Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #41 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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This is so weird.

And Nurmi keeps having to correct or almost remind her of things that she is getting wrong.
Relieved... Eyeroll

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She claims to basically being raped from behind and she would rather have that than having TA mad at her. Who in the WORLD is going to believe this garbage?
it was better than him being mad because he was less likely to tell her to GTF out of his house vs him being super mad and telling her off again. LOL.
Did u want to have sex with him that way?

Yeah. Actually i did. It was better than him being mad...
She is a complete freaking liar....
shes claiming aggravated rape now???

And hello? Wouldn't the "timer " on the camera still be going off??? This story is Swiss cheese...Imo...moo...
is she getting more animated? less despondant? warming up to the story?
IMO, she promised him some of the sex fantasies that they had not gotten to, ie., the sex video and the sex in his office. She was absolutely willing to do anything, and I mean anything to keep him hanging on.
This testimony is straight from the book..

50 Shades of Crap!

crap Nurmi. Kids are home and I have to mute. It figures....

So how does this make ME feeeeellll?
It is possible...I was married to a men who would get very angry over little things.

I would agree with that if there was any testimony of an angry Alexander. The defense hasn't put one witness on the stand that Alexander had ever been mean or had a temper with any other girl or friend.

IMHO - I believe Jodi is making this up merely to keep her off death row.



In the office, she wasn't scared he was going to hit her b/c he had only hit her once before.

Yet a couple hours later she was in so much fear that she had to stab him 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and shot him in the forehead.



Just what you said above is so much PROOOFFFFF that she in no way could have been in fear of her life.
She wrecked his car, called him a pedophile, slashed his tires, entered his house illegally, accidentally sent him emails meant for other guys, but the tipping point was CD's? :what::banghead::what:

You forgot she "dropped" his camera too.
She claims to basically being raped from behind and she would rather have that than having TA mad at her. Who in the WORLD is going to believe this garbage?

Especially when we can imagine her giggling and saying how hot it wAs like on the tape

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Jodi is not cooperating with her attorney's questioning very well. I wonder if this is a passive aggressive way to get at Nurmi because he pissed her off for some reason.
She wrecked his car, called him a pedophile, slashed his tires, entered his house illegally, accidentally sent him emails meant for other guys, but the tipping point was CD's? :what::banghead::what:

Don't tell me your doubting her, how can anyone doubt what she is saying, it all seems so ligit.
Everything makes perfect sense :floorlaugh:
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