he remove your pants
he just got them down past y butt - I didn't have jeans or anything . .

does he ejaculate?
yes on my lower back
She doesn't remember what she was wearing that day, but she knows she wasn't wearing jeans.
They had vaginal sex and he ejaculated on her lower back? She f'd up big time there. Even Nurmi paused.
I thought she couldn't remember what she was wearing but now she remembers she didn't have jeans or anything on.
And I thought I had to wait till JM's cross to see her sink fast!
Meh, I don't read too much into that. I'm not into BDSM, and I know the term. And lots of square white wonder breads read the "50 Shades" series so it's a pretty commonplace expression now. :lol:

JA probably read them in the pokey. :floorlaugh:

You know the term, I know the term, she USES the term.
" I felt like we avoided a catastrophe."

Apparently NOT!
I swear...please tell me the jury isn't buying this....

Avoided catastrophe???!!!?!!?!!?! Are you kidding me?????
Jodi: I was very revealed. (After the sex.)

Jodi: I felt like we avoided catastrophe.
Let me refresh your recollection..

You were wearing FRICKEN sweatpants on..
Catastrophe? She uses very powerful words. Wrath, catastrophe, hypervigilant...

Someone been reading a little?
Yes, anything to avoid a fight. She drove 1,000 miles to Mesa to AVOID a fight. Uh huh.
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